require 'spec_helper' describe VCR::Config do def stub_no_http_stubbing_adapter VCR.stub(:http_stubbing_adapter).and_raise(ArgumentError) VCR::Config.stub(:http_stubbing_libraries).and_return([]) end describe '.cassette_library_dir=' do let(:tmp_dir) { VCR::SPEC_ROOT + '/../tmp/cassette_library_dir/new_dir' } after(:each) { FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir } it 'creates the directory if it does not exist' do expect { VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = tmp_dir }.to change { File.exist?(tmp_dir) }.from(false).to(true) end it 'does not raise an error if given nil' do expect { VCR::Config.cassette_library_dir = nil }.to_not raise_error end end describe '.default_cassette_options' do it 'has a hash with some defaults even if it is set to nil' do VCR::Config.default_cassette_options = nil VCR::Config.default_cassette_options.should == { :match_requests_on => VCR::RequestMatcher::DEFAULT_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES, :record => :once } end it "returns #{VCR::RequestMatcher::DEFAULT_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES.inspect} for :match_requests_on when other defaults have been set" do VCR::Config.default_cassette_options = { :record => :none } VCR::Config.default_cassette_options.should include(:match_requests_on => VCR::RequestMatcher::DEFAULT_MATCH_ATTRIBUTES) end it "returns :once for :record when other defaults have been set" do VCR::Config.default_cassette_options = { :erb => :true } VCR::Config.default_cassette_options.should include(:record => :once) end end describe '.stub_with' do it 'stores the given symbols in http_stubbing_libraries' do VCR::Config.stub_with :fakeweb, :typhoeus VCR::Config.http_stubbing_libraries.should == [:fakeweb, :typhoeus] end end describe '.http_stubbing_libraries' do it 'returns an empty array even when the variable is nil' do VCR::Config.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@http_stubbing_libraries) VCR::Config.http_stubbing_libraries.should == [] end end describe '.ignore_hosts' do let(:stubbing_adapter) { VCR::HttpStubbingAdapters::FakeWeb } before(:each) do stubbing_adapter.send(:ignored_hosts).should be_empty VCR.stub(:http_stubbing_adapter => stubbing_adapter) VCR::Config.ignored_hosts.should be_empty end it 'adds the given hosts to the ignored_hosts list' do VCR::Config.ignore_hosts '', '' VCR::Config.ignored_hosts.should == %w[ ] VCR::Config.ignore_host '' VCR::Config.ignored_hosts.should == %w[ ] end it 'removes duplicate hosts' do VCR::Config.ignore_host '' VCR::Config.ignore_host '' VCR::Config.ignored_hosts.should == [''] end it "updates the http_stubbing_adapter's ignored_hosts list" do VCR::Config.ignore_hosts '', '' stubbing_adapter.send(:ignored_hosts).should == %w[ ] end end describe '.ignore_localhost=' do before(:each) do VCR::Config.ignored_hosts.should be_empty end it 'adds the localhost aliases to the ignored_hosts list when set to true' do VCR::Config.ignore_host '' VCR::Config.ignore_localhost = true VCR::Config.ignored_hosts.should == ['', *VCR::LOCALHOST_ALIASES] end it 'removes the localhost aliases from the ignored_hosts list when set to false' do VCR::Config.ignore_host '', *VCR::LOCALHOST_ALIASES VCR::Config.ignore_localhost = false VCR::Config.ignored_hosts.should == [''] end end describe '.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette=' do [true, false].each do |val| it "sets the allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette to #{val} when set to #{val}" do VCR::Config.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = val VCR::Config.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette?.should == val end end it 'sets http_connnections_allowed to the default' do VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should respond_to(:set_http_connections_allowed_to_default) VCR.http_stubbing_adapter.should_receive(:set_http_connections_allowed_to_default) VCR::Config.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true end it "works when the adapter hasn't been set yet" do stub_no_http_stubbing_adapter VCR::Config.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true end end describe '.uri_should_be_ignored?' do before(:each) { described_class.ignore_hosts '' } it 'returns true for a string URI with a host in the ignore_hosts list' do described_class.uri_should_be_ignored?("").should be_true end it 'returns true for a URI instance with a host in the ignore_hosts list' do described_class.uri_should_be_ignored?(URI("")).should be_true end it 'returns false for a string URI with a host in the ignore_hosts list' do described_class.uri_should_be_ignored?("").should be_false end it 'returns false for a URI instance with a host in the ignore_hosts list' do described_class.uri_should_be_ignored?(URI("")).should be_false end end describe '.filter_sensitive_data' do let(:interaction) { mock('interaction') } before(:each) { interaction.stub(:filter!) } it 'adds a before_record hook that replaces the string returned by the block with the given string' do described_class.filter_sensitive_data('foo', &lambda { 'bar' }) interaction.should_receive(:filter!).with('bar', 'foo') described_class.invoke_hook(:before_record, nil, interaction) end it 'adds a before_playback hook that replaces the given string with the string returned by the block' do described_class.filter_sensitive_data('foo', &lambda { 'bar' }) interaction.should_receive(:filter!).with('foo', 'bar') described_class.invoke_hook(:before_playback, nil, interaction) end it 'tags the before_record hook when given a tag' do described_class.should_receive(:before_record).with(:my_tag) described_class.filter_sensitive_data('foo', :my_tag) { 'bar' } end it 'tags the before_playback hook when given a tag' do described_class.should_receive(:before_playback).with(:my_tag) described_class.filter_sensitive_data('foo', :my_tag) { 'bar' } end it 'yields the interaction to the block for the before_record hook' do yielded_interaction = nil described_class.filter_sensitive_data('foo', &lambda { |i| yielded_interaction = i; 'bar' }) described_class.invoke_hook(:before_record, nil, interaction) yielded_interaction.should equal(interaction) end it 'yields the interaction to the block for the before_playback hook' do yielded_interaction = nil described_class.filter_sensitive_data('foo', &lambda { |i| yielded_interaction = i; 'bar' }) described_class.invoke_hook(:before_playback, nil, interaction) yielded_interaction.should equal(interaction) end end end