module PropertySets module Delegator # methods for moving what was once a literal column on # to a property_set table. # # delegates read, write and query methods to the property record or the property default # # Examples # # # Migrate :is_open to the :settings property set, and rename it :open, # # and migrate :same to property set :same # include PropertySets::Delegator # delegate_to_property_set :settings, :is_open => :open, :same => :same # def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def delegate_to_property_set(setname, mappings) raise "Second argument must be a Hash" unless mappings.is_a?(Hash) unless respond_to?(:delegated_property_set_attributes) class_attribute :delegated_property_set_attributes end self.delegated_property_set_attributes ||= [] mappings.each do |old_attr, new_attr| self.delegated_property_set_attributes << old_attr.to_s if ActiveRecord.version <"5.0") attribute old_attr, else attribute old_attr, end define_method(old_attr) { association = send(setname) type = association.association_class.type(new_attr) association.lookup_value(type, new_attr) } alias_method "#{old_attr}_before_type_cast", old_attr define_method("#{old_attr}?") { send(setname).send("#{new_attr}?") } define_method("#{old_attr}=") do |value| attribute_will_change!(old_attr) if old_attr != value && !defined?(super) send(setname).send("#{new_attr}=", value) super(value) if defined?(super) end define_method("#{old_attr}_changed?") do collection_proxy = send(setname) return false unless collection_proxy.loaded? setting = collection_proxy.lookup_without_default(new_attr) if !setting false # Nothing has been set which means that the attribute hasn't changed elsif setting.new_record? collection_proxy.association_class.default(new_attr) != setting.value else setting.value_changed? end end end # These are not database columns and should not be included in queries but # using the attributes API is the only way to track changes in the main model if respond_to?(:user_provided_columns) self.user_provided_columns.reject!{|k,_| delegated_property_set_attributes.include?(k.to_s) } end end end end end