#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'), File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'slim' require 'context' require 'benchmark' require 'tilt' require 'erubis' require 'erb' require 'haml' class SlimBenchmarks def initialize(slow, iterations) @iterations = (iterations || 1000).to_i @benches = [] @erb_code = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/view.erb') @haml_code = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/view.haml') @slim_code = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/view.slim') init_compiled_benches init_tilt_benches init_parsing_benches if slow end def init_compiled_benches erb = ERB.new(@erb_code) erubis = Erubis::Eruby.new(@erb_code) fast_erubis = Erubis::FastEruby.new(@erb_code) haml_pretty = Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, :format => :html5) haml_ugly = Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, :format => :html5, :ugly => true) context = Context.new haml_pretty.def_method(context, :run_haml_pretty) haml_ugly.def_method(context, :run_haml_ugly) context.instance_eval %{ def run_erb; #{erb.src}; end def run_erubis; #{erubis.src}; end def run_temple_erb; #{Temple::ERB::Engine.new.call @erb_code}; end def run_fast_erubis; #{fast_erubis.src}; end def run_slim_pretty; #{Slim::Engine.new(:pretty => true).call @slim_code}; end def run_slim_ugly; #{Slim::Engine.new.call @slim_code}; end } bench('(1) erb') { context.run_erb } bench('(1) erubis') { context.run_erubis } bench('(1) fast erubis') { context.run_fast_erubis } bench('(1) temple erb') { context.run_temple_erb } bench('(1) slim pretty') { context.run_slim_pretty } bench('(1) slim ugly') { context.run_slim_ugly } bench('(1) haml pretty') { context.run_haml_pretty } bench('(1) haml ugly') { context.run_haml_ugly } end def init_tilt_benches tilt_erb = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new { @erb_code } tilt_erubis = Tilt::ErubisTemplate.new { @erb_code } tilt_temple_erb = Temple::ERB::Template.new { @erb_code } tilt_haml_pretty= Tilt::HamlTemplate.new(:format => :html5){ @haml_code } tilt_haml_ugly = Tilt::HamlTemplate.new(:format => :html5, :ugly => true){ @haml_code } tilt_slim_pretty= Slim::Template.new(:pretty => true) { @slim_code } tilt_slim_ugly = Slim::Template.new { @slim_code } context = Context.new bench('(2) erb') { tilt_erb.render(context) } bench('(2) erubis') { tilt_erubis.render(context) } bench('(2) temple erb') { tilt_temple_erb.render(context) } bench('(2) slim pretty') { tilt_slim_pretty.render(context) } bench('(2) slim ugly') { tilt_slim_ugly.render(context) } bench('(2) haml pretty') { tilt_haml_pretty.render(context) } bench('(2) haml ugly') { tilt_haml_ugly.render(context) } end def init_parsing_benches context = Context.new context_binding = context.instance_eval { binding } bench('(3) erb') { ERB.new(@erb_code).result(context_binding) } bench('(3) erubis') { Erubis::Eruby.new(@erb_code).result(context_binding) } bench('(3) fast erubis') { Erubis::FastEruby.new(@erb_code).result(context_binding) } bench('(3) temple erb') { Temple::ERB::Template.new { @erb_code }.render(context) } bench('(3) slim pretty') { Slim::Template.new(:pretty => true) { @slim_code }.render(context) } bench('(3) slim ugly') { Slim::Template.new { @slim_code }.render(context) } bench('(3) haml pretty') { Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, :format => :html5).render(context) } bench('(3) haml ugly') { Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, :format => :html5, :ugly => true).render(context) } end def run puts "#{@iterations} Iterations" Benchmark.bmbm do |x| @benches.each do |name, block| x.report name.to_s do @iterations.to_i.times { block.call } end end end puts " (1) Compiled benchmark. Template is parsed before the benchmark and generated ruby code is compiled into a method. This is the fastest evaluation strategy because it benchmarks pure execution speed of the generated ruby code. (2) Compiled Tilt benchmark. Template is compiled with Tilt, which gives a more accurate result of the performance in production mode in frameworks like Sinatra, Ramaze and Camping. (Rails still uses its own template compilation.) (3) Parsing benchmark. Template is parsed every time. This is not the recommended way to use the template engine and Slim is not optimized for it. Activate this benchmark with 'rake bench slow=1'. Temple ERB is the ERB implementation using the Temple framework. It shows the overhead added by the Temple framework compared to ERB. " end def bench(name, &block) @benches.push([name, block]) end end SlimBenchmarks.new(ENV['slow'], ENV['iterations']).run