$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'accessors/dataframe_by_row.rb' require 'maths/arithmetic/dataframe.rb' require 'maths/statistics/dataframe.rb' require 'plotting/dataframe.rb' require 'io/io.rb' module Daru class DataFrame include Daru::Maths::Arithmetic::DataFrame include Daru::Maths::Statistics::DataFrame include Daru::Plotting::DataFrame if Daru.has_nyaplot? class << self # Load data from a CSV file. Specify an optional block to grab the CSV # object and pre-condition it (for example use the `convert` or # `header_convert` methods). # # == Arguments # # * path - Path of the file to load specified as a String. # # == Options # # Accepts the same options as the Daru::DataFrame constructor and CSV.open() # and uses those to eventually construct the resulting DataFrame. # # == Verbose Description # # You can specify all the options to the `.from_csv` function that you # do to the Ruby `CSV.read()` function, since this is what is used internally. # # For example, if the columns in your CSV file are separated by something # other that commas, you can use the `:col_sep` option. If you want to # convert numeric values to numbers and not keep them as strings, you can # use the `:converters` option and set it to `:numeric`. # # The `.from_csv` function uses the following defaults for reading CSV files # (that are passed into the `CSV.read()` function): # # { # :col_sep => ',', # :converters => :numeric # } def from_csv path, opts={}, &block Daru::IO.from_csv path, opts, &block end # Read data from an Excel file into a DataFrame. # # == Arguments # # * path - Path of the file to be read. # # == Options # # *:worksheet_id - ID of the worksheet that is to be read. def from_excel path, opts={}, &block Daru::IO.from_excel path, opts, &block end # Read a database query and returns a Dataset # # @param dbh [DBI::DatabaseHandle] A DBI connection to be used to run the query # @param query [String] The query to be executed # # @return A dataframe containing the data resulting from the query # # USE: # # dbh = DBI.connect("DBI:Mysql:database:localhost", "user", "password") # Daru::DataFrame.from_sql(dbh, "SELECT * FROM test") def from_sql dbh, query Daru::IO.from_sql dbh, query end # Read a dataframe from AR::Relation # # @param relation [ActiveRecord::Relation] An AR::Relation object from which data is loaded # @params fields [Array] Field names to be loaded (optional) # # @return A dataframe containing the data loaded from the relation # # USE: # # # When Post model is defined as: # class Post < ActiveRecord::Base # scope :active, -> { where.not(published_at: nil) } # end # # # You can load active posts into a dataframe by: # Daru::DataFrame.from_activerecord(Post.active, :title, :published_at) def from_activerecord relation, *fields Daru::IO.from_activerecord relation, *fields end # Read the database from a plaintext file. For this method to work, # the data should be present in a plain text file in columns. See # spec/fixtures/bank2.dat for an example. # # == Arguments # # * path - Path of the file to be read. # * fields - Vector names of the resulting database. # # == Usage # # df = Daru::DataFrame.from_plaintext 'spec/fixtures/bank2.dat', [:v1,:v2,:v3,:v4,:v5,:v6] def from_plaintext path, fields Daru::IO.from_plaintext path, fields end # Create DataFrame by specifying rows as an Array of Arrays or Array of # Daru::Vector objects. def rows source, opts={} df = nil if source.all? { |v| v.size == source[0].size } first = source[0] index = [] opts[:order] ||= if first.is_a?(Daru::Vector) # assume that all are Vectors source.each { |vec| index << vec.name } first.index.to_a elsif first.is_a?(Array) Array.new(first.size) { |i| i.to_s } end if source.all? { |s| s.is_a?(Array) } df = Daru::DataFrame.new(source.transpose, opts) else # array of Daru::Vectors df = Daru::DataFrame.new({}, opts) source.each_with_index do |row, idx| df[(index[idx] || idx), :row] = row end end else raise SizeError, "All vectors must have same length" end df end # Generates a new dataset, using three vectors # - Rows # - Columns # - Values # # For example, you have these values # # x y v # a a 0 # a b 1 # b a 1 # b b 0 # # You obtain # id a b # a 0 1 # b 1 0 # # Useful to process outputs from databases def crosstab_by_assignation rows, columns, values raise "Three vectors should be equal size" if rows.size != columns.size or rows.size!=values.size cols_values = columns.factors cols_n = cols_values.size h_rows = rows.factors.inject({}) do |a,v| a[v] = cols_values.inject({}) do |a1,v1| a1[v1]=nil a1 end a end values.each_index do |i| h_rows[rows[i]][columns[i]] = values[i] end df = Daru::DataFrame.new({}, order: [:_id] + cols_values.to_a) rows.factors.each do |row| n_row = Array.new(cols_n+1) n_row[0] = row cols_values.each_index do |i| n_row[i+1] = h_rows[row][cols_values[i]] end df.add_row(n_row) end df.update df end end # The vectors (columns) index of the DataFrame attr_reader :vectors # The index of the rows of the DataFrame attr_reader :index # The name of the DataFrame attr_reader :name # The number of rows present in the DataFrame attr_reader :size # DataFrame basically consists of an Array of Vector objects. # These objects are indexed by row and column by vectors and index Index objects. # # == Arguments # # * source - Source from the DataFrame is to be initialized. Can be a Hash # of names and vectors (array or Daru::Vector), an array of arrays or # array of Daru::Vectors. # # == Options # # +:order+ - An *Array*/*Daru::Index*/*Daru::MultiIndex* containing the order in # which Vectors should appear in the DataFrame. # # +:index+ - An *Array*/*Daru::Index*/*Daru::MultiIndex* containing the order # in which rows of the DataFrame will be named. # # +:name+ - A name for the DataFrame. # # +:clone+ - Specify as *true* or *false*. When set to false, and Vector # objects are passed for the source, the Vector objects will not duplicated # when creating the DataFrame. Will have no effect if Array is passed in # the source, or if the passed Daru::Vectors have different indexes. # Default to *true*. # # == Usage # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [1,2,3,4], b: [6,7,8,9]}, order: [:b, :a], # index: [:a, :b, :c, :d], name: :spider_man) # # # => # # # # b a # # a 6 1 # # b 7 2 # # c 8 3 # # d 9 4 def initialize source, opts={} vectors = opts[:order] index = opts[:index] clone = opts[:clone] == false ? false : true @data = [] temp_name = opts[:name] @name = temp_name || SecureRandom.uuid if source.empty? @vectors = try_create_index vectors @index = try_create_index index create_empty_vectors else case source when Array if source.all? { |s| s.is_a?(Array) } raise ArgumentError, "Number of vectors (#{vectors.size}) should \ equal order size (#{source.size})" if source.size != vectors.size @index = try_create_index(index || source[0].size) @vectors = try_create_index(vectors) @vectors.each_with_index do |vec,idx| @data << Daru::Vector.new(source[idx], index: @index) end elsif source.all? { |s| s.is_a?