TZInfo - Ruby Timezone Library ============================== [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( [TZInfo]( provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in different timezones. Data Sources ------------ TZInfo requires a source of timezone data. There are two built-in options: 1. The TZInfo::Data library (the tzinfo-data gem). TZInfo::Data contains a set of Ruby modules that are generated from the [IANA Time Zone Database]( 2. A zoneinfo directory. Most Unix-like systems include a zoneinfo directory containing timezone definitions. These are also generated from the [IANA Time Zone Database]( By default, TZInfo::Data will be used. If TZInfo::Data is not available (i.e. if `require 'tzinfo/data'` fails), then TZInfo will search for a zoneinfo directory instead (using the search path specified by `TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource::DEFAULT_SEARCH_PATH`). If no data source can be found, a `TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound` exception will be raised when TZInfo is used. Further information is available [in the wiki]( to help with resolving `TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound` errors. The default data source selection can be overridden using `TZInfo::DataSource.set`. Custom data sources can also be used. See `TZInfo::DataSource.set` for further details. Installation ------------ The TZInfo gem can be installed by running: gem install tzinfo To use the Ruby modules as the data source, TZInfo::Data will also need to be installed: gem install tzinfo-data Example Usage ------------- The following code will obtain the America/New_York timezone (as an instance of `TZInfo::Timezone`) and convert a time in UTC to local New York time: require 'tzinfo' tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/New_York') local = tz.utc_to_local(Time.utc(2005,8,29,15,35,0)) Note that the local Time returned will have a UTC timezone (`` will return `"UTC"`). This is because the Time class in older (but still supported by TZInfo) versions of Ruby can only handle two timezones: UTC and the system local timezone. To convert from a local time to UTC, the `local_to_utc` method can be used as follows: utc = tz.local_to_utc(local) Note that the timezone information of the local Time object is ignored (TZInfo will just read the date and time and treat them as if there were in the `tz` timezone). The following two lines will return the same result regardless of the system's local timezone: tz.local_to_utc(Time.local(2006,6,26,1,0,0)) tz.local_to_utc(Time.utc(2006,6,26,1,0,0)) To obtain information about the rules in force at a particular UTC or local time, the `TZInfo::Timezone.period_for_utc` and `TZInfo::Timezone.period_for_local` methods can be used. Both of these methods return `TZInfo::TimezonePeriod` objects. The following gets the identifier for the period (in this case EDT). period = tz.period_for_utc(Time.utc(2005,8,29,15,35,0)) id = period.zone_identifier The current local time in a `Timezone` can be obtained with the `TZInfo::Timezone#now` method: now = All methods in TZInfo that operate on a time can be used with either `Time` or `DateTime` instances or with Integer timestamps (i.e. as returned by `Time#to_i`). The type of the values returned will match the type passed in. A list of all the available timezone identifiers can be obtained using the `TZInfo::Timezone.all_identifiers` method. `TZInfo::Timezone.all` can be called to get an `Array` of all the `TZInfo::Timezone` instances. Timezones can also be accessed by country (using an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code). The following code retrieves the `TZInfo::Country` instance representing the USA (country code 'US') and then gets all the timezone identifiers used in the USA. us = TZInfo::Country.get('US') timezones = us.zone_identifiers The `TZInfo::Country#zone_info` method provides an additional description and geographic location for each timezone in a country. A list of all the available country codes can be obtained using the `TZInfo::Country.all_codes` method. `TZInfo::Country.all` can be called to get an `Array` of all the `Country` instances. For further detail, please refer to the API documentation for the `TZInfo::Timezone` and `TZInfo::Country` classes. Thread-Safety ------------- The `TZInfo::Country` and `TZInfo::Timezone` classes are thread-safe. It is safe to use class and instance methods of `TZInfo::Country` and `TZInfo::Timezone` in concurrently executing threads. Instances of both classes can be shared across thread boundaries. Documentation ------------- API documentation for TZInfo is available on []( License ------- TZInfo is released under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details. Source Code ----------- Source code for TZInfo is available on [GitHub]( Issue Tracker ------------- Please post any bugs, issues, feature requests or questions to the [GitHub issue tracker](