require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb' describe "when deserializing" do before :each do RocketAMF::ClassMapper.reset end describe "AMF0" do it "should deserialize numbers" do input = object_fixture('amf0-number.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == 3.5 end it "should deserialize booleans" do input = object_fixture('amf0-boolean.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should === true end it "should deserialize strings" do input = object_fixture('amf0-string.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == "this is a テスト" end it "should deserialize anonymous objects" do input = object_fixture('amf0-object.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == {:foo => 'baz', :bar => 3.14} end it "should deserialize nulls" do input = object_fixture('amf0-null.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == nil end it "should deserialize undefineds" do input = object_fixture('amf0-undefined.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == nil end it "should deserialize references properly" do input = object_fixture('amf0-ref-test.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.length.should == 2 output[0].should === output[1] end it "should deserialize hashes" do input = object_fixture('amf0-hash.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == {:a => 'b', :c => 'd'} end it "should deserialize arrays from flash player" do # Even Array is serialized as a "hash", so check that deserializer converts to array input = object_fixture('amf0-ecma-ordinal-array.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] end it "should serialize strict arrays" do input = object_fixture('amf0-strict-array.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] end it "should deserialize dates" do input = object_fixture('amf0-date.bin') output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should == Time.utc(2003, 2, 13, 5) end it "should deserialize XML" it "should deserialize an unmapped object as a dynamic anonymous object" do input = object_fixture("amf0-typed-object.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.type.should == 'org.rocketAMF.ASClass' output.should == {:foo => 'bar', :baz => nil} end it "should deserialize a mapped object as a mapped ruby class instance" do class RubyClass attr_accessor :foo, :baz end RocketAMF::ClassMapper.define {|m| :as => 'org.rocketAMF.ASClass', :ruby => 'RubyClass'} input = object_fixture("amf0-typed-object.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 0) output.should be_a(RubyClass) == 'bar' output.baz.should == nil end end describe "AMF3" do describe "simple messages" do it "should deserialize a null" do input = object_fixture("amf3-null.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == nil end it "should deserialize a false" do input = object_fixture("amf3-false.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == false end it "should deserialize a true" do input = object_fixture("amf3-true.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == true end it "should deserialize integers" do input = object_fixture("amf3-max.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == RocketAMF::MAX_INTEGER input = object_fixture("amf3-0.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == 0 input = object_fixture("amf3-min.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == RocketAMF::MIN_INTEGER end it "should deserialize large integers" do input = object_fixture("amf3-largeMax.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == RocketAMF::MAX_INTEGER + 1 input = object_fixture("amf3-largeMin.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == RocketAMF::MIN_INTEGER - 1 end it "should deserialize BigNums" do input = object_fixture("amf3-bigNum.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == 2**1000 end it "should deserialize a simple string" do input = object_fixture("amf3-string.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == "String . String" end it "should deserialize a symbol as a string" do input = object_fixture("amf3-symbol.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == "foo" end it "should deserialize dates" do input = object_fixture("amf3-date.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == end #BAH! Who sends XML over AMF? it "should deserialize XML" end describe "objects" do it "should deserialize an unmapped object as a dynamic anonymous object" do input = object_fixture("amf3-dynObject.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) expected = { :property_one => 'foo', :property_two => 1, :nil_property => nil, :another_public_property => 'a_public_value' } output.should == expected end it "should deserialize a mapped object as a mapped ruby class instance" do class RubyClass attr_accessor :foo, :baz end RocketAMF::ClassMapper.define {|m| :as => 'org.rocketAMF.ASClass', :ruby => 'RubyClass'} input = object_fixture("amf3-typedObject.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should be_a(RubyClass) == 'bar' output.baz.should == nil end it "should deserialize a hash as a dynamic anonymous object" do input = object_fixture("amf3-hash.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == {:foo => "bar", :answer => 42} end it "should deserialize an empty array" do input = object_fixture("amf3-emptyArray.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == [] end it "should deserialize an array of primitives" do input = object_fixture("amf3-primArray.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == [1,2,3,4,5] end it "should deserialize an array of mixed objects" do input = object_fixture("amf3-mixedArray.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) h1 = {:foo_one => "bar_one"} h2 = {:foo_two => ""} so1 = {:foo_three => 42} output.should == [h1, h2, so1, {:foo_three => nil}, {}, [h1, h2, so1], [], 42, "", [], "", {}, "bar_one", so1] end it "should deserialize a byte array" do input = object_fixture("amf3-byteArray.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should be_a StringIO output.string.should == "\000\003これtest\100" end end describe "and implementing the AMF Spec" do it "should keep references of duplicate strings" do input = object_fixture("amf3-stringRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) class StringCarrier; attr_accessor :str; end foo = "foo" bar = "str" sc = sc = {:str => foo} output.should == [foo, bar, foo, bar, foo, sc] end it "should not reference the empty string" do input = object_fixture("amf3-emptyStringRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output.should == ["",""] end it "should keep references of duplicate dates" do input = object_fixture("amf3-datesRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output[0].should equal(output[1]) # Expected object: # [DateTime.parse "1/1/1970", DateTime.parse "1/1/1970"] end it "should keep reference of duplicate objects" do input = object_fixture("amf3-objRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) obj1 = {:foo => "bar"} obj2 = {:foo => obj1[:foo]} output.should == [[obj1, obj2], "bar", [obj1, obj2]] end it "should keep reference of duplicate object traits" do class RubyClass attr_accessor :foo, :baz end RocketAMF::ClassMapper.define {|m| :as => 'org.rocketAMF.ASClass', :ruby => 'RubyClass'} input = object_fixture("amf3-traitRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output[0].foo.should == "foo" output[1].foo.should == "bar" end it "should keep references of duplicate arrays" do input = object_fixture("amf3-arrayRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) a = [1,2,3] b = %w{ a b c } output.should == [a, b, a, b] end it "should not keep references of duplicate empty arrays unless the object_id matches" do input = object_fixture("amf3-emptyArrayRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) a = [] b = [] output.should == [a,b,a,b] end it "should keep references of duplicate XML and XMLDocuments" it "should keep references of duplicate byte arrays" do input = object_fixture("amf3-byteArrayRef.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output[0].object_id.should == output[1].object_id output[0].string.should == "ASDF" end it "should deserialize a deep object graph with circular references" do input = object_fixture("amf3-graphMember.bin") output = RocketAMF.deserialize(input, 3) output[:children][0][:parent].should === output output[:parent].should === nil output[:children].length.should == 2 # Expected object: # parent = # child1 = # child1[:parent] = parent # child1[:children] = [] # child2 = # child2[:parent] = parent # child2[:children] = [] # parent[:parent] = nil # parent[:children] = [child1, child2] end end end end