(Daru::Vector) } hsh = {} vectors.each_with_index do |name, idx| hsh[name] = source[idx] end initialize(hsh, index: index, order: vectors, name: @name, clone: clone) else # array of hashes if vectors.nil? @vectors = Daru::Index.new source[0].keys else @vectors = Daru::Index.new( (vectors + (source[0].keys - vectors)).uniq) end @index = Daru::Index.new(index || source.size) @vectors.each do |name| v = [] source.each do |hsh| v << (hsh[name] || hsh[name.to_s]) end @data << Daru::Vector.new(v, name: set_name(name), index: @index) end end when Hash create_vectors_index_with vectors, source if all_daru_vectors_in_source? source if !index.nil? @index = try_create_index index elsif all_vectors_have_equal_indexes?(source) vectors_have_same_index = true @index = source.values[0].index.dup else all_indexes = [] source.each_value do |vector| all_indexes << vector.index.to_a end # sort only if missing indexes detected all_indexes.flatten!.uniq!.sort! @index = Daru::Index.new all_indexes clone = true end if clone @vectors.each do |vector| # avoids matching indexes of vectors if all the supplied vectors # have the same index. if vectors_have_same_index v = source[vector].dup else v = Daru::Vector.new([], name: vector, index: @index) @index.each do |idx| if source[vector].index.include? idx v[idx] = source[vector][idx] else v[idx] = nil end end end @data << v end else @data.concat source.values end else @index = try_create_index(index || source.values[0].size) @vectors.each do |name| @data << Daru::Vector.new(source[name].dup, name: set_name(name), index: @index) end end end end set_size validate update end def vector *args $stderr.puts "#vector has been deprecated in favour of #[]. Please use that." self[*names] end # Access row or vector. Specify name of row/vector followed by axis(:row, :vector). # Defaults to *:vector*. Use of this method is not recommended for accessing # rows or vectors. Use df.row[:a] for accessing row with index ':a' or # df.vector[:vec] for accessing vector with index *:vec*. def [](*names) if names[-1] == :vector or names[-1] == :row axis = names[-1] names = names[0..-2] else axis = :vector end if axis == :vector access_vector *names elsif axis == :row access_row *names else raise IndexError, "Expected axis to be row or vector not #{axis}" end end # Insert a new row/vector of the specified name or modify a previous row. # Instead of using this method directly, use df.row[:a] = [1,2,3] to set/create # a row ':a' to [1,2,3], or df.vector[:vec] = [1,2,3] for vectors. # # In case a Daru::Vector is specified after the equality the sign, the indexes # of the vector will be matched against the row/vector indexes of the DataFrame # before an insertion is performed. Unmatched indexes will be set to nil. def []=(*args) axis = args.include?(:row) ? :row : :vector args.delete :vector args.delete :row name = args[0..-2] vector = args[-1] if axis == :vector insert_or_modify_vector name, vector elsif axis == :row insert_or_modify_row name, vector else raise IndexError, "Expected axis to be row or vector, not #{axis}." end end # Access a vector by name. def column name vector[name] end def add_row row, index=nil self.row[index || @size] = row end def add_vector n, vector self[n] = vector end # Access a row or set/create a row. Refer #[] and #[]= docs for details. # # == Usage # df.row[:a] # access row named ':a' # df.row[:b] = [1,2,3] # set row ':b' to [1,2,3] def row Daru::Accessors::DataFrameByRow.new(self) end # Duplicate the DataFrame entirely. # # == Arguments # # * +vectors_to_dup+ - An Array specifying the names of Vectors to # be duplicated. Will duplicate the entire DataFrame if not specified. def dup vectors_to_dup=nil vectors_to_dup = @vectors.to_a unless vectors_to_dup src = [] vectors_to_dup.each do |vec| src << @data[@vectors[vec]].to_a.dup end new_order = Daru::Index.new(vectors_to_dup) Daru::DataFrame.new src, order: new_order, index: @index.dup, name: @name, clone: true end # Only clone the structure of the DataFrame. def clone_structure Daru::DataFrame.new([], order: @vectors.dup, index: @index.dup, name: @name) end # Returns a 'view' of the DataFrame, i.e the object ID's of vectors are # preserved. # # == Arguments # # +vectors_to_clone+ - Names of vectors to clone. Optional. Will return # a view of the whole data frame otherwise. def clone *vectors_to_clone vectors_to_clone.flatten! unless vectors_to_clone.all? { |a| !a.is_a?(Array) } return super if vectors_to_clone.empty? h = vectors_to_clone.inject({}) do |hsh, vec| hsh[vec] = self[vec] hsh end Daru::DataFrame.new(h, clone: false) end # Returns a 'shallow' copy of DataFrame if missing data is not present, # or a full copy of only valid data if missing data is present. def clone_only_valid if has_missing_data? dup_only_valid else clone end end # Creates a new duplicate dataframe containing only rows # without a single missing value. def dup_only_valid vecs=nil rows_with_nil = @data.inject([]) do |memo, vector| memo.concat vector.missing_positions memo end.uniq row_indexes = @index.to_a (vecs.nil? ? self : dup(vecs)).row[*(row_indexes - rows_with_nil)] end # Iterate over each index of the DataFrame. def each_index &block return to_enum(:each_index) unless block_given? @index.each(&block) self end # Iterate over each vector def each_vector(&block) return to_enum(:each_vector) unless block_given? @data.each(&block) self end alias_method :each_column, :each_vector # Iterate over each vector alongwith the name of the vector def each_vector_with_index(&block) return to_enum(:each_vector_with_index) unless block_given? @vectors.each do |vector| yield @data[@vectors[vector]], vector end self end alias_method :each_column_with_index, :each_vector_with_index # Iterate over each row def each_row(&block) return to_enum(:each_row) unless block_given? @index.each do |index| yield access_row(index) end self end def each_row_with_index(&block) return to_enum(:each_row_with_index) unless block_given? @index.each do |index| yield access_row(index), index end self end # Iterate over each row or vector of the DataFrame. Specify axis # by passing :vector or :row as the argument. Default to :vector. # # == Description # # `#each` works exactly like Array#each. The default mode for `each` # is to iterate over the columns of the DataFrame. To iterate over # rows you must pass the axis, i.e `:row` as an argument. # # == Arguments # # * +axis+ - The axis to iterate over. Can be :vector (or :column) # or :row. Default to :vector. def each axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column each_vector(&block) elsif axis == :row each_row(&block) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown axis #{axis}" end end # Iterate over a row or vector and return results in a Daru::Vector. # Specify axis with :vector or :row. Default to :vector. # # == Description # # The #collect iterator works similar to #map, the only difference # being that it returns a Daru::Vector comprising of the results of # each block run. The