require 'tempfile' require 'time' require 'iconv' module Redwood class MessageFormatError < StandardError; end ## a Message is what's threaded. ## ## it is also where the parsing for quotes and signatures is done, but ## that should be moved out to a separate class at some point (because ## i would like, for example, to be able to add in a ruby-talk ## specific module that would detect and link to /ruby-talk:\d+/ ## sequences in the text of an email. (how sweet would that be?) class Message SNIPPET_LEN = 80 WRAP_LEN = 80 # wrap at this width RE_PATTERN = /^((re|re[\[\(]\d[\]\)]):\s*)+/i ## some utility methods class << self def normalize_subj s; s.gsub(RE_PATTERN, ""); end def subj_is_reply? s; s =~ RE_PATTERN; end def reify_subj s; subj_is_reply?(s) ? s : "Re: " + s; end end class Attachment attr_reader :content_type, :filename, :content, :lines def initialize content_type, filename, content @content_type = content_type @filename = filename @content = content if inlineable? @lines = to_s.split("\n") end end def view! file = "redwood.attachment" file.print raw_content file.close system "/usr/bin/run-mailcap --action=view #{@content_type}:#{file.path} >& /dev/null" $? == 0 end def to_s; Message.decode_and_convert @content; end def raw_content; @content.decode end def inlineable?; @content_type =~ /^text\/plain/ end end class Text attr_reader :lines def initialize lines ## do some wrapping @lines = { |l| l.chomp.wrap WRAP_LEN }.flatten end end class Quote attr_reader :lines def initialize lines @lines = lines end end class Signature attr_reader :lines def initialize lines @lines = lines end end QUOTE_PATTERN = /^\s{0,4}[>|\}]/ BLOCK_QUOTE_PATTERN = /^-----\s*Original Message\s*----+$/ QUOTE_START_PATTERN = /(^\s*Excerpts from)|(^\s*In message )|(^\s*In article )|(^\s*Quoting )|((wrote|writes|said|says)\s*:\s*$)/ SIG_PATTERN = /(^-- ?$)|(^\s*----------+\s*$)|(^\s*_________+\s*$)|(^\s*--~--~-)/ MAX_SIG_DISTANCE = 15 # lines from the end DEFAULT_SUBJECT = "(missing subject)" DEFAULT_SENDER = "(missing sender)" attr_reader :id, :date, :from, :subj, :refs, :replytos, :to, :source, :cc, :bcc, :labels, :list_address, :recipient_email, :replyto, :source_info, :chunks bool_reader :dirty, :source_marked_read ## if you specify a :header, will use values from that. otherwise, will try and ## load the header from the source. def initialize opts @source = opts[:source] or raise ArgumentError, "source can't be nil" @source_info = opts[:source_info] or raise ArgumentError, "source_info can't be nil" @snippet = opts[:snippet] || "" @have_snippet = !opts[:snippet].nil? @labels = [] + (opts[:labels] || []) @dirty = false @chunks = nil read_header(opts[:header] || @source.load_header(@source_info)) end def read_header header header.each { |k, v| header[k.downcase] = v } %w(message-id date).each do |f| raise MessageFormatError, "no #{f} field in header #{header.inspect} (source #@source offset #@source_info)" unless header.include? f raise MessageFormatError, "nil #{f} field in header #{header.inspect} (source #@source offset #@source_info)" unless header[f] end begin date = header["date"] @date = Time === date ? date : Time.parse(header["date"]) rescue ArgumentError => e raise MessageFormatError, "unparsable date #{header['date']}: #{e.message}" end @subj = header.member?("subject") ? header["subject"].gsub(/\s+/, " ").gsub(/\s+$/, "") : DEFAULT_SUBJECT @from = PersonManager.person_for header["from"] @to = PersonManager.people_for header["to"] @cc = PersonManager.people_for header["cc"] @bcc = PersonManager.people_for header["bcc"] @id = header["message-id"] @refs = (header["references"] || "").gsub(/[<>]/, "").split(/\s+/).flatten @replytos = (header["in-reply-to"] || "").scan(/<(.*?)>/).flatten @replyto = PersonManager.person_for header["reply-to"] @list_address = if header["list-post"] @list_address = PersonManager.person_for header["list-post"].gsub(/^<mailto:|>$/, "") else nil end @recipient_email = header["envelope-to"] || header["x-original-to"] || header["delivered-to"] @source_marked_read = header["status"] == "RO" end private :read_header def snippet; @snippet || chunks && @snippet; end def is_list_message?; !@list_address.nil?; end def is_draft?; @source.is_a? DraftLoader; end def draft_filename raise "not a draft" unless is_draft? @source.fn_for_offset @source_info end def save index index.sync_message self if @dirty @dirty = false end def has_label? t; @labels.member? t; end def add_label t return if @labels.member? t @labels.push t @dirty = true end def remove_label t return unless @labels.member? t @labels.delete t @dirty = true end def recipients @to + @cc + @bcc end def labels= l @labels = l @dirty = true end ## this is called when the message body needs to actually be loaded. def load_from_source! @chunks ||= if @source.has_errors? ["\n")))] else begin ## we need to re-read the header because it contains information ## that we don't store in the index. actually i think it's just ## the mailing list address (if any), so this is kinda overkill. ## i could just store that in the index, but i think there might ## be other things like that in the future, and i'd rather not ## bloat the index. ## actually, it's also the differentiation between to/cc/bcc, ## so i will keep this. read_header @source.load_header(@source_info) message_to_chunks @source.load_message(@source_info) rescue SourceError, SocketError, MessageFormatError => e Redwood::log "problem getting messages from #{@source}: #{e.message}" ## we need force_to_top here otherwise this window will cover ## up the error message one Redwood::report_broken_sources :force_to_top => true [] end end end def error_message msg <<EOS #@snippet... *********************************************************************** An error occurred while loading this message. It is possible that the source has changed, or (in the case of remote sources) is down. You can check the log for errors, though hopefully an error window should have popped up at some point. The message location was: #@source##@source_info *********************************************************************** The error message was: #{msg} EOS end def raw_header begin @source.raw_header @source_info rescue SourceError => e Redwood::log "problem getting messages from #{@source}: #{e.message}" error_message e.message end end def raw_full_message begin @source.raw_full_message @source_info rescue SourceError => e Redwood::log "problem getting messages from #{@source}: #{e.message}" error_message(e.message) end end def content load_from_source! [ from && "#{} #{}", { |p| "#{} #{}" }, { |p| "#{} #{}" }, { |p| "#{} #{}" }, { |c| c.is_a? Text }.map { |c| c.lines }, Message.normalize_subj(subj), ].flatten.compact.join " " end def basic_body_lines chunks.find_all { |c| c.is_a?(Text) || c.is_a?(Quote) }.map { |c| c.lines }.flatten end def basic_header_lines ["From: #{@from.full_address}"] + (@to.empty? ? [] : ["To: " + { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")]) + (@cc.empty? ? [] : ["Cc: " + { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")]) + (@bcc.empty? ? [] : ["Bcc: " + { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ")]) + ["Date: #{@date.rfc822}", "Subject: #{@subj}"] end private ## here's where we handle decoding mime attachments. unfortunately ## but unsurprisingly, the world of mime attachments is a bit of a ## mess. as an empiricist, i'm basing the following behavior on ## observed mail rather than on interpretations of rfcs, so probably ## this will have to be tweaked. ## ## the general behavior i want is: ignore content-disposition, at ## least in so far as it suggests something being inline vs being an ## attachment. (because really, that should be the recipient's ## decision to make.) if a mime part is text/plain, then decode it ## and display it inline. if it has associated filename, then make ## it collapsable and individually saveable; otherwise, treat it as ## regular body text. ## ## so, in contrast to mutt, the user is not exposed to the workings ## of the gruesome slaughterhouse and sausage factory that is a ## mime-encoded message, but need only see the delicious end ## product. def message_to_chunks m if m.multipart? { |p| message_to_chunks p }.flatten.compact # recurse else filename = ## first, paw through the headers looking for a filename if m.header["Content-Disposition"] && m.header["Content-Disposition"] =~ /filename="?(.*?[^\\])("|;|$)/ $1 elsif m.header["Content-Type"] && m.header["Content-Type"] =~ /name=(.*?)(;|$)/ $1 ## haven't found one, but it's a non-text message. fake ## it. elsif m.header["Content-Type"] && m.header["Content-Type"] !~ /^text\/plain/ "sup-attachment-#{}-#{rand 10000}" end ## if there's a filename, we'll treat it as an attachment. if filename [, filename, m)] ## otherwise, it's body text else body = Message.decode_and_convert m text_to_chunks body.normalize_whitespace.split("\n") end end end def self.decode_and_convert m charset = if m.header.field?("content-type") && m.header.fetch("content-type") =~ /charset=(.*?)(;|$)/ $1 end m.body && body = m.decode or raise MessageFormatError, "For some bizarre reason, RubyMail was unable to parse this message." if charset begin body = Iconv.iconv($encoding, charset, body).join rescue Errno::EINVAL, Iconv::InvalidEncoding, Iconv::IllegalSequence => e Redwood::log "warning: error decoding message body from #{charset}: #{e.message}" end end body end ## parse the lines of text into chunk objects. the heuristics here ## need tweaking in some nice manner. TODO: move these heuristics ## into the classes themselves. def text_to_chunks lines state = :text # one of :text, :quote, or :sig chunks = [] chunk_lines = [] lines.each_with_index do |line, i| nextline = lines[(i + 1) ... lines.length].find { |l| l !~ /^\s*$/ } # skip blank lines case state when :text newstate = nil if line =~ QUOTE_PATTERN || (line =~ QUOTE_START_PATTERN && (nextline =~ QUOTE_PATTERN || nextline =~ QUOTE_START_PATTERN)) newstate = :quote elsif line =~ SIG_PATTERN && (lines.length - i) < MAX_SIG_DISTANCE newstate = :sig elsif line =~ BLOCK_QUOTE_PATTERN newstate = :block_quote end if newstate chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? chunk_lines = [line] state = newstate else chunk_lines << line end when :quote newstate = nil if line =~ QUOTE_PATTERN || line =~ QUOTE_START_PATTERN #|| line =~ /^\s*$/ chunk_lines << line elsif line =~ SIG_PATTERN && (lines.length - i) < MAX_SIG_DISTANCE newstate = :sig else newstate = :text end if newstate if chunk_lines.empty? # nothing else chunks << end chunk_lines = [line] state = newstate end when :block_quote, :sig chunk_lines << line end if !@have_snippet && state == :text && (@snippet.nil? || @snippet.length < SNIPPET_LEN) && line !~ /[=\*#_-]{3,}/ && line !~ /^\s*$/ @snippet += " " unless @snippet.empty? @snippet += line.gsub(/^\s+/, "").gsub(/[\r\n]/, "").gsub(/\s+/, " ") @snippet = @snippet[0 ... SNIPPET_LEN].chomp end end ## final object case state when :quote, :block_quote chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? when :text chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? when :sig chunks << unless chunk_lines.empty? end chunks end end end