SQLite format 3@ -t_6e[NKWHOEI>D9?5:15-0)+%&!   57<222 vk[PB4% -warehouse-things mixins companies customers projects comments posts !categoriesf tasks 1mixed_case_monkeys movies readers accounts!developers topics!references'legacy_things people   Mary David   5=tableaccountsaccountsCREATE TABLE "accounts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "firm_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "credit_limit" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq).!!'tableaudit_logsaudit_logsCREATE TABLE "audit_logs" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "message" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "developer_id" integer NOT NULL)e!tableauthorsauthorsCREATE TABLE "authors" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "author_address_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "author_address_extra_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)~--/tableauthor_addressesauthor_addressesCREATE TABLE "author_addresses" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL) ---LU--]tableauthor_favoritesauthor_favoritesCREATE TABLE "author_favorites" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "author_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "favorite_author_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)''ytableauto_id_testsauto_id_tests CREATE TABLE "auto_id_tests" ("auto_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "value" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)]tablebinariesbinaries CREATE TABLE "binaries" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "data" blob DEFAULT NULL NULL) gtablebooksbooks CREATE TABLE "books" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL) %%mtablebooleantestsbooleantests CREATE TABLE "booleantests" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "value" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)1 !!-tablecategoriescategoriesCREATE TABLE "categories" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)  ^A%00JFIF%00%00H%00H%00%00%00C%00    ! ''**''555556666f  Godfather  vILf+A special category in an arbitrarily named subsubdir fileSpecialCategory+e=+Another special categorySpecialCategory6dS+A special category in a subdir fileSpecialCategory#-+Special categorySpecialCategory!TechnologyCategoryGeneralCategory  :-l --Etablecategories_postscategories_postsCREATE TABLE "categories_posts" ("category_id" integer NOT NULL, "post_id" integer NOT NULL)p ++tablecategorizationscategorizationsCREATE TABLE "categorizations" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "category_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "post_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "author_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)59tablecitationscitationsCREATE TABLE "citations" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "book1_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "book2_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)gtableclubsclubsCREATE TABLE "clubs" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)%%etablecolnametestscolnametestsCREATE TABLE "colnametests" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "references" integer NOT NULL)   +Skull and bones%EQMoustache and Eyebrow Fancier Clubɧ0CBanana appreciation society  U3 )go crazySpecialComment %)Special TypeSpecialComment #Normal typeComment#Normal typeComment"))Special type 2SpecialComment %)Special typeSpecialComment)/1Very Special typeVerySpecialComment(5)Don't think too hardSpecialComment,KThank you again for the welcomeComment&?Thank you for the welcomeComment Q?QtablecommentscommentsCREATE TABLE "comments" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "post_id" integer NOT NULL, "body" text NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)|GtablecompaniescompaniesCREATE TABLE "companies" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "ruby_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "firm_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "firm_name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "client_of" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "rating" integer DEFAULT 1 NULL),'tablecomputerscomputersCREATE TABLE "computers" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "developer" integer NOT NULL, "extendedWarranty" integer NOT NULL) pM+' =ExclusivelyDependentFirmOdegy !Jadedpixel Leetsoft  'DependentFirmRailsCore! ClientClientEx Nihilo% 3FirmFirmFlamboyant Software! ClientClientMicrosoft' ClientClient37signalsSummit FirmFirm37signals  yy0###Zaphod>Avenue RoadHamlet TownNation LandS%!!WDavid2Funny StreetScary TownLoony Land35.544623640962634x-105.9309951055148 gg[s5tablecustomerscustomersCREATE TABLE "customers" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "balance" integer DEFAULT 0 NULL, "address_street" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "address_city" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "address_country" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "gps_location" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)a33itabledevelopers_projectsdevelopers_projectsCREATE TABLE "developers_projects" ("developer_id" integer NOT NULL, "project_id" integer NOT NULL, "joined_on" date DEFAULT NULL NULL, "access_level" integer DEFAULT 1 NULL) tableedgesedgesCREATE TABLE "edges" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "source_id" integer NOT NULL, "sink_id" integer NOT NULL)"tableentrantsentrantsCREATE TABLE "entrants" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "course_id" integer NOT NULL) !2004-10-10 !2004-10-10  !Java LoverRuby Guru)Ruby Developer $OThe \n Aristocrats Ate the candy #Knock knock ))CF##stablefunny_jokesfunny_jokesCREATE TABLE "funny_jokes" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)]tableitemsitems CREATE TABLE "items" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)X''otableinept_wizardsinept_wizards!CREATE TABLE "inept_wizards" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "city" varchar(255) NOT NULL, "type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL) wtablejobsjobs"CREATE TABLE "jobs" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "ideal_reference_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)tablekeyboardskeyboards#CREATE TABLE "keyboards" ("key_number" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)777 tablelock_without_defaultslock_without_defaults$CREATE TABLE "lock_without_defaults" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "lock_version" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)       @MAA%tablelock_without_defaults_custlock_without_defaults_cust%CREATE TABLE "lock_without_defaults_cust" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "custom_lock_version" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)!tablemateysmateys'CREATE TABLE "mateys" ("pirate_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "target_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "weight" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL) ktablemembersmembers(CREATE TABLE "members" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)0!