require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe 'Search' do it 'should search by keywords from DSL' do Post do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'keyword search') end it 'should search by keywords from options' do Post, :keywords => 'keyword search' connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'keyword search') end it 'should set default query parser to dismax when keywords used' do Post do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:defType => 'dismax') end it 'should search types in filter query if keywords used' do Post do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => 'type:Post') end it 'should search types in main query if keywords not used' do Post connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'type:Post') end it 'should search type of subclass when superclass is configured' do PhotoPost connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'type:PhotoPost') end it 'should search all text fields for searched class' do Post do keywords 'keyword search' end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(backwards_title_text body_text title_text) end it 'should search only specified text fields when specified' do Post do keywords 'keyword search', :fields => [:title, :body] end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(body_text title_text) end it 'should request score when keywords used' do Post, :keywords => 'keyword search' connection.should have_last_search_with(:fl => '* score') end it 'should not request score when keywords not used' do Post connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:fl) end it 'should scope by exact match with a string from DSL' do Post do with :title, 'My Pet Post' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['title_ss:My\ Pet\ Post']) end it 'should scope by exact match with a string from options' do Post, :conditions => { :title => 'My Pet Post' } connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['title_ss:My\ Pet\ Post']) end it 'should ignore nonexistant fields in hash scope' do Post, :conditions => { :bogus => 'Field' } connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:fq) end it 'should scope by exact match with time' do time = Time.parse('1983-07-08 05:00:00 -0400') Post do with :published_at, time end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => ['published_at_d:1983\-07\-08T09\:00\:00Z'] ) end it 'should scope by exact match with date' do date =, 7, 8) Post do with :expire_date, date end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => ['expire_date_d:1983\-07\-08T00\:00\:00Z'] ) end it 'should scope by exact match with boolean' do Post do with :featured, false end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['featured_b:false']) end it 'should scope by less than match with float' do Post do with(:average_rating).less_than 3.0 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['average_rating_f:[* TO 3\.0]']) end it 'should scope by greater than match with float' do Post do with(:average_rating).greater_than 3.0 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['average_rating_f:[3\.0 TO *]']) end it 'should scope by short-form between match with integers' do Post do with :blog_id, 2..4 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['blog_id_i:[2 TO 4]']) end it 'should scope by between match with float' do Post do with(:average_rating).between 2.0..4.0 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['average_rating_f:[2\.0 TO 4\.0]']) end it 'should scope by any match with integer using DSL' do Post do with(:category_ids).any_of [2, 7, 12] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['category_ids_im:(2 OR 7 OR 12)']) end it 'should scope by any match with integer using options' do Post, :conditions => { :category_ids => [2, 7, 12] } connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['category_ids_im:(2 OR 7 OR 12)']) end it 'should scope by short-form any-of match with integers' do Post do with :category_ids, [2, 7, 12] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['category_ids_im:(2 OR 7 OR 12)']) end it 'should scope by all match with integer' do Post do with(:category_ids).all_of [2, 7, 12] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['category_ids_im:(2 AND 7 AND 12)']) end it 'should scope by not equal match with string' do Post do without :title, 'Bad Post' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-title_ss:Bad\ Post']) end it 'should scope by not less than match with float' do Post do without(:average_rating).less_than 3.0 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-average_rating_f:[* TO 3\.0]']) end it 'should scope by not greater than match with float' do Post do without(:average_rating).greater_than 3.0 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-average_rating_f:[3\.0 TO *]']) end it 'should scope by not between match with shorthand' do Post do without(:blog_id, 2..4) end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-blog_id_i:[2 TO 4]']) end it 'should scope by not between match with float' do Post do without(:average_rating).between 2.0..4.0 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-average_rating_f:[2\.0 TO 4\.0]']) end it 'should scope by not any match with integer' do Post do without(:category_ids).any_of [2, 7, 12] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-category_ids_im:(2 OR 7 OR 12)']) end it 'should scope by not all match with integer' do Post do without(:category_ids).all_of [2, 7, 12] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-category_ids_im:(2 AND 7 AND 12)']) end it 'should scope by empty field' do Post do with :average_rating, nil end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-average_rating_f:[* TO *]']) end it 'should scope by non-empty field' do Post do without :average_rating, nil end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['average_rating_f:[* TO *]']) end it 'should exclude by object identity' do post = Post do without post end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ["-id:Post\\ #{}"]) end it 'should exclude multiple objects passed as varargs by object identity' do post1, post2 =, Post do without post1, post2 end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => ["-id:Post\\ #{}", "-id:Post\\ #{}"] ) end it 'should exclude multiple objects passed as array by object identity' do posts = [,] Post