= javascript 'katello/providers/redhat' = stylesheet 'katello/widgets/tabs', 'katello/dashboard' #redhat_provider .grid_16 = help_tip_button('subscriptions-help') = help_tip(_("Expand each Red Hat Product below to examine the different repository sets available. When enabling a repository set, the different repositories within are discoverd and may be enabled individually.")) .grid_16 #providers %input#panel_element_id{:name => @provider.id, :type => "hidden", :value => "#{@provider.name}_#{@provider.id}"} #provider %h4 #{_("Enable Red Hat Repositories")} -#.grid_16 -#= _("Current status: %s") % @provider.failed_products_status -#%br -#= _("You can use this link to %s to products." % link_to(_('add missing repositories'), -# refresh_products_providers_path(:id => @provider), :method => :put, :remote => true)) -#= _("You can encounter missing repositories because of errors during manifest import or new content was uploaded to CDN.") -#= _("Note that this action can take some time to complete.") - if @provider.products.empty? = (_("No Red Hat products currently exist, please import a manifest here to receive Red Hat content.") % subscriptions_path).html_safe - else - tabs = redhat_repo_tabs #content_tabs.grid_16 %ul - for tab in tabs %li %a{:href=>redhat_provider_tab_providers_path({:tab => tab[:id]})} = tab[:name]