* Envjs core-env.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
var Envjs = function(){
var i,
override = function(){
for(i=0;i and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author ariel flesler
* http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/11/fast-trim-function-for-javascript.html
* @param {Object} str
function __trim__( str ){
return (str || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" );
* Writes message to system out
* @param {String} message
Envjs.log = function(message){};
* Constants providing enumerated levels for logging in modules
Envjs.DEBUG = 1;
Envjs.INFO = 2;
Envjs.WARN = 3;
Envjs.ERROR = 3;
Envjs.NONE = 3;
* Writes error info out to console
* @param {Error} e
Envjs.lineSource = function(e){};
* TODO: used in ./event/eventtarget.js
* @param {Object} event
Envjs.defaultEventBehaviors = {};
* describes which script src values will trigger Envjs to load
* the script like a browser would
Envjs.scriptTypes = {
"text/javascript" :false,
"text/envjs" :true
* will be called when loading a script throws an error
* @param {Object} script
* @param {Object} e
Envjs.onScriptLoadError = function(script, e){
console.log('error loading script %s %s', script, e);
* load and execute script tag text content
* @param {Object} script
Envjs.loadInlineScript = function(script){
var tmpFile;
tmpFile = Envjs.writeToTempFile(script.text, 'js') ;
* Should evaluate script in some context
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} source
* @param {Object} name
Envjs.eval = function(context, source, name){};
* Executes a script tag
* @param {Object} script
* @param {Object} parser
Envjs.loadLocalScript = function(script){
//console.log("loading script %s", script);
var types,
types = script.type.split(";");
* - Via an innerHTML parse of a
* - A modificiation of the 'src' attribute of an Image/HTMLImageElement
* NOTE: this is optional API. If this doesn't exist then the default
* 'loaded' event occurs.
* @param node {Object} the node
* @param node the src value
* @return 'true' to indicate the 'load' succeed, false otherwise
Envjs.loadImage = function(node, src) {
return true;
* A 'link' was requested by the document. Typically this occurs when:
* - During inital parse of a
* - Via an innerHTML parse of a
* - A modificiation of the 'href' attribute on a node in the tree
* @param node {Object} is the link node in question
* @param href {String} is the href.
* Return 'true' to indicate that the 'load' was successful, or false
* otherwise. The appropriate event is then triggered.
* NOTE: this is optional API. If this doesn't exist then the default
* 'loaded' event occurs
Envjs.loadLink = function(node, href) {
return true;
* cookie handling
* Private internal helper class used to save/retreive cookies
* Specifies the location of the cookie file
Envjs.cookieFile = function(){
return 'file://'+Envjs.homedir+'/.cookies';
* saves cookies to a local file
* @param {Object} htmldoc
Envjs.saveCookies = function(){
var cookiejson = JSON.stringify(Envjs.cookies.peristent,null,'\t');
//console.log('persisting cookies %s', cookiejson);
Envjs.writeToFile(cookiejson, Envjs.cookieFile());
* loads cookies from a local file
* @param {Object} htmldoc
Envjs.loadCookies = function(){
var cookiejson,
cookiejson = Envjs.readFromFile(Envjs.cookieFile())
js = JSON.parse(cookiejson, null, '\t');
//console.log('failed to load cookies %s', e);
js = {};
return js;
Envjs.cookies = {
//domain - key on domain name {
//path - key on path {
//name - key on name {
//value : cookie value
//other cookie properties
//expire - provides a timestamp for expiring the cookie
//cookie - the cookie!
temporary:{//transient is a reserved word :(
//like above
var __cookies__;
//HTMLDocument cookie
Envjs.setCookie = function(url, cookie){
var i,
properties = {},
url = Envjs.urlsplit(url);
attrs = cookie.split(";");
//for now the strategy is to simply create a json object
//and post it to a file in the .cookies.js file. I hate parsing
//dates so I decided not to implement support for 'expires'
//(which is deprecated) and instead focus on the easier 'max-age'
//(which succeeds 'expires')
cookie = {};//keyword properties of the cookie
cookie['domain'] = url.hostname;
cookie['path'] = url.path||'/';
for(i=0;i -1){
name = __trim__(attrs[i].slice(0,index));
value = __trim__(attrs[i].slice(index+1));
//we'll have to when to check these
//and garbage collect expired cookies
cookie[name] = parseInt(value, 10);
} else if( name == 'domain' ){
if(__domainValid__(url, value)){
cookie['domain'] = value;
} else if( name == 'path' ){
//not sure of any special logic for path
cookie['path'] = value;
} else {
//its not a cookie keyword so store it in our array of properties
//and we'll serialize individually in a moment
properties[name] = value;
if( attrs[i] == 'secure' ){
cookie[attrs[i]] = true;
if(!('max-age' in cookie)){
//it's a transient cookie so it only lasts as long as
//the window.location remains the same (ie in-memory cookie)
__mergeCookie__(Envjs.cookies.temporary, cookie, properties);
//the cookie is persistent
__mergeCookie__(Envjs.cookies.persistent, cookie, properties);
function __domainValid__(url, value){
var i,
domainParts = url.hostname.split('.').reverse(),
newDomainParts = value.split('.').reverse();
if(newDomainParts.length > 1){
for(i=0;i -1) {
for (name in cookies[domain][path]) {
// console.log('cookie domain path name %s', name);
cookieString +=
((i++ > 0)?'; ':'') +
name + "=" +
return cookieString;
function __mergeCookie__(target, cookie, properties){
var name, now;
target[cookie.domain] = {};
target[cookie.domain][cookie.path] = {};
for(name in properties){
now = new Date().getTime();
target[cookie.domain][cookie.path][name] = {
"expiration":(cookie['max-age']===0) ?
0 :
now + cookie['max-age']
//console.log('cookie is %o',target[cookie.domain][cookie.path][name]);
})();//end cookies
Public Domain.
See http://www.JSON.org/js.html
This code should be minified before deployment.
See http://javascript.crockford.com/jsmin.html
try{ JSON; }catch(e){
JSON = function () {
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';
String.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return String(this);
Number.prototype.toJSON =
Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return this.valueOf();
var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
escapeable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
meta = { // table of character substitutions
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
function quote(string) {
escapeable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapeable.test(string) ?
'"' + string.replace(escapeable, function (a) {
var c = meta[a];
if (typeof c === 'string') {
return c;
return '\\u' + ('0000' +
}) + '"' :
'"' + string + '"';
function str(key, holder) {
var i, // The loop counter.
k, // The member key.
v, // The member value.
mind = gap,
value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
value = value.toJSON(key);
if (typeof rep === 'function') {
value = rep.call(holder, key, value);
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value);
case 'number':
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
case 'boolean':
case 'null':
return String(value);
case 'object':
if (!value) {
return 'null';
gap += indent;
partial = [];
if (typeof value.length === 'number' &&
!(value.propertyIsEnumerable('length'))) {
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' :
gap ? '[\n' + gap +
partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
mind + ']' :
'[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
gap = mind;
return v;
if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
k = rep[i];
if (typeof k === 'string') {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
} else {
for (k in value) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' :
gap ? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
mind + '}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
gap = mind;
return v;
return {
stringify: function (value, replacer, space) {
var i;
gap = '';
indent = '';
if (typeof space === 'number') {
for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
indent += ' ';
} else if (typeof space === 'string') {
indent = space;
rep = replacer;
if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
(typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
return str('', {'': value});
parse: function (text, reviver) {
var j;
function walk(holder, key) {
var k, v, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
for (k in value) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) {
v = walk(value, k);
if (v !== undefined) {
value[k] = v;
} else {
delete value[k];
return reviver.call(holder, key, value);
cx.lastIndex = 0;
if (cx.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
return '\\u' + ('0000' +
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.
test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@').
replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').
replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
j = eval('(' + text + ')');
return typeof reviver === 'function' ?
walk({'': j}, '') : j;
throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');
* synchronizes thread modifications
* @param {Function} fn
Envjs.sync = function(fn){};
* sleep thread for specified duration
* @param {Object} millseconds
Envjs.sleep = function(millseconds){};
* Interval to wait on event loop when nothing is happening
Envjs.WAIT_INTERVAL = 20;//milliseconds
* Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Galbreath
* http://code.google.com/p/stringencoders/source/browse/#svn/trunk/javascript
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* url processing in the spirit of python's urlparse module
* see `pydoc urlparse` or
* http://docs.python.org/library/urlparse.html
* urlsplit: break apart a URL into components
* urlunsplit: reconsistute a URL from componets
* urljoin: join an absolute and another URL
* urldefrag: remove the fragment from a URL
* Take a look at the tests in urlparse-test.html
* On URL Normalization:
* urlsplit only does minor normalization the components Only scheme
* and hostname are lowercased urljoin does a bit more, normalizing
* paths with "." and "..".
* urlnormalize adds additional normalization
* * removes default port numbers
* http://abc.com:80/ -> http://abc.com/, etc
* * normalizes path
* http://abc.com -> http://abc.com/
* and other "." and ".." cleanups
* * if file, remove query and fragment
* It does not do:
* * normalizes escaped hex values
* http://abc.com/%7efoo -> http://abc.com/%7Efoo
* * normalize '+' <--> '%20'
* Differences with Python
* The javascript urlsplit returns a normal object with the following
* properties: scheme, netloc, hostname, port, path, query, fragment.
* All properties are read-write.
* In python, the resulting object is not a dict, but a specialized,
* read-only, and has alternative tuple interface (e.g. obj[0] ==
* obj.scheme). It's not clear why such a simple function requires
* a unique datastructure.
* urlunsplit in javascript takes an duck-typed object,
* { scheme: 'http', netloc: 'abc.com', ...}
* while in * python it takes a list-like object.
* ['http', 'abc.com'... ]
* For all functions, the javascript version use
* hostname+port if netloc is missing. In python
* hostname+port were always ignored.
* Similar functionality in different languages:
* http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php
* returns assocative array but cannot handle relative URL
* TODO: test allowfragments more
* TODO: test netloc missing, but hostname present
var urlparse = {};
// Unlike to be useful standalone
// NORMALIZE PATH with "../" and "./"
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_normalization
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3
urlparse.normalizepath = function(path)
if (!path || path === '/') {
return '/';
var parts = path.split('/');
var newparts = [];
// make sure path always starts with '/'
if (parts[0]) {
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (parts[i] === '..') {
if (newparts.length > 1) {
} else {
} else if (parts[i] != '.') {
path = newparts.join('/');
if (!path) {
path = '/';
return path;
// Does many of the normalizations that the stock
// python urlsplit/urlunsplit/urljoin neglects
// Doesn't do hex-escape normalization on path or query
// %7e -> %7E
// Nor, '+' <--> %20 translation
urlparse.urlnormalize = function(url)
var parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url);
switch (parts.scheme) {
case 'file':
// files can't have query strings
// and we don't bother with fragments
parts.query = '';
parts.fragment = '';
case 'http':
case 'https':
// remove default port
if ((parts.scheme === 'http' && parts.port == 80) ||
(parts.scheme === 'https' && parts.port == 443)) {
parts.port = null;
// hostname is already lower case
parts.netloc = parts.hostname;
// if we don't have specific normalizations for this
// scheme, return the original url unmolested
return url;
// for [file|http|https]. Not sure about other schemes
parts.path = urlparse.normalizepath(parts.path);
return urlparse.urlunsplit(parts);
urlparse.urldefrag = function(url)
var idx = url.indexOf('#');
if (idx == -1) {
return [ url, '' ];
} else {
return [ url.substr(0,idx), url.substr(idx+1) ];
urlparse.urlsplit = function(url, default_scheme, allow_fragments)
var leftover;
if (typeof allow_fragments === 'undefined') {
allow_fragments = true;
// scheme (optional), host, port
var fullurl = /^([A-Za-z]+)?(:?\/\/)([0-9.\-A-Za-z]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/;
// path, query, fragment
var parse_leftovers = /([^?#]*)?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/;
var o = {};
var parts = url.match(fullurl);
if (parts) {
o.scheme = parts[1] || default_scheme || '';
o.hostname = parts[3].toLowerCase() || '';
o.port = parseInt(parts[4],10) || '';
// Probably should grab the netloc from regexp
// and then parse again for hostname/port
o.netloc = parts[3];
if (parts[4]) {
o.netloc += ':' + parts[4];
leftover = parts[5];
} else {
o.scheme = default_scheme || '';
o.netloc = '';
o.hostname = '';
leftover = url;
o.scheme = o.scheme.toLowerCase();
parts = leftover.match(parse_leftovers);
o.path = parts[1] || '';
o.query = parts[2] || '';
if (allow_fragments) {
o.fragment = parts[3] || '';
} else {
o.fragment = '';
return o;
urlparse.urlunsplit = function(o) {
var s = '';
if (o.scheme) {
s += o.scheme + '://';
if (o.netloc) {
if (s == '') {
s += '//';
s += o.netloc;
} else if (o.hostname) {
// extension. Python only uses netloc
if (s == '') {
s += '//';
s += o.hostname;
if (o.port) {
s += ':' + o.port;
if (o.path) {
s += o.path;
if (o.query) {
s += '?' + o.query;
if (o.fragment) {
s += '#' + o.fragment;
return s;
urlparse.urljoin = function(base, url, allow_fragments)
if (typeof allow_fragments === 'undefined') {
allow_fragments = true;
var url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url);
// if url parts has a scheme (i.e. absolute)
// then nothing to do
if (url_parts.scheme) {
if (! allow_fragments) {
return url;
} else {
return urlparse.urldefrag(url)[0];
var base_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(base);
// copy base, only if not present
if (!base_parts.scheme) {
base_parts.scheme = url_parts.scheme;
// copy netloc, only if not present
if (!base_parts.netloc || !base_parts.hostname) {
base_parts.netloc = url_parts.netloc;
base_parts.hostname = url_parts.hostname;
base_parts.port = url_parts.port;
// paths
if (url_parts.path.length > 0) {
if (url_parts.path.charAt(0) == '/') {
base_parts.path = url_parts.path;
} else {
// relative path.. get rid of "current filename" and
// replace. Same as var parts =
// base_parts.path.split('/'); parts[parts.length-1] =
// url_parts.path; base_parts.path = parts.join('/');
var idx = base_parts.path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (idx == -1) {
base_parts.path = url_parts.path;
} else {
base_parts.path = base_parts.path.substr(0,idx) + '/' +
// clean up path
base_parts.path = urlparse.normalizepath(base_parts.path);
// copy query string
base_parts.query = url_parts.query;
// copy fragments
if (allow_fragments) {
base_parts.fragment = url_parts.fragment;
} else {
base_parts.fragment = '';
return urlparse.urlunsplit(base_parts);
* getcwd - named after posix call of same name (see 'man 2 getcwd')
Envjs.getcwd = function() {
return '.';
* resolves location relative to doc location
* @param {Object} path Relative or absolute URL
* @param {Object} base (semi-optional) The base url used in resolving "path" above
Envjs.uri = function(path, base) {
//console.log('constructing uri from path %s and base %s', path, base);
// Semi-common trick is to make an iframe with src='javascript:false'
// (or some equivalent). By returning '', the load is skipped
if (path.indexOf('javascript') === 0) {
return '';
// if path is absolute, then just normalize and return
if (path.match('^[a-zA-Z]+://')) {
return urlparse.urlnormalize(path);
// interesting special case, a few very large websites use
// '//foo/bar/' to mean 'http://foo/bar'
if (path.match('^//')) {
path = 'http:' + path;
// if base not passed in, try to get it from document
// Ideally I would like the caller to pass in document.baseURI to
// make this more self-sufficient and testable
if (!base && document) {
base = document.baseURI;
// about:blank doesn't count
if (base === 'about:blank'){
base = '';
// if base is still empty, then we are in QA mode loading local
// files. Get current working directory
if (!base) {
base = 'file://' + Envjs.getcwd() + '/';
// handles all cases if path is abosulte or relative to base
// 3rd arg is "false" --> remove fragments
var newurl = urlparse.urlnormalize(urlparse.urljoin(base, path, false));
return newurl;
* Used in the XMLHttpRquest implementation to run a
* request in a seperate thread
* @param {Object} fn
Envjs.runAsync = function(fn){};
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.writeToFile = function(text, url){};
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} suffix
Envjs.writeToTempFile = function(text, suffix){};
* Used to read the contents of a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.readFromFile = function(url){};
* Used to delete a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.deleteFile = function(url){};
* establishes connection and calls responsehandler
* @param {Object} xhr
* @param {Object} responseHandler
* @param {Object} data
Envjs.connection = function(xhr, responseHandler, data){};
__extend__(Envjs, urlparse);
* Makes an object window-like by proxying object accessors
* @param {Object} scope
* @param {Object} parent
Envjs.proxy = function(scope, parent, aliasList){};
Envjs.javaEnabled = false;
Envjs.homedir = '';
Envjs.tmpdir = '';
Envjs.os_name = '';
Envjs.os_arch = '';
Envjs.os_version = '';
Envjs.lang = '';
Envjs.platform = '';
* @param {Object} frameElement
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.loadFrame = function(frame, url){
try {
//mark for garbage collection
frame.contentWindow = null;
//create a new scope for the window proxy
//platforms will need to override this function
//to make sure the scope is global-like
frame.contentWindow = (function(){return this;})();
new Window(frame.contentWindow, window);
//I dont think frames load asynchronously in firefox
//and I think the tests have verified this but for
//some reason I'm less than confident... Are there cases?