resultant Vector has the same index as that # of the axis over which collect has iterated. It also accepts the # optional axis argument. # # == Arguments # # * +axis+ - The axis to iterate over. Can be :vector (or :column) # or :row. Default to :vector. def collect axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column collect_vectors(&block) elsif axis == :row collect_rows(&block) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown axis #{axis}" end end # Map over each vector or row of the data frame according to # the argument specified. Will return an Array of the resulting # elements. To map over each row/vector and get a DataFrame, # see #recode. # # == Description # # The #map iterator works like Array#map. The value returned by # each run of the block is added to an Array and the Array is # returned. This method also accepts an axis argument, like #each. # The default is :vector. # # == Arguments # # * +axis+ - The axis to map over. Can be :vector (or :column) or :row. # Default to :vector. def map axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column map_vectors(&block) elsif axis == :row map_rows(&block) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown axis #{axis}" end end # Destructive map. Modifies the DataFrame. Each run of the block # must return a Daru::Vector. You can specify the axis to map over # as the argument. Default to :vector. # # == Arguments # # * +axis+ - The axis to map over. Can be :vector (or :column) or :row. # Default to :vector. def map! axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column map_vectors!(&block) elsif axis == :row map_rows!(&block) end end # Maps over the DataFrame and returns a DataFrame. Each run of the # block must return a Daru::Vector object. You can specify the axis # to map over. Default to :vector. # # == Description # # Recode works similarly to #map, but an important difference between # the two is that recode returns a modified Daru::DataFrame instead # of an Array. For this reason, #recode expects that every run of the # block to return a Daru::Vector. # # Just like map and each, recode also accepts an optional _axis_ argument. # # == Arguments # # * +axis+ - The axis to map over. Can be :vector (or :column) or :row. # Default to :vector. def recode axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column recode_vectors(&block) elsif axis == :row recode_rows(&block) end end # Retain vectors or rows if the block returns a truthy value. # # == Description # # For filtering out certain rows/vectors based on their values, # use the #filter method. By default it iterates over vectors and # keeps those vectors for which the block returns true. It accepts # an optional axis argument which lets you specify whether you want # to iterate over vectors or rows. # # == Arguments # # * +axis+ - The axis to map over. Can be :vector (or :column) or :row. # Default to :vector. # # == Usage # # # Filter vectors # # df.filter do |vector| # vector.type == :numeric and vector.median < 50 # end # # # Filter rows # # df.filter(:row) do |row| # row[:a] + row[:d] < 100 # end def filter axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column filter_vectors(&block) elsif axis == :row filter_rows(&block) end end def recode_vectors &block block_given? or return to_enum(:recode_vectors) df = self.dup df.each_vector_with_index do |v, i| ret = yield v ret.is_a?(Daru::Vector) or raise TypeError, "Every iteration must return Daru::Vector not #{ret.class}" df[*i] = ret end df end def recode_rows &block block_given? or return to_enum(:recode_rows) df = self.dup df.each_row_with_index do |r, i| ret = yield r ret.is_a?(Daru::Vector) or raise TypeError, "Every iteration must return Daru::Vector not #{ret.class}" df.row[i] = ret end df end # Map each vector and return an Array. def map_vectors(&block) return to_enum(:map_vectors) unless block_given? arry = [] @data.each do |vec| arry << yield(vec) end arry end # Destructive form of #map_vectors def map_vectors!(&block) return to_enum(:map_vectors!) unless block_given? vectors.dup.each do |n| v = yield self[n] v.is_a?(Daru::Vector) or raise TypeError, "Must return a Daru::Vector not #{v.class}" self[n] = v end self end # Map vectors alongwith the index. def map_vectors_with_index(&block) return to_enum(:map_vectors_with_index) unless block_given? dt = [] each_vector_with_index do |vector, name| dt << yield(vector, name) end dt end # Map each row def map_rows(&block) return to_enum(:map_rows) unless block_given? dt = [] each_row do |row| dt << yield(row) end dt end def map_rows_with_index(&block) return to_enum(:map_rows_with_index) unless block_given? dt = [] each_row_with_index do |row, index| dt << yield(row, index) end dt end def map_rows!(&block) return to_enum(:map_rows!) unless block_given? index.dup.each do |i| r = yield self.row[i] r.is_a?(Daru::Vector) or raise TypeError, "Returned object must be Daru::Vector not #{r.class}" self.row[i] = r end self end # Retrieves a Daru::Vector, based on the result of calculation # performed on each row. def collect_rows &block return to_enum(:collect_rows) unless block_given? data = [] each_row do |row| data.push yield(row) end Daru::Vector.new(data, index: @index) end def collect_row_with_index &block return to_enum(:collect_row_with_index) unless block_given? data = [] each_row_with_index do |row, i| data.push yield(row, i) end Daru::Vector.new(data, index: @index) end # Retrives a Daru::Vector, based on the result of calculation # performed on each vector. def collect_vectors &block return to_enum(:collect_vectors) unless block_given? data = [] each_vector do |vec| data.push yield(vec) end Daru::Vector.new(data, index: @vectors) end def collect_vector_with_index &block return to_enum(:collect_vector_with_index) unless block_given? data = [] each_vector_with_index do |vec, i| data.push yield(vec, i) end Daru::Vector.new(data, index: @vectors) end # Generate a matrix, based on vector names of the DataFrame. # # @return {::Matrix} def collect_matrix return to_enum(:collect_matrix) unless block_given? vecs = vectors.to_a rows = vecs.collect { |row| vecs.collect { |col| yield row,col } } Matrix.rows(rows) end # Delete a vector def delete_vector vector if @vectors.include? vector @data.delete_at @vectors[vector] @vectors = Daru::Index.new @vectors.to_a - [vector] else raise IndexError, "Vector #{vector} does not exist." end self end # Delete a row def delete_row index idx = named_index_for index if @index.include? idx @index = Daru::Index.new(@index.to_a - [idx]) self.each_vector do |vector| vector.delete_at idx end else raise IndexError, "Index #{index} does not exist." end set_size end # Creates a DataFrame with the random data, of n size. # If n not given, uses original number of rows. # # @return {Daru::DataFrame} def bootstrap(n=nil) n ||= nrows ds_boot = Daru::DataFrame.new({}, order: @vectors) n.times do ds_boot.add_row(row[rand(n)]) end ds_boot.update ds_boot end def keep_row_if &block deletion = [] @index.each do |index| keep_row = yield access_row(index) deletion << index unless keep_row end deletion.each { |idx| delete_row idx } end def keep_vector_if &block @vectors.each do |vector| keep_vector = yield @data[@vectors[vector]], vector delete_vector vector unless keep_vector end end # creates a new vector with the data of a given field which the block returns true def filter_vector vec d = [] each_row do |row| d.push(row[vec]) if yield row end Daru::Vector.new(d) end # Iterates over each row and retains it in a new DataFrame if the block returns # true for that row. def filter_rows &block return to_enum(:filter_rows) unless block_given? df = Daru::DataFrame.new({}, order: @vectors.to_a) marked = [] @index.each do |index| keep_row = yield access_row(index) marked << index if keep_row end marked.each do |idx| df.row[idx] = self[idx, :row] end df end # Iterates over each vector and retains it in a new DataFrame if the block returns # true for that vector. def filter_vectors &block return to_enum(:filter_vectors) unless block_given? df = self.dup df.keep_vector_if &block df end # Test each row with one or more tests. Each test is a Proc with the form # *Proc.new {|row| row[:age] > 0}* # # The function returns an array with all errors. def verify(*tests) if(tests[0].is_a? Symbol) id = tests[0] tests.shift else id = @vectors.first end vr = [] i = 0 each(:row) do |row| i += 1 tests.each do |test| if !test[2].call(row) values = "" if test[1].size>0 values = " (" + test[1].collect{ |k| "#{k}=#{row[k]}" }.join(", ") + ")" end vr.push("#{i} [#{row[id]}]: #{test[0]}#{values}") end end end vr end # DSL for yielding each row and returning a Daru::Vector based on the # value each run of the block returns. # # == Usage # # a1 = Daru::Vector.new([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) # a2 = Daru::Vector.new([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) # a3 = Daru::Vector.new([100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700]) # ds = Daru::DataFrame.new({ :a => a1, :b => a2, :c => a3 }) # total = ds.vector_by_calculation { a + b + c } # # # # nil # # 0 111 # # 1 222 # # 2 333 # # 3 444 # # 4 555 # # 5 666 # # 6 777 def vector_by_calculation &block a = [] each_row do |r| a.push r.instance_eval(&block) end Daru::Vector.new a, index: @index end # Returns a vector, based on a string with a calculation based # on vector. # # The calculation will be eval'ed, so you can put any variable # or expression valid on ruby. # # For example: # a = Daru::Vector.new [1,2] # b = Daru::Vector.new [3,4] # ds = Daru::DataFrame.new({:a => a,:b => b}) # ds.compute("a+b") # => Vector [4,6] def compute text, &block return instance_eval(&block) if block_given? instance_eval(text) end # Return a vector with the number of missing values in each row. # # == Arguments # # * +missing_values+ - An Array of the values that should be # treated as 'missing'. The default missing value is *nil*. def missing_values_rows missing_values=[nil] number_of_missing = [] each_row do |row| row.missing_values = missing_values number_of_missing << row.missing_positions.size end Daru::Vector.new number_of_missing, index: @index, name: "#{@name}_missing_rows" end # TODO: remove next version alias :vector_missing_values :missing_values_rows def has_missing_data? !!@data.any? { |v| v.has_missing_data? } end alias :flawed? :has_missing_data? # Return a nested hash using vector names as keys and an array constructed of # hashes with other values. If block provided, is used to provide the # values, with parameters +row+ of dataset, +current+ last hash on # hierarchy and +name+ of the key to include def nest *tree_keys, &block tree_keys = tree_keys[0] if tree_keys[0].is_a? Array out = {} each_row do |row| current = out # Create tree tree_keys[0, tree_keys.size-1].each do |f| root = row[f] current[root] ||= {} current = current[root] end name = row[tree_keys.last] if !block current[name] ||= [] current[name].push(row.to_hash.delete_if { |key,value| tree_keys.include? key}) else current[name] = block.call(row, current,name) end end out end def vector_count_characters vecs=nil vecs ||= @vectors.to_a collect_row_with_index do |row, i| vecs.inject(0) do |memo, vec| memo + (row[vec].nil? ? 0 : row[vec].to_s.size) end end end def add_vectors_by_split(name,join='-',sep=Daru::SPLIT_TOKEN) split = self[name].split_by_separator(sep) split.each { |k,v| self[(name.to_s + join + k.to_s).to_sym] = v } end # Return the number of rows and columns of the DataFrame in an Array. def shape [@index.size, @vectors.size] end # The number of rows def nrows shape[0] end # The number of vectors def ncols shape[1] end # Check if a vector is present def has_vector? vector @vectors.include? vector end # Works like Array#any?. # # @param [Symbol] axis (:vector) The axis to iterate over. Can be :vector or # :row. A Daru::Vector object is yielded in the block. # @example Using any? # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [1,2,3,4,5], b: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']}) # df.any?(:row) do |row| # row[:a] < 3 and row[:b] == 'b' # end #=> true def any? axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column @data.any?(&block) elsif axis == :row each_row do |row| return true if yield(row) end return false else raise ArgumentError, "Unidentified axis #{axis}" end end # Works like Array#all? # # @param [Symbol] axis (:vector) The axis to iterate over. Can be :vector or # :row. A Daru::Vector object is yielded in the block. # @example Using all? # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [1,2,3,4,5], b: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']}) # df.all?(:row) do |row| # row[:a] < 10 # end #=> true def all? axis=:vector, &block if axis == :vector or axis == :column @data.all?(&block) elsif axis == :row each_row do |row| return false unless yield(row) end return true else raise ArgumentError, "Unidentified axis #{axis}" end end # The first ten elements of the DataFrame # # @param [Fixnum] quantity (10) The number of elements to display from the top. def head quantity=10 self[0..(quantity-1), :row] end alias :first :head # The last ten elements of the DataFrame # # @param [Fixnum] quantity (10) The number of elements to display from the bottom. def tail quantity=10 self[(@size - quantity)..