module SalesforceDeployTool class App attr_accessor :build_number def initialize config @debug = config[:debug] @test = config[:test] @build_number = 'N/A' ( @git_repo = config[:git_repo] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: git_repo not found" ( @git_dir = config[:git_dir] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: git_dir not found" ( @sandbox = config[:sandbox] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: sandbox not found" ( @password = config[:password] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: password not found, please run `sf config`" ( @deploy_ignore_files = config[:deploy_ignore_files] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: deploy_ignore_files not found" ( @build_number_pattern = config[:build_number_pattern] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: build_number_pattern not found" ( @commit_hash_pattern = config[:commit_hash_pattern] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: commit_hash_pattern not found" ( @version_file = config[:version_file] ).nil? and raise "Invalid Config: version_file not found" config[:username].nil? and raise "Invalid Config: username not found, please run `sf config`" config[:password].nil? and raise "Invalid Config: password not found, please run `sf config`" @username = @sandbox == 'prod' ? config[:username] : config[:username] + '.' + @sandbox @server_url = @sandbox == 'prod' ? '' : '' end def commit_hash g =,'r+') do |file| content = content.gsub!(/#{@build_number_pattern}/,@build_number) content.gsub!(/#{@commit_hash_pattern}/,g.log.last.sha),IO::SEEK_SET) file.truncate 0 file.write content end if File.exists? @version_file end def clean_version g = g.checkout @version_file if File.exists? @version_file end def clone if Dir.exists? File.join(@git_dir,'.git') return end begin Git.clone(@git_repo, File.basename(@git_dir), :path => File.dirname(@git_dir)) rescue => e STDERR.puts "ERROR: A problem occured when cloning #{@git_repo}, error was\n\n" puts e exit 1 end end def clean_git_dir message = nil print message Dir[File.join(@git_dir,'src','*')].each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf dir unless dir =~ /.*package.xml$/ end puts "OK" unless message.nil? end def pull message = nil env_vars = "" env_vars += " SF_USERNAME=" + @username env_vars += " SF_PASSWORD=" + @password env_vars += " SF_SERVERURL=" + @server_url cmd = " ant retrieveCode" full_cmd = env_vars + cmd Dir.chdir @git_dir exec_options = { :stderr => @debug, :stdout => @debug, :spinner => ! @debug, :message => message, :okmsg => "OK", :failmsg => "FAILED", } if @debug exec_options[:message] += "\n\n" exec_options[:okmsg] = nil exec_options[:failmsg] = nil end exit_code = myexec full_cmd, exec_options clean_version exit exit_code if exit_code != 0 end def push # Working dir Dir.chdir @git_dir # Add the commit hash to the version file commit_hash # Set env variables to run ant env_vars = "" env_vars += " SF_USERNAME=" + @username env_vars += " SF_PASSWORD=" + @password env_vars += " SF_SERVERURL=" + @server_url # myexec options exec_options = { :stderr => @debug, :stdout => @debug, :spinner => ! @debug, :okmsg => "OK", :failmsg => "FAILED", } if @debug exec_options[:okmsg] = nil exec_options[:failmsg] = nil end # Deploy code exec_options[:message] = @test ? "INFO: Deploying and Testing code to #{@sandbox}: " : "INFO: Deploying code to #{@sandbox}: " exec_options[:message] += "\n\n" if @debug cmd = @test ? " ant deployAndTestCode" : " ant deployCode" full_cmd = env_vars + cmd # Delete files to be ignored: @deploy_ignore_files.each do |file| FileUtils.rm file if File.exists? file end # Push the code exit_code = myexec full_cmd, exec_options # Clean changes on version file clean_version # exit with exit_code exit exit_code if exit_code != 0 end end end