require 'uri' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'thread' require 'openssl' require 'erb' require 'skylight/util/hostname' require 'skylight/util/logging' require 'skylight/util/platform' require 'skylight/util/ssl' module Skylight class Config # @api private MUTEX = # Map environment variable keys with Skylight configuration keys ENV_TO_KEY = { # == Authentication == 'AUTHENTICATION' => :'authentication', # == Version == 'VERSION' => :'version', # == App settings == 'ROOT' => :'root', 'APPLICATION' => :'application', 'HOSTNAME' => :'hostname', 'SESSION_TOKEN' => :'session_token', # == Logging == 'LOG_FILE' => :'log_file', 'LOG_LEVEL' => :'log_level', 'ALERT_LOG_FILE' => :'alert_log_file', 'LOG_SQL_PARSE_ERRORS' => :'log_sql_parse_errors', # == Proxy == 'PROXY_URL' => :'proxy_url', # == Instrumenter == "IGNORED_ENDPOINT" => :'ignored_endpoint', "SQL_MODE" => :'sql_mode', # == Skylight Remote == "AUTH_URL" => :'auth_url', "AUTH_HTTP_DEFLATE" => :'auth_http_deflate', "AUTH_HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" => :'auth_http_connect_timeout', "AUTH_HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT" => :'auth_http_read_timeout', "REPORT_URL" => :'report_url', "REPORT_HTTP_DEFLATE" => :'report_http_deflate', "REPORT_HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" => :'report_http_connect_timeout', "REPORT_HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT" => :'report_http_read_timeout', # == Native agent settings == # "LAZY_START" => :'daemon.lazy_start', "DAEMON_EXEC_PATH" => :'daemon.exec_path', "DAEMON_LIB_PATH" => :'daemon.lib_path', "PIDFILE_PATH" => :'daemon.pidfile_path', "SOCKDIR_PATH" => :'daemon.sockdir_path', "BATCH_QUEUE_DEPTH" => :'daemon.batch_queue_depth', "BATCH_SAMPLE_SIZE" => :'daemon.batch_sample_size', "BATCH_FLUSH_INTERVAL" => :'daemon.batch_flush_interval', "DAEMON_TICK_INTERVAL" => :'daemon.tick_interval', "DAEMON_SANITY_CHECK_INTERVAL" => :'daemon.sanity_check_interval', "DAEMON_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT" => :'daemon.inactivity_timeout', "CLIENT_MAX_TRIES" => :'daemon.max_connect_tries', "CLIENT_CONN_TRY_WIN" => :'daemon.connect_try_window', "MAX_PRESPAWN_JITTER" => :'daemon.max_prespawn_jitter', "DAEMON_WAIT_TIMEOUT" => :'daemon.wait_timeout', "CLIENT_CHECK_INTERVAL" => :'daemon.client_check_interval', "CLIENT_QUEUE_DEPTH" => :'daemon.client_queue_depth', "CLIENT_WRITE_TIMEOUT" => :'daemon.client_write_timeout', "SSL_CERT_PATH" => :'daemon.ssl_cert_path', "SSL_CERT_DIR" => :'daemon.ssl_cert_dir', # == Legacy env vars == # 'AGENT_LOCKFILE' => :'agent.lockfile', 'AGENT_SOCKFILE_PATH' => :'agent.sockfile_path', } # Default values for Skylight configuration keys DEFAULTS = { :'version' => VERSION, :'auth_url' => '', :'sql_mode' => 'rust', :'daemon.lazy_start' => true, # == Legacy == :'log_file' => '-'.freeze, :'log_level' => 'INFO'.freeze, :'alert_log_file' => '-'.freeze, :'log_sql_parse_errors' => false, :'hostname' => Util::Hostname.default_hostname, :'agent.keepalive' => 60, :'agent.interval' => 5, :'agent.sample' => 200, :'agent.max_memory' => 256, # MB :'' => ''.freeze, :'report.port' => 443, :'report.ssl' => true, :'report.deflate' => true, :'' => ''.freeze, :'accounts.port' => 443, :'accounts.ssl' => true, :'accounts.deflate' => false, :'metrics.report_interval' => 60 } if Skylight::Util::Platform::OS != 'darwin' DEFAULTS[:'daemon.ssl_cert_path'] = Util::SSL.ca_cert_file_or_default DEFAULTS[:'daemon.ssl_cert_dir'] = Util::SSL.ca_cert_dir end if Skylight.native? native_path = Skylight.libskylight_path DEFAULTS[:'daemon.lib_path'] = native_path DEFAULTS[:'daemon.exec_path'] = File.join(native_path, 'skylightd') end DEFAULTS.freeze REQUIRED = { :'authentication' => "authentication token", :'hostname' => "server hostname", :'' => "skylight remote host", :'report.port' => "skylight remote port" } ALWAYS_INCLUDE_IN_ENV = [ :version, :'daemon.lazy_start', :'daemon.lib_path', :'daemon.exec_path', :'daemon.ssl_cert_dir', :'daemon.ssl_cert_path' ] # Maps legacy config keys to new config keys LEGACY = { :'agent.sockfile_path' => :'daemon.sockdir_path', :'agent.pidfile_path' => :'agent.lockfile', } VALIDATORS = { :'agent.interval' => [lambda { |v, c| Integer === v && v > 0 }, "must be an integer greater than 0"] } # @api private attr_reader :environment # @api private def initialize(*args) attrs = {} if Hash === args.last attrs = args.pop.dup end @values = {} @priority = {} @regexp = nil p = attrs.delete(:priority) if @environment = args[0] @regexp = /^#{Regexp.escape(@environment)}\.(.+)$/ end attrs.each do |k, v| self[k] = v end if p p.each do |k, v| @priority[Config.remap_key(k)] = v end end end def self.load(opts = {}, env = ENV) attrs = {} version = nil path = opts.delete(:file) environment = opts.delete(:environment) if path error = nil begin attrs = YAML.load( error = "empty file" unless attrs error = "invalid format" if attrs && !attrs.is_a?