require 'spec_helper' module Calagator describe Source::Parser::Ical, type: :model do around do |example| Timecop.freeze("2000-01-01") do end end def events_from_ical_at(filename) url = "" source = => "Calendar event feed", :url => url) stub_request(:get, url).to_return(body: read_sample(filename)) return source.to_events end describe "in general" do it "should read http URLs as-is" do url = "" stub_request(:get, url).to_return(body: "42") expect(Source::Parser::Ical.read_url(url)).to eq "42" end it "should read webcal URLs as http" do webcal_url = "webcal://" http_url = "" stub_request(:get, http_url).to_return(body: "42") expect(Source::Parser::Ical.read_url(webcal_url)).to eq "42" end end describe "when parsing events and their venues" do before(:each) do url = "" stub_request(:get, url).to_return(body: read_sample('ical_upcoming_many.ics')) @events = Source::Parser.to_events(url: url) end it "venues should be" do @events.each do |event| expect(event.venue).not_to be_nil end end end describe "when parsing multiple items in an Eventful feed" do before(:each) do url = "" stub_request(:get, url).to_return(body: read_sample('ical_eventful_many.ics')) @events = Source::Parser.to_events(url: url) end it "should find multiple events" do expect(@events.size).to eq 15 end it "should find venues for events" do @events.each do |event| expect(event.venue.title).not_to be_nil end end it "should match each event with its venue" do expect( { |event| [event.title, event.venue.street_address] }).to eq [ ["iMovie and iDVD Workshop", "7293 SW Bridgeport Road"], ["iMovie and iDVD Workshop", "700 Southwest Fifth Avenue Suite #1035"], ["Portland Macintosh Users Group (PMUG)", "Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center"], ["Morning Meetings: IT", "622 SE Grand Avenue"], ["Portland Python Users' Group", "622 SE Grand Avenue"], ["Computer Basics Class", "12375 SW Fifth Street"], ["Code 'n' Splode", "622 SE Grand Avenue"], ["Google Analytics Seminars for Success in Portland,OR", "310 SW Lincoln Street"], ["PDXPHP Monthly Meeting", "1731 SE Tenth Avenue"], ["Portland Ruby Brigade", "622 SE Grand Avenue"], ["Portland Cisco Router Training: 2-Day Hands-On Seminar", "15525 NW Gateway Court"], ["Post Card & Souvenir Distributors Association Convention & Tra de Show", "1000 NE Multnomah"], ["Portland Cisco ASA Training: 2-Day Hands-On Seminar", "15525 NW Gateway Court"], ["Mythbusters", "Southwest Broadway at Main Street"], ["Wood Technology Clinic & Show", "777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard"], ] end end describe "with iCalendar events" do it "should parse Apple iCalendar v3 format" do events = events_from_ical_at('ical_apple_v3.ics') expect(events.size).to eq 1 event = events.first expect(event.title).to eq "Coffee with Jason" expect(event.start_time).to eq'2010-04-08 00:00:00 PDT -07:00') expect(event.end_time).to eq'2010-04-08 01:00:00 PDT -07:00') expect(event.venue).to be_nil end it "should parse basic iCalendar format" do events = events_from_ical_at('ical_basic.ics') expect(events.size).to eq 1 event = events.first expect(event.title).to be_blank expect(event.start_time).to eq'Wed Jan 17 00:00:00 2007') expect(event.venue).to be_nil end it "should parse basic iCalendar format with a duration and set the correct end time" do events = events_from_ical_at('ical_basic_with_duration.ics') expect(events.size).to eq 1 event = events.first expect(event.title).to be_blank expect(event.start_time).to eq'2010-04-08 00:00:00') expect(event.end_time).to eq'2010-04-08 01:00:00') expect(event.venue).to be_nil end it "should parse Google iCalendar feed with multiple events" do events = events_from_ical_at('ical_google.ics') # TODO add specs for venues/locations expect(events.size).to eq 47 event = events.first expect(event.title).to eq "XPDX (eXtreme Programming) at CubeSpace" expect(event.description).to be_blank expect(event.start_time).to eq Time.parse("2007-10-24 18:30:00 PDT") expect(event.end_time).to eq Time.parse("2007-10-24 19:30:00 PDT") event = events[17] expect(event.title).to eq "Code Sprint/Coding Dojo at