do without posts end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => ["-id:Post\\ #{}", "-id:Post\\ #{}"] ) end it 'should create a disjunction between two restrictions' do Post do any_of do with :category_ids, 1 with :blog_id, 2 end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '(category_ids_im:1 OR blog_id_i:2)' ) end it 'should create a conjunction inside of a disjunction' do Post do any_of do with :blog_id, 2 all_of do with :category_ids, 1 with(:average_rating).greater_than(3.0) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '(blog_id_i:2 OR (category_ids_im:1 AND average_rating_f:[3\.0 TO *]))' ) end it 'should do nothing special if #all_of called from the top level' do Post do all_of do with :blog_id, 2 with :category_ids, 1 end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => ['blog_id_i:2', 'category_ids_im:1'] ) end it 'should create a disjunction with negated restrictions' do Post do any_of do with :category_ids, 1 without(:average_rating).greater_than(3.0) end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '-(-category_ids_im:1 AND average_rating_f:[3\.0 TO *])' ) end it 'should create a disjunction with nested conjunction with negated restrictions' do Post do any_of do with :category_ids, 1 all_of do without(:average_rating).greater_than(3.0) with(:blog_id, 1) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '(category_ids_im:1 OR (-average_rating_f:[3\.0 TO *] AND blog_id_i:1))' ) end it 'should create a disjunction with nested conjunction with nested disjunction with negated restriction' do do any_of do with(:title, 'Yes') all_of do with(:blog_id, 1) any_of do with(:category_ids, 4) without(:average_rating, 2.0) end end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '(title_ss:Yes OR (blog_id_i:1 AND -(-category_ids_im:4 AND average_rating_f:2\.0)))' ) end it 'should create a disjunction with a negated restriction and a nested disjunction in a conjunction with a negated restriction' do do any_of do without(:title, 'Yes') all_of do with(:blog_id, 1) any_of do with(:category_ids, 4) without(:average_rating, 2.0) end end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '-(title_ss:Yes AND -(blog_id_i:1 AND -(-category_ids_im:4 AND average_rating_f:2\.0)))' ) end # # This is important because if a disjunction could be nested in another # disjunction, then the inner disjunction could denormalize (and thus # become negated) after the outer disjunction denormalized (checking to # see if the inner one is negated). Since conjunctions never need to # denormalize, if a disjunction can only contain conjunctions or restrictions, # we can guarantee that the negation state of a disjunction's components will # not change when #to_params is called on them. # # Since disjunction is associative, this behavior has no effect on the actual # logical semantics of the disjunction. # it 'should create a single disjunction when disjunctions nested' do do any_of do with(:title, 'Yes') any_of do with(:blog_id, 1) with(:category_ids, 4) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '(title_ss:Yes OR blog_id_i:1 OR category_ids_im:4)' ) end it 'should create a disjunction with instance exclusion' do post = Post do any_of do without(post) with(:category_ids, 1) end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => "-(id:Post\\ #{} AND -category_ids_im:1)" ) end it 'should create a disjunction with empty restriction' do Post do any_of do with(:average_rating, nil) with(:average_rating).greater_than(3.0) end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '-(average_rating_f:[* TO *] AND -average_rating_f:[3\.0 TO *])' ) end it 'should restrict by dynamic string field with equality restriction' do Post do dynamic :custom_string do with :test, 'string' end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['custom_string\:test_s:string']) end it 'should restrict by dynamic integer field with less than restriction' do Post do dynamic :custom_integer do with(:test).less_than(1) end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['custom_integer\:test_i:[* TO 1]']) end it 'should restrict by dynamic float field with between restriction' do Post do dynamic :custom_float do with(:test).between(2.2..3.3) end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['custom_float\:test_fm:[2\.2 TO 3\.3]']) end it 'should restrict by dynamic time field with any of restriction' do Post do dynamic :custom_time do with(:test).any_of([Time.parse('2009-02-10 14:00:00 UTC'), Time.parse('2009-02-13 18:00:00 UTC')]) end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['custom_time\:test_d:(2009\-02\-10T14\:00\:00Z OR 2009\-02\-13T18\:00\:00Z)']) end it 'should restrict by dynamic boolean field with equality restriction' do Post do dynamic :custom_boolean do with :test, false end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['custom_boolean\:test_b:false']) end it 'should negate a dynamic field restriction' do Post do dynamic :custom_string do without :test, 'foo' end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['-custom_string\:test_s:foo']) end it 'should search by a dynamic field inside a disjunction' do Post do any_of do dynamic :custom_string do with :test, 'foo' end with :title, 'bar' end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :fq => '(custom_string\:test_s:foo OR title_ss:bar)' ) end it 'should throw an UnrecognizedFieldError if an unknown dynamic field is searched by' do lambda do Post do dynamic(:bogus) { with :some, 'value' } end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should throw a NoMethodError if pagination is attempted in a dynamic query' do lambda do Post do dynamic :custom_string do paginate 3, 10 end end end.