(Hash) rescue Exception => e error = e.message end raise ConfigError, "could not load config file; msg=#{error}" if error version = File.mtime(path).to_i end if env attrs[:priority] = remap_env(env) end config = new(environment, attrs) opts.each do |k, v| config[k] = v end config end def self.remap_key(key) key = key.to_sym LEGACY[key] || key end # @api private def self.remap_env(env) ret = {} return ret unless env ret[:proxy_url] = detect_proxy_url(env) env.each do |k, val| # Support deprecated SK_ key prefix next unless k =~ /^(?:SK|SKYLIGHT)_(.+)$/ if key = ENV_TO_KEY[$1] ret[key] = case val when /^false$/i then false when /^true$/i then true when /^(nil|null)$/i then nil when /^\d+$/ then val.to_i when /^\d+\.\d+$/ then val.to_f else val end end end ret end def self.detect_proxy_url(env) if u = env['HTTP_PROXY'] || env['http_proxy'] u = "http://#{u}" unless u =~ %r[://] u end end # @api private def skip_validation? !!get(:skip_validation) end # @api private def validate! return true if skip_validation? REQUIRED.each do |k, v| unless get(k) raise ConfigError, "#{v} required" end end sockdir_path = self[:'daemon.sockdir_path'] || File.expand_path('.') pidfile_path = self[:'daemon.pidfile_path'] || File.expand_path('', sockdir_path) check_permissions(pidfile_path, sockdir_path) true end def check_permissions(pidfile, sockdir_path) pidfile_root = File.dirname(pidfile) FileUtils.mkdir_p pidfile_root FileUtils.mkdir_p sockdir_path if File.exist?(pidfile) if !FileTest.writable?(pidfile) raise ConfigError, "File `#{pidfile}` not writable. Please set daemon.pidfile_path or daemon.sockdir_path in your config to a writable path" end else if !FileTest.writable?(pidfile_root) raise ConfigError, "Directory `#{pidfile_root}` not writable. Please set daemon.pidfile_path or daemon.sockdir_path in your config to a writable path" end end unless FileTest.writable?(sockdir_path) raise ConfigError, "Directory `#{sockdir_path}` not writable. Please set daemon.sockdir_path in your config to a writable path" end end def key?(key) key = Config.remap_key(key) @priority.key?(key) || @values.key?(key) end def get(key, default = nil, &blk) key = Config.remap_key(key) return @priority[key] if @priority.key?(key) return @values[key] if @values.key?(key) return DEFAULTS[key] if DEFAULTS.key?(key) if default return default elsif blk return end nil end alias [] get def set(key, val, scope = nil) if scope key = [scope, key].join('.') end if Hash === val val.each do |k, v| set(k, v, key) end else k = Config.remap_key(key) if validator = VALIDATORS[k] blk, msg = validator unless, self) error_msg = "invalid value for #{k} (#{val})" error_msg << ", #{msg}" if msg raise ConfigError, error_msg end end if @regexp && k =~ @regexp @priority[$1.to_sym] = val end @values[k] = val end end alias []= set def duration_ms(key, default = nil) if (v = self[key]) && v.to_s =~ /^\s*(\d+)(s|sec|ms|micros|nanos)?\s*$/ v = $1.to_i case $2 when "ms" v when "micros" v / 1_000 when "nanos" v / 1_000_000 else # "s", "sec", nil v * 1000 end else default end end def to_env ret = [] ENV_TO_KEY.each do |k, v| next if LEGACY[v] c = get(v) # Always need to pass daemon lib_path config even when default if c != DEFAULTS[v] || ALWAYS_INCLUDE_IN_ENV.include?(v) ret << "SKYLIGHT_#{k}" << cast_for_env(c) if c end end ret << "SKYLIGHT_VALIDATE_AUTHENTICATION" ret << "false" ret end def write(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)), 'w') do |f| f.puts <<-YAML --- # The authentication token for the application. authentication: #{self[:authentication]} YAML end end # # # ===== Helpers ===== # # # @api private def gc @gc ||=, get('gc.profiler', end # @api private def ignore_token? get('test.ignore_token') end # @api private def ignored_endpoints @ignored_endpoints ||= begin val = Array(get(:'ignored_endpoint')) val.concat(Array(get(:'ignored_endpoints'))) val end end def root self[:root] || Dir.pwd end def logger @logger ||= MUTEX.synchronize do load_logger end end def logger=(logger) @logger = logger end def alert_logger @alert_logger ||= begin MUTEX.synchronize do unless l = @alert_logger out = get(:'alert_log_file') if out == '-' out = elsif !(IO === out) out = File.expand_path(out, root) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(out)) end l = l.level = Logger::DEBUG end l end end end def alert_logger=(logger) @alert_logger = logger end private def load_logger unless l = @logger out = get(:'log_file') out = STDOUT if out == '-' unless IO === out out = File.expand_path(out, root) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(out)) end l = l.level = case get(:'log_level') when /^debug$/i then Logger::DEBUG when /^info$/i then Logger::INFO when /^warn$/i then Logger::WARN when /^error$/i then Logger::ERROR end end l end def cast_for_env(v) case v when true then 'true' when false then 'false' when nil then 'nil' else v.to_s end end end end