(@size-1), :row] end alias :last :tail # Returns a vector with sum of all vectors specified in the argument. # Tf vecs parameter is empty, sum all numeric vector. def vector_sum vecs=nil vecs ||= numeric_vectors sum = Daru::Vector.new [0]*@size, index: @index, name: @name, dtype: @dtype vecs.each do |n| sum += self[n] end sum end # Calculate mean of the rows of the dataframe. # # == Arguments # # * +max_missing+ - The maximum number of elements in the row that can be # zero for the mean calculation to happen. Default to 0. def vector_mean max_missing=0 mean_vec = Daru::Vector.new [0]*@size, index: @index, name: "mean_#{@name}" each_row_with_index do |row, i| mean_vec[i] = row.missing_positions.size > max_missing ? nil : row.mean end mean_vec end # Group elements by vector to perform operations on them. Returns a # Daru::Core::GroupBy object.See the Daru::Core::GroupBy docs for a detailed # list of possible operations. # # == Arguments # # * vectors - An Array contatining names of vectors to group by. # # == Usage # # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({ # a: %w{foo bar foo bar foo bar foo foo}, # b: %w{one one two three two two one three}, # c: [1 ,2 ,3 ,1 ,3 ,6 ,3 ,8], # d: [11 ,22 ,33 ,44 ,55 ,66 ,77 ,88] # }) # df.group_by([:a,:b,:c]).groups # #=> {["bar", "one", 2]=>[1], # # ["bar", "three", 1]=>[3], # # ["bar", "two", 6]=>[5], # # ["foo", "one", 1]=>[0], # # ["foo", "one", 3]=>[6], # # ["foo", "three", 8]=>[7], # # ["foo", "two", 3]=>[2, 4]} def group_by *vectors vectors.flatten! vectors.each { |v| raise(ArgumentError, "Vector #{v} does not exist") unless has_vector?(v) } Daru::Core::GroupBy.new(self, vectors) end def reindex_vectors new_vectors raise ArgumentError, "Must pass the new index of type Index or its "\ "subclasses, not #{new_index.class}" unless new_vectors.kind_of?(Daru::Index) cl = Daru::DataFrame.new({}, order: new_vectors, index: @index, name: @name) new_vectors.each do |vec| if @vectors.include?(vec) cl[vec] = self[vec] else cl[vec] = [nil]*nrows end end cl end # Concatenate another DataFrame along corresponding columns. # Very premature implementation. Use with caution. def concat other_df vectors = [] @vectors.each do |v| vectors << self[v].to_a.dup.concat(other_df[v].to_a) end Daru::DataFrame.new(vectors, order: @vectors) end # Set a particular column as the new DF def set_index new_index, opts={} raise ArgumentError, "All elements in new index must be unique." if @size != self[new_index].uniq.size self.index = Daru::Index.new(self[new_index].to_a) self.delete_vector(new_index) unless opts[:keep] self end # Change the index of the DataFrame and preserve the labels of the previous # indexing. New index can be Daru::Index or any of its subclasses. # # @param [Daru::Index] new_index The new Index for reindexing the DataFrame. # @example Reindexing DataFrame # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [1,2,3,4], b: [11,22,33,44]}, # index: ['a','b','c','d']) # #=> # ## # # a b # # a 1 11 # # b 2 22 # # c 3 33 # # d 4 44 # df.reindex Daru::Index.new(['b', 0, 'a', 'g']) # #=> # ## # # a b # # b 2 22 # # 0 nil nil # # a 1 11 # # g nil nil def reindex new_index raise ArgumentError, "Must pass the new index of type Index or its "\ "subclasses, not #{new_index.class}" unless new_index.kind_of?(Daru::Index) cl = Daru::DataFrame.new({}, order: @vectors, index: new_index, name: @name) new_index.each do |idx| if @index.include?(idx) cl.row[idx] = self.row[idx] else cl.row[idx] = [nil]*ncols end end cl end # Reassign index with a new index of type Daru::Index or any of its subclasses. # # @param [Daru::Index] idx New index object on which the rows of the dataframe # are to be indexed. # @example Reassgining index of a DataFrame # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [1,2,3,4], b: [11,22,33,44]}) # df.index.to_a #=> [0,1,2,3] # # df.index = Daru::Index.new(['a','b','c','d']) # df.index.to_a #=> ['a','b','c','d'] # df.row['a'].to_a #=> [1,11] def index= idx @data.each { |vec| vec.index = idx} @index = idx self end # Reassign vectors with a new index of type Daru::Index or any of its subclasses. # # @param [Daru::Index] idx The new index object on which the vectors are to # be indexed. Must of the same size as ncols. # @example Reassigning vectors of a DataFrame # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [1,2,3,4], b: [:a,:b,:c,:d], c: [11,22,33,44]}) # df.vectors.to_a #=> [:a, :b, :c] # # df.vectors = Daru::Index.new([:foo, :bar, :baz]) # df.vectors.to_a #=> [:foo, :bar, :baz] def vectors= idx raise ArgumentError, "Can only reindex with Index and its subclasses" unless index.kind_of?(Daru::Index) raise ArgumentError, "Specified index length #{idx.size} not equal to"\ "dataframe size #{ncols}" if idx.size != ncols @vectors = idx self end # Return the indexes of all the numeric vectors. Will include vectors with nils # alongwith numbers. def numeric_vectors numerics = [] each_vector_with_index do |vec, i| numerics << i if(vec.type == :numeric) end numerics end def numeric_vector_names numerics = [] @vectors.each do |v| numerics << v if (self[v].type == :numeric) end numerics end # Return a DataFrame of only the numerical Vectors. If clone: false # is specified as option, only a *view* of the Vectors will be # returned. Defaults to clone: true. def only_numerics opts={} cln = opts[:clone] == false ? false : true nv = numeric_vectors arry = nv.inject([]) do |arr, v| arr << self[v] arr end order = Index.new(nv) Daru::DataFrame.new(arry, clone: cln, order: order, index: @index) end # Generate a summary of this DataFrame with ReportBuilder. def summary(method = :to_text) ReportBuilder.new(no_title: true).add(self).send(method) end def report_building(b) # :nodoc: # b.section(:name=>@name) do |g| g.text "Number of rows: #{nrows}" @vectors.each do |v| g.text "Element:[#{v}]" g.parse_element(self[v]) end end end # Sorts a dataframe (ascending/descending)according to the given sequence of # vectors, using the attributes provided in the blocks. # # @param order [Array] The order of vector names in which the DataFrame # should be sorted. # @param [Hash] opts The options to sort with. # @option opts [TrueClass,FalseClass,Array] :ascending (true) Sort in ascending # or descending order. Specify Array corresponding to *order* for multiple # sort orders. # @option opts [Hash] :by ({|a,b| a <=> b}) Specify attributes of objects to # to be used for sorting, for each vector name in *order* as a hash of # vector name and lambda pairs. In case a lambda for a vector is not # specified, the default will be used. # # == Usage # # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [-3,2,-1,4], b: [4,3,2,1]}) # # # # # a b # # 0 -3 4 # # 1 2 3 # # 2 -1 2 # # 3 4 1 # df.sort([:a], by: { a: lambda { |a,b| a.abs <=> b.abs } }) def sort! vector_order, opts={} raise ArgumentError, "Required atleast one vector name" if vector_order.size < 1 opts = { ascending: true, type: :quick_sort, by: {} }.merge(opts) opts[:by] = create_logic_blocks vector_order, opts[:by] opts[:ascending] = sort_order_array vector_order, opts[:ascending] idx = @index.to_a send(opts[:type], vector_order, idx, opts[:by], opts[:ascending]) self.index = Daru::Index.new(idx) self end # Non-destructive version of #sort! def sort vector_order, opts={} self.dup.sort! vector_order, opts end # Pivots a data frame on specified vectors and applies an aggregate function # to quickly generate a summary. # # == Options # # +:index+ - Keys to group by on the pivot table row index. Pass vector names # contained in an Array. # # +:vectors+ - Keys to group by on the pivot table column index. Pass vector # names contained in an Array. # # +:agg+ - Function to aggregate the grouped values. Default to *:mean*. Can # use any of the statistics functions applicable on Vectors that can be found in # the Daru::Statistics::Vector module. # # +:values+ - Columns to aggregate. Will consider all numeric columns not # specified in *:index* or *:vectors*. Optional. # # == Usage # # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({ # a: ['foo' , 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar'], # b: ['one' , 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two'], # c: ['small','large','large','small','small','large','small','large','small'], # d: [1,2,2,3,3,4,5,6,7], # e: [2,4,4,6,6,8,10,12,14] # }) # df.pivot_table(index: [:a], vectors: [:b], agg: :sum, values: :e) # # #=> # # # # # [:e, :one] [:e, :two] # # [:bar] 18 26 # # [:foo] 10 12 def pivot_table opts={} raise ArgumentError, "Specify grouping index" if !opts[:index] or opts[:index].empty? index = opts[:index] vectors = opts[:vectors] || [] aggregate_function = opts[:agg] || :mean values = if opts[:values].is_a?