John was always a bit of an outsider. He never quite fit in with the popular crowd or the nerds, but he was content in his own little world. He loved spending time alone with his thoughts and his books. As he got older, though, he realized that his solitary lifestyle was starting to affect his social skills. He became more and more withdrawn, and stopped making an effort to connect with others. He stopped attending parties and events, and refused to engage in small talk with his co-workers. At first, John didn't care. He was happy with his own company and didn't see the point in wasting time on people who didn't share his interests. However, as time went on, he began to realize that his lack of social skills was impacting his job and his ability to move up in the company. Still, John refused to change his ways. He didn't want to waste his time pretending to care about topics that didn't interest him, and he didn't want to go out of his way to make friends. He was content with his own company. Then, one day, something unexpected happened. John stumbled upon an idea that could revolutionize the way people access information. It was a breakthrough that would change the world and make him a very wealthy man. Suddenly, it didn't matter that John had alienated himself from others. He didn't care that he had missed out on parties and social events. He was too busy changing the world and making history. In the end, John's social skills may have suffered, but he accomplished something major that would benefit everyone in the world. And he never regretted not caring about small talk or superficial relationships.