##'tablemembershipsmemberships)CREATE TABLE "memberships" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "joined_on" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "club_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "member_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "favourite" boolean DEFAULT 'f' NULL, "type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)  9&+e 5Englebert Humperdink;%Groucho Marx [[-x3!2008-06-23 10:09:09E tMembership43/2008-06-23 10:09:09S fCurrentMembership4צּf3/2008-06-16 10:09:09S yfCurrentMembership  f t f BBJu"!!Utablereferencesreferences*CREATE TABLE "references" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "person_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "job_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "favourite" boolean DEFAULT NULL NULL, "lock_version" integer DEFAULT 0 NULL)u#'')tableminimalisticsminimalistics,CREATE TABLE "minimalistics" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL)1$11 tablemixed_case_monkeysmixed_case_monkeys-CREATE TABLE "mixed_case_monkeys" ("monkeyID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "fleaCount" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)%ktablemixinsmixins.CREATE TABLE "mixins" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "parent_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "pos" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "lft" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "rgt" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "root_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)  +*ml%  Gladiator !Terminator ssp &stablemoviesmovies/CREATE TABLE "movies" ("movieid" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)~'%%?tablenumeric_datanumeric_data1CREATE TABLE "numeric_data" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "bank_balance" decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "big_bank_balance" decimal(15,2) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "world_population" decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "my_house_population" decimal(2,0) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "decimal_number_with_default" decimal(3,2) DEFAULT 2.78 NULL)j(/tableordersorders2CREATE TABLE "orders" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "billing_customer_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "shipping_customer_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL) )utableownersowners3CREATE TABLE "owners" ("owner_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)    ashley !blackbeard  2e*%%tablepaint_colorspaint_colors4CREATE TABLE "paint_colors" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "non_poly_one_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)%+))tablepaint_texturespaint_textures6CREATE TABLE "paint_textures" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "non_poly_two_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL),gtableparrotsparrots7CREATE TABLE "parrots" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "parrot_sti_class" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "killer_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "created_on" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "updated_on" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL)-++gtableparrots_piratesparrots_pirates8CREATE TABLE "parrots_pirates" ("parrot_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "pirate_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)  (Um< )!3333Curious GeorgeLiveParrot2008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:05_W !3333LiveParrot2008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:05hI !3333frederickLiveParrot2008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:05i7 !!3333King LouisLiveParrot2008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:05h !3333pollyDeadParrot9&2008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:052008-07-14 10:09:05  9& ]9&   &f ] ]&fgJ 8gJ 8 HH .//otableparrots_treasuresparrots_treasures9CREATE TABLE "parrots_treasures" ("parrot_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "treasure_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)P/tablepetspets;CREATE TABLE "pets" ("pet_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "owner_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "integer" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL) 0ktablepiratespiratesCREATE TABLE "price_estimates" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "estimate_of_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "estimate_of_id" integer 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KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "tag_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "super_tag_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "taggable_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "taggable_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)*<7tabletagstagsKCREATE TABLE "tags" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "taggings_count" integer DEFAULT 0 NULL)e=tabletreasurestreasuresLCREATE TABLE "treasures" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "looter_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "looter_type" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)>otableverticesverticesMCREATE TABLE "vertices" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "label" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)  ItemFakeModel Post Post  Misc General sapphire+ePirateJruby]Parrot fdiamond   W!z!?--utablewarehouse-thingswarehouse-thingsNCREATE TABLE "warehouse-things" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "value" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL)c@tablecirclescirclesPCREATE TABLE 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10:09:542008-07-14 10:09:54833fixture_82008-07-14 10:09:542008-07-14 10:09:543 33Jamis#(2008-07-14 10:09:542008-07-14 10:09:54833fixture_72008-07-14 10:09:542008-07-14 10:09:54833fixture_62008-07-14 10:09:542008-07-14 10:09:54833fixture_52008-07-14 10:09:542008-07-14 10:09:54\F L!!_tabledevelopersdevelopers^CREATE TABLE "developers" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, "salary" integer DEFAULT 70000 NULL, "created_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL, "updated_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL NULL)JM''Stablelegacy_thingslegacy_things`CREATE TABLE "legacy_things" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "tps_report_number" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL, "version" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)7NItablepeoplepeopleaCREATE TABLE "people" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "lock_version" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "first_name" varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL NULL)   David Michael  !webster132 alterself  tvtRtabletopicstopics\CREATE TABLE 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