--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification name: rice version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.5.2 prerelease: platform: ruby authors: - Paul Brannan - Jason Roelofs autorequire: bindir: bin cert_chain: [] date: 2013-10-07 00:00:00.000000000 Z dependencies: [] description: ! 'Rice is a C++ interface to Ruby''s C API. It provides a type-safe and exception-safe interface in order to make embedding Ruby and writing Ruby extensions with C++ easier. It is similar to Boost.Python in many ways, but also attempts to provide an object-oriented interface to all of the Ruby C API. ' email: - curlypaul924@gmail.com - jasonroelofs@gmail.com executables: [] extensions: - extconf.rb extra_rdoc_files: - README files: - COPYING - README - README.mingw - Doxyfile - doxygen.ac - doxygen.am - extconf.rb - bootstrap - configure.ac - configure - config.guess - config.sub - depcomp - install-sh - missing - post-autoconf.rb - post-automake.rb - ruby.ac - aclocal.m4 - Rakefile - Makefile.am - Makefile.in - rice/Makefile.am - rice/Makefile.in - ruby/Makefile.am - ruby/Makefile.in - ruby/lib/Makefile.am - ruby/lib/Makefile.in - sample/Makefile.am - sample/Makefile.in - test/Makefile.am - test/Makefile.in - rice/Address_Registration_Guard.cpp - rice/Address_Registration_Guard.hpp - rice/Address_Registration_Guard.ipp - rice/Address_Registration_Guard_defn.hpp - rice/Arg.hpp - rice/Arg_impl.hpp - rice/Arg_operators.cpp - rice/Arg_operators.hpp - rice/Array.hpp - rice/Array.ipp - rice/Builtin_Object.hpp - rice/Builtin_Object.ipp - rice/Builtin_Object_defn.hpp - rice/Class.cpp - rice/Class.hpp - rice/Class.ipp - rice/Class_defn.hpp - rice/config.hpp - rice/Constructor.hpp - rice/Critical_Guard.hpp - rice/Critical_Guard.ipp - rice/Data_Object.hpp - rice/Data_Object.ipp - rice/Data_Object_defn.hpp - rice/Data_Type.cpp - rice/Data_Type.hpp - rice/Data_Type.ipp - rice/Data_Type_defn.hpp - rice/Data_Type_fwd.hpp - rice/Director.cpp - rice/Director.hpp - rice/Enum.hpp - rice/Enum.ipp - rice/Exception.cpp - rice/Exception.hpp - rice/Exception_Base.hpp - rice/Exception_Base.ipp - rice/Exception_Base_defn.hpp - rice/Exception_defn.hpp - rice/global_function.hpp - rice/global_function.ipp - rice/Hash.hpp - rice/Hash.ipp - rice/Identifier.cpp - rice/Identifier.hpp - rice/Identifier.ipp - rice/Jump_Tag.hpp - rice/Module.cpp - rice/Module.hpp - rice/Module.ipp - rice/Module_defn.hpp - rice/Module_impl.hpp - rice/Module_impl.ipp - rice/Object.cpp - rice/Object.hpp - rice/Object.ipp - rice/Object_defn.hpp - rice/protect.hpp - rice/protect.ipp - rice/Require_Guard.hpp - rice/ruby_mark.hpp - rice/ruby_try_catch.hpp - rice/String.cpp - rice/String.hpp - rice/Struct.cpp - rice/Struct.hpp - rice/Struct.ipp - rice/Symbol.cpp - rice/Symbol.hpp - rice/Symbol.ipp - rice/to_from_ruby.hpp - rice/to_from_ruby.ipp - rice/to_from_ruby_defn.hpp - rice/VM.cpp - rice/VM.hpp - rice/rubypp.rb - rice/config.hpp.in - rice/detail/Arguments.hpp - rice/detail/Auto_Function_Wrapper.hpp - rice/detail/Auto_Function_Wrapper.ipp - rice/detail/Auto_Member_Function_Wrapper.hpp - rice/detail/Auto_Member_Function_Wrapper.ipp - rice/detail/Caster.hpp - rice/detail/cfp.hpp - rice/detail/cfp.ipp - rice/detail/check_ruby_type.cpp - rice/detail/check_ruby_type.hpp - rice/detail/creation_funcs.hpp - rice/detail/creation_funcs.ipp - rice/detail/default_allocation_func.hpp - rice/detail/default_allocation_func.ipp - rice/detail/define_method_and_auto_wrap.hpp - rice/detail/define_method_and_auto_wrap.ipp - rice/detail/demangle.cpp - rice/detail/demangle.hpp - rice/detail/env.hpp - rice/detail/Exception_Handler.hpp - rice/detail/Exception_Handler.ipp - rice/detail/Exception_Handler_defn.hpp - rice/detail/from_ruby.hpp - rice/detail/from_ruby.ipp - rice/detail/Iterator.hpp - rice/detail/method_data.cpp - rice/detail/method_data.hpp - rice/detail/mininode.cpp - rice/detail/mininode.hpp - rice/detail/node.hpp - rice/detail/Not_Copyable.hpp - rice/detail/object_call.hpp - rice/detail/object_call.ipp - rice/detail/protect.cpp - rice/detail/protect.hpp - rice/detail/ruby.hpp - rice/detail/ruby_version_code.hpp - rice/detail/rubysig.hpp - rice/detail/st.hpp - rice/detail/to_ruby.hpp - rice/detail/to_ruby.ipp - rice/detail/traits.hpp - rice/detail/win32.hpp - rice/detail/wrap_function.hpp - rice/detail/wrap_function.ipp - rice/detail/Wrapped_Function.hpp - rice/detail/ruby_version_code.hpp.in - ruby/lib/mkmf-rice.rb.in - ruby/lib/version.rb - sample/enum/extconf.rb - sample/enum/sample_enum.cpp - sample/enum/test.rb - sample/map/extconf.rb - sample/map/map.cpp - sample/map/test.rb - sample/inheritance/extconf.rb - sample/inheritance/animals.cpp - sample/inheritance/test.rb - test/test_Address_Registration_Guard.cpp - test/test_Array.cpp - test/test_Builtin_Object.cpp - test/test_Class.cpp - test/test_Constructor.cpp - test/test_Critical_Guard.cpp - test/test_Data_Object.cpp - test/test_Data_Type.cpp - test/test_Director.cpp - test/test_Enum.cpp - test/test_Exception.cpp - test/test_global_functions.cpp - test/test_Hash.cpp - test/test_Identifier.cpp - test/test_Jump_Tag.cpp - test/test_Memory_Management.cpp - test/test_Module.cpp - test/test_Object.cpp - test/test_String.cpp - test/test_Struct.cpp - test/test_Symbol.cpp - test/test_To_From_Ruby.cpp - test/test_VM.cpp - test/unittest.cpp - test/unittest.hpp - test/ext/Makefile.am - test/ext/Makefile.in - test/ext/t1/extconf.rb - test/ext/t1/Foo.hpp - test/ext/t1/t1.cpp - test/ext/t2/extconf.rb - test/ext/t2/t2.cpp - test/test_rice.rb homepage: http://rice.rubyforge.org/ licenses: [] post_install_message: rdoc_options: [] require_paths: - ruby/lib required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ! '>=' - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ! '>=' - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' requirements: [] rubyforge_project: rice rubygems_version: 1.8.25 signing_key: specification_version: 3 summary: Ruby Interface for C++ Extensions test_files: - test/test_rice.rb