import Component from "@ember/component"; import { computed } from "@ember/object"; import Preload from "client-app/lib/preload"; import { bool } from "@ember/object/computed"; export default Component.extend({ showSolveAllButton: bool(""), buttons: computed("currentMessage.protected", "showSolveButton", function() { const protect = this.get("currentMessage.protected"); const buttons = []; if (!protect && this.showSolveButton) { buttons.push({ klass: "solve", action: "solve", icon: "check-square-o", label: "Solve", danger: true }); } if (this.showSolveAllButton) { buttons.push({ klass: "solve-all", action: "solveAll", icon: "check-square-o", label: "Solve All", danger: true }); } if (!protect) { buttons.push( { klass: "remove", action: "remove", icon: "trash-o", label: "Remove", danger: true }, { klass: "protect", action: "protect", icon: "lock", label: "Protect" } ); } else { buttons.push({ klass: "unprotect", action: "unprotect", icon: "unlock", label: "Unprotect" }); } buttons.push({ klass: "copy", action: "copyAction", icon: "clipboard", label: "Copy" }); return buttons; }), showSolveButton: computed( "showSolveAllButton", "currentMessage.{canSolve,env}", function() { if (this.showSolveAllButton) return false; // env isn't loaded until you switch to the env tab // so if we don't have env we show the button if // application_version is provided in the config return this.currentMessage.env ? this.currentMessage.canSolve : !!Preload.get("application_version"); } ), copy() { const temp = document.createElement("TEXTAREA"); document.body.appendChild(temp); const header = this.currentMessage.showCount ? `Message (${this.currentMessage.count} copies reported)` : "Message"; const message = `${header}\n\n${this.currentMessage.message}`; const backtrace = `Backtrace\n\n${this.currentMessage.backtrace .split("\n") .slice(0, 10) .join("\n")}`; const httpHosts = Array.isArray(this.currentMessage.env) ? this.currentMessage.env .map(e => e["HTTP_HOST"]) .filter((e, i, a) => e && a.indexOf(e) === i) .join(", ") : this.currentMessage.env["HTTP_HOST"]; const env = httpHosts ? `Env\n\nHTTP HOSTS: ${httpHosts}` : ""; const lines = [message, backtrace, env].filter(l => l).join("\n\n"); temp.value = lines;; document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(temp); }, actions: { tabChanged(newTab) { if (this.onTabChange) { this.onTabChange(newTab); } }, protect() { this.currentMessage.protect(); }, unprotect() { this.currentMessage.unprotect(); }, remove() { this.removeMessage(this.currentMessage); }, solve() { this.solveMessage(this.currentMessage); }, solveAll() { this.currentRow.solveAll(); }, share() { window.location.pathname = this.get("currentMessage.shareUrl"); }, copyAction() { this.copy(); } } });