frame.contentDocument = frame.contentWindow.document;
frame.contentDocument.async = false;
//console.log('envjs.loadFrame async %s', frame.contentDocument.async);
frame.contentWindow.location = url;
} catch(e) {
console.log("failed to load frame content: from %s %s", url, e);
// The following are in rhino/window.js
// TODO: Envjs.unloadFrame
// TODO: Envjs.proxy
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri http://www.envjs.com/
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs rhino-env.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
var __context__ = Packages.org.mozilla.javascript.Context.getCurrentContext();
Envjs.platform = "Rhino";
Envjs.revision = "1.7.0.rc2";
* Envjs rhino-env.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* Writes message to system out.
* Some sites redefine 'print' as in 'window.print', so instead of
* printing to stdout, you are popping open a new window, which might
* call print, etc, etc,etc This can cause infinite loops and can
* exhausing all memory.
* By defining this upfront now, Envjs.log will always call the native 'print'
* function
* @param {Object} message
Envjs.log = print;
Envjs.lineSource = function(e){
return e&&e.rhinoException?e.rhinoException.lineSource():"(line ?)";
* load and execute script tag text content
* @param {Object} script
Envjs.loadInlineScript = function(script){
'eval('+script.text.substring(0,16)+'...):'+new Date().getTime()
'eval('+script.text.substring(0,16)+'...):'+new Date().getTime()
//console.log('evaluated at scope %s \n%s',
// script.ownerDocument.ownerWindow.guid, script.text);
Envjs.eval = function(context, source, name){
//Temporary patch for parser module
* Rhino provides a very succinct 'sync'
* @param {Function} fn
Envjs.sync = sync;
Envjs.spawn = spawn;
} catch(e){
//sync unavailable on AppEngine
Envjs.sync = function(fn){
//console.log('Threadless platform, sync is safe');
return fn;
Envjs.spawn = function(fn){
//console.log('Threadless platform, spawn shares main thread.');
return fn();
* sleep thread for specified duration
* @param {Object} millseconds
Envjs.sleep = function(millseconds){
console.log('Threadless platform, cannot sleep.');
* provides callback hook for when the system exits
Envjs.onExit = function(callback){
var rhino = Packages.org.mozilla.javascript,
contextFactory = __context__.getFactory(),
listener = new rhino.ContextFactory.Listener({
contextReleased: function(context){
if(context === __context__)
console.log('context released', context);
* Get 'Current Working Directory'
Envjs.getcwd = function() {
return java.lang.System.getProperty('user.dir');
* @param {Object} fn
* @param {Object} onInterupt
Envjs.runAsync = function(fn, onInterupt){
////Envjs.debug("running async");
var running = true,
run = Envjs.sync(function(){
console.log("error while running async operation", e);
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.writeToFile = function(text, url){
//Envjs.debug("writing text to url : " + url);
var out = new java.io.FileWriter(
new java.io.File(
new java.net.URI(url.toString())));
out.write( text, 0, text.length );
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} suffix
Envjs.writeToTempFile = function(text, suffix){
//Envjs.debug("writing text to temp url : " + suffix);
// Create temp file.
var temp = java.io.File.createTempFile("envjs-tmp", suffix);
// Delete temp file when program exits.
// Write to temp file
var out = new java.io.FileWriter(temp);
out.write(text, 0, text.length);
return temp.getAbsolutePath().toString()+'';
* Used to read the contents of a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.readFromFile = function( url ){
var fileReader = new java.io.FileReader(
new java.io.File(
new java.net.URI( url )));
var stringwriter = new java.io.StringWriter(),
buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Character.TYPE, 1024),
while ((length = fileReader.read(buffer, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
stringwriter.write(buffer, 0, length);
return stringwriter.toString()+"";
* Used to delete a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.deleteFile = function(url){
var file = new java.io.File( new java.net.URI( url ) );
* establishes connection and calls responsehandler
* @param {Object} xhr
* @param {Object} responseHandler
* @param {Object} data
Envjs.connection = function(xhr, responseHandler, data){
var url = java.net.URL(xhr.url),
binary = false,
name, value,
if ( /^file\:/.test(url) ) {
if ( "PUT" == xhr.method || "POST" == xhr.method ) {
data = data || "" ;
Envjs.writeToFile(data, url);
xhr.readyState = 4;
//could be improved, I just cant recall the correct http codes
xhr.status = 200;
xhr.statusText = "";
} else if ( xhr.method == "DELETE" ) {
xhr.readyState = 4;
//could be improved, I just cant recall the correct http codes
xhr.status = 200;
xhr.statusText = "";
} else {
connection = url.openConnection();
//try to add some canned headers that make sense
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/html';
}else if(xhr.url.match(/.xml$/)){
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/xml';
}else if(xhr.url.match(/.js$/)){
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/javascript';
}else if(xhr.url.match(/.json$/)){
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'application/json';
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/plain';
//xhr.responseHeaders['Last-Modified'] = connection.getLastModified();
//xhr.responseHeaders['Content-Length'] = headerValue+'';
//xhr.responseHeaders['Date'] = new Date()+'';*/
console.log('failed to load response headers',e);
console.log('failed to open file %s %s', url, e);
connection = null;
xhr.readyState = 4;
xhr.statusText = "Local File Protocol Error";
xhr.responseText = "
"+ e+ "
} else {
connection = url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestMethod( xhr.method );
// Add headers to Java connection
for (header in xhr.headers){
connection.addRequestProperty(header+'', xhr.headers[header]+'');
//write data to output stream if required
if(data instanceof Document){
if ( xhr.method == "PUT" || xhr.method == "POST" ) {
outstream = connection.getOutputStream(),
xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(data);
buffer = new java.lang.String(xml).getBytes('UTF-8');
outstream.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
}else if(data.length&&data.length>0){
if ( xhr.method == "PUT" || xhr.method == "POST" ) {
outstream = connection.getOutputStream();
buffer = new java.lang.String(data).getBytes('UTF-8');
outstream.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
length = connection.getHeaderFields().size();
// Stick the response headers into responseHeaders
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
name = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(i);
value = connection.getHeaderField(i);
if (name)
xhr.responseHeaders[name+''] = value+'';
console.log('failed to load response headers \n%s',e);
xhr.readyState = 4;
xhr.status = parseInt(connection.responseCode,10) || undefined;
xhr.statusText = connection.responseMessage || "";
contentEncoding = connection.getContentEncoding() || "utf-8";
instream = null;
responseXML = null;
//console.log('contentEncoding %s', contentEncoding);
if( contentEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip") ||
//zipped content
binary = true;
outstream = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream();
buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Byte.TYPE, 1024);
instream = new java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream(connection.getInputStream())
//this is a text file
outstream = new java.io.StringWriter();
buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Character.TYPE, 1024);
instream = new java.io.InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream());
if (connection.getResponseCode() == 404){
console.log('failed to open connection stream \n %s %s',
e.toString(), e);
console.log('failed to open connection stream \n %s %s',
e.toString(), e);
instream = connection.getErrorStream();
while ((length = instream.read(buffer, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
outstream.write(buffer, 0, length);
xhr.responseText = new String(outstream.toByteArray(), 'UTF-8')+'';
xhr.responseText = outstream.toString()+'';
//Envjs.debug('calling ajax response handler');
//Since we're running in rhino I guess we can safely assume
//java is 'enabled'. I'm sure this requires more thought
//than I've given it here
Envjs.javaEnabled = true;
Envjs.homedir = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.home");
Envjs.tmpdir = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
Envjs.os_name = java.lang.System.getProperty("os.name");
Envjs.os_arch = java.lang.System.getProperty("os.arch");
Envjs.os_version = java.lang.System.getProperty("os.version");
Envjs.lang = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.lang");
* @param {Object} frameElement
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.loadFrame = function(frame, url){
try {
//mark for garbage collection
frame.contentWindow = null;
//create a new scope for the window proxy
frame.contentWindow = Envjs.proxy();
new Window(frame.contentWindow, window);
//I dont think frames load asynchronously in firefox
//and I think the tests have verified this but for
//some reason I'm less than confident... Are there cases?
frame.contentDocument = frame.contentWindow.document;
frame.contentDocument.async = false;
//console.log('envjs.loadFrame async %s', frame.contentDocument.async);
frame.contentWindow.location = url;
} catch(e) {
console.log("failed to load frame content: from %s %s", url, e);
* unloadFrame
* @param {Object} frame
Envjs.unloadFrame = function(frame){
var all, length, i;
//TODO: probably self-referencing structures within a document tree
//preventing it from being entirely garbage collected once orphaned.
//Should have code to walk tree and break all links between contained
frame.contentDocument = null;
* Makes an object window-like by proxying object accessors
* @param {Object} scope
* @param {Object} parent
Envjs.proxy = function(scope, parent) {
if(scope+'' == '[object global]'){
return scope
return __context__.initStandardObjects();
console.log('failed to init standard objects %s %s \n%s', scope, parent, e);
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri http://www.envjs.com/
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* @author envjs team
var Console,
* Envjs console.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author envjs team
* borrowed 99%-ish with love from firebug-lite
* http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Console
Console = function(module){
var $level,
$null = function(){};
if(Envjs[module] && Envjs[module].loglevel){
$level = Envjs.module.loglevel;
$logger = {
log: function(level){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" ");
debug: $level>1 ? $null: function() {
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" debug");
info: $level>2 ? $null:function(){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" info");
warn: $level>3 ? $null:function(){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" warning");
error: $level>4 ? $null:function(){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" error");
} else {
$logger = {
log: function(level){
logFormatted(arguments, "");
debug: $null,
info: $null,
warn: $null,
error: $null
return $logger;
console = new Console("console",1);
function logFormatted(objects, className)
var html = [];
var format = objects[0];
var objIndex = 0;
if (typeof(format) != "string")
format = "";
objIndex = -1;
var parts = parseFormat(format);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i)
var part = parts[i];
if (part && typeof(part) == "object")
var object = objects[++objIndex];
part.appender(object, html);
else {
appendText(part, html);
for (var i = objIndex+1; i < objects.length; ++i)
appendText(" ", html);
var object = objects[i];
if (typeof(object) == "string") {
appendText(object, html);
} else {
appendObject(object, html);
Envjs.log(html.join(' '));
function parseFormat(format)
var parts = [];
var reg = /((^%|[^\\]%)(\d+)?(\.)([a-zA-Z]))|((^%|[^\\]%)([a-zA-Z]))/;
var appenderMap = {s: appendText, d: appendInteger, i: appendInteger, f: appendFloat};
for (var m = reg.exec(format); m; m = reg.exec(format))
var type = m[8] ? m[8] : m[5];
var appender = type in appenderMap ? appenderMap[type] : appendObject;
var precision = m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : (m[4] == "." ? -1 : 0);
parts.push(format.substr(0, m[0][0] == "%" ? m.index : m.index+1));
parts.push({appender: appender, precision: precision});
format = format.substr(m.index+m[0].length);
return parts;
function escapeHTML(value)
return value;
function objectToString(object)
return object+"";
catch (exc)
return null;
// ********************************************************************************************
function appendText(object, html)
function appendNull(object, html)
function appendString(object, html)
function appendInteger(object, html)
function appendFloat(object, html)
function appendFunction(object, html)
var reName = /function ?(.*?)\(/;
var m = reName.exec(objectToString(object));
var name = m ? m[1] : "function";
function appendObject(object, html)
if (object == undefined) {
appendNull("undefined", html);
} else if (object == null) {
appendNull("null", html);
} else if (typeof object == "string") {
appendString(object, html);
} else if (typeof object == "number") {
appendInteger(object, html);
} else if (typeof object == "function") {
appendFunction(object, html);
} else if (object.nodeType == 1) {
appendSelector(object, html);
} else if (typeof object == "object") {
appendObjectFormatted(object, html);
} else {
appendText(object, html);
catch (exc)
function appendObjectFormatted(object, html)
var text = objectToString(object);
var reObject = /\[object (.*?)\]/;
var m = reObject.exec(text);
html.push( m ? m[1] : text);
function appendSelector(object, html)
if (object.id) {
if (object.className) {
function appendNode(node, html)
if (node.nodeType == 1)
html.push( node.nodeName.toLowerCase());
for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i)
var attr = node.attributes[i];
if (!attr.specified) {
html.push( attr.nodeName.toLowerCase(),escapeHTML(attr.nodeValue));
if (node.firstChild)
for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {
appendNode(child, html);
html.push( node.nodeName.toLowerCase());
else if (node.nodeType === 3)
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri http://www.envjs.com/
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs dom.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* Parts of the implementation were originally written by:\
* and Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au) \
* and David Joham (djoham@yahoo.com)",\
* and Scott Severtson
* This file simply provides the global definitions we need to \
* be able to correctly implement to core browser DOM interfaces."
var Attr,
* Envjs dom.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* @class NodeList -
* provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes
* @param ownerDocument : Document - the ownerDocument
* @param parentNode : Node - the node that the NodeList is attached to (or null)
NodeList = function(ownerDocument, parentNode) {
this.length = 0;
this.parentNode = parentNode;
this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
this._readonly = false;
__setArray__(this, []);
__extend__(NodeList.prototype, {
item : function(index) {
var ret = null;
if ((index >= 0) && (index < this.length)) {
// bounds check
ret = this[index];
// if the index is out of bounds, default value null is returned
return ret;
get xml() {
var ret = "",
// create string containing the concatenation of the string values of each child
for (i=0; i < this.length; i++) {
if(this[i].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && i>0 &&
this[i-1].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE){
//add a single space between adjacent text nodes
ret += " "+this[i].xml;
ret += this[i].xml;
return ret;
toArray: function () {
var children = [],
for ( i=0; i < this.length; i++) {
children.push (this[i]);
return children;
toString: function(){
return "[object NodeList]";
* @method __findItemIndex__
* find the item index of the node
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param node : Node
* @return : int
var __findItemIndex__ = function (nodelist, node) {
var ret = -1, i;
for (i=0; i= 0) && (refChildIndex <= nodelist.length)) {
// bounds check
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// node is a DocumentFragment
// append the children of DocumentFragment
[refChildIndex, 0].concat(newChild.childNodes.toArray()));
else {
// append the newChild
Array.prototype.splice.apply(nodelist,[refChildIndex, 0, newChild]);
* @method __replaceChild__
* replace the specified Node in the NodeList at the specified index
* Used by Node.replaceChild(). Note: Node.replaceChild() is responsible
* for Node Pointer surgery __replaceChild__ simply modifies the internal
* data structure (Array).
