define("dojox/mobile/parser", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/config", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/ready" ], function(dojo, array, config, lang, win, ready){ // module: // dojox/mobile/parser var dm = lang.getObject("", true); var Parser = function(){ // summary: // A lightweight parser. // description: // dojox/mobile/parser is an extremely small subset of dojo/parser. // It has no additional features over dojo/parser, so there is no // benefit in terms of features by using dojox/mobile/parser instead // of dojo/parser. However, if dojox/mobile/parser's capabilities are // enough for your application, using it could reduce the total code size. var _ctorMap = {}; var getCtor = function(type, mixins){ if(typeof(mixins) === "string"){ var t = type + ":" + mixins.replace(/ /g, ""); return _ctorMap[t] || (_ctorMap[t] = getCtor(type).createSubclass(, */), getCtor))); } return _ctorMap[type] || (_ctorMap[type] = lang.getObject(type) || require(type)); }; var _eval = function(js){ return eval(js); }; this.instantiate = function(/* DomNode[] */nodes, /* Object? */mixin, /* Object? */options){ // summary: // Function for instantiating a list of widget nodes. // nodes: // The list of DomNodes to walk and instantiate widgets on. mixin = mixin || {}; options = options || {}; var i, ws = []; if(nodes){ for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var n = nodes[i], type = n._type, ctor = getCtor(type, n.getAttribute("data-dojo-mixins")), proto = ctor.prototype, params = {}, prop, v, t; lang.mixin(params,, '({'+(n.getAttribute("data-dojo-props")||"")+'})')); lang.mixin(params, options.defaults); lang.mixin(params, mixin); for(prop in proto){ v = n.getAttributeNode(prop); v = v && v.nodeValue; t = typeof proto[prop]; if(!v && (t !== "boolean" || v !== "")){ continue; } if(lang.isArray(proto[prop])){ params[prop] = v.split(/\s*,\s*/); }else if(t === "string"){ params[prop] = v; }else if(t === "number"){ params[prop] = v - 0; }else if(t === "boolean"){ params[prop] = (v !== "false"); }else if(t === "object"){ params[prop] = eval("(" + v + ")"); }else if(t === "function"){ params[prop] = lang.getObject(v, false) || new Function(v); n.removeAttribute(prop); } } params["class"] = n.className; if(!{ =; } v = n.getAttribute("data-dojo-attach-point"); if(v){ params.dojoAttachPoint = v; } v = n.getAttribute("data-dojo-attach-event"); if(v){ params.dojoAttachEvent = v; } var instance = new ctor(params, n); ws.push(instance); var jsId = n.getAttribute("jsId") || n.getAttribute("data-dojo-id"); if(jsId){ lang.setObject(jsId, instance); } } for(i = 0; i < ws.length; i++){ var w = ws[i]; !options.noStart && w.startup && !w._started && w.startup(); } } return ws; }; this.parse = function(/* DomNode */ rootNode, /* Object? */ options){ // summary: // Function to handle parsing for widgets in the current document. // It is not as powerful as the full parser, but it will handle basic // use cases fine. // rootNode: // The root node in the document to parse from if(!rootNode){ rootNode = win.body(); }else if(!options && rootNode.rootNode){ // Case where 'rootNode' is really a params object. options = rootNode; rootNode = rootNode.rootNode; } var nodes = rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*"); var i, j, list = []; for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var n = nodes[i], type = (n._type = n.getAttribute("dojoType") || n.getAttribute("data-dojo-type")); if(type){ if(n._skip){ n._skip = ""; continue; } if(getCtor(type).prototype.stopParser && !(options && options.template)){ var arr = n.getElementsByTagName("*"); for(j = 0; j < arr.length; j++){ arr[j]._skip = "1"; } } list.push(n); } } var mixin = options && options.template ? {template: true} : null; return this.instantiate(list, mixin, options); }; }; // Singleton. (TODO: replace parser class and singleton w/a simple hash of functions) var parser = new Parser(); if(config.parseOnLoad){ ready(100, function(){ // Now that all the modules are loaded, check if the app loaded dojo/parser too. // If it did, let dojo/parser handle the parseOnLoad flag instead of me. try{ if(!require("dojo/parser")){ // IE6 takes this path when dojo/parser unavailable, rather than catch() block below, // due to parser.parse(); } }catch(e){ // Other browsers (and later versions of IE) take this path when dojo/parser unavailable parser.parse(); } }); } dm.parser = parser; // for backward compatibility dojo.parser = dojo.parser || parser; // in case user application calls dojo.parser return parser; });