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it 'should paginate using default per_page when page not provided' do Post connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 30) end it 'should paginate using default per_page when page provided in DSL' do Post do paginate :page => 2 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 30, :start => 30) end it 'should paginate using default per_page when page provided in options' do Post, :page => 2 connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 30, :start => 30) end it 'should paginate using provided per_page in DSL' do Post do paginate :page => 4, :per_page => 15 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 45) end it 'should paginate using provided per_page in options' do Post, :page => 4, :per_page => 15 connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 45) end it 'should order in DSL' do Post do order_by :average_rating, :desc end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'average_rating_f desc') end it 'should order in keywords' do Post, :order => 'average_rating desc' connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'average_rating_f desc') end it 'should order by multiple fields in DSL' do Post do order_by :average_rating, :desc order_by :sort_title, :asc end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'average_rating_f desc, sort_title_s asc') end it 'should order by multiple fields in options' do Post, :order => ['average_rating desc', 'sort_title asc'] connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'average_rating_f desc, sort_title_s asc') end it 'should order by a dynamic field' do Post do dynamic :custom_integer do order_by :test, :desc end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'custom_integer:test_i desc') end it 'should order by a dynamic field and static field, with given precedence' do Post do dynamic :custom_integer do order_by :test, :desc end order_by :sort_title, :asc end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'custom_integer:test_i desc, sort_title_s asc') end it 'should order by random' do Post do order_by_random end connection.searches.last[:sort].should =~ /^random_\d+ asc$/ end it 'should throw an ArgumentError if a bogus order direction is given' do lambda do Post do order_by :sort_title, :sideways end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should not allow ordering by multiple-value fields' do lambda do Post do order_by :category_ids end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should not turn faceting on if no facet requested' do connection.should_not have_last_search_with('facet') end it 'should turn faceting on if facet is requested' do Post do facet :category_ids end connection.should have_last_search_with(:facet => 'true') end it 'should request single field facet' do Post do facet :category_ids end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"facet.field" => %w(category_ids_im)) end it 'should request multiple field facets' do Post do facet :category_ids, :blog_id end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"facet.field" => %w(category_ids_im blog_id_i)) end it 'should set facet sort by count' do Post do facet :category_ids, :sort => :count end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"f.category_ids_im.facet.sort" => 'true') end it 'should set facet sort by index' do Post do facet :category_ids, :sort => :index end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"f.category_ids_im.facet.sort" => 'false') end it 'should throw ArgumentError if bogus facet sort provided' do lambda do Post do facet :category_ids, :sort => :sideways end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should set the facet limit' do Post do facet :category_ids, :limit => 10 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"f.category_ids_im.facet.limit" => 10) end it 'should set the facet minimum count' do Post do facet :category_ids, :minimum_count => 5 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"f.category_ids_im.facet.mincount" => 5) end it 'should set the facet minimum count to zero if zeros are allowed' do Post do facet :category_ids, :zeros => true end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"f.category_ids_im.facet.mincount" => 0) end it 'should set the facet minimum count to one by default' do Post do facet :category_ids end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"f.category_ids_im.facet.mincount" => 1) end describe 'with date faceting' do before :each do @time_range = (Time.parse('2009-06-01 00:00:00 -0400').. Time.parse('2009-07-01 00:00:00 -0400')) end it 'should not send date facet parameters if time range is not specified' do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at end connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:"") end it 'should set the facet to a date facet' do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at, :time_range => @time_range end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"" => ['published_at_d']) end it 'should set the facet start and end' do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at, :time_range => @time_range end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"" => '2009-06-01T04:00:00Z', :"" => '2009-07-01T04:00:00Z' ) end it 'should default the time interval to 1 day' do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at, :time_range => @time_range end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"" => "+86400SECONDS") end it 'should use custom time interval' do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at, :time_range => @time_range, :time_interval => 3600 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"" => "+3600SECONDS") end it 'should allow computation of one other time' do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at, :time_range => @time_range, :time_other => :before end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"" => %w(before)) end it 'should allow computation of two other times' do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at, :time_range => @time_range, :time_other => [:before, :after] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"" => %w(before after)) end it 'should not allow computation of bogus other time' do lambda do Post do |query| query.facet :published_at, :time_range => @time_range, :time_other => :bogus end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should not allow date faceting on a non-date field' do lambda do Post do |query| query.facet :blog_id, :time_range => @time_range end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'with query faceting' do it 'should turn faceting on' do Post do facet :foo do row :bar do with(:average_rating).between(4.0..5.0) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:facet => 'true') end it 'should facet by query' do Post do facet :foo do row :bar do with(:average_rating).between(4.0..5.0) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"facet.query" => 'average_rating_f:[4\.0 TO 5\.0]') end it 'should request multiple query facets' do Post do facet :foo do row :bar do