* @param newChild : Node - the Node to be inserted
* @param refChildIndex : int - the array index to hold the Node
var __replaceChild__ = function(nodelist, newChild, refChildIndex) {
var ret = null;
// bounds check
if ((refChildIndex >= 0) && (refChildIndex < nodelist.length)) {
// preserve old child for return
ret = nodelist[refChildIndex];
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// node is a DocumentFragment
// get array containing children prior to refChild
[refChildIndex, 1].concat(newChild.childNodes.toArray()));
else {
// simply replace node in array (links between Nodes are
// made at higher level)
nodelist[refChildIndex] = newChild;
// return replaced node
return ret;
* @method __removeChild__
* remove the specified Node in the NodeList at the specified index
* Used by Node.removeChild(). Note: Node.removeChild() is responsible
* for Node Pointer surgery __removeChild__ simply modifies the internal
* data structure (Array).
* @param refChildIndex : int - the array index holding the Node to be removed
var __removeChild__ = function(nodelist, refChildIndex) {
var ret = null;
if (refChildIndex > -1) {
// found it!
// return removed node
ret = nodelist[refChildIndex];
// rebuild array without removed child
Array.prototype.splice.apply(nodelist,[refChildIndex, 1]);
// return removed node
return ret;
* @method __appendChild__
* append the specified Node to the NodeList. Used by Node.appendChild().
* Note: Node.appendChild() is responsible for Node Pointer surgery
* __appendChild__ simply modifies the internal data structure (Array).
* @param newChild : Node - the Node to be inserted
var __appendChild__ = function(nodelist, newChild) {
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// node is a DocumentFragment
// append the children of DocumentFragment
Array.prototype.push.apply(nodelist, newChild.childNodes.toArray() );
} else {
// simply add node to array (links between Nodes are made at higher level)
Array.prototype.push.apply(nodelist, [newChild]);
* @method __cloneNodes__ -
* Returns a NodeList containing clones of the Nodes in this NodeList
* @param deep : boolean -
* If true, recursively clone the subtree under each of the nodes;
* if false, clone only the nodes themselves (and their attributes,
* if it is an Element).
* @param parentNode : Node - the new parent of the cloned NodeList
* @return : NodeList - NodeList containing clones of the Nodes in this NodeList
var __cloneNodes__ = function(nodelist, deep, parentNode) {
var cloneNodeList = new NodeList(nodelist.ownerDocument, parentNode);
// create list containing clones of each child
for (var i=0; i < nodelist.length; i++) {
__appendChild__(cloneNodeList, nodelist[i].cloneNode(deep));
return cloneNodeList;
var __ownerDocument__ = function(node){
return (node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)?node:node.ownerDocument;
* @class Node -
* The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire
* Document Object Model. It represents a single node in the
* document tree.
* @param ownerDocument : Document - The Document object associated with this node.
Node = function(ownerDocument) {
this.baseURI = 'about:blank';
this.namespaceURI = null;
this.nodeName = "";
this.nodeValue = null;
// A NodeList that contains all children of this node. If there are no
// children, this is a NodeList containing no nodes. The content of the
// returned NodeList is "live" in the sense that, for instance, changes to
// the children of the node object that it was created from are immediately
// reflected in the nodes returned by the NodeList accessors; it is not a
// static snapshot of the content of the node. This is true for every
// NodeList, including the ones returned by the getElementsByTagName method.
this.childNodes = new NodeList(ownerDocument, this);
// The first child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null
this.firstChild = null;
// The last child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
this.lastChild = null;
// The node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node,
// this is null.
this.previousSibling = null;
// The node immediately following this node. If there is no such node,
// this is null.
this.nextSibling = null;
this.attributes = null;
// The namespaces in scope for this node
this._namespaces = new NamespaceNodeMap(ownerDocument, this);
this._readonly = false;
//IMPORTANT: These must come last so rhino will not iterate parent
// properties before child properties. (qunit.equiv issue)
// The parent of this node. All nodes, except Document, DocumentFragment,
// and Attr may have a parent. However, if a node has just been created
// and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree,
// this is null
this.parentNode = null;
// The Document object associated with this node
this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
// nodeType constants
Node.TEXT_NODE = 3;
__extend__(Node.prototype, {
get localName(){
return this.prefix?
this.nodeName.substring(this.prefix.length+1, this.nodeName.length):
get prefix(){
return this.nodeName.split(':').length>1?
set prefix(value){
if(value === null){
this.nodeName = this.localName;
this.nodeName = value+':'+this.localName;
hasAttributes : function() {
if (this.attributes.length == 0) {
return false;
return true;
get textContent(){
return __recursivelyGatherText__(this);
set textContent(newText){
while(this.firstChild != null){
this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
var text = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newText);
insertBefore : function(newChild, refChild) {
var prevNode;
return newChild;
return this.newChild;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
// if refChild is specified, insert before it
if (refChild) {
// find index of refChild
var itemIndex = __findItemIndex__(this.childNodes, refChild);
// throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// if the newChild is already in the tree,
var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
if (newChildParent) {
// remove it
// insert newChild into childNodes
__insertBefore__(this.childNodes, newChild, itemIndex);
// do node pointer surgery
prevNode = refChild.previousSibling;
// handle DocumentFragment
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
// set the parentNode of DocumentFragment's children
for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes.length; ind++) {
newChild.childNodes[ind].parentNode = this;
// link refChild to last child of DocumentFragment
refChild.previousSibling = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
}else {
// set the parentNode of the newChild
newChild.parentNode = this;
// link refChild to newChild
refChild.previousSibling = newChild;
}else {
// otherwise, append to end
prevNode = this.lastChild;
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
if (prevNode) {
prevNode.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes[0];
}else {
// this is the first child in the list
this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes[0];
newChild.childNodes[0].previousSibling = prevNode;
newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1].nextSibling = refChild;
}else {
// do node pointer surgery for newChild
if (prevNode) {
prevNode.nextSibling = newChild;
}else {
// this is the first child in the list
this.firstChild = newChild;
newChild.previousSibling = prevNode;
newChild.nextSibling = refChild;
return newChild;
replaceChild : function(newChild, oldChild) {
var ret = null;
if(newChild==null || oldChild==null){
return oldChild;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
// get index of oldChild
var index = __findItemIndex__(this.childNodes, oldChild);
// throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (index < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// if the newChild is already in the tree,
var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
if (newChildParent) {
// remove it
// add newChild to childNodes
ret = __replaceChild__(this.childNodes,newChild, index);
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// do node pointer surgery for Document Fragment
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes.length; ind++) {
newChild.childNodes[ind].parentNode = this;
if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes[0];
} else {
this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes[0];
if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
} else {
this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
newChild.childNodes[0].previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1].nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
} else {
// do node pointer surgery for newChild
newChild.parentNode = this;
if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild;
this.firstChild = newChild;
if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
this.lastChild = newChild;
newChild.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
newChild.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
return ret;
removeChild : function(oldChild) {
return null;
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
(this._readonly || oldChild._readonly)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get index of oldChild
var itemIndex = __findItemIndex__(this.childNodes, oldChild);
// throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// remove oldChild from childNodes
__removeChild__(this.childNodes, itemIndex);
// do node pointer surgery
oldChild.parentNode = null;
if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
}else {
this.firstChild = oldChild.nextSibling;
if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
}else {
this.lastChild = oldChild.previousSibling;
oldChild.previousSibling = null;
oldChild.nextSibling = null;
return oldChild;
appendChild : function(newChild) {
return null;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(this)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
// if the newChild is already in the tree,
var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
if (newChildParent) {
// remove it
//console.debug('removing node %s', newChild);
// add newChild to childNodes
__appendChild__(this.childNodes, newChild);
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes.length; ind++) {
newChild.childNodes[ind].parentNode = this;
if (this.lastChild) {
this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes[0];
newChild.childNodes[0].previousSibling = this.lastChild;
this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
} else {
this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes[0];
} else {
// do node pointer surgery for newChild
newChild.parentNode = this;
if (this.lastChild) {
this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild;
newChild.previousSibling = this.lastChild;
this.lastChild = newChild;
} else {
this.lastChild = newChild;
this.firstChild = newChild;
return newChild;
hasChildNodes : function() {
return (this.childNodes.length > 0);
cloneNode: function(deep) {
// use importNode to clone this Node
//do not throw any exceptions
try {
return __ownerDocument__(this).importNode(this, deep);
} catch (e) {
//there shouldn't be any exceptions, but if there are, return null
// may want to warn: $debug("could not clone node: "+e.code);
return null;
normalize : function() {
var i;
var inode;
var nodesToRemove = new NodeList();
if (this.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
var adjacentTextNode = null;
// loop through all childNodes
for(i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
inode = this.childNodes.item(i);
if (inode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// this node is a text node
if (inode.length < 1) {
// this text node is empty
// add this node to the list of nodes to be remove
__appendChild__(nodesToRemove, inode);
}else {
if (adjacentTextNode) {
// previous node was also text
// merge the data in adjacent text nodes
// add this node to the list of nodes to be removed
__appendChild__(nodesToRemove, inode);
} else {
// remember this node for next cycle
adjacentTextNode = inode;
} else {
// (soon to be) previous node is not a text node
adjacentTextNode = null;
// normalize non Text childNodes
// remove redundant Text Nodes
for(i = 0; i < nodesToRemove.length; i++) {
inode = nodesToRemove.item(i);
isSupported : function(feature, version) {
// use Implementation.hasFeature to determine if this feature is supported
return __ownerDocument__(this).implementation.hasFeature(feature, version);
getElementsByTagName : function(tagname) {
// delegate to _getElementsByTagNameRecursive
// recurse childNodes
var nodelist = new NodeList(__ownerDocument__(this));
for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
return nodelist;
getElementsByTagNameNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to _getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive
return __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__(this, namespaceURI, localName,
new NodeList(__ownerDocument__(this)));
importNode : function(importedNode, deep) {
var i;
var importNode;
//there is no need to perform namespace checks since everything has already gone through them
//in order to have gotten into the DOM in the first place. The following line
//turns namespace checking off in ._isValidNamespace
__ownerDocument__(this).importing = true;
if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (!__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.namespaceAware) {
// create a local Element (with the name of the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createElement(importedNode.tagName);
// create attributes matching those of the importedNode
for(i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
importNode.setAttribute(importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
} else {
// create a local Element (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createElementNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
// create attributes matching those of the importedNode
for(i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
// create namespace definitions matching those of the importedNode
for(i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
importNode._namespaces[i] = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
importNode._namespaces[i].value = importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
if (!__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.namespaceAware) {
// create a local Attribute (with the name of the importedAttribute)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttribute(importedNode.name);
} else {
// create a local Attribute (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedAttribute)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttributeNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
// create namespace definitions matching those of the importedAttribute
for(i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
importNode._namespaces[i] = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
importNode._namespaces[i].value = importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value;
// set the value of the local Attribute to match that of the importedAttribute
importNode.value = importedNode.value;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// create a local DocumentFragment
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createDocumentFragment();
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
// create a local NamespaceNode (with the same name & value as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode.nodeName);
importNode.value = importedNode.value;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// create a local TextNode (with the same data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createTextNode(importedNode.data);
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
// create a local CDATANode (with the same data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createCDATASection(importedNode.data);
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
// create a local ProcessingInstruction (with the same target & data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createProcessingInstruction(importedNode.target, importedNode.data);
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
// create a local Comment (with the same data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createComment(importedNode.data);
} else { // throw Exception if nodeType is not supported
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR));
if (deep) {
// recurse childNodes
for(i = 0; i < importedNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
importNode.appendChild(__ownerDocument__(this).importNode(importedNode.childNodes.item(i), true));
//reset importing
__ownerDocument__(this).importing = false;
return importNode;
contains : function(node){
while(node && node != this ){
node = node.parentNode;
return !!node;
compareDocumentPosition : function(b){
//console.log("comparing document position %s %s", this, b);
var i,
a = this,
//handle a couple simpler case first
if(a === b) {
if(a.ownerDocument !== b.ownerDocument) {
if(a.parentNode === b.parentNode){
length = a.parentNode.childNodes.length;
for(i=0;i aparents.length){
}else if(bparents.length < aparents.length){
//common ancestor diverge point
if (i === 0) {
} else {
parent = aparents[i-1];
return parent.compareDocumentPosition(bparents.pop());
toString : function() {
return '[object Node]';
* @method __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__ - implements getElementsByTagName()
* @param elem : Element - The element which are checking and then recursing into
* @param tagname : string - The name of the tag to match on. The special value "*" matches all tags
* @param nodeList : NodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
* @return : NodeList
var __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__ = function (elem, tagname, nodeList) {
if (elem.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || elem.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
if(elem.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE &&
((elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == tagname.toUpperCase()) ||
(tagname == "*")) ){
// add matching node to nodeList
__appendChild__(nodeList, elem);
// recurse childNodes
for(var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
nodeList = __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__(elem.childNodes.item(i), tagname, nodeList);
return nodeList;
* @method __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__
* implements getElementsByTagName()
* @param elem : Element - The element which are checking and then recursing into
* @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
* @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
* @param nodeList : NodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
* @return : NodeList
var __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__ = function(elem, namespaceURI, localName, nodeList) {
if (elem.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || elem.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
if (((elem.namespaceURI == namespaceURI) || (namespaceURI == "*")) &&
((elem.localName == localName) || (localName == "*"))) {
// add matching node to nodeList
__appendChild__(nodeList, elem);
// recurse childNodes
for(var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
nodeList = __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__(
elem.childNodes.item(i), namespaceURI, localName, nodeList);
return nodeList;
* @method __isAncestor__ - returns true if node is ancestor of target
* @param target : Node - The node we are using as context
* @param node : Node - The candidate ancestor node
* @return : boolean
var __isAncestor__ = function(target, node) {
// if this node matches, return true,
// otherwise recurse up (if there is a parentNode)
return ((target == node) || ((target.parentNode) && (__isAncestor__(target.parentNode, node))));
var __recursivelyGatherText__ = function(aNode) {
var accumulateText = "",
for (idx=0;idx < aNode.childNodes.length;idx++){
node = aNode.childNodes.item(idx);
if(node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
accumulateText += node.data;
accumulateText += __recursivelyGatherText__(node);
return accumulateText;
* function __escapeXML__
* @param str : string - The string to be escaped
* @return : string - The escaped string
var escAmpRegEx = /&(?!(amp;|lt;|gt;|quot|apos;))/g;
var escLtRegEx = //g;
var quotRegEx = /"/g;
var aposRegEx = /'/g;
function __escapeXML__(str) {
str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&").
replace(escLtRegEx, "<").
replace(escGtRegEx, ">").
replace(quotRegEx, """).
replace(aposRegEx, "'");
return str;
function __escapeHTML5__(str) {
str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&").
replace(escLtRegEx, "<").
replace(escGtRegEx, ">");
return str;
function __escapeHTML5Atribute__(str) {
str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&").
replace(escLtRegEx, "<").
replace(escGtRegEx, ">").
replace(quotRegEx, """).
replace(aposRegEx, "'");
return str;
* function __unescapeXML__
* @param str : string - The string to be unescaped
* @return : string - The unescaped string
var unescAmpRegEx = /&/g;
var unescLtRegEx = /</g;
var unescGtRegEx = />/g;
var unquotRegEx = /"/g;
var unaposRegEx = /'/g;
function __unescapeXML__(str) {
str = str.replace(unescAmpRegEx, "&").
replace(unescLtRegEx, "<").
replace(unescGtRegEx, ">").
replace(unquotRegEx, "\"").
replace(unaposRegEx, "'");
return str;
* @class NamedNodeMap -
* used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name
* typically a set of Element attributes
* @extends NodeList -
* note W3C spec says that this is not the case, but we need an item()
* method identical to NodeList's, so why not?
