## [3.27.0] - 2024-10-29 ### Added New endpoints for The Virtual Account object: - [Create a Virtual Account]() - [Deactivate a Virtual Account]() - [View a Virtual Account]() - [List Virtual Accounts for a Wallet]() - [View Client Availabilities]() ## [3.26.1] - 2024-10-03 ### Fixed - Updated `RedirectURL` for the [Payconiq PayIn](https://docs.mangopay.com/api-reference/payconiq/payconiq-payin-object#the-payconiq-payin-object) ## [3.26.0] - 2024-08-07 ### Added - New endpoint: [Create a Bancontact PayIn](https://mangopay.com/docs/endpoints/bancontact#create-bancontact-payin) ## [3.25.1] - 2024-04-30 ### Fixed - Updated tests for [Look up metadata for a payment method](https://mangopay.com/docs/endpoints/payment-method-metadata#lookup-payment-method-metadata). ## [3.25.0] - 2024-04-16 ### Added - Add trace header logging : Introduced the `log_trace_headers` boolean configuration key. Set it to true to enable logging of `x_mangopay_trace-id` and `IdempotencyKey` in the log of the http requests. ## [3.24.1] - 2024-04-10 ### Fixed - #249 Improve error handling when logging is enabled - #226 MultiJson::ParseError is thrown on HTTP error 5XX ## [3.24.0] - 2024-04-02 ### Added - New endpoint [Add tracking to Paypal payin](https://mangopay.com/docs/endpoints/paypal#add-tracking-paypal-payin) ## [3.23.0] - 2024-03-08 ### Fixed - Conversions endpoint spelling ### Added - The optional Fees parameter is now available on instant conversions, allowing platforms to charge users for FX services. More information [here](https://mangopay.com/docs/release-notes/millefeuille). - Platforms can now use a quote to secure the rate for a conversion between two currencies for a set amount of time. More information [here](https://mangopay.com/docs/release-notes/millefeuille). - Introduced the `uk_header_flag` boolean configuration key. Platforms partnered with Mangopay's UK entity should set this key to true for proper configuration. ## [3.22.0] - 2024-02-08 ### Added - New endpoint to look up metadata from BIN or Google Pay token. More information [here](https://mangopay.com/docs/release-notes/kisale) ## [3.21.0] - 2024-01-23 ### Added - The endpoint [View a card Validation](https://mangopay.com/docs/endpoints/card-validations#view-card-validation) is now available ## [3.20.0] - 2023-11-15 ### Added Now, our SDK enables seamless integration with multiple clientIDs, offering enhanced flexibility and customization. You can effortlessly create multiple configuration objects tailored to your specific needs: ``` config = MangoPay::Configuration.new config.client_id = 'your-client-id' config.client_apiKey = 'your-api-key' config.preproduction = true ``` add them using : `MangoPay.add_config('config1', config)` and perform a call with them using : `MangoPay.get_config('config1').apply_configuration` The previous method configure() is still working. ## [3.19.0] - 2023-11-02 ### Updated - Giropay and Ideal integrations with Mangopay have been improved. - Klarna param "MerchantOrderId" has been renamed to "Reference" ## [3.18.0] - 2023-09-29 ### Added - Instantly convert funds between 2 wallets of different currencies owned by the same user with the new SPOT FX endpoints ## [3.17.0] - 2023-09-20 ### Added - A new parameter for Paypal : ShippingPreference - Klarna is now available as a payment method with Mangopay. This payment method is in private beta. Please contact support if you have any questions. - #225 It's now possible to configure ssl_options. It's now possible to set to false in preproduction environment. Thanks to @mantaskujalis ## [3.16.0] - 2023-09-04 ### Added - Card validation endpoint management (Private beta) - New MOPs added : Multibanco, Blik, Satispay (Private beta) ### Fixed - Execution Type of MB Way and PayPal has been changed from Direct to Web ## [3.15.0] - 2023-07-07 ### Added - Google Pay is now available as a payment method with Mangopay. This payment method is in private beta. Please contact support if you have any questions. - Paypal integration with Mangopay has been improved. This payment method is in private beta. Please contact support if you have any questions. ### Fixed - `Phone` parameter instead of `PhoneNumber` for MBWay - Timeout should be in secondes instead of milliseconds in the configuration ## [3.14.0] - 2023-06-21 ### Added - MB WAY is now available as a payment method with Mangopay. This payment method is in private beta. Please contact support if you have any questions. ## [3.13.2] - 2023-05-18 ### Fixes - fixed GitHub Actions CD pipeline ## [3.13.1] - 2023-05-18 ### Fixes - typo fixed in test context name (@batistadasilva) ## [3.13.0] - 2023-05-17 ### Added - Possibility to configure HTTP `max_retries (http_max_retries)` (default value = 1) and `open_timeout (http_open_timeout)` (default value = 60 seconds) - Increased default `read_timeout` to 30 seconds ## [3.12.0] - 2022-11-16 ### New 30-day preauthorization feature Preauthorizations can now hold funds for up to 30 days, therefore ensuring the solvency of a registered card for the same amount