with(:average_rating).between(3.0..4.0) end row :baz do with(:average_rating).between(4.0..5.0) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"facet.query" => [ 'average_rating_f:[3\.0 TO 4\.0]', 'average_rating_f:[4\.0 TO 5\.0]' ] ) end it 'should request query facet with multiple conditions' do Post do facet :foo do row :bar do with(:category_ids, 1) with(:blog_id, 2) end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"facet.query" => '(category_ids_im:1 AND blog_id_i:2)' ) end it 'should request query facet with disjunction' do Post do facet :foo do row :bar do any_of do with(:category_ids, 1) with(:blog_id, 2) end end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"facet.query" => '(category_ids_im:1 OR blog_id_i:2)' ) end it 'should request query facet with internal dynamic field' do Post do facet :test do row 'foo' do dynamic :custom_string do with :test, 'foo' end end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"facet.query" => 'custom_string\:test_s:foo' ) end it 'should request query facet with external dynamic field' do Post do dynamic :custom_string do facet :test do row 'foo' do with :test, 'foo' end end end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"facet.query" => 'custom_string\:test_s:foo' ) end it 'should not allow 0 arguments to facet method with block' do lambda do Post do facet do end end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should not allow more than 1 argument to facet method with block' do lambda do Post do facet :foo, :bar do end end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it 'builds query facets when passed :only argument to field facet declaration' do Post do facet :category_ids, :only => [1, 3] end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"facet.query" => ['category_ids_im:1', 'category_ids_im:3'] ) end it 'converts limited query facet values to the correct type' do Post do facet :published_at, :only => [Time.utc(2009, 8, 28, 15, 33), Time.utc(2008,8, 28, 15, 33)] end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"facet.query" => [ 'published_at_d:2009\-08\-28T15\:33\:00Z', 'published_at_d:2008\-08\-28T15\:33\:00Z' ] ) end it 'should allow faceting by dynamic string field' do Post do dynamic :custom_string do facet :test end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"facet.field" => %w(custom_string:test_s)) end it 'should properly escape namespaced type names' do connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'type:Namespaced\:\:Comment') end it 'should build search for multiple types' do, Namespaced::Comment) connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'type:(Post OR Namespaced\:\:Comment)') end it 'should allow search on fields common to all types with DSL' do time = Time.parse('1983-07-08 05:00:00 -0400') Post, Namespaced::Comment do with :published_at, time end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['published_at_d:1983\-07\-08T09\:00\:00Z']) end it 'should allow search on fields common to all types with conditions' do time = Time.parse('1983-07-08 05:00:00 -0400') Post, Namespaced::Comment, :conditions => { :published_at => time } connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['published_at_d:1983\-07\-08T09\:00\:00Z']) end it 'should allow search on dynamic fields common to all types' do Post, Namespaced::Comment do dynamic :custom_string do with(:test, 'test') end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['custom_string\\:test_s:test']) end it 'should combine all text fields' do Post, Namespaced::Comment do keywords 'keywords' end connection.searches.last[:qf].split(' ').sort.should == %w(author_name_text backwards_title_text body_text title_text) end it 'should allow specification of a text field that only exists in one type' do Post, Namespaced::Comment do keywords 'keywords', :fields => :author_name end connection.searches.last[:qf].should == 'author_name_text' end it 'should raise Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError if search scoped to field not common to all types' do lambda do Post, Namespaced::Comment do with :blog_id, 1 end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should raise Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError if search scoped to field configured differently between types' do lambda do Post, Namespaced::Comment do with :average_rating, 2.2 # this is a float in Post but an integer in Comment end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should raise Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError if a text field that does not exist for any type is specified' do lambda do Post, Namespaced::Comment do keywords 'fulltext', :fields => :bogus end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should ignore condition if field is not common to all types' do Post, Namespaced::Comment, :conditions => { :blog_id => 1 } connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:fq) end it 'should allow building search using block argument rather than instance_eval' do @blog_id = 1 Post do |query| query.with(:blog_id, @blog_id) end connection.should have_last_search_with(:fq => ['blog_id_i:1']) end it 'should raise Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError for nonexistant fields in block scope' do lambda do Post do with :bogus, 'Field' end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should raise Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError for nonexistant fields in keywords' do lambda do Post do keywords 'text', :fields => :bogus end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should raise NoMethodError if bogus operator referenced' do lambda do Post do with(:category_ids).resembling :bogus_condition end end.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it 'should raise ArgumentError if no :page argument given to paginate' do lambda do Post do paginate end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should raise ArgumentError if bogus argument given to paginate' do lambda do Post do paginate :page => 4, :ugly => :puppy end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should raise ArgumentError if more than two arguments passed to scope method' do lambda do Post do with(:category_ids, 4, 5) end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end private def config @config ||= end def connection @connection ||= end def session @session ||=, connection) end end