* @param ownerDocument : Document - the ownerDocument
* @param parentNode : Node - the node that the NamedNodeMap is attached to (or null)
NamedNodeMap = function(ownerDocument, parentNode) {
NodeList.apply(this, arguments);
__setArray__(this, []);
NamedNodeMap.prototype = new NodeList();
__extend__(NamedNodeMap.prototype, {
add: function(name){
this[this.length] = name;
getNamedItem : function(name) {
var ret = null;
//console.log('NamedNodeMap getNamedItem %s', name);
// test that Named Node exists
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, name);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it!
ret = this[itemIndex];
// if node is not found, default value null is returned
return ret;
setNamedItem : function(arg) {
//console.log('setNamedItem %s', arg);
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
if (this.ownerDocument != arg.ownerDocument) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if DOMNamedNodeMap is readonly
if (this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg is already an attribute of another Element object
if (arg.ownerElement && (arg.ownerElement != this.parentNode)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR));
//console.log('setNamedItem __findNamedItemIndex__ ');
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, arg.name);
var ret = null;
//console.log('setNamedItem __findNamedItemIndex__ %s', itemIndex);
if (itemIndex > -1) { // found it!
ret = this[itemIndex]; // use existing Attribute
// throw Exception if DOMAttr is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && ret._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
} else {
this[itemIndex] = arg; // over-write existing NamedNode
this[arg.name.toLowerCase()] = arg;
} else {
// add new NamedNode
//console.log('setNamedItem add new named node map (by index)');
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, [arg]);
//console.log('setNamedItem add new named node map (by name) %s %s', arg, arg.name);
this[arg.name] = arg;
//console.log('finsished setNamedItem add new named node map (by name) %s', arg.name);
//console.log('setNamedItem parentNode');
arg.ownerElement = this.parentNode; // update ownerElement
// return old node or new node
//console.log('setNamedItem exit');
return ret;
removeNamedItem : function(name) {
var ret = null;
// test for exceptions
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
(this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, name);
// throw Exception if there is no node named name in this map
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// get Node
var oldNode = this[itemIndex];
//this[oldNode.name] = undefined;
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldNode._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// return removed node
return __removeChild__(this, itemIndex);
getNamedItemNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = null;
// test that Named Node exists
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, namespaceURI, localName);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it! return NamedNode
ret = this[itemIndex];
// if node is not found, default value null is returned
return ret;
setNamedItemNS : function(arg) {
//console.log('setNamedItemNS %s', arg);
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(arg)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg is already an attribute of another Element object
if (arg.ownerElement && (arg.ownerElement != this.parentNode)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, arg.namespaceURI, arg.localName);
var ret = null;
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it!
// use existing Attribute
ret = this[itemIndex];
// throw Exception if Attr is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && ret._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
} else {
// over-write existing NamedNode
this[itemIndex] = arg;
}else {
// add new NamedNode
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, [arg]);
arg.ownerElement = this.parentNode;
// return old node or null
return ret;
//console.log('finished setNamedItemNS %s', arg);
removeNamedItemNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = null;
// test for exceptions
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, namespaceURI, localName);
// throw Exception if there is no matching node in this map
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// get Node
var oldNode = this[itemIndex];
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldNode._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
return __removeChild__(this, itemIndex); // return removed node
get xml() {
var ret = "";
// create string containing concatenation of all (but last) Attribute string values (separated by spaces)
for (var i=0; i < this.length -1; i++) {
ret += this[i].xml +" ";
// add last Attribute to string (without trailing space)
if (this.length > 0) {
ret += this[this.length -1].xml;
return ret;
toString : function(){
return "[object NamedNodeMap]";
* @method __findNamedItemIndex__
* find the item index of the node with the specified name
* @param name : string - the name of the required node
* @param isnsmap : if its a NamespaceNodeMap
* @return : int
var __findNamedItemIndex__ = function(namednodemap, name, isnsmap) {
var ret = -1;
// loop through all nodes
for (var i=0; i -1) {
// found it!
ret = true;
// if node is not found, default value false is returned
return ret;
* @method __hasAttributeNS__
* Returns true if specified node exists
* @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
* @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
* @return : boolean
var __hasAttributeNS__ = function(namednodemap, namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = false;
// test that Named Node exists
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(namednodemap, namespaceURI, localName);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it!
ret = true;
// if node is not found, default value false is returned
return ret;
* @method __cloneNamedNodes__
* Returns a NamedNodeMap containing clones of the Nodes in this NamedNodeMap
* @param parentNode : Node - the new parent of the cloned NodeList
* @param isnsmap : bool - is this a NamespaceNodeMap
* @return NamedNodeMap containing clones of the Nodes in this NamedNodeMap
var __cloneNamedNodes__ = function(namednodemap, parentNode, isnsmap) {
var cloneNamedNodeMap = isnsmap?
new NamespaceNodeMap(namednodemap.ownerDocument, parentNode):
new NamedNodeMap(namednodemap.ownerDocument, parentNode);
// create list containing clones of all children
for (var i=0; i < namednodemap.length; i++) {
__appendChild__(cloneNamedNodeMap, namednodemap[i].cloneNode(false));
return cloneNamedNodeMap;
* @class NamespaceNodeMap -
* used to represent collections of namespace nodes that can be
* accessed by name typically a set of Element attributes
* @extends NamedNodeMap
* @param ownerDocument : Document - the ownerDocument
* @param parentNode : Node - the node that the NamespaceNodeMap is attached to (or null)
var NamespaceNodeMap = function(ownerDocument, parentNode) {
this.NamedNodeMap = NamedNodeMap;
this.NamedNodeMap(ownerDocument, parentNode);
__setArray__(this, []);
NamespaceNodeMap.prototype = new NamedNodeMap();
__extend__(NamespaceNodeMap.prototype, {
get xml() {
var ret = "",
// identify namespaces declared local to this Element (ie, not inherited)
for (ind = 0; ind < this.length; ind++) {
// if namespace declaration does not exist in the containing node's, parentNode's namespaces
ns = null;
try {
var ns = this.parentNode.parentNode._namespaces.
}catch (e) {
//breaking to prevent default namespace being inserted into return value
if (!(ns && (""+ ns.nodeValue == ""+ this[ind].nodeValue))) {
// display the namespace declaration
ret += this[ind].xml +" ";
return ret;
* @class Namespace -
* The Namespace interface represents an namespace in an Element object
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Namespace = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
// the name of this attribute
this.name = "";
// If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document,
// this is true; otherwise, it is false.
// Note that the implementation is in charge of this attribute, not the user.
// If the user changes the value of the attribute (even if it ends up having
// the same value as the default value) then the specified flag is
// automatically flipped to true
this.specified = false;
Namespace.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(Namespace.prototype, {
get value(){
// the value of the attribute is returned as a string
return this.nodeValue;
set value(value){
this.nodeValue = value+'';
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
var ret = "";
// serialize Namespace Declaration
if (this.nodeName != "") {
ret += this.nodeName +"=\""+ __escapeXML__(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
else { // handle default namespace
ret += "xmlns=\""+ __escapeXML__(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
return ret;
toString: function(){
return '[object Namespace]';
* @class CharacterData - parent abstract class for Text and Comment
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
CharacterData = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
CharacterData.prototype = new Node();
get data(){
return this.nodeValue;
set data(data){
this.nodeValue = data;
get textContent(){
return this.nodeValue;
set textContent(newText){
this.nodeValue = newText;
get length(){return this.nodeValue.length;},
appendData: function(arg){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// append data
this.data = "" + this.data + arg;
deleteData: function(offset, count){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
if (this.data) {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > this.data.length) || (count < 0))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// delete data
if(!count || (offset + count) > this.data.length) {
this.data = this.data.substring(0, offset);
}else {
this.data = this.data.substring(0, offset).
concat(this.data.substring(offset + count));
insertData: function(offset, arg){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if(__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly){
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > this.data.length))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// insert data
this.data = this.data.substring(0, offset).concat(arg, this.data.substring(offset));
}else {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (offset !== 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// set data
this.data = arg;
replaceData: function(offset, count, arg){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
if (this.data) {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > this.data.length) || (count < 0))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// replace data
this.data = this.data.substring(0, offset).
concat(arg, this.data.substring(offset + count));
}else {
// set data
this.data = arg;
substringData: function(offset, count){
var ret = null;
if (this.data) {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
// or the count is negative
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > this.data.length) || (count < 0))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// if count is not specified
if (!count) {
ret = this.data.substring(offset); // default to 'end of string'
ret = this.data.substring(offset, offset + count);
return ret;
toString : function(){
return "[object CharacterData]";
* @class Text
* The Text interface represents the textual content (termed
* character data in XML) of an Element or Attr.
* If there is no markup inside an element's content, the text is
* contained in a single object implementing the Text interface that
* is the only child of the element. If there is markup, it is
* parsed into a list of elements and Text nodes that form the
* list of children of the element.
* @extends CharacterData
* @param ownerDocument The Document object associated with this node.
Text = function(ownerDocument) {
CharacterData.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = "#text";
Text.prototype = new CharacterData();
get localName(){
return null;
// Breaks this Text node into two Text nodes at the specified offset,
// keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains
// all the content up to the offset point. And a new Text node, which
// is inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the
// content at and after the offset point.
splitText : function(offset) {
var data,
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if ((offset < 0) || (offset > this.data.length)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
if (this.parentNode) {
// get remaining string (after offset)
data = this.substringData(offset);
// create new TextNode with remaining string
inode = __ownerDocument__(this).createTextNode(data);
// attach new TextNode
if (this.nextSibling) {
this.parentNode.insertBefore(inode, this.nextSibling);
} else {
// remove remaining string from original TextNode
return inode;
get nodeType(){
return Node.TEXT_NODE;
get xml(){
return __escapeXML__(""+ this.nodeValue);
toString: function(){
return "[object Text]";
* @class CDATASection
* CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing
* characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.
* The only delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is
* the "\]\]\>" string that ends the CDATA section
* @extends Text
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
CDATASection = function(ownerDocument) {
Text.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = '#cdata-section';
CDATASection.prototype = new Text();
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
return "";
toString : function(){
return "[object CDATASection]";
* @class Comment
* This represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the
* characters between the starting ''
* @extends CharacterData
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Comment = function(ownerDocument) {
CharacterData.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = "#comment";
Comment.prototype = new CharacterData();
__extend__(Comment.prototype, {
get localName(){
return null;
get nodeType(){
return Node.COMMENT_NODE;
get xml(){
return "";
toString : function(){
return "[object Comment]";
* @author envjs team
* @param {Document} onwnerDocument
DocumentType = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
this.systemId = null;
this.publicId = null;
DocumentType.prototype = new Node();
get name(){
return this.nodeName;
get entities(){
return null;
get internalSubsets(){
return null;
get notations(){
return null;
toString : function(){
return "[object DocumentType]";
* @class Attr
* The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Attr = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
// set when Attr is added to NamedNodeMap
this.ownerElement = null;
//TODO: our implementation of Attr is incorrect because we don't
// treat the value of the attribute as a child text node.
Attr.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(Attr.prototype, {
// the name of this attribute
get name(){
return this.nodeName;
// the value of the attribute is returned as a string
get value(){
return this.nodeValue||'';
set value(value){
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// delegate to node
this.nodeValue = value;
get textContent(){
return this.nodeValue;
set textContent(newText){
this.nodeValue = newText;
get specified(){
return (this !== null && this !== undefined);
get nodeType(){
get xml() {
if (this.nodeValue) {
return __escapeXML__(this.nodeValue+"");
} else {
return '';
toString : function() {
return '[object Attr]';
* @class Element -
* By far the vast majority of objects (apart from text)
* that authors encounter when traversing a document are
* Element nodes.
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Element = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
this.attributes = new NamedNodeMap(this.ownerDocument, this);
Element.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(Element.prototype, {
// The name of the element.
get tagName(){
return this.nodeName;
getAttribute: function(name) {
var ret = null;
// if attribute exists, use it
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
if (attr) {
ret = attr.value;
// if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise, return null
return ret;
setAttribute : function (name, value) {
// if attribute exists, use it
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
//console.log('attr %s', attr);
//I had to add this check because as the script initializes
//the id may be set in the constructor, and the html element
//overrides the id property with a getter/setter.
if (attr===null||attr===undefined) {
// otherwise create it
attr = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttribute(name);
//console.log('attr %s', attr);
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (attr._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
if (!__isValidString__(value+'')) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
// assign values to properties (and aliases)
attr.value = value + '';
// add/replace Attribute in NamedNodeMap
//console.log('element setNamedItem %s', attr);
console.warn('Element has no owner document '+this.tagName+
'\n\t cant set attribute ' + name + ' = '+value );
removeAttribute : function removeAttribute(name) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem
return this.attributes.removeNamedItem(name);
getAttributeNode : function getAttributeNode(name) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
return this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
setAttributeNode: function(newAttr) {
// if this Attribute is an ID
if (__isIdDeclaration__(newAttr.name)) {
this.id = newAttr.value; // cache ID for getElementById()
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
return this.attributes.setNamedItem(newAttr);
removeAttributeNode: function(oldAttr) {
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldAttr._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = this.attributes._findItemIndex(oldAttr._id);
// throw Exception if node does not exist in this map
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
return this.attributes._removeChild(itemIndex);
getAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = "";
// delegate to NAmedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
if (attr) {
ret = attr.value;
return ret; // if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise return ""
setAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) {
// call NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
//console.log('setAttributeNS %s %s %s', namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value);
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
if (!attr) { // if Attribute exists, use it
// otherwise create it
attr = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
value = '' + value;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (attr._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
if (!__isValidNamespace__(this.ownerDocument, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, true)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
// throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
if (!__isValidString__(value)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
// if this Attribute is an ID
//if (__isIdDeclaration__(name)) {
// this.id = value;
// assign values to properties (and aliases)
attr.value = value;
attr.nodeValue = value;
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
removeAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS
return this.attributes.removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
getAttributeNodeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
return this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
setAttributeNodeNS : function(newAttr) {
// if this Attribute is an ID
if ((newAttr.prefix == "") && __isIdDeclaration__(newAttr.name)) {
this.id = newAttr.value+''; // cache ID for getElementById()
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS
return this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(newAttr);
hasAttribute : function(name) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap._hasAttribute
return __hasAttribute__(this.attributes,name);
hasAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap._hasAttributeNS
return __hasAttributeNS__(this.attributes, namespaceURI, localName);
get nodeType(){
return Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
get xml() {
var ret = "",
ns = "",
// serialize namespace declarations
if (this.namespaceURI ){
if((this === this.ownerDocument.documentElement) ||
(this.parentNode && (this.parentNode.namespaceURI !== this.namespaceURI))) {
ns = ' xmlns' + (this.prefix?(':'+this.prefix):'') +
'="' + this.namespaceURI + '"';
// serialize Attribute declarations
attrs = this.attributes;
attrstring = "";
for(i=0;i< attrs.length;i++){
if(attrs[i].name.match('xmlns:')) {
attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"';
for(i=0;i< attrs.length;i++){
if(!attrs[i].name.match('xmlns:')) {
attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"';
// serialize this Element
ret += "<" + this.tagName + ns + attrstring +">";
ret += this.childNodes.xml;
ret += "" + this.tagName + ">";
ret += "<" + this.tagName + ns + attrstring +"/>";
return ret;
toString : function(){
return '[object Element]';
* @class DOMException - raised when an operation is impossible to perform
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param code : int - the exception code (one of the DOMException constants)
DOMException = function(code) {
this.code = code;
// DOMException constants
// Introduced in DOM Level 1:
DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;
DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR = 12;
DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR = 14;
* @class DocumentFragment -
* DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object.