(Symbol) [opts[:values]] elsif opts[:values].is_a?(Array) opts[:values] else # nil (@vectors.to_a - (index | vectors)) & numeric_vector_names end raise IndexError, "No numeric vectors to aggregate" if values.empty? grouped = group_by(index) unless vectors.empty? super_hash = {} values.each do |value| grouped.groups.each do |group_name, row_numbers| super_hash[group_name] ||= {} row_numbers.each do |num| arry = [] arry << value vectors.each { |v| arry << self[v][num] } sub_hash = super_hash[group_name] sub_hash[arry] ||= [] sub_hash[arry] << self[value][num] end end end super_hash.each_value do |sub_hash| sub_hash.each do |group_name, aggregates| sub_hash[group_name] = Daru::Vector.new(aggregates).send(aggregate_function) end end df_index = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples super_hash.keys vector_indexes = [] super_hash.each_value do |sub_hash| vector_indexes.concat sub_hash.keys end df_vectors = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples vector_indexes.uniq pivoted_dataframe = Daru::DataFrame.new({}, index: df_index, order: df_vectors) super_hash.each do |row_index, sub_h| sub_h.each do |vector_index, val| # pivoted_dataframe[symbolize(vector_index)][symbolize(row_index)] = val pivoted_dataframe[vector_index][row_index] = val end end return pivoted_dataframe else grouped.send(aggregate_function) end end # Merge vectors from two DataFrames. In case of name collision, # the vectors names are changed to x_1, x_2 .... # # @return {Daru::DataFrame} def merge other_df raise "Number of rows must be equal in this: #{nrows} and other: #{other_df.nrows}" unless nrows == other_df.nrows new_fields = (@vectors.to_a + other_df.vectors.to_a) .recode_repeated .map(&:to_sym) df_new = DataFrame.new({}, order: new_fields) (0...nrows).to_a.each do |i| row = self.row[i].to_a + other_df.row[i].to_a df_new.add_row(row) end df_new.update df_new end # Join 2 DataFrames with SQL style joins. Currently supports inner, left # outer, right outer and full outer joins. # # @param [Daru::DataFrame] other_df Another DataFrame on which the join is # to be performed. # @param [Hash] opts Options Hash # @option :how [Symbol] Can be one of :inner, :left, :right or :outer. # @option :on [Array] The columns on which the join is to be performed. # Column names specified here must be common to both DataFrames. # @return [Daru::DataFrame] # @example Inner Join # left = Daru::DataFrame.new({ # :id => [1,2,3,4], # :name => ['Pirate', 'Monkey', 'Ninja', 'Spaghetti'] # }) # right = Daru::DataFrame.new({ # :id => [1,2,3,4], # :name => ['Rutabaga', 'Pirate', 'Darth Vader', 'Ninja'] # }) # left.join(right, how: :inner, on: [:name]) # #=> # ## # # id_1 name id_2 # # 0 1 Pirate 2 # # 1 3 Ninja 4 def join(other_df,opts={}) Daru::Core::Merge.join(self, other_df, opts) end # Creates a new dataset for one to many relations # on a dataset, based on pattern of field names. # # for example, you have a survey for number of children # with this structure: # id, name, child_name_1, child_age_1, child_name_2, child_age_2 # with # ds.one_to_many([:id], "child_%v_%n" # the field of first parameters will be copied verbatim # to new dataset, and fields which responds to second # pattern will be added one case for each different %n. # # @example # cases=[ # ['1','george','red',10,'blue',20,nil,nil], # ['2','fred','green',15,'orange',30,'white',20], # ['3','alfred',nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil] # ] # ds=Daru::DataFrame.rows(cases, order: [:id, :name, :car_color1, :car_value1, :car_color2, :car_value2, :car_color3, :car_value3]) # ds.one_to_many([:id],'car_%v%n').to_matrix # #=> Matrix[ # # ["red", "1", 10], # # ["blue", "1", 20], # # ["green", "2", 15], # # ["orange", "2", 30], # # ["white", "2", 20] # # ] def one_to_many(parent_fields, pattern) re = Regexp.new pattern.gsub("%v","(.+?)").gsub("%n","(\\d+?)") ds_vars = parent_fields.dup vars = [] max_n = 0 h = parent_fields.inject({}) { |a,v| a[v] = Daru::Vector.new([]) a } # Adding _row_id h['_col_id'] = Daru::Vector.new([]) ds_vars.push('_col_id') @vectors.each do |f| if f =~ re if !vars.include? $1 vars.push($1) h[$1] = Daru::Vector.new([]) end max_n = $2.to_i if max_n < $2.to_i end end ds = DataFrame.new(h, order: ds_vars+vars) each_row do |row| row_out = {} parent_fields.each do |f| row_out[f] = row[f] end max_n.times do |n1| n = n1+1 any_data = false vars.each do |v| data = row[pattern.gsub("%v",v.to_s).gsub("%n",n.to_s)] row_out[v] = data any_data = true if !data.nil? end if any_data row_out['_col_id'] = n ds.add_row(row_out) end end end ds.update ds end def add_vectors_by_split_recode(name_, join='-', sep=Daru::SPLIT_TOKEN) split = self[name_].split_by_separator(sep) i = 1 split.each { |k,v| new_field = name_.to_s + join + i.to_s v.rename name_.to_s + ":" + k.to_s self[new_field.to_sym] = v i += 1 } end # Create a sql, basen on a given Dataset # # == Arguments # # * table - String specifying name of the table that will created in SQL. # * charset - Character set. Default is "UTF8". # # @example # # ds = Daru::DataFrame.new({ # :id => Daru::Vector.new([1,2,3,4,5]), # :name => Daru::Vector.new(%w{Alex Peter Susan Mary John}) # }) # ds.create_sql('names') # #=>"CREATE TABLE names (id INTEGER,\n name VARCHAR (255)) CHARACTER SET=UTF8;" # def create_sql(table,charset="UTF8") sql = "CREATE TABLE #{table} (" fields = self.vectors.to_a.collect do |f| v = self[f] f.to_s + " " + v.db_type end sql + fields.join(",\n ")+") CHARACTER SET=#{charset};" end # Convert all numeric vectors to GSL::Matrix def to_gsl numerics_as_arrays = [] numeric_vectors.each do |n| numerics_as_arrays << self[n].to_a end GSL::Matrix.alloc *numerics_as_arrays.transpose end # Convert all vectors of type *:numeric* into a Matrix. def to_matrix numerics_as_arrays = [] each_vector do |vector| numerics_as_arrays << vector.to_a if(vector.type == :numeric) end Matrix.columns numerics_as_arrays end # Return a Nyaplot::DataFrame from the data of this DataFrame. def to_nyaplotdf Nyaplot::DataFrame.new(to_a[0]) end # Convert all vectors of type *:numeric* and not containing nils into an NMatrix. def to_nmatrix numerics_as_arrays = [] each_vector do |vector| numerics_as_arrays << vector.to_a if(vector.type == :numeric and vector.missing_positions.size == 0) end numerics_as_arrays.transpose.to_nm end # Converts the DataFrame into an array of hashes where key is vector name # and value is the corresponding element. The 0th index of the array contains # the array of hashes while the 1th index contains the indexes of each row # of the dataframe. Each element in the index array corresponds to its row # in the array of hashes, which has the same index. def to_a arry = [[],[]] self.each_row do |row| arry[0] << row.to_hash end arry[1] = @index.to_a arry end # Convert to json. If no_index is false then the index will NOT be included # in the JSON thus created. def to_json no_index=true if no_index self.to_a[0].to_json else self.to_a.to_json end end # Converts DataFrame to a hash with keys as vector names and values as # the corresponding vectors. def to_hash hsh = {} @vectors.each_with_index do |vec_name, idx| hsh[vec_name] = @data[idx] end hsh end # Convert to html for IRuby. def to_html threshold=30 html = "" + "" + "" + "" html +='' @vectors.each { |vector| html += '' } html += '' @index.each_with_index do |index, num| html += '' html += '' self.row[index].each do |element| html += '' end html += '' if num > threshold html += '' (@vectors.size + 1).times { html += '' } html += '' last_index = @index.to_a.last last_row = self.row[last_index] html += '' html += "" (0..(ncols - 1)).to_a.each do |i| html += '' end html += '' break end end html += '
" + "Daru::DataFrame:#{self.object_id} " + " rows: #{nrows} " + " cols: #{ncols}" "
' + vector.to_s + '
' + index.to_s + '' + element.to_s + '
" + last_index.to_s + "' + last_row[i].to_s + '
' html end def to_s to_html end # Method for updating the metadata (i.e. missing value positions) of the # after assingment/deletion etc. are complete. This is provided so that # time is not wasted in creating the metadata for the vector each time # assignment/deletion of elements is done. Updating data this way is called # lazy loading. To set or unset lazy loading, see the .lazy_update= method. def update @data.each { |v| v.update } if Daru.lazy_update end # Rename the DataFrame. def rename new_name @name = new_name end # Write this DataFrame to a CSV file. # # == Arguements # # * filename - Path of CSV file where the DataFrame is to be saved. # # == Options # # * convert_comma - If set to *true*, will convert any commas in any # of the data to full stops ('.'). # All the options accepted by CSV.read() can also be passed into this # function. def write_csv filename, opts={} Daru::IO.dataframe_write_csv self, filename, opts end # Write this dataframe to an Excel Spreadsheet # # == Arguments # # * filename - The path of the file where the DataFrame should be written. def write_excel filename, opts={} Daru::IO.dataframe_write_excel self, filename, opts end # Insert each case of the Dataset on the selected table # # == Arguments # # * dbh - DBI database connection object. # * query - Query string. # # == Usage # # ds = Daru::DataFrame.new({:id=>Daru::Vector.new([1,2,3]), :name=>Daru::Vector.new(["a","b","c"])}) # dbh = DBI.connect("DBI:Mysql:database:localhost", "user", "password") # ds.write_sql(dbh,"test") def write_sql dbh, table Daru::IO.dataframe_write_sql self, dbh, table end # Use marshalling to save dataframe to a file. def save filename Daru::IO.save self, filename end def _dump depth Marshal.dump({ data: @data, index: @index.to_a, order: @vectors.to_a, name: @name }) end def self._load data h = Marshal.load data Daru::DataFrame.new(h[:data], index: h[:index], order: h[:order], name: h[:name]) end # Change dtypes of vectors by supplying a hash of :vector_name => :new_dtype # # == Usage # df = Daru::DataFrame.new({a: [1,2,3], b: [1,2,3], c: [1,2,3]}) # df.recast a: :nmatrix, c: :nmatrix def recast opts={} opts.each do |vector_name, dtype| self[vector_name].cast(dtype: dtype) end end # Transpose a DataFrame, tranposing elements and row, column indexing. def transpose arrys = [] each_vector do |vec| arrys << vec.to_a end Daru::DataFrame.new(arrys.transpose, index: @vectors, order: @index, dtype: @dtype, name: @name) end # Pretty print in a nice table format for the command line (irb/pry/iruby) def inspect spacing=10, threshold=15 longest = [@name.to_s.size, (@vectors.map(&:to_s).map(&:size).max || 0), (@index .map(&:to_s).map(&:size).max || 0), (@data .map{ |v| v.map(&:to_s).map(&:size).max}.max || 0)].max name = @name || 'nil' content = "" longest = spacing if longest > spacing formatter = "\n" (@vectors.size + 1).times { formatter += "%#{longest}.#{longest}s " } content += "\n#<" + self.class.to_s + ":" + self.object_id.to_s + " @name = " + name.to_s + " @size = " + @size.to_s + ">" content += sprintf formatter, "" , *@vectors.map(&:to_s) row_num = 1 self.each_row_with_index do |row, index| content += sprintf formatter, index.to_s, *row.to_hash.values.map { |e| (e || 'nil').to_s } row_num += 1 if row_num > threshold dots = [] (@vectors.size + 1).times { dots << "..." } content += sprintf formatter, *dots break end end content += "\n" content end # Query a DataFrame by passing a Daru::Core::Query::BoolArray object. def where bool_array Daru::Core::Query.df_where self, bool_array end def == other self.class == other.class and @size == other.size and @index == other.index and @vectors == other.vectors and @vectors.to_a.all? { |v| self[v] == other[v] } end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if md = name.match(/(.+)\=/) insert_or_modify_vector name[/(.+)\=/].delete("=").to_sym, args[0] elsif self.has_vector? name self[name] else super(name, *args, &block) end end private def possibly_multi_index? index if @index.is_a?(MultiIndex) Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples(index) else Daru::Index.new(index) end end def quick_sort vector_order, index, by, ascending recursive_quick_sort vector_order, index, by, ascending, 0, @size-1 end # == Arguments # # vector_order - # index - # by - # ascending - # left_lower - # right_upper - def recursive_quick_sort vector_order, index, by, ascending, left_lower, right_upper if left_lower < right_upper left_upper, right_lower = partition(vector_order, index, by, ascending, left_lower, right_upper) if left_upper - left_lower < right_upper - right_lower recursive_quick_sort(vector_order, index, by, ascending, left_lower, left_upper) recursive_quick_sort(vector_order, index, by, ascending, right_lower, right_upper) else recursive_quick_sort(vector_order, index, by, ascending, right_lower, right_upper) recursive_quick_sort(vector_order, index, by, ascending, left_lower, left_upper) end end end def partition vector_order, index, by, ascending, left_lower, right_upper mindex = (left_lower + right_upper) / 2 mvalues = vector_order.inject([]) { |a, vector_name| a << self[vector_name][mindex]; a } i = left_lower j = right_upper descending = ascending.map { |a| !a } i += 1 while(keep?