Feature: dns_resolution Landrush should make a virtual machine's IP address DNS-resolvable. Scenario Outline: booting a box Given a file named "Vagrantfile" with: """ Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| config.vm.box = '' config.vm.hostname = 'my-host.landrush-acceptance-test' config.vm.network :private_network, ip: '' config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true config.landrush.enabled = true config.landrush.tld = 'landrush-acceptance-test' end """ When I successfully run `bundle exec vagrant up --provider ` Then the hostname "my-host.landrush-acceptance-test" should resolve to "" on the internal DNS server And the hostname "my-host.landrush-acceptance-test" should resolve to "" on the host And the hostname "my-host.landrush-acceptance-test" should resolve to "" on the guest Examples: | box | provider | | debian/jessie64 | virtualbox | #| ubuntu/wily64 | virtualbox |