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
DocumentFragment = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = "#document-fragment";
DocumentFragment.prototype = new Node();
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
var xml = "",
count = this.childNodes.length;
// create string concatenating the serialized ChildNodes
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
xml += this.childNodes.item(i).xml;
return xml;
toString : function(){
return "[object DocumentFragment]";
get localName(){
return null;
* @class ProcessingInstruction -
* The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a
* "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to
* keep processor-specific information in the text of
* the document
* @extends Node
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
ProcessingInstruction = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
ProcessingInstruction.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(ProcessingInstruction.prototype, {
get data(){
return this.nodeValue;
set data(data){
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
this.nodeValue = data;
get textContent(){
return this.data;
get localName(){
return null;
get target(){
// The target of this processing instruction.
// XML defines this as being the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction.
// The content of this processing instruction.
return this.nodeName;
set target(value){
// The target of this processing instruction.
// XML defines this as being the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction.
// The content of this processing instruction.
this.nodeName = value;
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
return "" + this.nodeName +" "+ this.nodeValue + "?>";
toString : function(){
return "[object ProcessingInstruction]";
* @author envjs team
Entity = function() {
throw new Error("Entity Not Implemented" );
Entity.constants = {
// content taken from W3C "HTML 4.01 Specification"
// "W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999"
nbsp: "\u00A0",
iexcl: "\u00A1",
cent: "\u00A2",
pound: "\u00A3",
curren: "\u00A4",
yen: "\u00A5",
brvbar: "\u00A6",
sect: "\u00A7",
uml: "\u00A8",
copy: "\u00A9",
ordf: "\u00AA",
laquo: "\u00AB",
not: "\u00AC",
shy: "\u00AD",
reg: "\u00AE",
macr: "\u00AF",
deg: "\u00B0",
plusmn: "\u00B1",
sup2: "\u00B2",
sup3: "\u00B3",
acute: "\u00B4",
micro: "\u00B5",
para: "\u00B6",
middot: "\u00B7",
cedil: "\u00B8",
sup1: "\u00B9",
ordm: "\u00BA",
raquo: "\u00BB",
frac14: "\u00BC",
frac12: "\u00BD",
frac34: "\u00BE",
iquest: "\u00BF",
Agrave: "\u00C0",
Aacute: "\u00C1",
Acirc: "\u00C2",
Atilde: "\u00C3",
Auml: "\u00C4",
Aring: "\u00C5",
AElig: "\u00C6",
Ccedil: "\u00C7",
Egrave: "\u00C8",
Eacute: "\u00C9",
Ecirc: "\u00CA",
Euml: "\u00CB",
Igrave: "\u00CC",
Iacute: "\u00CD",
Icirc: "\u00CE",
Iuml: "\u00CF",
ETH: "\u00D0",
Ntilde: "\u00D1",
Ograve: "\u00D2",
Oacute: "\u00D3",
Ocirc: "\u00D4",
Otilde: "\u00D5",
Ouml: "\u00D6",
times: "\u00D7",
Oslash: "\u00D8",
Ugrave: "\u00D9",
Uacute: "\u00DA",
Ucirc: "\u00DB",
Uuml: "\u00DC",
Yacute: "\u00DD",
THORN: "\u00DE",
szlig: "\u00DF",
agrave: "\u00E0",
aacute: "\u00E1",
acirc: "\u00E2",
atilde: "\u00E3",
auml: "\u00E4",
aring: "\u00E5",
aelig: "\u00E6",
ccedil: "\u00E7",
egrave: "\u00E8",
eacute: "\u00E9",
ecirc: "\u00EA",
euml: "\u00EB",
igrave: "\u00EC",
iacute: "\u00ED",
icirc: "\u00EE",
iuml: "\u00EF",
eth: "\u00F0",
ntilde: "\u00F1",
ograve: "\u00F2",
oacute: "\u00F3",
ocirc: "\u00F4",
otilde: "\u00F5",
ouml: "\u00F6",
divide: "\u00F7",
oslash: "\u00F8",
ugrave: "\u00F9",
uacute: "\u00FA",
ucirc: "\u00FB",
uuml: "\u00FC",
yacute: "\u00FD",
thorn: "\u00FE",
yuml: "\u00FF",
fnof: "\u0192",
Alpha: "\u0391",
Beta: "\u0392",
Gamma: "\u0393",
Delta: "\u0394",
Epsilon: "\u0395",
Zeta: "\u0396",
Eta: "\u0397",
Theta: "\u0398",
Iota: "\u0399",
Kappa: "\u039A",
Lambda: "\u039B",
Mu: "\u039C",
Nu: "\u039D",
Xi: "\u039E",
Omicron: "\u039F",
Pi: "\u03A0",
Rho: "\u03A1",
Sigma: "\u03A3",
Tau: "\u03A4",
Upsilon: "\u03A5",
Phi: "\u03A6",
Chi: "\u03A7",
Psi: "\u03A8",
Omega: "\u03A9",
alpha: "\u03B1",
beta: "\u03B2",
gamma: "\u03B3",
delta: "\u03B4",
epsilon: "\u03B5",
zeta: "\u03B6",
eta: "\u03B7",
theta: "\u03B8",
iota: "\u03B9",
kappa: "\u03BA",
lambda: "\u03BB",
mu: "\u03BC",
nu: "\u03BD",
xi: "\u03BE",
omicron: "\u03BF",
pi: "\u03C0",
rho: "\u03C1",
sigmaf: "\u03C2",
sigma: "\u03C3",
tau: "\u03C4",
upsilon: "\u03C5",
phi: "\u03C6",
chi: "\u03C7",
psi: "\u03C8",
omega: "\u03C9",
thetasym: "\u03D1",
upsih: "\u03D2",
piv: "\u03D6",
bull: "\u2022",
hellip: "\u2026",
prime: "\u2032",
Prime: "\u2033",
oline: "\u203E",
frasl: "\u2044",
weierp: "\u2118",
image: "\u2111",
real: "\u211C",
trade: "\u2122",
alefsym: "\u2135",
larr: "\u2190",
uarr: "\u2191",
rarr: "\u2192",
darr: "\u2193",
harr: "\u2194",
crarr: "\u21B5",
lArr: "\u21D0",
uArr: "\u21D1",
rArr: "\u21D2",
dArr: "\u21D3",
hArr: "\u21D4",
forall: "\u2200",
part: "\u2202",
exist: "\u2203",
empty: "\u2205",
nabla: "\u2207",
isin: "\u2208",
notin: "\u2209",
ni: "\u220B",
prod: "\u220F",
sum: "\u2211",
minus: "\u2212",
lowast: "\u2217",
radic: "\u221A",
prop: "\u221D",
infin: "\u221E",
ang: "\u2220",
and: "\u2227",
or: "\u2228",
cap: "\u2229",
cup: "\u222A",
intXX: "\u222B",
there4: "\u2234",
sim: "\u223C",
cong: "\u2245",
asymp: "\u2248",
ne: "\u2260",
equiv: "\u2261",
le: "\u2264",
ge: "\u2265",
sub: "\u2282",
sup: "\u2283",
nsub: "\u2284",
sube: "\u2286",
supe: "\u2287",
oplus: "\u2295",
otimes: "\u2297",
perp: "\u22A5",
sdot: "\u22C5",
lceil: "\u2308",
rceil: "\u2309",
lfloor: "\u230A",
rfloor: "\u230B",
lang: "\u2329",
rang: "\u232A",
loz: "\u25CA",
spades: "\u2660",
clubs: "\u2663",
hearts: "\u2665",
diams: "\u2666",
quot: "\u0022",
amp: "\u0026",
lt: "\u003C",
gt: "\u003E",
OElig: "\u0152",
oelig: "\u0153",
Scaron: "\u0160",
scaron: "\u0161",
Yuml: "\u0178",
circ: "\u02C6",
tilde: "\u02DC",
ensp: "\u2002",
emsp: "\u2003",
thinsp: "\u2009",
zwnj: "\u200C",
zwj: "\u200D",
lrm: "\u200E",
rlm: "\u200F",
ndash: "\u2013",
mdash: "\u2014",
lsquo: "\u2018",
rsquo: "\u2019",
sbquo: "\u201A",
ldquo: "\u201C",
rdquo: "\u201D",
bdquo: "\u201E",
dagger: "\u2020",
Dagger: "\u2021",
permil: "\u2030",
lsaquo: "\u2039",
rsaquo: "\u203A",
euro: "\u20AC",
// non-standard entities
apos: "'"
* @author envjs team
EntityReference = function() {
throw new Error("EntityReference Not Implemented" );
* @class DOMImplementation -
* provides a number of methods for performing operations
* that are independent of any particular instance of the
* document object model.
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
DOMImplementation = function() {
this.preserveWhiteSpace = false; // by default, ignore whitespace
this.namespaceAware = true; // by default, handle namespaces
this.errorChecking = true; // by default, test for exceptions
// @param feature : string - The package name of the feature to test.
// the legal only values are "XML" and "CORE" (case-insensitive).
// @param version : string - This is the version number of the package
// name to test. In Level 1, this is the string "1.0".*
// @return : boolean
hasFeature : function(feature, version) {
var ret = false;
if (feature.toLowerCase() == "xml") {
ret = (!version || (version == "1.0") || (version == "2.0"));
else if (feature.toLowerCase() == "core") {
ret = (!version || (version == "2.0"));
else if (feature == "http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure") {
ret = (version == "1.1");
return ret;
createDocumentType : function(qname, publicId, systemId){
var doctype = new DocumentType();
doctype.nodeName = qname?qname.toUpperCase():null;
doctype.publicId = publicId?publicId:null;
doctype.systemId = systemId?systemId:null;
return doctype;
createDocument : function(nsuri, qname, doctype){
var doc = null, documentElement;
doc = new Document(this, null);
doc.doctype = doctype;
if(nsuri && qname){
documentElement = doc.createElementNS(nsuri, qname);
}else if(qname){
documentElement = doc.createElement(qname);
return doc;
createHTMLDocument : function(title){
var doc = new HTMLDocument($implementation, null, "");
var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html);
var head = doc.createElement("head"); html.appendChild(head);
var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body);
var t = doc.createElement("title"); head.appendChild(t);
if( title) {
return doc;
translateErrCode : function(code) {
//convert DOMException Code to human readable error message;
var msg = "";
switch (code) {
case DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR : // 1
msg = "INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Index out of bounds";
case DOMException.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR : // 2
msg = "DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: The resulting string is too long to fit in a DOMString";
case DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR : // 3
msg = "HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: The Node can not be inserted at this location";
case DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR : // 4
msg = "WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: The source and the destination Documents are not the same";
case DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR : // 5
msg = "INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: The string contains an invalid character";
case DOMException.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR : // 6
msg = "NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: This Node / NodeList does not support data";
msg = "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: This object cannot be modified";
case DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR : // 8
msg = "NOT_FOUND_ERR: The item cannot be found";
case DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR : // 9
msg = "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: This implementation does not support function";
case DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR : // 10
msg = "INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: The Attribute has already been assigned to another Element";
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
case DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR : // 11
msg = "INVALID_STATE_ERR: The object is no longer usable";
case DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR : // 12
msg = "SYNTAX_ERR: Syntax error";
msg = "INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: Cannot change the type of the object";
case DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR : // 14
msg = "NAMESPACE_ERR: The namespace declaration is incorrect";
case DOMException.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR : // 15
msg = "INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: The object does not support this function";
default :
msg = "UNKNOWN: Unknown Exception Code ("+ code +")";
return msg;
toString : function(){
return "[object DOMImplementation]";
* @method DOMImplementation._isNamespaceDeclaration - Return true, if attributeName is a namespace declaration
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param attributeName : string - the attribute name
* @return : boolean
function __isNamespaceDeclaration__(attributeName) {
// test if attributeName is 'xmlns'
return (attributeName.indexOf('xmlns') > -1);
* @method DOMImplementation._isIdDeclaration - Return true, if attributeName is an id declaration
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param attributeName : string - the attribute name
* @return : boolean
function __isIdDeclaration__(attributeName) {
// test if attributeName is 'id' (case insensitive)
return attributeName?(attributeName.toLowerCase() == 'id'):false;
* @method DOMImplementation._isValidName - Return true,
* if name contains no invalid characters
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param name : string - the candidate name
* @return : boolean
function __isValidName__(name) {
// test if name contains only valid characters
return name.match(re_validName);
var re_validName = /^[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_:]*$/;
* @method DOMImplementation._isValidString - Return true, if string does not contain any illegal chars
* All of the characters 0 through 31 and character 127 are nonprinting control characters.
* With the exception of characters 09, 10, and 13, (Ox09, Ox0A, and Ox0D)
* Note: different from _isValidName in that ValidStrings may contain spaces
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param name : string - the candidate string
* @return : boolean
function __isValidString__(name) {
// test that string does not contains invalid characters
return (name.search(re_invalidStringChars) < 0);
var re_invalidStringChars = /\x01|\x02|\x03|\x04|\x05|\x06|\x07|\x08|\x0B|\x0C|\x0E|\x0F|\x10|\x11|\x12|\x13|\x14|\x15|\x16|\x17|\x18|\x19|\x1A|\x1B|\x1C|\x1D|\x1E|\x1F|\x7F/;
* @method DOMImplementation._parseNSName - parse the namespace name.
