# -*- coding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown which is licensed under the MIT. #++ # require 'kramdown/parser' require 'kramdown/converter' require 'kramdown/utils' module Kramdown module Converter # Converts a Kramdown::Document to HTML. # # You can customize the HTML converter by sub-classing it and overriding the +convert_NAME+ # methods. Each such method takes the following parameters: # # [+el+] The element of type +NAME+ to be converted. # # [+indent+] A number representing the current amount of spaces for indent (only used for # block-level elements). # # The return value of such a method has to be a string containing the element +el+ formatted as # HTML element. class Html < Base include ::Kramdown::Utils::Html include ::Kramdown::Parser::Html::Constants # The amount of indentation used when nesting HTML tags. attr_accessor :indent # Initialize the HTML converter with the given Kramdown document +doc+. def initialize(root, options) super @footnote_counter = @footnote_start = @options[:footnote_nr] @footnotes = [] @footnotes_by_name = {} @footnote_location = nil @toc = [] @toc_code = nil @indent = 2 @stack = [] # stash string representation of symbol to avoid allocations from multiple interpolations. @highlighter_class = " highlighter-#{options[:syntax_highlighter]}" @dispatcher = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = :"convert_#{k}" } end # Dispatch the conversion of the element +el+ to a +convert_TYPE+ method using the +type+ of # the element. def convert(el, indent = -@indent) send(@dispatcher[el.type], el, indent) end # Return the converted content of the children of +el+ as a string. The parameter +indent+ has # to be the amount of indentation used for the element +el+. # # Pushes +el+ onto the @stack before converting the child elements and pops it from the stack # afterwards. def inner(el, indent) result = +'' indent += @indent @stack.push(el) el.children.each do |inner_el| result << send(@dispatcher[inner_el.type], inner_el, indent) end @stack.pop result end def convert_blank(_el, _indent) "\n" end def convert_text(el, _indent) escaped = escape_html(el.value, :text) @options[:remove_line_breaks_for_cjk] ? fix_cjk_line_break(escaped) : escaped end def convert_p(el, indent) if el.options[:transparent] inner(el, indent) elsif el.children.size == 1 && el.children.first.type == :img && el.children.first.options[:ial]&.[](:refs)&.include?('standalone') convert_standalone_image(el.children.first, indent) else format_as_block_html("p", el.attr, inner(el, indent), indent) end end # Helper method used by +convert_p+ to convert a paragraph that only contains a single :img # element. def convert_standalone_image(el, indent) attr = el.attr.dup figure_attr = {} figure_attr['class'] = attr.delete('class') if attr.key?('class') figure_attr['id'] = attr.delete('id') if attr.key?('id') body = "#{' ' * (indent + @indent)}\n" \ "#{' ' * (indent + @indent)}
\n" format_as_indented_block_html("figure", figure_attr, body, indent) end def convert_codeblock(el, indent) attr = el.attr.dup lang = extract_code_language!(attr) hl_opts = {} highlighted_code = highlight_code(el.value, el.options[:lang] || lang, :block, hl_opts) if highlighted_code add_syntax_highlighter_to_class_attr(attr, lang || hl_opts[:default_lang]) "#{' ' * indent}#{highlighted_code}#{' ' * indent}\n" else result = escape_html(el.value) result.chomp! if el.attr['class'].to_s =~ /\bshow-whitespaces\b/ result.gsub!(/(?:(^[ \t]+)|([ \t]+$)|([ \t]+))/) do |m| suffix = ($1 ? '-l' : ($2 ? '-r' : '')) m.scan(/./).map do |c| case c when "\t" then "\t" when " " then "" end end.join('') end end code_attr = {} code_attr['class'] = "language-#{lang}" if lang "#{' ' * indent}" \ "#{result}\n\n" end end def convert_blockquote(el, indent) format_as_indented_block_html("blockquote", el.attr, inner(el, indent), indent) end def convert_header(el, indent) attr = el.attr.dup if @options[:auto_ids] && !attr['id'] attr['id'] = generate_id(el.options[:raw_text]) end @toc << [el.options[:level], attr['id'], el.children] if attr['id'] && in_toc?(el) level = output_header_level(el.options[:level]) format_as_block_html("h#{level}", attr, inner(el, indent), indent) end def convert_hr(el, indent) "#{' ' * indent}\n" end ZERO_TO_ONETWENTYEIGHT = (0..128).to_a.freeze private_constant :ZERO_TO_ONETWENTYEIGHT def convert_ul(el, indent) if !@toc_code && el.options.dig(:ial, :refs)&.include?('toc') @toc_code = [el.type, el.attr, ZERO_TO_ONETWENTYEIGHT.map { rand(36).to_s(36) }.join] @toc_code.last elsif !@footnote_location && el.options.dig(:ial, :refs)&.include?