require 'graticule' require 'acts_as_geocodable/geocoding' require 'acts_as_geocodable/geocode' require 'acts_as_geocodable/remote_location' module ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods def without_callback(*args, &block) skip_callback(*args) yield set_callback(*args) end end module ActsAsGeocodable #:nodoc: # Make a model geocodable. # # class Event < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_geocodable # end # # == Options # * :address: A hash that maps geocodable attirbutes (:street, # :locality, :region, :postal_code, :country) # to your model's address fields, or a symbol to store the entire address in one field # * :normalize_address: If set to true, you address fields will be updated # using the address fields returned by the geocoder. (Default is +false+) # * :units: Default units-:miles or :kilometers-used for # distance calculations and queries. (Default is :miles) # def acts_as_geocodable(options = {}) options = { :address => { :street => :street, :locality => :locality, :region => :region, :postal_code => :postal_code, :country => :country}, :normalize_address => false, :distance_column => 'distance', :units => :miles }.merge(options) if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 class_attribute :acts_as_geocodable_options self.acts_as_geocodable_options = options else write_inheritable_attribute :acts_as_geocodable_options, options class_inheritable_reader :acts_as_geocodable_options end define_callbacks :geocoding has_one :geocoding, :as => :geocodable, :include => :geocode, :dependent => :destroy after_save :attach_geocode # Would love to do a simpler scope here, like: # scope :with_geocode_fields, includes(:geocoding) # But we need to use select() and it would get overwritten. scope :with_geocode_fields, lambda { joins("JOIN geocodings ON #{table_name}.#{primary_key} = geocodings.geocodable_id AND geocodings.geocodable_type = '#{model_name}' JOIN geocodes ON geocodings.geocode_id =") } # Use ActiveRecord ARel style syntax for finding records. # # Model.origin("Chicago, IL", :within => 10) # # a +distance+ attribute indicating the distance # to the origin is added to each of the results: # # Model.origin("Portland, OR").first.distance #=> 388.383 # # == Options # # * origin: A Geocode, String, or geocodable model that specifies # the origin # * :within: Limit to results within this radius of the origin # * :beyond: Limit to results outside of this radius from the origin # * :units: Units to use for :within or :beyond. # Default is :miles unless specified otherwise in the +acts_as_geocodable+ # declaration. # scope :origin, lambda {|*args| origin = location_to_geocode(args[0]) options = { :units => acts_as_geocodable_options[:units], }.merge(args[1] || {}) distance_sql = sql_for_distance(origin, options[:units]) scope ="#{table_name}.*, #{distance_sql} AS #{acts_as_geocodable_options[:distance_column]}") scope = scope.where("#{distance_sql} > #{options[:beyond]}") if options[:beyond] if options[:within] scope = scope.where("(geocodes.latitude = :lat AND geocodes.longitude = :long) OR (#{distance_sql} <= #{options[:within]})", {:lat => origin.latitude, :long => origin.longitude}) end scope } scope :near, order("#{acts_as_geocodable_options[:distance_column]} ASC") scope :far, order("#{acts_as_geocodable_options[:distance_column]} DESC") include ActsAsGeocodable::Model end module Model extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Find the nearest location to the given origin # # Model.origin("Grand Rapids, MI").nearest # def nearest near.first end # Find the farthest location to the given origin # # Model.origin("Grand Rapids, MI").farthest # def farthest far.first end # Convert the given location to a Geocode def location_to_geocode(location) case location when Geocode then location when InstanceMethods then location.geocode when String, Fixnum then Geocode.find_or_create_by_query(location.to_s) end end # Validate that the model can be geocoded # # Options: # * :message: Added to errors base (Default: Address could not be geocoded.) # * :allow_nil: If all the address attributes are blank, then don't try to # validate the geocode (Default: false) # * :precision: Require a minimum geocoding precision # # validates_as_geocodable also takes a block that you can use to performa additional # checks on the geocode. If this block returns false, then validation will fail. # # validates_as_geocodable do |geocode| # == "US" # end # def validates_as_geocodable(options = {}) options = options.reverse_merge :message => "Address could not be geocoded.", :allow_nil => false validate do |model| is_blank = model.to_location.attributes.except(:precision).all?(&:blank?) unless options[:allow_nil] && is_blank geocode = model.send :attach_geocode if !geocode || (options[:precision] && geocode.precision < options[:precision]) || (block_given? && yield(geocode) == false) model.errors.add :base, options[:message] end end end end private def sql_for_distance(origin, units = acts_as_geocodable_options[:units]) Graticule::Distance::Spherical.to_sql( :latitude => origin.latitude, :longitude => origin.longitude, :latitude_column => "geocodes.latitude", :longitude_column => "geocodes.longitude", :units => units ) end end module InstanceMethods # Get the geocode for this model def geocode geocoding.geocode if geocoding end # Create a Graticule::Location def to_location do |location| [:street, :locality, :region, :postal_code, :country].each do |attr| location.send "#{attr}=", geo_attribute(attr) end end end # Get the distance to the given destination. The destination can be an # acts_as_geocodable model, a Geocode, or a string # # myhome.distance_to "Chicago, IL" # myhome.distance_to "49423" # myhome.distance_to other_model # # == Options # * :units: :miles or :kilometers # * :formula: The formula to use to calculate the distance. This can # be any formula supported by Graticule. The default is :haversine. # def distance_to(destination, options = {}) units = options[:units] || acts_as_geocodable_options[:units] formula = options[:formula] || :haversine geocode = self.class.location_to_geocode(destination) self.geocode.distance_to(geocode, units, formula) end protected # Perform the geocoding def attach_geocode new_geocode = Geocode.find_or_create_by_location self.to_location unless self.to_location.blank? if new_geocode && self.geocode != new_geocode run_callbacks :geocoding do self.geocoding = :geocode => new_geocode self.update_address self.acts_as_geocodable_options[:normalize_address] end elsif !new_geocode && self.geocoding self.geocoding.destroy end new_geocode rescue Graticule::Error => e logger.warn e.message end def update_address(force = false) #:nodoc: unless self.geocode.blank? if self.acts_as_geocodable_options[:address].is_a? Symbol method = self.acts_as_geocodable_options[:address] if self.respond_to?("#{method}=") && (self.send(method).blank? || force) self.send "#{method}=", self.geocode.to_location.to_s end else self.acts_as_geocodable_options[:address].each do |attribute,method| if self.respond_to?("#{method}=") && (self.send(method).blank? || force) self.send "#{method}=", self.geocode.send(attribute) end end end self.class.without_callback(:save, :after, :attach_geocode) do save end end end def geo_attribute(attr_key) #:nodoc: if self.acts_as_geocodable_options[:address].is_a? Symbol attr_name = self.acts_as_geocodable_options[:address] attr_key == :street ? self.send(attr_name) : nil else attr_name = self.acts_as_geocodable_options[:address][attr_key] attr_name && self.respond_to?(attr_name) ? self.send(attr_name) : nil end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :extend, ActsAsGeocodable