* if there is no colon, the
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name
* @return : NSName - [
.prefix : string - The prefix part of the qname
.namespaceName : string - The namespaceURI part of the qname
function __parseNSName__(qualifiedName) {
var resultNSName = {};
// unless the qname has a namespaceName, the prefix is the entire String
resultNSName.prefix = qualifiedName;
resultNSName.namespaceName = "";
// split on ':'
var delimPos = qualifiedName.indexOf(':');
if (delimPos > -1) {
// get prefix
resultNSName.prefix = qualifiedName.substring(0, delimPos);
// get namespaceName
resultNSName.namespaceName = qualifiedName.substring(delimPos +1, qualifiedName.length);
return resultNSName;
* @method DOMImplementation._parseQName - parse the qualified name
* @author Jon van Noort (jon@webarcana.com.au)
* @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name
* @return : QName
function __parseQName__(qualifiedName) {
var resultQName = {};
// unless the qname has a prefix, the local name is the entire String
resultQName.localName = qualifiedName;
resultQName.prefix = "";
// split on ':'
var delimPos = qualifiedName.indexOf(':');
if (delimPos > -1) {
// get prefix
resultQName.prefix = qualifiedName.substring(0, delimPos);
// get localName
resultQName.localName = qualifiedName.substring(delimPos +1, qualifiedName.length);
return resultQName;
* @author envjs team
Notation = function() {
throw new Error("Notation Not Implemented" );
* @author thatcher
Range = function(){
__extend__(Range.prototype, {
get startContainer(){
get endContainer(){
get startOffset(){
get endOffset(){
get collapsed(){
get commonAncestorContainer(){
setStart: function(refNode, offset){//throws RangeException
setEnd: function(refNode, offset){//throws RangeException
setStartBefore: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
setStartAfter: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
setEndBefore: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
setEndAfter: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
collapse: function(toStart){//throws RangeException
selectNode: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
selectNodeContents: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
compareBoundaryPoints: function(how, sourceRange){
deleteContents: function(){
extractContents: function(){
cloneContents: function(){
insertNode: function(newNode){
surroundContents: function(newParent){
cloneRange: function(){
toString: function(){
return '[object Range]';
detach: function(){
// CompareHow
Range.START_TO_END = 1;
Range.END_TO_END = 2;
Range.END_TO_START = 3;
* Forward declarations
var __isValidNamespace__;
* @class Document - The Document interface represents the entire HTML
* or XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree,
* and provides the primary access to the document's data.
* @extends Node
* @param implementation : DOMImplementation - the creator Implementation
Document = function(implementation, docParentWindow) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
//TODO: Temporary!!! Cnage back to true!!!
this.async = true;
// The Document Type Declaration (see DocumentType) associated with this document
this.doctype = null;
// The DOMImplementation object that handles this document.
this.implementation = implementation;
this.nodeName = "#document";
// initially false, set to true by parser
this.parsing = false;
this.baseURI = 'about:blank';
this.ownerDocument = null;
this.importing = false;
Document.prototype = new Node();
get localName(){
return null;
get textContent(){
return null;
get all(){
return this.getElementsByTagName("*");
get documentElement(){
var i, length = this.childNodes?this.childNodes.length:0;
for(i=0;i -1 ){
valid = false;
if ((valid) && (!isAttribute)) {
// if the namespaceURI is not null
if (!namespaceURI) {
valid = false;
// if the qualifiedName has a prefix
if ((valid) && (qName.prefix === "")) {
valid = false;
// if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is
// different from "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" [Namespaces].
if ((valid) && (qName.prefix === "xml") && (namespaceURI !== "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")) {
valid = false;
return valid;
* This file only handles XML parser.
* It is extended by parser/domparser.js (and parser/htmlparser.js)
* This depends on e4x, which some engines may not have.
* @author thatcher
DOMParser = function(principle, documentURI, baseURI) {
// TODO: why/what should these 3 args do?
parseFromString: function(xmlstring, mimetype){
var doc = new Document(new DOMImplementation()),
// The following are e4x directives.
// Full spec is here:
// http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-357.htm
// that is pretty gross, so checkout this summary
// http://rephrase.net/days/07/06/e4x
// also see the Mozilla Developer Center:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/E4X
XML.ignoreComments = false;
XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false;
XML.ignoreWhitespace = false;
// for some reason e4x can't handle initial xml declarations
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336551
// The official workaround is the big regexp below
// but simpler one seems to be ok
// xmlstring = xmlstring.replace(/^<\?xml\s+version\s*=\s*(["'])[^\1]+\1[^?]*\?>/, "");
xmlstring = xmlstring.replace(/<\?xml.*\?>/);
e4 = new XMLList(xmlstring);
__toDomNode__(e4, doc, doc);
//console.log('xml \n %s', doc.documentElement.xml);
return doc;
var __toDomNode__ = function(e4, parent, doc){
var xnode,
//console.log('converting e4x node list \n %s', e4)
// not using the for each(item in e4) since some engines can't
// handle the syntax (i.e. says syntax error)
// for each(xnode in e4) {
for (item in e4) {
// NO do not do this if (e4.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
// breaks spidermonkey
xnode = e4[item];
kind = xnode.nodeKind();
//console.log('treating node kind %s', kind);
case 'element':
// add node
//console.log('creating element %s %s', xnode.localName(), xnode.namespace());
if(xnode.namespace() && (xnode.namespace()+'') !== ''){
//console.log('createElementNS %s %s',xnode.namespace()+'', xnode.localName() );
domnode = doc.createElementNS(xnode.namespace()+'', xnode.localName());
domnode = doc.createElement(xnode.name()+'');
// add attributes
__toDomNode__(xnode.attributes(), domnode, doc);
// add children
children = xnode.children();
length = children.length();
//console.log('recursing? %s', length ? 'yes' : 'no');
if (length > 0) {
__toDomNode__(children, domnode, doc);
case 'attribute':
// console.log('setting attribute %s %s %s',
// xnode.localName(), xnode.namespace(), xnode.valueOf());
// cross-platform alert. The original code used
// xnode.text() to get the attribute value
// This worked in Rhino, but did not in Spidermonkey
// valueOf seemed to work in both
if(xnode.namespace() && xnode.namespace().prefix){
//console.log("%s", xnode.namespace().prefix);
}else if((xnode.name()+'').match('http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/::')){
parent.setAttribute(xnode.localName()+'', xnode.valueOf());
case 'text':
//console.log('creating text node : %s', xnode);
domnode = doc.createTextNode(xnode+'');
case 'comment':
//console.log('creating comment node : %s', xnode);
value = xnode+'';
domnode = doc.createComment(value.substring(4,value.length-3));
case 'processing-instruction':
//console.log('creating processing-instruction node : %s', xnode);
value = xnode+'';
target = value.split(' ')[0].substring(2);
value = value.split(' ').splice(1).join(' ').replace('?>','');
//console.log('creating processing-instruction data : %s', value);
domnode = doc.createProcessingInstruction(target, value);
console.log('e4x DOM ERROR');
throw new Error("Assertion failed in xml parser");
* @author envjs team
* @class XMLSerializer
XMLSerializer = function() {};
__extend__(XMLSerializer.prototype, {
serializeToString: function(node){
return node.xml;
toString : function(){
return "[object XMLSerializer]";
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri http://www.envjs.com/
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs event.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* This file simply provides the global definitions we need to
* be able to correctly implement to core browser DOM Event interfaces.
var Event,
//nonstandard but very useful for implementing mutation events
//among other things like general profiling
* Envjs event.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* Borrowed with love from:
* jQuery AOP - jQuery plugin to add features of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to jQuery.
* http://jquery-aop.googlecode.com/
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Version: 1.1
(function() {
var _after = 1;
var _before = 2;
var _around = 3;
var _intro = 4;
var _regexEnabled = true;
* Private weaving function.
var weaveOne = function(source, method, advice) {
var old = source[method];
var aspect;
if (advice.type == _after)
aspect = function() {
var returnValue = old.apply(this, arguments);
return advice.value.apply(this, [returnValue, method]);
else if (advice.type == _before)
aspect = function() {
advice.value.apply(this, [arguments, method]);
return old.apply(this, arguments);
else if (advice.type == _intro)
aspect = function() {
return advice.value.apply(this, arguments);
else if (advice.type == _around) {
aspect = function() {
var invocation = { object: this, args: arguments };
return advice.value.apply(invocation.object, [{ arguments: invocation.args, method: method, proceed :
function() {
return old.apply(invocation.object, invocation.args);
}] );
aspect.unweave = function() {
source[method] = old;
pointcut = source = aspect = old = null;
source[method] = aspect;
return aspect;
* Private weaver and pointcut parser.
var weave = function(pointcut, advice)
var source = (typeof(pointcut.target.prototype) != 'undefined') ? pointcut.target.prototype : pointcut.target;
var advices = [];
// If it's not an introduction and no method was found, try with regex...
if (advice.type != _intro && typeof(source[pointcut.method]) == 'undefined')
for (var method in source)
if (source[method] != null && source[method] instanceof Function && method.match(pointcut.method))
advices[advices.length] = weaveOne(source, method, advice);
if (advices.length == 0)
throw 'No method: ' + pointcut.method;
// Return as an array of one element
advices[0] = weaveOne(source, pointcut.method, advice);
return _regexEnabled ? advices : advices[0];
Aspect =
* Creates an advice after the defined point-cut. The advice will be executed after the point-cut method
* has completed execution successfully, and will receive one parameter with the result of the execution.
* This function returns an array of weaved aspects (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.after( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function(result) { alert('Returned: ' + result); } );
* @result Array
* @example jQuery.aop.after( {target: String, method: 'indexOf'}, function(index) { alert('Result found at: ' + index + ' on:' + this); } );
* @result Array
* @name after
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved. Regex are supported, but not on built-in objects.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will get called after the execution of the point-cut. It receives one parameter
* with the result of the point-cut's execution.
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/General
after : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _after, value: advice } );
* Creates an advice before the defined point-cut. The advice will be executed before the point-cut method
* but cannot modify the behavior of the method, or prevent its execution.
* This function returns an array of weaved aspects (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.before( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function() { alert('About to execute MyGlobalMethod'); } );
* @result Array
* @example jQuery.aop.before( {target: String, method: 'indexOf'}, function(index) { alert('About to execute String.indexOf on: ' + this); } );
* @result Array
* @name before
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved. Regex are supported, but not on built-in objects.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will get called before the execution of the point-cut.
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/General
before : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _before, value: advice } );
* Creates an advice 'around' the defined point-cut. This type of advice can control the point-cut method execution by calling
* the functions '.proceed()' on the 'invocation' object, and also, can modify the arguments collection before sending them to the function call.
* This function returns an array of weaved aspects (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.around( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function(invocation) {
* alert('# of Arguments: ' + invocation.arguments.length);
* return invocation.proceed();
* } );
* @result Array
* @example jQuery.aop.around( {target: String, method: 'indexOf'}, function(invocation) {
* alert('Searching: ' + invocation.arguments[0] + ' on: ' + this);
* return invocation.proceed();
* } );
* @result Array
* @example jQuery.aop.around( {target: window, method: /Get(\d+)/}, function(invocation) {
* alert('Executing ' + invocation.method);
* return invocation.proceed();
* } );
* @desc Matches all global methods starting with 'Get' and followed by a number.
* @result Array
* @name around
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved. Regex are supported, but not on built-in objects.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will get called around the execution of the point-cut. This advice will be called with one
* argument containing one function '.proceed()', the collection of arguments '.arguments', and the matched method name '.method'.
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/General
around : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _around, value: advice } );
* Creates an introduction on the defined point-cut. This type of advice replaces any existing methods with the same
* name. To restore them, just unweave it.
* This function returns an array with only one weaved aspect (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.introduction( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function(result) { alert('Returned: ' + result); } );
* @result Array
* @example jQuery.aop.introduction( {target: String, method: 'log'}, function() { alert('Console: ' + this); } );
* @result Array
* @name introduction
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will be executed on the point-cut.
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/General
introduction : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _intro, value: advice } );
* Configures global options.
* @name setup
* @param Map settings Configuration options.
* @option Boolean regexMatch Enables/disables regex matching of method names.
* @example jQuery.aop.setup( { regexMatch: false } );
* @desc Disable regex matching.
