#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DIRECTINPUT_VERSION #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800 #endif #include namespace { std::tr1::array buttons; } struct Gosu::Input::Impl { TextInput* textInput; Impl() : textInput(0) {} HWND window; std::tr1::shared_ptr input; typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr Device; Device keyboard, mouse; std::vector gamepads; double mouseX, mouseY; double mouseFactorX, mouseFactorY; bool swapMouse; struct EventInfo { enum { buttonUp, buttonDown } action; unsigned id; }; typedef std::vector Events; Events events; static const unsigned inputBufferSize = 32; static const int stickRange = 500; static const int stickThreshold = 250; // For devices with buffered data. void forceButton(unsigned id, bool down, bool collectEvent) { buttons.at(id) = down; if (!collectEvent) return; EventInfo newEvent; if (down) newEvent.action = EventInfo::buttonDown; else newEvent.action = EventInfo::buttonUp; newEvent.id = id; events.push_back(newEvent); } // For polled devices, or when there's no data. void setButton(unsigned id, bool down, bool collectEvent) { if (buttons.at(id) != down) forceButton(id, down, collectEvent); } static void throwError(const char* action, HRESULT hr) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << "While " << action << ", the following DirectInput " << "error occured: " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << hr; throw std::runtime_error(stream.str()); // IMPR: Error string! } static inline HRESULT check(const char* action, HRESULT hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) throwError(action, hr); return hr; } // Callback that adjusts all found axes to [-stickRange, +stickRange]. static BOOL CALLBACK axisCallback(LPCDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE instance, LPVOID userData) { IDirectInputDevice8* dev = static_cast(userData); DIPROPRANGE range; range.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE); range.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); range.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; range.diph.dwObj = instance->dwType; range.lMin = -stickRange; range.lMax = +stickRange; dev->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &range.diph); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } // Callback that lists all gamepads. static BOOL CALLBACK gamepadCallback(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE device, LPVOID userData) { Impl* pimpl = static_cast(userData); IDirectInputDevice8* gamepad; if (FAILED(pimpl->input->CreateDevice(device->guidInstance, &gamepad, 0))) { return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } if (FAILED(gamepad->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick)) || FAILED(gamepad->SetCooperativeLevel(pimpl->window, DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND)) || FAILED(gamepad->EnumObjects(axisCallback, gamepad, DIDFT_AXIS))) { gamepad->Release(); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } pimpl->gamepads.push_back(Win::shareComPtr(gamepad)); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } void updateMousePos() { POINT pos; if (!::GetCursorPos(&pos)) return; Win::check(::ScreenToClient(window, &pos)); mouseX = pos.x; mouseY = pos.y; } void updateButtons(bool collectEvents) { DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA data[inputBufferSize]; DWORD inOut; HRESULT hr; RECT rect; ::GetClientRect(window, &rect); bool ignoreClicks = mouseX < 0 || mouseX > rect.right || mouseY < 0 || mouseY > rect.bottom; inOut = inputBufferSize; hr = mouse->GetDeviceData(sizeof data[0], data, &inOut, 0); switch(hr) { case DI_OK: case DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW: { // Everything's ok: Update buttons and fire events. for (unsigned i = 0; i < inOut; ++i) { bool down = (data[i].dwData & 0x80) != 0 && !ignoreClicks; // No switch statement here because it breaks compilation with MinGW. if (data[i].dwOfs == DIMOFS_BUTTON0) { unsigned id = swapMouse ? msRight : msLeft; setButton(id, down, collectEvents); } else if (data[i].dwOfs == DIMOFS_BUTTON1) { unsigned id = swapMouse ? msLeft : msRight; setButton(id, down, collectEvents); } else if (data[i].dwOfs == DIMOFS_BUTTON2) { setButton(msMiddle, down, collectEvents); } else if (data[i].dwOfs == DIMOFS_Z && collectEvents && data[i].dwData) { EventInfo event; event.action = EventInfo::buttonDown; if (int(data[i].dwData) < 0) event.id = msWheelDown; else event.id = msWheelUp; events.push_back(event); event.action = EventInfo::buttonUp; events.push_back(event); } } break; } case DIERR_NOTACQUIRED: case DIERR_INPUTLOST: { // Cannot fetch new events: Release all buttons. for (unsigned id = msRangeBegin; id <= msRangeEnd; ++id) setButton(id, false, collectEvents); mouse->Acquire(); break; } } inOut = inputBufferSize; hr = keyboard->GetDeviceData(sizeof data[0], data, &inOut, 0); switch (hr) { case DI_OK: case DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW: { for (unsigned i = 0; i < inOut; ++i) forceButton(data[i].dwOfs, (data[i].dwData & 0x80) != 0, collectEvents); break; } case DIERR_NOTACQUIRED: case DIERR_INPUTLOST: { for (unsigned id = kbRangeBegin; id <= kbRangeEnd; ++id) setButton(id, false, collectEvents); keyboard->Acquire(); break; } } std::tr1::array gpBuffer = { false }; for (unsigned gp = 0; gp < gamepads.size() && gp < numGamepads; ++gp) { gamepads[gp]->Poll(); int rangeOffset = (gp + 1) * gpNumPerGamepad - gpRangeBegin; DIJOYSTATE joy; hr = gamepads[gp]->GetDeviceState(sizeof joy, &joy); switch (hr) { case DI_OK: { if (joy.lX < -stickThreshold) gpBuffer[gpLeft + rangeOffset] = true; else if (joy.lX > stickThreshold) gpBuffer[gpRight + rangeOffset] = true; if (joy.lY < -stickThreshold) gpBuffer[gpUp + rangeOffset] = true; else if (joy.lY > stickThreshold) gpBuffer[gpDown + rangeOffset] = true; for (unsigned id = gpButton0; id <= gpButton15; ++id) if (joy.rgbButtons[id - gpButton0]) gpBuffer[id + rangeOffset] = true; break; } case DIERR_NOTACQUIRED: case DIERR_INPUTLOST: { gamepads[gp]->Acquire(); break; } } // Merge these results into the area for "all gamepads OR'ed together" for (int index = 0; index < gpNumPerGamepad; ++index) gpBuffer[index] = (gpBuffer[index] || gpBuffer[index + (gp + 1) * gpNumPerGamepad]); } for (unsigned id = gpRangeBegin; id <= gpRangeEnd; ++id) setButton(id, gpBuffer[id - gpRangeBegin], collectEvents); } }; Gosu::Input::Input(HWND window) : pimpl(new Impl) { pimpl->window = window; pimpl->mouseFactorX = pimpl->mouseFactorY = 1.0; // Create the main input object (only necessary for setup). IDirectInput8* inputRaw; Impl::check("creating the main DirectInput object", ::DirectInput8Create(Win::instance(), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, reinterpret_cast(&inputRaw), 0)); pimpl->input = Win::shareComPtr(inputRaw); // Prepare property struct for setting the amount of data to buffer. DIPROPDWORD bufferSize; bufferSize.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); bufferSize.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); bufferSize.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; bufferSize.diph.dwObj = 0; bufferSize.dwData = Impl::inputBufferSize; // Set up the system keyboard. IDirectInputDevice8* kbRaw; Impl::check("creating the keyboard device object", pimpl->input->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &kbRaw, 0)); pimpl->keyboard = Win::shareComPtr(kbRaw); Impl::check("setting the keyboard's data format", kbRaw->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard)); Impl::check("setting the keyboard's cooperative level", kbRaw->SetCooperativeLevel(window, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE)); Impl::check("setting the keyboard's buffer size", kbRaw->SetProperty(DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &bufferSize.diph)); kbRaw->Acquire(); // Set up the system mouse. IDirectInputDevice8* mouseRaw; Impl::check("creating the mouse device object", pimpl->input->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &mouseRaw, 0)); pimpl->mouse = Win::shareComPtr(mouseRaw); Impl::check("setting the mouse's data format", mouseRaw->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse)); Impl::check("setting the mouse's cooperative level", mouseRaw->SetCooperativeLevel(window, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE)); Impl::check("setting the mouse's buffer size", mouseRaw->SetProperty(DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &bufferSize.diph)); mouseRaw->Acquire(); pimpl->swapMouse = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) != 0; // Set up all gamepads. pimpl->input->EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL, Impl::gamepadCallback, pimpl.get(), DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); // Get into a usable default state. pimpl->mouseX = pimpl->mouseY = 0; pimpl->updateMousePos(); buttons.assign(false); } Gosu::Input::~Input() { } Gosu::Button Gosu::Input::charToId(wchar_t ch) { SHORT vkey = ::VkKeyScan(/*std::*/towlower(ch)); // No key found? if (HIBYTE(vkey) == static_cast(-1) && LOBYTE(vkey) == static_cast(-1)) { return noButton; } // Key needs special modifier keys? if (HIBYTE(vkey) != 0) return noButton; // Now try to translate the virtual key code into a scan code. return Button(::MapVirtualKey(vkey, 0)); } wchar_t Gosu::Input::idToChar(Gosu::Button btn) { // Only translate keyboard ids. if (btn.id() > 255) return 0; // Special case...? if (btn.id() == kbSpace) return L' '; // Try to get the key name. // (Three elements so too-long names will make GKNT return 3 and we'll know.) wchar_t buf[3]; if (::GetKeyNameText(btn.id() << 16, buf, 3) == 1) return /*std::*/towlower(buf[0]); return 0; } bool Gosu::Input::down(Button btn) const { // The invalid button is never pressed (but can be passed to this function). if (btn == noButton || btn.id() >= numButtons) return false; return buttons.at(btn.id()); } double Gosu::Input::mouseX() const { return pimpl->mouseX * pimpl->mouseFactorX; } double Gosu::Input::mouseY() const { return pimpl->mouseY * pimpl->mouseFactorY; } void Gosu::Input::setMousePosition(double x, double y) { POINT pos = { x / pimpl->mouseFactorX, y / pimpl->mouseFactorY }; ::ClientToScreen(pimpl->window, &pos); ::SetCursorPos(pos.x, pos.y); pimpl->updateMousePos(); } void Gosu::Input::setMouseFactors(double factorX, double factorY) { pimpl->mouseFactorX = factorX; pimpl->mouseFactorY = factorY; } const Gosu::Touches& Gosu::Input::currentTouches() const { static Gosu::Touches none; return none; } double Gosu::Input::accelerometerX() const { return 0.0; } double Gosu::Input::accelerometerY() const { return 0.0; } double Gosu::Input::accelerometerZ() const { return 0.0; } void Gosu::Input::update() { pimpl->updateMousePos(); pimpl->updateButtons(true); Impl::Events events; events.swap(pimpl->events); for (unsigned i = 0; i < events.size(); ++i) { if (events[i].action == Impl::EventInfo::buttonDown) { if (onButtonDown) onButtonDown(Button(events[i].id)); } else { if (onButtonUp) onButtonUp(Button(events[i].id)); } } } Gosu::TextInput* Gosu::Input::textInput() const { return pimpl->textInput; } void Gosu::Input::setTextInput(TextInput* textInput) { pimpl->textInput = textInput; }