of time. - The **Deposit** service has been added with methods for creating, fetching and canceling a deposit - The **create_pre_authorized_deposit_pay_in** method has been added to the PayIn service Thanks to 30-day preauthorizations, MANGOPAY can provide a simpler and more flexible payment experience for a wide range of use cases, especially for rentals. ## [3.11.1] - 2022-10-18 ### Fixed Tests has been fixed due to API evolution. ## [3.11.0] - 2022-09-08 ##Added **New country authorizations endpoints** Country authorizations can now be viewed by using one of the following endpoints: View a country's authorizations
View all countries' authorizations With these calls, it is possible to check which countries have: - Blocked user creation - Blocked bank account creation - Blocked payout creation Please refer to the Restrictions by country article for more information. ## [3.10.0] - 2022-06-29 ##Added **Recurring: €0 deadlines for CIT** Setting free recurring payment deadlines is now possible for CIT (customer-initiated transactions) with the **FreeCycles** parameter. The **FreeCycles** parameter allows platforms to define the number of consecutive deadlines that will be free. The following endpoints have been updated to take into account this new parameter: Create a Recurring PayIn Registration
View a Recurring PayIn Registration
This feature provides new automation capabilities for platforms with offers such as “Get the first month free” or “free trial” subscriptions. Please refer to the Recurring payments overview documentation for more information. ## [3.9.0] - 2022.03.31 ### Added #### Instant payment eligibility check With the function `PayOut::InstantPayoutEligibility::Reachability.create(params)` the destination bank reachability can now be verified prior to making an instant payout. This results in a better user experience, as this preliminary check will allow the platform to propose the instant payout option only to end users whose bank is eligible. ## [3.8.0] - 2021.10.20 ## Added You can now change the status to "ENDED" for a recurring payment. ## Fixed - "Status" is now available in the response when you request a recurring payment registration. ## [3.7.0] - 2021.10.11 ## Added ### Payconiq As requested by numerous clients, we are now providing [Payconiq](https://www.payconiq.be) as a new mean-of-payment. To request access, please contact MANGOPAY. ### Flags for KYC documents **We provide more information regarding refused KYC documents.** Therefore it will be easier for you to adapt your app behavior and help your end user. You are now able to see the exact explanation thanks to a new parameter called “Flags”. It has been added to `$this->_api->KycDocuments->Get($kycDocument->Id);` It will display one or several error codes that provide the reason(s) why your document validation has failed. These error codes description are available [here](https://docs.mangopay.com/guide/kyc-document). ## Fixed Idempotency key is not required anymore for UBO declarations ## [3.6.0] - 2021.08.10 ## Added - You can now update and view a Recurring PayIn Registration object. To know more about this feature, please consult the documentation [here](https://docs.mangopay.com/guide/recurring-payments-introduction). - To improve recurring payments, we have added new parameters for CIT : DebitedFunds & Fees. To know more about this feature, please consult the documentation [here](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/payins#e1053_create-a-recurring-payin-cit) ## [3.5.0] - 2021.06.10 ## Added We have added a new feature **[recurring payments](https://docs.mangopay.com/guide/recurring-payments)** dedicated to clients needing to charge a card repeatedly, such as subscriptions or payments installments. You can start testing in sandbox, to help you define your workflow. This release provides the first elements of the full feature. - [Create a Recurring PayIn Registration object](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/payins#e1051_create-a-recurring-payin-registration), containing all the information to define the recurring payment - [Initiate your recurring payment flow](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/payins#e1053_create-a-recurring-payin-cit) with an authenticated transaction (CIT) using the Card Recurring PayIn endpoint - [Continue your recurring payment flow](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/payins#e1054_create-a-recurring-payin-mit) with an non-authenticated transaction (MIT) using the Card Recurring PayIn endpoint This feature is not yet available in production and you need to contact the Support team to request access. ## Accepted PRs - Add support for refund creation - Allow to fetch UBO Declaration without User ID ## [3.4.0] - 2021.05.27 ## Added ### Instant payment Mangopay introduces the instant payment mode. It allows payouts (transfer from wallet to user bank account) to be processed within 25 seconds, rather than the 48 hours for a standard payout. You can now use this new type of payout with the Ruby SDK. Example : ```ruby bankwire = MangoPay::PayOut::BankWire.get_bankwire(payout['Id']) # where payout['Id'] is the id of an existing payout ``` Please note that this feature must be authorized and activated by MANGOPAY. More information [here](https://docs.mangopay.com/guide/instant-payment-payout). ### Accepted PRs - Add support to create refunds for PayIn, Transfer and PayOut transactions. - ResponseError object improvement ## [3.3.0] ## Fixed ### IBAN for testing purposes ⚠️ **IBAN provided for testing purpose should never be used outside of a testing environement!