# Copyright 2011 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. require 'aws/ec2/collection' require 'aws/ec2/tagged_collection' require 'aws/ec2/snapshot' module AWS class EC2 # Represents a collection of Amazon EBS snapshots. Typically # you should get an instance of this class by calling # {EC2#snapshots}. # # @example Create a snapshot from a volume # ec2.snapshots.create(:volume => ec2.volumes["vol-123"], # :description => "my snapshot") # # or: # ec2.volumes["vol-123"].create_snapshot("my snapshot") # # @example Get a snapshot by ID # snapshot = ec2.snapshots["vol-123"] # snapshot.exists? # # @example Get a map of snapshot IDs to snapshot status # ec2.snapshots.inject({}) { |m, s| m[i.id] = s.status; m } # # => { "snap-12345678" => :pending, "snap-87654321" => :completed } class SnapshotCollection < Collection include TaggedCollection # @private def initialize(options = {}) @owners = options[:owners] || [] @restorable_by = options[:restorable_by] || [] super(options) end # @yield [Instance] Yields each volume in the collection. # @return [nil] def each(&block) opts = {} opts[:owner_ids] = @owners.map { |id| id.to_s } unless @owners.empty? opts[:restorable_by_user_ids] = @restorable_by.map { |id| id.to_s } unless @restorable_by.empty? resp = filtered_request(:describe_snapshots, opts) resp.snapshot_set.each do |v| snapshot = Snapshot.new(v.snapshot_id, :config => config) yield(snapshot) end nil end # @return [SnapshotCollection] A new collection that only # includes snapshots owned by one or more of the specified AWS # accounts. The IDs +:amazon+ and +:self+ can be used to # include snapshots owned by Amazon or AMIs owned by you, # respectively. # # @param [Array of Strings] owners The AWS account IDs by # which the new collection should be filtered. def with_owner(*owners) collection_with(:owners => @owners + owners) end # @return [ImageCollection] A new collection that only includes # images for which the specified user ID has explicit launch # permissions. The user ID can be an AWS account ID, +:self+ # to return AMIs for which the sender of the request has # explicit launch permissions, or +:all+ to return AMIs with # public launch permissions. # # @param [Array of Strings] users The AWS account IDs by which # the new collection should be filtered. def restorable_by(*users) collection_with(:restorable_by => @restorable_by + users) end # Creates a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume and stores it in # Amazon S3. You can use snapshots for backups, to make # identical copies of instance devices, and to save data # before shutting down an instance. For more information about # Amazon EBS, go to the {Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User # Guide}[http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/index.html?using-ebs.html]. # # @return [Snapshot] An object representing the new snapshot. # # @param [Hash] opts Options for creating the snapshot. # Either +:volume+ or +:volume_id+ is required. # # @param opts [Volume] :volume The Amazon EBS volume of which # to take a snapshot. # # @param opts [String] :volume_id The ID of the Amazon EBS # volume of which to take a snapshot. # # @param opts [String] :description An optional description of # the snapshot. May contain up to 255 characters. def create opts = {} if volume = opts.delete(:volume) opts[:volume_id] = volume.id end resp = client.create_snapshot(opts) Snapshot.new(resp.snapshot_id, :config => config) end # @private protected def member_class Snapshot end # @private protected def preserved_options super.merge(:owners => @owners, :restorable_by => @restorable_by) end end end end