module Caboose class MyAccountInvoicesController < Caboose::ApplicationController helper :authorize_net protect_from_forgery :except => :authnet_relay # @route GET /my-account/invoices def index return if !verify_logged_in @pager =, { 'customer_id' =>, 'status' => '' }, { 'model' => 'Caboose::Invoice', 'sort' => 'invoice_number', 'desc' => 1, 'base_url' => '/my-account/invoices', 'use_url_params' => false }) @invoices = @pager.all_items end # @route GET /my-account/invoices/:id/payment-form def payment_form return if !logged_in? @invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) if @invoice.customer_id != @error = "The given invoice does not belong to you." render :file => 'caboose/extras/error' return end if @invoice.financial_status != Invoice::FINANCIAL_STATUS_PENDING @error = "This invoice does not require payment at this time." render :file => 'caboose/extras/error' return end sc = @site.store_config case sc.pp_name when '' @sim_transaction = sc.authnet_api_login_id, sc.authnet_api_transaction_key,, :relay_response => 'TRUE', :relay_url => "#{sc.authnet_relay_domain}/my-account/invoices/authnet-relay", :transaction_type => 'AUTH_ONLY', :test => sc.pp_testing ) @request = request @show_relay = params[:show_relay] && params[:show_relay].to_i == 1 when 'stripe' # TODO: Implement manual invoice payment for stripe end render :layout => false end # @route POST /my-account/confirm def confirm sc = @site.store_config @invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) # Make sure all the variants still exist @invoice.line_items.each do |li| v = Variant.where(:id => li.variant_id).first if v.nil? || v.status == 'Deleted' render :json => { :error => 'One or more of the products you are purchasing are no longer available.' } return end end error = false requires_payment = @invoice.line_items.count > 0 && > 0 if requires_payment ot = nil Stripe.api_key = sc.stripe_secret_key.strip begin c = Stripe::Charge.create( :amount => ( * 100).to_i, :currency => 'usd', :customer => logged_in_user.stripe_customer_id, :capture => false, :metadata => { :invoice_id => }, :statement_descriptor => "Invoice ##{}" ) rescue Exception => ex render :json => { :error => ex.message } return end ot = Caboose::InvoiceTransaction.create( :invoice_id =>, :transaction_id =>, :transaction_type => c.captured ? Caboose::InvoiceTransaction::TYPE_AUTHCAP : Caboose::InvoiceTransaction::TYPE_AUTHORIZE, :payment_processor => sc.pp_name, :amount => c.amount/100.0, :date_processed =>, :success => c.status == 'succeeded' ) if !ot.success render :json => { :error => error } return else capture_resp = @invoice.capture_funds if capture_resp.success == true @invoice.take_gift_card_funds @invoice.status = Caboose::Invoice::STATUS_PROCESSED end end end @invoice.invoice_number = @site.store_config.next_invoice_number # Send out emails begin InvoicesMailer.configure_for_site( InvoicesMailer.configure_for_site( rescue puts "==================================================================" puts "Error sending out invoice confirmation emails for invoice ID #{}" puts "==================================================================" end # Save the invoice # Decrement quantities of variants @invoice.decrement_quantities render :json => { :success => true, :message => "Thank you for your payment!" } return end # @route GET /my-account/invoices/:id/json def invoice_json return if !logged_in? invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) if invoice.customer_id != render :json => { :error => "The given invoice does not belong to you." } return end if invoice.shipping_address_id.nil? sa = Address.create invoice.shipping_address_id = end render :json => invoice.as_json(:include => [ { :line_items => { :include => { :variant => { :include => :product }}}}, { :invoice_packages => { :include => [:shipping_package, :shipping_method] }}, { :discounts => { :include => :gift_card }}, :customer, :shipping_address, :billing_address, :invoice_transactions ]) end # @route GET /my-account/invoices/:id/print def invoice_pdf invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) if invoice.customer_id != @error = "The given invoice does not belong to you." render :file => 'caboose/extras/error' return end pdf = @site.store_config.custom_invoice_pdf pdf = "InvoicePdf" if pdf.nil? || pdf.strip.length == 0 eval("pdf = #{pdf}.new") pdf.invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) send_data pdf.to_pdf, :filename => "invoice_#{}.pdf", :type => "application/pdf", :disposition => "inline" end # @route GET /my-account/invoices/authnet-relay # @route POST /my-account/invoices/authnet-relay def authnet_relay Caboose.log(" relay for my account, invoice #{params[:x_invoice_id]}") invoice = Caboose::Invoice.find(params[:x_invoice_num]) ot = :invoice_id =>, :date_processed =>, :transaction_type => Caboose::InvoiceTransaction::TYPE_AUTHORIZE ) ot.success = params[:x_response_code] && params[:x_response_code] == '1' ot.transaction_id = params[:x_trans_id] if params[:x_trans_id] ot.auth_code = params[:x_auth_code] if params[:x_auth_code] ot.response_code = params[:x_response_code] if params[:x_response_code] ot.amount = error = nil if ot.success invoice.financial_status = Invoice::FINANCIAL_STATUS_AUTHORIZED invoice.status = Invoice::STATUS_PENDING if invoice.status == Invoice::STATUS_CART invoice.invoice_number = @site.store_config.next_invoice_number if invoice.invoice_number.nil? # Send out emails InvoicesMailer.configure_for_site( # Emit invoice event Caboose.plugin_hook('invoice_authorized', invoice) else invoice.financial_status = Invoice::FINANCIAL_STATUS_PENDING error = "There was a problem processing your payment." end @url = params[:x_after_relay] @url << (ot.success ? "?success=1" : "?error=#{error}") render :layout => false end # @route GET /my-account/invoices/:id/authnet-response # @route POST /my-account/invoices/:id/authnet-response def authnet_response Caboose.log(" response for my account, invoice #{params[:id]}") @resp = @resp.success = true if params[:success] @resp.error = params[:error] if params[:error] # Go ahead and capture funds if the invoice only contained downloadable items @invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) if !@invoice.has_shippable_items? capture_resp = @invoice.capture_funds if capture_resp.error @resp.success = false @resp.error = capture_resp.error end end render :layout => false end # @route GET /my-account/invoices/:id def edit return if !verify_logged_in @invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) if @invoice.customer_id != @error = "The given invoice does not belong to you." render :file => 'caboose/extras/error' return end end end end