** More information about how to test payments, click [here](https://docs.mangopay.com/guide/testing-payments). ### Others - Adding missing json require in log requests filter spec. Thank you @Vin0uz - Extend fetch_wallet and create_payout API. Thank you @peterb ## Added Some of you use a lot the [PreAuthorization](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/preauthorizations#e183_the-preauthorization-object) feature of our API. To make your life easier, we have added three new events : - PREAUTHORIZATION_CREATED - PREAUTHORIZATION_SUCCEEDED - PREAUTHORIZATION_FAILED The goal is to help you monitor a PreAuthorization with a [webhook](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/hooks#e246_the-hook-object). *Example: If a PreAuthorization is desynchronized, when the status is updated, you will be able to know it.* ## [3.2.0] ## Added ### On demand feature for 3DSv2 > **This on-demand feature is for testing purposes only and will not be available in production** #### Request We've added a new parameter `Requested3DSVersion` (not mandatory) that allows you to choose between versions of 3DS protocols (managed by the parameter `SecureMode`). Two values are available: * `V1` * `V2_1` If nothing is sent, the flow will be 3DS V1. The `Requested3DSVersion` may be included on all calls to the following endpoints: * `/preauthorizations/card/direct` * `/payins/card/direct` #### Response In the API response, the `Requested3DSVersion` will show the value you requested: * `V1` * `V2_1` * `null` – indicates that nothing was requested The parameter `Applied3DSVersion` shows you the version of the 3DS protocol used. Two values are possible: * `V1` * `V2_1` ## [3.1.0] - 3DS2 integration with Shipping and Billing objects, including FirstName and LastName fields The objects Billing and Shipping may be included on all calls to the following endpoints: - /preauthorizations/card/direct - /payins/card/direct - /payins/card/web - Enable Instant Payment for payouts by adding a new parameter PayoutModeRequested on the following endpoint /payouts/bankwire - The new parameter PayoutModeRequested can take two differents values : "INSTANT_PAYMENT" or "STANDARD" (STANDARD = the way we procede normaly a payout request) - This new parameter is not mandatory and if empty or not present, the payout will be "STANDARD" by default - Instant Payment is in beta all over Europe - SEPA region - Add test on new payout mode PayoutModeRequested ## [3.0.37] - 2020-10-30 - Card Validation endpoint fully activated - added pre authorizations transactions method - added new methods for client bank accounts and payouts - Send headers for different api calls ## [3.0.36] - 2020-08-28 - Forces TLS version to 1.2 ## [3.0.35] - 2020-08-24 - Improvement to Net::ReadTimeout handling - "User-agent" format in the headers changed, aligned to other assets 👤 ## [3.0.34] - 2020-06-25 ### Added - This SDK is now GooglePay-ready ! Feel free to ask our lovely support for more infos about its activation. - `UBODeclaration` is now directly available through its ID. - If a bankwire is done from a UK bankaccount on one of your `BankingAlias`, you could find its `AccountNumber` on `GET /payins/` response - You can now send a `Culture` parameter for Paypal PayIns. Thanks to it, payment page can be displayed in various languages. ### Changed - `PAYLINEV2`value for Payin Web has been added on `TemplateURLOptions` object. You now should use it instead of `PAYLINE` for page customization. ### Fixed - Missing filters parameters have been added - You can now send headers in update requests - Loggers have been enhanced ## [3.0.33] - 2019-09-23 ### Added - ApplePay `Payin` functions are now available. More info about activation to come in the following weeks... ### Changed - GET EMoney method now supports year and month parameters. More info on our [docs](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/user-emoney#e895_view-a-users-emoney) ## [v3.0.32] - 2019-06-19 ### Added - New UBO Declaration system (more info [here](https://docs.mangopay.com/endpoints/v2.01/ubo-declarations#e1024_the-ubo-declaration-object)) ### Changed - Paypal buyer account email that has been used is now available for Payin Paypal - Your `HeadquartersPhoneNumber` can now be updated for your client account directly from our API ### BREAKING - `APIKey` is now replacing `passphrase` property for credentials. You must update it by updating to 3.0.32 SDK version and upper ones.