CubeSpace" expect(event.description).to be_blank expect(event.start_time).to eq Time.parse("2007-10-17 19:00:00 PDT") expect(event.end_time).to eq Time.parse("2007-10-17 21:00:00 PDT") event = events.last expect(event.title).to eq "Adobe Developer User Group" expect(event.description).to eq "" expect(event.start_time).to eq Time.parse("2007-01-16 17:30:00 PST") expect(event.end_time).to eq Time.parse("2007-01-16 18:30:00 PST") end it "should parse non-Vcard locations" do events = events_from_ical_at('ical_google.ics') expect(events.first.venue.title).to eq 'CubeSpace' end it "should parse a calendar file with multiple calendars" do events = events_from_ical_at('ical_multiple_calendars.ics') expect(events.size).to eq 3 expect( eq ["Coffee with Jason", "Coffee with Mike", "Coffee with Kim"] end it "should not swallow errors" do expect(RiCal).to receive(:parse_string).and_raise(TypeError) expect { events_from_ical_at('ical_multiple_calendars.ics') }.to raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "when importing events with non-local times" do it "should store time ending in Z as UTC" do url = "" stub_request(:get, url).to_return(body: read_sample('ical_z.ics')) @source = => "Non-local time", :url => url) events = @source.create_events! event = events.first expect(event.start_time).to eq Time.parse('Thu Jul 01 08:00:00 +0000 2010') expect(event.end_time).to eq Time.parse('Thu Jul 01 09:00:00 +0000 2010') # time should be the same after saving event to, and getting it from, database event.reload expect(event.start_time).to eq Time.parse('Thu Jul 01 08:00:00 +0000 2010') expect(event.end_time).to eq Time.parse('Thu Jul 01 09:00:00 +0000 2010') end it "should store time with TZID=GMT in UTC" do events = events_from_ical_at('ical_gmt.ics') expect(events.size).to eq 1 event = events.first expect(event.start_time).to eq Time.parse('Fri May 07 08:00:00 +0000 2020') expect(event.end_time).to eq Time.parse('Fri May 07 09:00:00 +0000 2020') end end describe "when skipping old events" do before(:each) do url = "" stub_request(:get, url).to_return(body: %(BEGIN:VCALENDAR X-WR-CALNAME;VALUE=TEXT:NERV VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-// 1.0//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE;VALUE=TEXT:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT UID:Unit-01 SUMMARY:Past start and no end DESCRIPTION:Ayanami DTSTART:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTSTAMP:040425 SEQ:0 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:Unit-02 SUMMARY:Current start and no end DESCRIPTION:Soryu DTSTART:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTSTAMP:040425 SEQ:1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:Unit-03 SUMMARY:Past start and current end DESCRIPTION:Soryu a DTSTART:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTEND:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTSTAMP:040425 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:Unit-04 SUMMARY:Current start and current end DESCRIPTION:Soryu as DTSTART:#{"%Y%m%d")} DTEND:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTSTAMP:040425 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:Unit-05 SUMMARY:Past start and past end DESCRIPTION:Soryu qewr DTSTART:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTEND:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTSTAMP:040425 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:Unit-06 SUMMARY:Current start and past end DESCRIPTION:Not a valid event DTSTART:#{"%Y%m%d")} DTEND:#{("%Y%m%d")} DTSTAMP:040425 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR)) @source = "Title", url: url) end it "should be able to skip invalid and old events" do events = @source.create_events! expect( eq [ "Current start and no end", "Past start and current end", "Current start and current end" ] end end describe "when parsing an invalid ical" do before(:each) do url = "" stub_request(:get, url).to_return(body: %(BEGIN:VCALENDAR BEGIN:VEVENT OMGWTFBBQ END:VCALENDAR)) @source = "Title", url: url) end it "should return no events" do @source.create_events!.should == [] end end end end