require "bundler/gem_tasks" desc "(Re-) generate documentation and place it in the docs/ dir. Open the index.html file in there to read it." task :docs => [:"docs:environment", :"docs:yard"] namespace :docs do task :environment do ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "documentation" end require 'yard' :yard do |t| t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb', 'app/*.rb', 'spec/**/*.rb'] t.options = ['-odocs/'] # optional end end task :default => "spec" task :spec => :"spec:run" task :rspec => :spec namespace :spec do task :environment do ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "test" end desc "Run specs" task :run, [:any_args] => :"spec:environment" do |t,args| warn "Entering spec task." any_args = args[:any_args] || "" cmd = "bin/rspec #{any_args}" warn cmd system cmd end end namespace :examples do desc "Run the examples." task :run do exec "bundle exec rackup examples/" end end namespace :cdn do require 'open3' desc "An availability check, for sanity" task :check do require_relative './lib/rack/polymer.rb' Rack::Polymer::CDN.constants.each do |const| url = "#{Rack::Polymer::CDN.const_get(const)}" url = "http:#{url}" unless url.start_with? "http" cmd = "curl -I #{url}" puts cmd puts catch(:status) { Open3.popen3(cmd) do |_,stdout,_| line = stdout.gets throw :status, "Nothing for #{const}" if line.nil? puts line.match("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found") ? "FAILED: #{const}" : "PASSED: #{const}" end } end end end