module "Extensions.Properties" setup: -> test "should initialize property", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty" testView = new TestView ok not _.isUndefined(testView._testProperty), "_testProperty should not be undefined" ok _.isNull(testView._testProperty), "_testProperty should be null" test "should initialize property with default value", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty", default: "foo" testView = new TestView equal testView.testProperty, "foo", "testProperty should equal 'foo'" test "should disallow changes to read-only properties", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty", access: READONLY testView = new TestView testView.testProperty = "foobar" ok _.isNull(testView.testProperty), "testProperty should be null" test "should initialize read-only property with default value", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty", access: READONLY, default: "foobar" testView = new TestView equal testView.testProperty, "foobar", "testProperty should equal 'foobar'" test "should initialize property with custom getter", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty", get: -> "customGetter" testView = new TestView equal testView.testProperty, "customGetter", "testProperty should equal 'customGetter'" test "should initialize property with custom setter", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty", set: (value) -> @__testProperty = "customSetter" testView = new TestView testView.testProperty = "foo" equal testView.testProperty, "customSetter", "testProperty should equal 'customSetter'" test "should initialize property via super()", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty" initialize: (options = {}) -> options.testProperty = "bar" super(options) testView = new TestView equal testView.testProperty, "bar" test "should clone default instead of returning directly when it is an object", -> class TestView extends Cartilage.View @property "testProperty", default: {foo: "bar"} testView1 = new TestView testView2 = new TestView = "baz" equal, "baz" equal, "bar"