* @type Void
* @cat Plugins/General
setup: function(settings)
_regexEnabled = settings.regexMatch;
* @name EventTarget
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri -//TODO: paste dom event level 2 w3c spc uri here
EventTarget = function(){};
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, fn, phase){
__addEventListener__(this, type, fn, phase);
EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, fn){
__removeEventListener__(this, type, fn);
EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event, bubbles){
__dispatchEvent__(this, event, bubbles);
__extend__(Node.prototype, EventTarget.prototype);
var $events = [{}];
function __addEventListener__(target, type, fn, phase){
phase = !!phase?"CAPTURING":"BUBBLING";
if ( !target.uuid ) {
//console.log('event uuid %s %s', target, target.uuid);
target.uuid = $events.length+'';
if ( !$events[target.uuid] ) {
//console.log('creating listener for target: %s %s', target, target.uuid);
$events[target.uuid] = {};
if ( !$events[target.uuid][type] ){
//console.log('creating listener for type: %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, type);
$events[target.uuid][type] = {
if ( $events[target.uuid][type][phase].indexOf( fn ) < 0 ){
//console.log('adding event listener %s %s %s %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, type, phase,
// $events[target.uuid][type][phase].length, $events[target.uuid][type][phase].indexOf( fn ));
//console.log('creating listener for function: %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, phase);
$events[target.uuid][type][phase].push( fn );
//console.log('adding event listener %s %s %s %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, type, phase,
// $events[target.uuid][type][phase].length, $events[target.uuid][type][phase].indexOf( fn ));
//console.log('registered event listeners %s', $events.length);
function __removeEventListener__(target, type, fn, phase){
phase = !!phase?"CAPTURING":"BUBBLING";
if ( !target.uuid ) {
if ( !$events[target.uuid] ) {
if(type == '*'){
//used to clean all event listeners for a given node
//console.log('cleaning all event listeners for node %s %s',target, target.uuid);
delete $events[target.uuid];
}else if ( !$events[target.uuid][type] ){
$events[target.uuid][type][phase] =
//console.log('removing event listener %s %s %s %s', target, type, phase, fn);
return f != fn;
var __eventuuid__ = 0;
function __dispatchEvent__(target, event, bubbles){
if (!event.uuid) {
event.uuid = __eventuuid__++;
//the window scope defines the $event object, for IE(^^^) compatibility;
//$event = event;
//console.log('dispatching event %s', event.uuid);
if (bubbles === undefined || bubbles === null) {
bubbles = true;
if (!event.target) {
event.target = target;
//console.log('dispatching? %s %s %s', target, event.type, bubbles);
if ( event.type && (target.nodeType || target === window )) {
//console.log('dispatching event %s %s %s', target, event.type, bubbles);
__captureEvent__(target, event);
event.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET;
if ( target.uuid && $events[target.uuid] && $events[target.uuid][event.type] ) {
event.currentTarget = target;
//console.log('dispatching %s %s %s %s', target, event.type,
// $events[target.uuid][event.type]['CAPTURING'].length);
//console.log('AT_TARGET (CAPTURING) event %s', fn);
var returnValue = fn( event );
//console.log('AT_TARGET (CAPTURING) return value %s', returnValue);
if(returnValue === false){
//console.log('dispatching %s %s %s %s', target, event.type,
// $events[target.uuid][event.type]['BUBBLING'].length);
//console.log('AT_TARGET (BUBBLING) event %s', fn);
var returnValue = fn( event );
//console.log('AT_TARGET (BUBBLING) return value %s', returnValue);
if(returnValue === false){
if (target["on" + event.type]) {
target["on" + event.type](event);
if (bubbles && !event.cancelled){
__bubbleEvent__(target, event);
//At this point I'm guessing that just HTMLEvents are concerned
//with default behavior being executed in a browser but I could be
//wrong as usual. The goal is much more to filter at this point
//what events have no need to be handled
//console.log('triggering default behavior for %s', event.type);
if(event.type in Envjs.defaultEventBehaviors){
//console.log('deleting event %s', event.uuid);
event.target = null;
event = null;
throw new EventException(EventException.UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR);
function __captureEvent__(target, event){
var ancestorStack = [],
parent = target.parentNode;
event.eventPhase = Event.CAPTURING_PHASE;
if(parent.uuid && $events[parent.uuid] && $events[parent.uuid][event.type]){
parent = parent.parentNode;
while(ancestorStack.length && !event.cancelled){
event.currentTarget = ancestorStack.pop();
if($events[event.currentTarget.uuid] && $events[event.currentTarget.uuid][event.type]){
var returnValue = fn( event );
if(returnValue === false){
function __bubbleEvent__(target, event){
var parent = target.parentNode;
event.eventPhase = Event.BUBBLING_PHASE;
if(parent.uuid && $events[parent.uuid] && $events[parent.uuid][event.type] ){
event.currentTarget = parent;
var returnValue = fn( event );
if(returnValue === false){
parent = parent.parentNode;
* @class Event
Event = function(options){
// event state is kept read-only by forcing
// a new object for each event. This may not
// be appropriate in the long run and we'll
// have to decide if we simply dont adhere to
// the read-only restriction of the specification
this._bubbles = true;
this._cancelable = true;
this._cancelled = false;
this._currentTarget = null;
this._target = null;
this._eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET;
this._timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
this._preventDefault = false;
this._stopPropogation = false;
get bubbles(){return this._bubbles;},
get cancelable(){return this._cancelable;},
get currentTarget(){return this._currentTarget;},
set currentTarget(currentTarget){ this._currentTarget = currentTarget; },
get eventPhase(){return this._eventPhase;},
set eventPhase(eventPhase){this._eventPhase = eventPhase;},
get target(){return this._target;},
set target(target){ this._target = target;},
get timeStamp(){return this._timeStamp;},
get type(){return this._type;},
initEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable){
preventDefault: function(){
this._preventDefault = true;
stopPropagation: function(){
this._cancelled = true;
this._bubbles = false;
get cancelled(){
return this._cancelled;
toString: function(){
return '[object Event]';
* @name UIEvent
* @param {Object} options
UIEvent = function(options) {
this._view = null;
this._detail = 0;
UIEvent.prototype = new Event();
get view(){
return this._view;
get detail(){
return this._detail;
initUIEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, detail){
this.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
this._detail = 0;
this._view = windowObject;
var $onblur,
* @name MouseEvent
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Events-20001113/events.html
MouseEvent = function(options) {
this._screenX= 0;
this._screenY= 0;
this._clientX= 0;
this._clientY= 0;
this._ctrlKey= false;
this._metaKey= false;
this._altKey= false;
this._button= null;
this._relatedTarget= null;
MouseEvent.prototype = new UIEvent();
get screenX(){
return this._screenX;
get screenY(){
return this._screenY;
get clientX(){
return this._clientX;
get clientY(){
return this._clientY;
get ctrlKey(){
return this._ctrlKey;
get altKey(){
return this._altKey;
get shiftKey(){
return this._shiftKey;
get metaKey(){
return this._metaKey;
get button(){
return this._button;
get relatedTarget(){
return this._relatedTarget;
initMouseEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey,
metaKey, button, relatedTarget){
this.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, detail);
this._screenX = screenX;
this._screenY = screenY;
this._clientX = clientX;
this._clientY = clientY;
this._ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
this._altKey = altKey;
this._shiftKey = shiftKey;
this._metaKey = metaKey;
this._button = button;
this._relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
* Interface KeyboardEvent (introduced in DOM Level 3)
KeyboardEvent = function(options) {
this._keyIdentifier = 0;
this._keyLocation = 0;
this._ctrlKey = false;
this._metaKey = false;
this._altKey = false;
this._metaKey = false;
KeyboardEvent.prototype = new UIEvent();
get ctrlKey(){
return this._ctrlKey;
get altKey(){
return this._altKey;
get shiftKey(){
return this._shiftKey;
get metaKey(){
return this._metaKey;
get button(){
return this._button;
get relatedTarget(){
return this._relatedTarget;
getModifiersState: function(keyIdentifier){
initMouseEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject,
keyIdentifier, keyLocation, modifiersList, repeat){
this.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, 0);
this._keyIdentifier = keyIdentifier;
this._keyLocation = keyLocation;
this._modifiersList = modifiersList;
this._repeat = repeat;
KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT = 1;
//We dont fire mutation events until someone has registered for them
var __supportedMutations__ = /DOMSubtreeModified|DOMNodeInserted|DOMNodeRemoved|DOMAttrModified|DOMCharacterDataModified/;
var __fireMutationEvents__ = Aspect.before({
target: EventTarget,
method: 'addEventListener'
}, function(target, type){
if(type && type.match(__supportedMutations__)){
//unweaving removes the __addEventListener__ aspect
// These two methods are enough to cover all dom 2 manipulations
target: Node,
}, function(invocation){
var event,
node = invocation.arguments[0];
event = node.ownerDocument.createEvent('MutationEvents');
event.initEvent('DOMNodeRemoved', true, false, node.parentNode, null, null, null, null);
node.dispatchEvent(event, false);
return invocation.proceed();
target: Node,
}, function(invocation) {
var event,
node = invocation.proceed();
event = node.ownerDocument.createEvent('MutationEvents');
event.initEvent('DOMNodeInserted', true, false, node.parentNode, null, null, null, null);
node.dispatchEvent(event, false);
return node;
* @name MutationEvent
* @param {Object} options
MutationEvent = function(options) {
this._cancelable = false;
this._timeStamp = 0;
MutationEvent.prototype = new Event();
get relatedNode(){
return this._relatedNode;
get prevValue(){
return this._prevValue;
get newValue(){
return this._newValue;
get attrName(){
return this._attrName;
get attrChange(){
return this._attrChange;
initMutationEvent: function( type, bubbles, cancelable,
relatedNode, prevValue, newValue, attrName, attrChange ){
this._relatedNode = relatedNode;
this._prevValue = prevValue;
this._newValue = newValue;
this._attrName = attrName;
this._attrChange = attrChange;
case "DOMSubtreeModified":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMNodeInserted":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMNodeRemoved":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument":
this.initEvent(type, false, false);
case "DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument":
this.initEvent(type, false, false);
case "DOMAttrModified":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMCharacterDataModified":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
this.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
// constants
MutationEvent.ADDITION = 0;
MutationEvent.MODIFICATION = 1;
MutationEvent.REMOVAL = 2;
* @name EventException
EventException = function(code) {
this.code = code;
* DOM Level 2: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html
* DOM Level 3: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/
* interface DocumentEvent {
* Event createEvent (in DOMString eventType)
* raises (DOMException);
* };
* Firefox (3.6) exposes DocumentEvent
* Safari (4) does NOT.
* TODO: Not sure we need a full prototype. We not just an regular object?
DocumentEvent = function(){};
DocumentEvent.prototype.__EventMap__ = {
// Safari4: singular and plural forms accepted
// Firefox3.6: singular and plural forms accepted
'Event' : Event,
'Events' : Event,
'UIEvent' : UIEvent,
'UIEvents' : UIEvent,
'MouseEvent' : MouseEvent,
'MouseEvents' : MouseEvent,
'MutationEvent' : MutationEvent,
'MutationEvents' : MutationEvent,
// Safari4: accepts HTMLEvents, but not HTMLEvent
// Firefox3.6: accepts HTMLEvents, but not HTMLEvent
'HTMLEvent' : Event,
'HTMLEvents' : Event,
// Safari4: both not accepted
// Firefox3.6, only KeyEvents is accepted
'KeyEvent' : KeyboardEvent,
'KeyEvents' : KeyboardEvent,
// Safari4: both accepted
// Firefox3.6: none accepted
'KeyboardEvent' : KeyboardEvent,
'KeyboardEvents' : KeyboardEvent
DocumentEvent.prototype.createEvent = function(eventType) {
var Clazz = this.__EventMap__[eventType];
if (Clazz) {
return new Clazz();
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR));
__extend__(Document.prototype, DocumentEvent.prototype);
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri http://www.envjs.com/
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs timer.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* Parts of the implementation were originally written by:\
* Steven Parkes
* requires Envjs.wait, Envjs.sleep, Envjs.WAIT_INTERVAL
var setTimeout,
* Envjs timer.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* timer.js
* implementation provided by Steven Parkes
var $timers = [],
$timers.lock = function(fn){
//private internal class
var Timer = function(fn, interval){
this.fn = fn;
this.interval = interval;
this.at = Date.now() + interval;
// allows for calling wait() from callbacks
this.running = false;
Timer.prototype.start = function(){};
Timer.prototype.stop = function(){};
Timer.normalize = function(time) {
time = time*1;
if ( isNaN(time) || time < 0 ) {
time = 0;
if ( EVENT_LOOP_RUNNING && time < Timer.MIN_TIME ) {
time = Timer.MIN_TIME;
return time;
// html5 says this should be at least 4, but the parser is using
// a setTimeout for the SAX stuff which messes up the world
Timer.MIN_TIME = /* 4 */ 0;
* @function setTimeout
* @param {Object} fn
* @param {Object} time
setTimeout = function(fn, time){
var num;
time = Timer.normalize(time);
num = $timers.length+1;
var tfn;
if (typeof fn == 'string') {
tfn = function() {
try {
// eval in global scope
eval(fn, null);
} catch (e) {
console.log('timer error %s %s', fn, e);
} finally {
} else {
tfn = function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('timer error %s %s', fn, e);
} finally {
//console.log("Creating timer number %s", num);
$timers[num] = new Timer(tfn, time);
return num;
* @function setInterval
* @param {Object} fn
* @param {Object} time
setInterval = function(fn, time){
//console.log('setting interval %s %s', time, fn.toString().substring(0,64));
time = Timer.normalize(time);
if ( time < 10 ) {
time = 10;
if (typeof fn == 'string') {
var fnstr = fn;
fn = function() {
var num;
num = $timers.length+1;
//Envjs.debug("Creating timer number "+num);
$timers[num] = new Timer(fn, time);
return num;
* clearInterval
* @param {Object} num
clearInterval = clearTimeout = function(num){
//console.log("clearing interval "+num);
if ( $timers[num] ) {
delete $timers[num];
// wait === null/undefined: execute any timers as they fire,
// waiting until there are none left
// wait(n) (n > 0): execute any timers as they fire until there
// are none left waiting at least n ms but no more, even if there
// are future events/current threads
// wait(0): execute any immediately runnable timers and return
// wait(-n): keep sleeping until the next event is more than n ms
// in the future
// TODO: make a priority queue ...
Envjs.wait = function(wait) {
//console.log('wait %s', wait);
var delta_wait,
start = Date.now(),
was_running = EVENT_LOOP_RUNNING;
if (wait < 0) {
delta_wait = -wait;
wait = 0;
if (wait !== 0 && wait !== null && wait !== undefined){
wait += Date.now();
var earliest,
for (;;) {
//console.log('timer loop');
earliest = sleep = goal = now = nextfn = null;
for(index in $timers){
if( isNaN(index*0) ) {
timer = $timers[index];
// determine timer with smallest run-at time that is
// not already running
if( !timer.running && ( !earliest || timer.at < earliest.at) ) {
earliest = timer;
//next sleep time
sleep = earliest && earliest.at - Date.now();
if ( earliest && sleep <= 0 ) {
nextfn = earliest.fn;
try {
//console.log('running stack %s', nextfn.toString().substring(0,64));
earliest.running = true;
} catch (e) {
console.log('timer error %s %s', nextfn, e);
} finally {
earliest.running = false;
goal = earliest.at + earliest.interval;
now = Date.now();
if ( goal < now ) {
earliest.at = now;
} else {
earliest.at = goal;
// bunch of subtle cases here ...
if ( !earliest ) {
// no events in the queue (but maybe XHR will bring in events, so ...
if ( !wait || wait < Date.now() ) {
// Loop ends if there are no events and a wait hasn't been
// requested or has expired
// no events, but a wait requested: fall through to sleep
} else {
// there are events in the queue, but they aren't firable now
/*if ( delta_wait && sleep <= delta_wait ) {
//TODO: why waste a check on a tight
// loop if it just falls through?
// if they will happen within the next delta, fall through to sleep
} else */if ( wait === 0 || ( wait > 0 && wait < Date.now () ) ) {
// loop ends even if there are events but the user
// specifcally asked not to wait too long
// there are events and the user wants to wait: fall through to sleep
// Related to ajax threads ... hopefully can go away ..
var interval = Envjs.WAIT_INTERVAL || 100;
if ( !sleep || sleep > interval ) {
sleep = interval;
//console.log('sleeping %s', sleep);
EVENT_LOOP_RUNNING = was_running;
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri http://www.envjs.com/
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* This file simply provides the global definitions we need to
* be able to correctly implement to core browser DOM HTML interfaces.
var HTMLDocument,
* Envjs html.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author ariel flesler
* http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/11/fast-trim-function-for-javascript.html
* @param {Object} str
function __trim__( str ){
return (str || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" );
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* @class HTMLDocument
* The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
* Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides
* the primary access to the document's data.
