require_relative "spec_helper" describe "Shared caching behavior" do before do @db = Sequel.mock class ::LookupModel < ::Sequel::Model(@db) columns :id, :caching_model_id, :caching_model_id2 many_to_one :caching_model many_to_one :caching_model2, :key=>[:caching_model_id, :caching_model_id2], :class=>:CachingModel end @c = LookupModel class ::CachingModel < Sequel::Model(@db) columns :id, :id2 end @cc = CachingModel end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :CachingModel) Object.send(:remove_const, :LookupModel) end many_to_one_cpk_specs = shared_description do it "should use a simple primary key lookup when retrieving many_to_one associated records with a composite key" do @db.sqls.must_equal [] @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1, :caching_model_id2=>2).caching_model2.must_be_same_as(@cm12) @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>2, :caching_model_id2=>1).caching_model2.must_be_same_as(@cm21) @db.sqls.must_equal [] @db.fetch = [] @c.load(:id=>4, :caching_model_id=>2, :caching_model_id2=>2).caching_model2.must_be_nil end end many_to_one_pk_specs = shared_description do it "should use a simple primary key lookup when retrieving many_to_one associated records" do @cc.set_primary_key([:id, :id2]) @db.sqls.must_equal [] @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model.must_be_same_as(@cm1) @c.load(:id=>4, :caching_model_id=>2).caching_model.must_be_same_as(@cm2) @db.sqls.must_equal [] @db.fetch = [] @c.load(:id=>4, :caching_model_id=>3).caching_model.must_be_nil end it "should not use a simple primary key lookup if the assocation has a nil :key option" do @c.many_to_one :caching_model, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc{CachingModel.filter(:caching_model_id=>caching_model_id)} @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.wont_equal [] end it "should not use a simple primary key lookup if the assocation has a nil :key option" do @c.many_to_one :caching_model, :many_to_one_pk_lookup=>false @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.wont_equal [] end it "should not use a simple primary key lookup if the assocation's :primary_key option doesn't match the primary key of the associated class" do @c.many_to_one :caching_model, :primary_key=>:id2 @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.wont_equal [] end it "should not use a simple primary key lookup if the assocation has :conditions" do @c.many_to_one :caching_model, :conditions=>{:a=>1} @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.wont_equal [] end it "should not use a simple primary key lookup if the assocation has :select" do @c.many_to_one :caching_model, :select=>[:a, :b] @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.wont_equal [] end it "should not use a simple primary key lookup if the assocation has a block" do @c.many_to_one(:caching_model){|ds| ds.where{a > 1}} @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.wont_equal [] end it "should not use a simple primary key lookup if the assocation has a non-default :dataset option" do cc = @cc @c.many_to_one :caching_model, :dataset=>proc{cc.where(:id=>caching_model_id)} @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.wont_equal [] end it "should use a simple primary key lookup if explicitly set" do @c.many_to_one :caching_model, :select=>[:a, :b], :many_to_one_pk_lookup=>true @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.must_equal [] end end describe "With caching plugin" do before do @cache_class = do attr_accessor :ttl def set(k, v, ttl); self[k] = v; @ttl = ttl; end def get(k); self[k]; end end cache = @cache = cache @cc.plugin :caching, @cache @db.fetch = {:id=>1} @cm1 = @cc[1] @cm2 = @cc[2] @cm12 = @cc[1, 2] @cm21 = @cc[2, 1] @db.sqls end include many_to_one_cpk_specs include many_to_one_pk_specs end describe "With static_cache plugin with single key" do before do @db.fetch = [{:id=>1}, {:id=>2}] @cc.plugin :static_cache @cm1 = @cc[1] @cm2 = @cc[2] @db.sqls end include many_to_one_pk_specs it "should not issue regular query if primary key lookup returns no rows" do def @cc.primary_key_lookup(pk); end @c.many_to_one :caching_model @c.load(:id=>3, :caching_model_id=>1).caching_model @db.sqls.must_equal [] end end describe "With static_cache plugin with composite key" do before do @cc.set_primary_key([:id, :id2]) @db.fetch = [{:id=>1, :id2=>2}, {:id=>2, :id2=>1}] @cc.plugin :static_cache @cm12 = @cc[[1, 2]] @cm21 = @cc[[2, 1]] @db.sqls end include many_to_one_cpk_specs end end