require 'bacon' require 'pione' Global.git_package_directory = Location[Temppath.mkdir] module TestUtil include Pione::TupleSpaceServerInterface DIR = Location[File.dirname(__FILE__)] TEST_DATA_DIR = DIR + "test-data" TEST_PACKAGE_DIR = TEST_DATA_DIR + "package" def write_and_wait_to_be_taken(tuple, sec=5) observer = notify('take', tuple) write(tuple) timeout(sec) do observer.pop end end def clear_exceptions server = get_tuple_space_server server.read_all(Tuple[:exception].any).each do |tuple| ts_server.take(tuple) end end def check_exceptions exceptions = tuple_space_server.read_all(Tuple[:exception].any) exceptions.each do |tuple| e = tuple.value Bacon::ErrorLog << "#{e.class}: #{e.message}\n" e.backtrace.each_with_index { |line, i| Bacon::ErrorLog << "\t#{line}\n" } Bacon::ErrorLog << "\n" end end def observe_exceptions(sec=5, &b) @thread = { } begin timeout(sec) do while @thread.alive? do; sleep 0.1; end end ensure check_exceptions end end def create_tuple_space_server # make drb server and it's connection tuple_space_server ={}, false) # base location base_location = Location[Temppath.create] tuple_space_server.write(Tuple[:base_location].new(base_location)) # set default tuple space server set_tuple_space_server tuple_space_server # return the connection return tuple_space_server end def create_remote_tuple_space_server # make drb server and it's connection tuple_space_server = # base uri tuple_space_server.write(Tuple[:base_location].new("local:#{Dir.mktmpdir('pione-test')}/")) @__remote_drb_server__ =, tuple_space_server) server = DRbObject.new_with_uri(@__remote_drb_server__.uri) # set default tuple space server set_tuple_space_server server # return the connection return server end def remote_drb_server @__remote_drb_server__ end end # Hash extension. class Hash # Symbolizes hash's keys recuirsively. This is convinient for YAML handling. def symbolize_keys each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), hash| hash[key.to_sym] = (val.kind_of?(Hash) ? val.symbolize_keys : val) end end end # Bacon::Context extension. class Bacon::Context # Install utilities. include TestUtil def transformer_spec(name, parser_name, &b) TestUtil::Transformer.spec(name, parser_name, self, &b) end end module TestUtil # Test pione method. def test_pione_method(name) yamlname = 'spec_%s.yml' % name ymlpath = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model', yamlname) testcases = YAML.load_file(ymlpath) describe "pione method test cases" do testcases.each do |testcase| expect = testcase.keys.first expr = testcase[expect].to_s expect = expect.to_s vtable = it '%s should be %s' % [expr, expect] do expect = expr = expect.eval(vtable).should == expr.eval(vtable) end end end end # Test uri scheme. def test_uri_scheme(name) yamlname = 'spec_%s.yml' % name ymlpath = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'uri-scheme', yamlname) testcases = YAML.load_file(ymlpath) describe "uri scheme test cases" do testcases.each do |testcase| uri = testcase.keys.first it uri do testcase[uri].keys.each do |name| expect = testcase[uri][name] expect = nil if expect == "nil" URI.parse(uri).__send__(name).should == expect end end end end end end module Pione::TupleSpace class TupleSpaceServer # Return all tuples of the tuple space. def all_tuples tuples = [] bag = @__ts__.instance_variable_get("@bag") bag.instance_variable_get("@hash").values.each do |bin| tuples += bin.instance_variable_get("@bin") end _tuples ={|t| t.value} return _tuples end # Return take waiting tuples. def take_waiter tuples = [] bag = @__ts__.instance_variable_get("@take_waiter") bag.instance_variable_get("@hash").values.each do |bin| tuples += bin.instance_variable_get("@bin") end _tuples ={|t| t.value} return _tuples end end end module Pione::Agent class BasicAgent include TestUtil # Fake set_current_state for counting state changes. alias :set_current_state_orig :set_current_state def set_current_state(state) @__counter__ ||= nil set_current_state_orig(state) if @__counter__ @__counter__.has_key?(state) ? @__counter__[state] += 1 : @__counter__[state] = 1 end end # Wait until state counter is reached at the number. def wait_until_count(number, state, sec=5, &b) timeout(sec) do @__counter__ = {} first_time = true while @__counter__[state].nil? or @__counter__[state] < number do if first_time first_time = false check_exceptions sleep 0.2 end @__counter__ = nil end end end end require_relative "test-util/command" require_relative "test-util/parser" require_relative "test-util/transformer" require_relative "test-util/package" require_relative "test-util/webserver" def setup_for_test include Pione Thread.abort_on_exception = true end setup_for_test