('footnotes') @footnote_location = ZERO_TO_ONETWENTYEIGHT.map { rand(36).to_s(36) }.join else format_as_indented_block_html(el.type, el.attr, inner(el, indent), indent) end end alias convert_ol convert_ul def convert_dl(el, indent) format_as_indented_block_html("dl", el.attr, inner(el, indent), indent) end def convert_li(el, indent) output = ' ' * indent << "<#{el.type}" << html_attributes(el.attr) << ">" res = inner(el, indent) if el.children.empty? || (el.children.first.type == :p && el.children.first.options[:transparent]) output << res << (res =~ /\n\Z/ ? ' ' * indent : '') else output << "\n" << res << ' ' * indent end output << "\n" end alias convert_dd convert_li def convert_dt(el, indent) attr = el.attr.dup @stack.last.options[:ial][:refs].each do |ref| if ref =~ /\Aauto_ids(?:-([\w-]+))?/ attr['id'] = "#{$1}#{basic_generate_id(el.options[:raw_text])}".lstrip break end end if !attr['id'] && @stack.last.options[:ial] && @stack.last.options[:ial][:refs] format_as_block_html("dt", attr, inner(el, indent), indent) end def convert_html_element(el, indent) res = inner(el, indent) if el.options[:category] == :span "<#{el.value}#{html_attributes(el.attr)}" + \ (res.empty? && HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY.include?(el.value) ? " />" : ">#{res}") else output = +'' if @stack.last.type != :html_element || @stack.last.options[:content_model] != :raw output << ' ' * indent end output << "<#{el.value}#{html_attributes(el.attr)}" if el.options[:is_closed] && el.options[:content_model] == :raw output << " />" elsif !res.empty? && el.options[:content_model] != :block output << ">#{res}" elsif !res.empty? output << ">\n#{res.chomp}\n" << ' ' * indent << "" elsif HTML_ELEMENTS_WITHOUT_BODY.include?(el.value) output << " />" else output << ">" end output << "\n" if @stack.last.type != :html_element || @stack.last.options[:content_model] != :raw output end end def convert_xml_comment(el, indent) if el.options[:category] == :block && (@stack.last.type != :html_element || @stack.last.options[:content_model] != :raw) ' ' * indent << el.value << "\n" else el.value end end alias convert_xml_pi convert_xml_comment def convert_table(el, indent) format_as_indented_block_html(el.type, el.attr, inner(el, indent), indent) end alias convert_thead convert_table alias convert_tbody convert_table alias convert_tfoot convert_table alias convert_tr convert_table ENTITY_NBSP = ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('nbsp') # :nodoc: def convert_td(el, indent) res = inner(el, indent) type = (@stack[-2].type == :thead ? :th : :td) attr = el.attr alignment = @stack[-3].options[:alignment][@stack.last.children.index(el)] if alignment != :default attr = el.attr.dup attr['style'] = (attr.key?('style') ? "#{attr['style']}; " : '') + "text-align: #{alignment}" end format_as_block_html(type, attr, res.empty? ? entity_to_str(ENTITY_NBSP) : res, indent) end def convert_comment(el, indent) if el.options[:category] == :block "#{' ' * indent}\n" else "" end end def convert_br(_el, _indent) "
" end def convert_a(el, indent) format_as_span_html("a", el.attr, inner(el, indent)) end def convert_img(el, _indent) "" end def convert_codespan(el, _indent) attr = el.attr.dup lang = extract_code_language(attr) hl_opts = {} result = highlight_code(el.value, lang, :span, hl_opts) if result add_syntax_highlighter_to_class_attr(attr, hl_opts[:default_lang]) else result = escape_html(el.value) end format_as_span_html('code', attr, result) end def convert_footnote(el, _indent) repeat = '' name = @options[:footnote_prefix] + el.options[:name] if (footnote = @footnotes_by_name[name]) number = footnote[2] repeat = ":#{footnote[3] += 1}" else number = @footnote_counter @footnote_counter += 1 @footnotes << [name, el.value, number, 0] @footnotes_by_name[name] = @footnotes.last end "" \ "" \ "#{number}" end def convert_raw(el, _indent) if !el.options[:type] || el.options[:type].empty? || el.options[:type].include?('html') el.value + (el.options[:category] == :block ? "\n" : '') else '' end end def convert_em(el, indent) format_as_span_html(el.type, el.attr, inner(el, indent)) end alias convert_strong convert_em def convert_entity(el, _indent) entity_to_str(el.value, el.options[:original]) end TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = { mdash: [::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('mdash')], ndash: [::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('ndash')], hellip: [::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('hellip')], laquo_space: [::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('laquo'), ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('nbsp')], raquo_space: [::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('nbsp'), ::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('raquo')], laquo: [::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('laquo')], raquo: [::Kramdown::Utils::Entities.entity('raquo')], } # :nodoc: def convert_typographic_sym(el, _indent) if (result = @options[:typographic_symbols][el.value]) escape_html(result, :text) else TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS[el.value].map {|e| entity_to_str(e) }.join('') end end def convert_smart_quote(el, _indent) entity_to_str(smart_quote_entity(el)) end def convert_math(el, indent) if (result = format_math(el, indent: indent)) result else attr = el.attr.dup attr['class'] = "#{attr['class']} kdmath".lstrip if el.options[:category] == :block format_as_block_html('div', attr, "$$\n#{el.value}\n$$", indent) else format_as_span_html('span', attr, "$#{el.value}$") end end end def convert_abbreviation(el, _indent) title = @root.options[:abbrev_defs][el.value] attr = @root.options[:abbrev_attr][el.value].dup attr['title'] = title unless title.empty? format_as_span_html("abbr", attr, el.value) end def convert_root(el, indent) result = inner(el, indent) if @footnote_location result.sub!