(i, mvalues, vector_order, ascending , by, 0)) j -= 1 while(keep?(j, mvalues, vector_order, descending, by, 0)) while i < j - 1 @data.each do |vector| vector[i], vector[j] = vector[j], vector[i] end index[i], index[j] = index[j], index[i] i += 1 j -= 1 i += 1 while(keep?(i, mvalues, vector_order, ascending , by,0)) j -= 1 while(keep?(j, mvalues, vector_order, descending, by,0)) end if i <= j if i < j @data.each do |vector| vector[i], vector[j] = vector[j], vector[i] end index[i], index[j] = index[j], index[i] end i += 1 j -= 1 end [j,i] end def keep? current_index, mvalues, vector_order, sort_order, by, vector_order_index vector_name = vector_order[vector_order_index] if vector_name vec = self[vector_name] eval = by[vector_name].call(vec[current_index], mvalues[vector_order_index]) if sort_order[vector_order_index] # sort in ascending order return false if eval == 1 return true if eval == -1 if eval == 0 keep?(current_index, mvalues, vector_order, sort_order, by, vector_order_index + 1) end else # sort in descending order return false if eval == -1 return true if eval == 1 if eval == 0 keep?(current_index, mvalues, vector_order, sort_order, by, vector_order_index + 1) end end end end def create_logic_blocks vector_order, by={} universal_block = lambda { |a,b| a <=> b } vector_order.each do |vector| by[vector] ||= universal_block end by end def sort_order_array vector_order, ascending if ascending.is_a?(Array) raise ArgumentError, "Specify same number of vector names and sort orders" if vector_order.size != ascending.size return ascending else Array.new(vector_order.size, ascending) end end def vectors_index_for location if @vectors.include?(location) @vectors[location] elsif location[0].is_a?(Integer) location[0] end end def access_vector *names location = names[0] return dup(@vectors[location]) if location.is_a?(Range) if @vectors.is_a?(MultiIndex) pos = @vectors[names] if pos.is_a?(Integer) return @data[pos] else # MultiIndex new_vectors = pos.map do |tuple| @data[@vectors[tuple]] end if !location.is_a?(Range) and names.size < @vectors.width pos = pos.drop_left_level names.size end Daru::DataFrame.new( new_vectors, index: @index, order: pos) end else unless names[1] pos = @vectors[location] if pos.is_a?(Numeric) return @data[pos] else names = pos end end new_vcs = [] names.each do |name| new_vcs << @data[@vectors[name]].to_a end order = names.is_a?(Array) ? Daru::Index.new(names) : names Daru::DataFrame.new(new_vcs, order: order, index: @index, name: @name) end end def access_row *names location = names[0] if @index.is_a?(MultiIndex) pos = @index[names] if pos.is_a?(Integer) return Daru::Vector.new(populate_row_for(pos), index: @vectors, name: pos) else new_rows = pos.map { |tuple| populate_row_for(tuple) } if !location.is_a?(Range) and names.size < @index.width pos = pos.drop_left_level names.size end Daru::DataFrame.rows( new_rows, order: @vectors, name: @name, index: pos) end else if names[1].nil? names = @index[location] if names.is_a?(Numeric) row = [] @data.each do |vector| row << vector[location] end return Daru::Vector.new(row, index: @vectors, name: set_name(location)) end end # Access multiple rows rows = [] names.each do |name| rows << self.row[name].to_a end Daru::DataFrame.rows rows, index: names ,name: @name, order: @vectors end end def populate_row_for pos @data.map do |vector| vector[pos] end end def insert_or_modify_vector name, vector name = name[0] unless @vectors.is_a?(MultiIndex) v = nil if @index.empty? v = vector.is_a?(Daru::Vector) ? vector : Daru::Vector.new(vector.to_a) @index = v.index assign_or_add_vector name, v set_size @data.map! do |v| if v.size == 0 Daru::Vector.new([nil]*@size, name: set_name(name), index: @index) else v end end else if vector.is_a?(Daru::Vector) if vector.index == @index # so that index-by-index assignment is avoided when possible. v = vector.dup else v = Daru::Vector.new [], name: set_name(name), index: @index @index.each do |idx| if vector.index.include? idx v[idx] = vector[idx] else v[idx] = nil end end end else raise SizeError, "Specified vector of length #{vector.size} cannot be inserted in DataFrame of size #{@size}" if @size != vector.size v = Daru::Vector.new(vector, name: set_name(name), index: @index) end assign_or_add_vector name, v end end def assign_or_add_vector name, v #FIXME: fix this jugaad. need to make changes in Indexing itself. pos = @vectors[name] if !pos.kind_of?(Daru::Index) and pos == name and (@vectors.include?(name) or (pos.is_a?(Integer) and pos < @data.size)) @data[pos] = v elsif pos.kind_of?(Daru::Index) pos.each do |p| @data[@vectors[p]] = v end else @vectors = @vectors | [name] if !@vectors.include?(name) @data[@vectors[name]] = v end end def insert_or_modify_row name, vector if index.is_a?(MultiIndex) # TODO else name = name[0] v = if vector.is_a?(Daru::Vector) vector else Daru::Vector.new(vector, name: set_name(name), index: @vectors) end if @index.include? name self.each_vector_with_index do |vector,i| vector[name] = v.index.include?(i) ? v[i] : nil end else @index = @index | [name] self.each_vector_with_index do |vector,i| vector.concat((v.index.include?(i) ? v[i] : nil), name) end end set_size end end def create_empty_vectors @vectors.each do |name| @data << Daru::Vector.new([], name: set_name(name), index: @index) end end def validate_labels raise IndexError, "Expected equal number of vector names (#{@vectors.size}) for number of vectors (#{@data.size})." if @vectors and @vectors.size != @data.size raise IndexError, "Expected number of indexes same as number of rows" if @index and @data[0] and @index.size != @data[0].size end def validate_vector_sizes @data.each do |vector| raise IndexError, "Expected vectors with equal length" if vector.size != @size end end def validate validate_labels validate_vector_sizes end def all_daru_vectors_in_source? source source.values.all? do |vector| vector.is_a?(Daru::Vector) end end def set_size @size = @index.size end def named_index_for index if @index.include? index index elsif @index.key index @index.key index else raise IndexError, "Specified index #{index} does not exist." end end def create_vectors_index_with vectors, source vectors = source.keys.sort_by { |a| a.to_s } if vectors.nil? @vectors = unless vectors.is_a?(Index) or vectors.is_a?(MultiIndex) Daru::Index.new((vectors + (source.keys - vectors)).uniq) else vectors end end def all_vectors_have_equal_indexes? source idx = source.values[0].index source.values.all? do |vector| idx == vector.index end end def try_create_index index index.kind_of?(Index) ? index : Daru::Index.new(index) end def set_name potential_name potential_name.is_a?(Array) ? potential_name.join : potential_name end def symbolize arry symbolized_arry = if arry.all? { |e| e.is_a?(Array) } arry.map do |sub_arry| sub_arry.map do |e| e.is_a?(Numeric) ? e : e.to_sym end end else arry.map { |e| e.is_a?(Numeric) ? e : e.to_sym } end symbolized_arry end end end