* @extends Document
HTMLDocument = function(implementation, ownerWindow, referrer) {
Document.apply(this, arguments);
this.referrer = referrer || '';
this.baseURI = "about:blank";
this.ownerWindow = ownerWindow;
HTMLDocument.prototype = new Document();
__extend__(HTMLDocument.prototype, {
createElement: function(tagName){
var node;
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
// create Element specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
// This is an html document so we need to use explicit interfaces per the
//TODO: would be much faster as a big switch
case "A":
node = new HTMLAnchorElement(this);break;
case "AREA":
node = new HTMLAreaElement(this);break;
case "BASE":
node = new HTMLBaseElement(this);break;
node = new HTMLQuoteElement(this);break;
case "CANVAS":
node = new HTMLCanvasElement(this);break;
case "Q":
node = new HTMLQuoteElement(this);break;
case "BODY":
node = new HTMLBodyElement(this);break;
case "BR":
node = new HTMLBRElement(this);break;
case "BUTTON":
node = new HTMLButtonElement(this);break;
case "CAPTION":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "COL":
node = new HTMLTableColElement(this);break;
case "COLGROUP":
node = new HTMLTableColElement(this);break;
case "DEL":
node = new HTMLModElement(this);break;
case "INS":
node = new HTMLModElement(this);break;
case "DIV":
node = new HTMLDivElement(this);break;
case "DL":
node = new HTMLDListElement(this);break;
case "DT":
node = new HTMLElement(this); break;
case "FIELDSET":
node = new HTMLFieldSetElement(this);break;
case "FORM":
node = new HTMLFormElement(this);break;
case "FRAME":
node = new HTMLFrameElement(this);break;
case "H1":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H2":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H3":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H4":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H5":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H6":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "HEAD":
node = new HTMLHeadElement(this);break;
case "HR":
node = new HTMLHRElement(this);break;
case "HTML":
node = new HTMLHtmlElement(this);break;
case "IFRAME":
node = new HTMLIFrameElement(this);break;
case "IMG":
node = new HTMLImageElement(this);break;
case "INPUT":
node = new HTMLInputElement(this);break;
case "LABEL":
node = new HTMLLabelElement(this);break;
case "LEGEND":
node = new HTMLLegendElement(this);break;
case "LI":
node = new HTMLLIElement(this);break;
case "LINK":
node = new HTMLLinkElement(this);break;
case "MAP":
node = new HTMLMapElement(this);break;
case "META":
node = new HTMLMetaElement(this);break;
case "NOSCRIPT":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "OBJECT":
node = new HTMLObjectElement(this);break;
case "OPTGROUP":
node = new HTMLOptGroupElement(this);break;
case "OL":
node = new HTMLOListElement(this); break;
case "OPTION":
node = new HTMLOptionElement(this);break;
case "P":
node = new HTMLParagraphElement(this);break;
case "PARAM":
node = new HTMLParamElement(this);break;
case "PRE":
node = new HTMLPreElement(this);break;
case "SCRIPT":
node = new HTMLScriptElement(this);break;
case "SELECT":
node = new HTMLSelectElement(this);break;
case "SMALL":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "SPAN":
node = new HTMLSpanElement(this);break;
case "STRONG":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "STYLE":
node = new HTMLStyleElement(this);break;
case "TABLE":
node = new HTMLTableElement(this);break;
case "TBODY":
node = new HTMLTableSectionElement(this);break;
case "TFOOT":
node = new HTMLTableSectionElement(this);break;
case "THEAD":
node = new HTMLTableSectionElement(this);break;
case "TD":
node = new HTMLTableDataCellElement(this);break;
case "TH":
node = new HTMLTableHeaderCellElement(this);break;
case "TEXTAREA":
node = new HTMLTextAreaElement(this);break;
case "TITLE":
node = new HTMLTitleElement(this);break;
case "TR":
node = new HTMLTableRowElement(this);break;
case "UL":
node = new HTMLUListElement(this);break;
node = new HTMLUnknownElement(this);
// assign values to properties (and aliases)
node.nodeName = tagName;
return node;
createElementNS : function (uri, local) {
//print('createElementNS :'+uri+" "+local);
return this.createElement(local);
}else if ("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" == uri) {
return this.createElement(local);
} else if ("http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" == uri) {
return this.createElement(local);
} else {
return Document.prototype.createElementNS.apply(this,[uri, local]);
get anchors(){
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName('a'));
get applets(){
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName('applet'));
get documentElement(){
var html = Document.prototype.__lookupGetter__('documentElement').apply(this,[]);
if( html === null){
html = this.createElement('html');
return html;
//document.head is non-standard
get head(){
//console.log('get head');
if (!this.documentElement) {
var element = this.documentElement,
length = element.childNodes.length,
//check for the presence of the head element in this html doc
set domain(value){
var i,
domainParts = this.domain.split('.').reverse(),
newDomainParts = value.split('.').reverse();
if(newDomainParts.length > 1){
for(i=0;i 0){
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent( okay ? "load" : "error", false, false );
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('error loading html element %s %e', node, e.toString());
case 'frame':
case 'iframe':
node.contentWindow = { };
node.contentDocument = new HTMLDocument(new DOMImplementation(), node.contentWindow);
node.contentWindow.document = node.contentDocument;
node.contentDocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
//console.log("getting content document for (i)frame from %s", node.src);
Envjs.loadFrame(node, Envjs.uri(node.src));
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
//I dont like this being here:
//TODO: better mix-in strategy so the try/catch isnt required
//console.log('src/html/document.js: triggering frame load');
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('error loading html element %s %e', node, e.toString());
case 'link':
if (node.href && node.href.length > 0) {
__loadLink__(node, node.href);
case 'img':
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
// don't actually load anything, so we're "done" immediately:
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
case 'option':
console.log('calling attribute onload %s | %s', node.onload, node.tagName);
}//switch on name
}//switch on ns
// console.log('element appended: %s %s', node+'', node.namespaceURI);
}//switch on doc.parsing
return node;
target: Node,
}, function(invocation) {
var event,
node = invocation.proceed(),
doc = node.ownerDocument;
if((node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)){
//for now we are only handling element insertions. probably we will need
//to handle text node changes to script tags and changes to src
if(node.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE && node.uuid){
//console.log('removing event listeners, %s', node, node.uuid);
node.removeEventListener('*', null, null);
return node;
//console.log('appended html element %s %s %s', node.namespaceURI, node.nodeName, node);
case true:
//handled by parser if included
case false:
case null:
//fall through
case "":
//fall through
case "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml":
//this is interesting dillema since our event engine is
//storing the registered events in an array accessed
//by the uuid property of the node. unforunately this
//means listeners hang out way after(forever ;)) the node
//has been removed and gone out of scope.
//console.log('removing event listeners, %s', node, node.uuid);
node.removeEventListener('*', null, null);
case 'frame':
case 'iframe':
//console.log('removing iframe document');
console.log('error freeing resources from frame %s', e);
node.contentWindow = null;
node.contentDocument = null;
console.log('error unloading html element %s %e', node, e.toString());
}//switch on name
}//switch on ns
console.log('element appended: %s %s', node+'', node.namespaceURI);
}//switch on doc.parsing
return node;
* Named Element Support
* @returns 'name' if the node has a appropriate name
* null if node does not have a name
var __isNamedElement__ = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return null;
var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
var nodename = null;
switch (tagName) {
case 'embed':
case 'form':
case 'iframe':
nodename = node.getAttribute('name');
case 'applet':
nodename = node.id;
case 'object':
// TODO: object needs to be 'fallback free'
nodename = node.id;
case 'img':
nodename = node.id;
if (!nodename || ! node.getAttribute('name')) {
nodename = null;
return (nodename) ? nodename : null;
var __addNamedMap__ = function(target, node) {
var nodename = __isNamedElement__(node);
if (nodename) {
target.__defineGetter__(nodename, function() {
return node;
var __removeNamedMap__ = function(target, node) {
if (!node) {
var nodename = __isNamedElement__(node);
if (nodename) {
delete target[nodename];
* @name HTMLEvents
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Events-20001113/events.html
var __eval__ = function(script, node){
if (!script == ""){
// don't assemble environment if no script...
console.log('error evaluating %s', e);
var HTMLEvents= function(){};
HTMLEvents.prototype = {
onload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this);
onunload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onunload')||'', this);
onabort: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onabort')||'', this);
onerror: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onerror')||'', this);
onselect: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onselect')||'', this);
onchange: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onchange')||'', this);
onsubmit: function(event){
if (__eval__(this.getAttribute('onsubmit')||'', this)) {
onreset: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onreset')||'', this);
onfocus: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onfocus')||'', this);
onblur: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onblur')||'', this);
onresize: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onresize')||'', this);
onscroll: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onscroll')||'', this);
//HTMLDocument, HTMLFramesetElement, HTMLObjectElement
var __load__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
return event;
//HTMLFramesetElement, HTMLBodyElement
var __unload__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("unload", false, false);
return event;
var __abort__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("abort", true, false);
return event;
//HTMLFramesetElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLBodyElement
var __error__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("error", true, false);
return event;
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __select__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("select", true, false);
return event;
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __change__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("change", true, false);
return event;
var __submit__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("submit", true, true);
return event;
var __reset__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("reset", false, false);
return event;
var __focus__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("focus", false, false);
return event;
var __blur__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("blur", false, false);
return event;
var __resize__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("resize", true, false);
return event;
var __scroll__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("scroll", true, false);
return event;
* @name KeyboardEvents
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Events-20001113/events.html
var KeyboardEvents= function(){};
KeyboardEvents.prototype = {
onkeydown: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onkeydown')||'', this);
onkeypress: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onkeypress')||'', this);
onkeyup: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onkeyup')||'', this);
var __registerKeyboardEventAttrs__ = function(elm){
elm.addEventListener('keydown', elm.onkeydown, false);
elm.addEventListener('keypress', elm.onkeypress, false);
elm.addEventListener('keyup', elm.onkeyup, false);
return elm;
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __keydown__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('KeyboardEvents');
event.initEvent("keydown", false, false);
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __keypress__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('KeyboardEvents');
event.initEvent("keypress", false, false);
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __keyup__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('KeyboardEvents');
event.initEvent("keyup", false, false);
* @name MaouseEvents
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Events-20001113/events.html
var MouseEvents= function(){};
MouseEvents.prototype = {
onclick: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onclick')||'', this);
ondblclick: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('ondblclick')||'', this);
onmousedown: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmousedown')||'', this);
onmousemove: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmousemove')||'', this);
onmouseout: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmouseout')||'', this);
onmouseover: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmouseover')||'', this);
onmouseup: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmouseup')||'', this);
var __registerMouseEventAttrs__ = function(elm){
elm.addEventListener('click', elm.onclick, false);
elm.addEventListener('dblclick', elm.ondblclick, false);
elm.addEventListener('mousedown', elm.onmousedown, false);
elm.addEventListener('mousemove', elm.onmousemove, false);
elm.addEventListener('mouseout', elm.onmouseout, false);
elm.addEventListener('mouseover', elm.onmouseover, false);
elm.addEventListener('mouseup', elm.onmouseup, false);
return elm;
var __click__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("click", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mousedown__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mousedown", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mouseup__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mouseup", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mouseover__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mouseover", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mousemove__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mousemove", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mouseout__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mouseout", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
* HTMLElement - DOM Level 2
/* Hack for http://www.prototypejs.org/
* Prototype 1.6 (the library) creates a new global Element, which causes
* envjs to use the wrong Element.
* http://envjs.lighthouseapp.com/projects/21590/tickets/108-prototypejs-wont-load-due-it-clobbering-element
* Options:
* (1) Rename the dom/element to something else
* rejected: been done before. people want Element.
* (2) merge dom+html and not export Element to global namespace
* (meaning we would use a local var Element in a closure, so prototype
* can do what ever it wants)
* rejected: want dom and html separate
* (3) use global namespace (put everything under Envjs = {})
* rejected: massive change
* (4) use commonjs modules (similar to (3) in spirit)
* rejected: massive change
* or
* (5) take a reference to Element during initial loading ("compile
* time"), and use the reference instead of "Element". That's
* what the next line does. We use __DOMElement__ if we need to
* reference the parent class. Only this file explcity uses
* Element so this should work, and is the most minimal change I
* could think of with no external API changes.
var __DOMElement__ = Element;
HTMLElement = function(ownerDocument) {
__DOMElement__.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLElement.prototype = new Element();
__extend__(HTMLElement.prototype, HTMLEvents.prototype);
__extend__(HTMLElement.prototype, {
get className() {
return this.getAttribute("class")||'';
set className(value) {
return this.setAttribute("class",__trim__(value));
get dir() {
return this.getAttribute("dir")||"ltr";
set dir(val) {
return this.setAttribute("dir",val);
get id(){
return this.getAttribute('id') || '';
set id(id){
this.setAttribute('id', id);
get innerHTML(){
var ret = "",
// create string containing the concatenation of the string
// values of each child
for (i=0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
if(this.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
ret += this.childNodes[i].xhtml;
} else if (this.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && i>0 &&
this.childNodes[i-1].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE){
//add a single space between adjacent text nodes
ret += " "+this.childNodes[i].xml;
ret += this.childNodes[i].xml;
return ret;
get lang() {
return this.getAttribute("lang");
set lang(val) {
return this.setAttribute("lang",val);
get offsetHeight(){
return Number((this.style.height || '').replace("px",""));
get offsetWidth(){
return Number((this.style.width || '').replace("px",""));
offsetLeft: 0,
offsetRight: 0,
get offsetParent(){
/* TODO */
set offsetParent(element){
/* TODO */
scrollHeight: 0,
scrollWidth: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollRight: 0,
get style(){
return this.getAttribute('style')||'';
get title() {
return this.getAttribute("title");
set title(value) {
return this.setAttribute("title", value);
get tabIndex(){
var tabindex = this.getAttribute('tabindex');
return Number(tabindex);
} else {
return 0;
set tabIndex(value){
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
value = 0;
get outerHTML(){
//Not in the specs but I'll leave it here for now.
return this.xhtml;
scrollIntoView: function(){
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLElement]';
get xhtml() {
// HTMLDocument.xhtml is non-standard
// This is exactly like Document.xml except the tagName has to be
// lower cased. I dont like to duplicate this but its really not
// a simple work around between xml and html serialization via
// XMLSerializer (which uppercases html tags) and innerHTML (which
// lowercases tags)
var ret = "",
ns = "",
name = (this.tagName+"").toLowerCase(),
attrstring = "",
// serialize namespace declarations
if (this.namespaceURI){
if((this === this.ownerDocument.documentElement) ||
(!this.parentNode) ||
(this.parentNode &&
(this.parentNode.namespaceURI !== this.namespaceURI))) {
ns = ' xmlns' + (this.prefix ? (':' + this.prefix) : '') +
'="' + this.namespaceURI + '"';
// serialize Attribute declarations
attrs = this.attributes;
for(i=0;i< attrs.length;i++){
attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"';
// serialize this Element
ret += "<" + name + ns + attrstring +">";
for(i=0;i< this.childNodes.length;i++){
ret += this.childNodes[i].xhtml ?
this.childNodes[i].xhtml :
ret += "" + name + ">";
case 'script':
ret += "<" + name + ns + attrstring +">"+name+">";
ret += "<" + name + ns + attrstring +"/>";
return ret;
* setAttribute use a dispatch table that other tags can set to
* "listen" to various values being set. The dispatch table
* and registration functions are at the end of the file.
setAttribute: function(name, value) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname, name);
if (callback) {
callback(this, value);
setAttributeNS: function(namespaceURI, name, value) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttributeNS.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname, name);
if (callback) {
callback(this, value);
return result;
setAttributeNode: function(newnode) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttributeNode.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname, newnode.name);
if (callback) {
callback(this, node.value);
return result;
setAttributeNodeNS: function(newnode) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttributeNodeNS.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname, newnode.name);
if (callback) {
callback(this, node.value);
return result;
removeAttribute: function(name) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
removeAttributeNS: function(namespace, localname) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeAttributeNS.apply(this, arguments);
removeAttributeNode: function(name) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
removeChild: function(oldChild) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, oldChild);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeChild.apply(this, arguments);
importNode: function(othernode, deep) {
var newnode = __DOMElement__.prototype.importNode.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, newnode);
return newnode;
// not actually sure if this is needed or not
replaceNode: function(newchild, oldchild) {
var newnode = __DOMElement__.prototype.replaceNode.apply(this, arguments);
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, oldchild);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, newnode);
return newnode;
HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks = {};
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute = function(tag, attrib, callbackfn) {
HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks[tag + ':set:' + attrib] = callbackfn;
HTMLElement.registerRemoveAttribute = function(tag, attrib, callbackfn) {
HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks[tag + ':remove:' + attrib] = callbackfn;
* This is really only useful internally
HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback = function(type, tag, attrib) {
return HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks[tag + ':' + type + ':' + attrib] || null;
* HTMLCollection
* HTML5 -- HTMLCollection
* http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#htmlcollection
* http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#collections
HTMLCollection = function(nodelist, type) {
__setArray__(this, []);
var n;
for (var i=0; i= 0) && (idx < this.length)) ? this[idx] : null;
namedItem: function (name) {
return this[name] || null;
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLCollection]';
* a set of convenience classes to centralize implementation of
* properties and methods across multiple in-form elements
* the hierarchy of related HTML elements and their members is as follows:
* Condensed Version
* HTMLInputCommon
* * legent (no value attr)
* * fieldset (no value attr)
* * label (no value attr)
* * option (custom value)
* HTMLTypeValueInputs (extends InputCommon)
* * select (custom value)
* * button (just sets value)
* HTMLInputAreaCommon (extends TypeValueIput)
* * input (custom)
* * textarea (just sets value)
* -----------------------
* HTMLInputCommon: common to all elements
* .form