(/#{@footnote_location}/, footnote_content.gsub(/\\/, "\\\\\\\\")) else result << footnote_content end if @toc_code toc_tree = generate_toc_tree(@toc, @toc_code[0], @toc_code[1] || {}) text = if !toc_tree.children.empty? convert(toc_tree, 0) else '' end result.sub!(/#{@toc_code.last}/, text.gsub(/\\/, "\\\\\\\\")) end result end # Format the given element as span HTML. def format_as_span_html(name, attr, body) "<#{name}#{html_attributes(attr)}>#{body}" end # Format the given element as block HTML. def format_as_block_html(name, attr, body, indent) "#{' ' * indent}<#{name}#{html_attributes(attr)}>#{body}\n" end # Format the given element as block HTML with a newline after the start tag and indentation # before the end tag. def format_as_indented_block_html(name, attr, body, indent) "#{' ' * indent}<#{name}#{html_attributes(attr)}>\n#{body}#{' ' * indent}\n" end # Add the syntax highlighter name to the 'class' attribute of the given attribute hash. And # overwrites or add a "language-LANG" part using the +lang+ parameter if +lang+ is not nil. def add_syntax_highlighter_to_class_attr(attr, lang = nil) (attr['class'] = (attr['class'] || '') + @highlighter_class).lstrip! attr['class'].sub!(/\blanguage-\S+|(^)/) { "language-#{lang}#{$1 ? ' ' : ''}" } if lang end # Generate and return an element tree for the table of contents. def generate_toc_tree(toc, type, attr) sections = Element.new(type, nil, attr.dup) sections.attr['id'] ||= 'markdown-toc' stack = [] toc.each do |level, id, children| li = Element.new(:li, nil, nil, level: level) li.children << Element.new(:p, nil, nil, transparent: true) a = Element.new(:a, nil) a.attr['href'] = "##{id}" a.attr['id'] = "#{sections.attr['id']}-#{id}" a.children.concat(fix_for_toc_entry(Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(children)))) li.children.last.children << a li.children << Element.new(type) success = false until success if stack.empty? sections.children << li stack << li success = true elsif stack.last.options[:level] < li.options[:level] stack.last.children.last.children << li stack << li success = true else item = stack.pop item.children.pop if item.children.last.children.empty? end end end until stack.empty? item = stack.pop item.children.pop if item.children.last.children.empty? end sections end # Fixes the elements for use in a TOC entry. def fix_for_toc_entry(elements) remove_footnotes(elements) unwrap_links(elements) elements end # Remove all link elements by unwrapping them. def unwrap_links(elements) elements.map! do |c| unwrap_links(c.children) c.type == :a ? c.children : c end.flatten! end # Remove all footnotes from the given elements. def remove_footnotes(elements) elements.delete_if do |c| remove_footnotes(c.children) c.type == :footnote end end # Obfuscate the +text+ by using HTML entities. def obfuscate(text) result = +'' text.each_byte do |b| result << (b > 128 ? b.chr : sprintf("&#%03d;", b)) end result.force_encoding(text.encoding) result end FOOTNOTE_BACKLINK_FMT = "%s%s" # Return an HTML ordered list with the footnote content for the used footnotes. def footnote_content ol = Element.new(:ol) ol.attr['start'] = @footnote_start if @footnote_start != 1 i = 0 backlink_text = escape_html(@options[:footnote_backlink], :text) while i < @footnotes.length name, data, _, repeat = *@footnotes[i] li = Element.new(:li, nil, 'id' => "fn:#{name}", 'role' => 'doc-endnote') li.children = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(data.children)) para = nil if li.children.last.type == :p || @options[:footnote_backlink_inline] parent = li while !parent.children.empty? && ![:p, :header].include?(parent.children.last.type) parent = parent.children.last end para = parent.children.last insert_space = true end unless para li.children << (para = Element.new(:p)) insert_space = false end unless @options[:footnote_backlink].empty? nbsp = entity_to_str(ENTITY_NBSP) value = sprintf(FOOTNOTE_BACKLINK_FMT, (insert_space ? nbsp : ''), name, backlink_text) para.children << Element.new(:raw, value) (1..repeat).each do |index| value = sprintf(FOOTNOTE_BACKLINK_FMT, nbsp, "#{name}:#{index}", "#{backlink_text}#{index + 1}") para.children << Element.new(:raw, value) end end ol.children << Element.new(:raw, convert(li, 4)) i += 1 end if ol.children.empty? '' else format_as_indented_block_html('div', {class: "footnotes", role: "doc-endnotes"}, convert(ol, 2), 0) end end end end end