# frozen_string_literal: true module Tk # Geometry manager that arranges widgets in a grid # # The grid command is used to communicate with the grid geometry manager that # arranges widgets in rows and columns inside of another window, called the # geometry master (or master window). module Grid # If the first argument to grid is suitable as the first slave argument to # grid configure, either a window name (any value starting with .) or one of # the characters x or ^ (see the RELATIVE PLACEMENT section below), then the # command is processed in the same way as grid configure. def self.slave(*arguments) Tk.execute('grid', 'slave', *arguments) end # The anchor value controls how to place the grid within the master when no # row/column has any weight. # The default anchor is nw. def self.anchor(master, anchor = None) Tk.execute('grid', 'anchor', master, anchor) end # With no arguments, the bounding box (in pixels) of the grid is returned. # The return value consists of 4 integers. # # The first two are the pixel offset from the master window (x then y) of # the top-left corner of the grid, and the second two integers are the width # and height of the grid, also in pixels. # # If only +col1+ and +row1+ are given, then the bounding box for that cell # is returned, where the top left cell is numbered from zero. # If +col2+ and +col2+ are given as well, then the bounding box # spanning the rows and columns indicated is returned. # # @usage Example # # Bbox.bbox('.', 0, 0) # top left cell # Bbox.bbox('.', 1, 1) # cell in second column and row # Bbox.bbox('.', 0, 0, 1, 1) # cells from top left to second col/row def self.bbox(master, _col1 = None, row1 = None, _col2 = None, row2 = None) bbox = Tk.execute('grid', 'bbox', master, column1, row1, column2, row2) bbox.map(&:to_i) end # Query or set the column properties of the index column of the geometry # master, master. # The valid options are -minsize, -weight, -uniform and -pad. # If one or more options are provided, then index may be given as a list of # column indices to which the configuration options will operate on. # Indices may be integers, window names or the keyword all. # For all the options apply to all columns currently occupied be slave # windows. For a window name, that window must be a slave of this master and # the options apply to all columns currently occupied be the slave. # The -minsize option sets the minimum size, in screen units, that will be # permitted for this column. # The -weight option (an integer value) sets the relative weight for # apportioning any extra spaces among columns. # A weight of zero (0) indicates the column will not deviate from its # requested size. # A column whose weight is two will grow at twice the rate as a column of # weight one when extra space is allocated to the layout. # The -uniform option, when a non-empty value is supplied, places the column # in a uniform group with other columns that have the same value for # -uniform. The space for columns belonging to a uniform group is allocated # so that their sizes are always in strict proportion to their -weight # values. See THE GRID ALGORITHM below for further details. # The -pad option specifies the number of screen units that will be added to # the largest window contained completely in that column when the grid # geometry manager requests a size from the containing window. # If only an option is specified, with no value, the current value of that # option is returned. # If only the master window and index is specified, all the current settings # are returned in a list of "-option value" pairs. def self.columnconfigure(master, index, options = None) Tk.execute('grid', 'columnconfigure', master, index, options.to_tcl_options?) end # The arguments consist of the names of one or more slave windows followed # by pairs of arguments that specify how to manage the slaves. # The characters -, x and ^, can be specified instead of a window name to # alter the default location of a slave. def self.configure(*arguments) options, slaves = arguments.partition { |arg| arg.respond_to?(:to_tcl_options?) } options = options.first Tk.execute('grid', 'configure', *slaves, options.to_tcl_options?) end # Removes each of the slaves from grid for its master and unmaps their # windows. The slaves will no longer be managed by the grid geometry # manager. The configuration options for that window are forgotten, so that # if the slave is managed once more by the grid geometry manager, the # initial default settings are used. def self.forget(*slaves) Tk.execute('grid', 'forget', *slaves) end # Returns a list whose elements are the current configuration state of the # slave given by slave in the same option-value form that might be specified # to grid configure. # The first two elements of the list are "-in master" where master is # the slave's master. def self.info(slave) info = Tk.execute('grid', 'info', slave).to_s hash = {} info.scan(/(?:-(\w+))\s+([^-][\S]*)/) do key = Regexp.last_match(1).to_sym case key when :column, :row, :columnspan, :rowspan, :ipadx, :ipady, :padx, :pady hash[key] = Integer(Regexp.last_match(2)) else hash[key] = Regexp.last_match(2).to_str end end hash end # Given x and y values in screen units relative to the master window, the # column and row number at that x and y location is returned. # For locations that are above or to the left of the grid, -1 is returned. def self.location(master, x, y) Tk.execute('grid', 'location', master, x, y) end # If boolean has a true boolean value such as 1 or on then propagation is # enabled for master, which must be a window name (see GEOMETRY PROPAGATION # below). If boolean has a false boolean value then propagation is disabled # for master. # In either of these cases an empty string is returned. # If boolean is omitted then the command returns 0 or 1 to indicate whether # propagation is currently enabled for master. # Propagation is enabled by default. def self.propagate(master, boolean = None) Tk.execute('grid', 'propagate', master, boolean) end # Query or set the row properties of the index row of the geometry master, # master. The valid options are -minsize, -weight, -uniform and -pad. # If one or more options are provided, then index may be given as a list of # row indices to which the configuration options will operate on. # Indices may be integers, window names or the keyword all. # For all the options apply to all rows currently occupied be slave windows. # For a window name, that window must be a slave of this master and the # options apply to all rows currently occupied be the slave. # The -minsize option sets the minimum size, in screen units, that will be # permitted for this row. # The -weight option (an integer value) sets the relative weight for # apportioning any extra spaces among rows. # A weight of zero (0) indicates the row will not deviate from its requested # size. A row whose weight is two will grow at twice the rate as a row of # weight one when extra space is allocated to the layout. # The -uniform option, when a non-empty value is supplied, places the row in # a uniform group with other rows that have the same value for -uniform. # The space for rows belonging to a uniform group is allocated so that their # sizes are always in strict proportion to their -weight values. # See THE GRID ALGORITHM below for further details. # The -pad option specifies the number of screen units that will be added to # the largest window contained completely in that row when the grid geometry # manager requests a size from the containing window. # If only an option is specified, with no value, the current value of that # option is returned. # If only the master window and index is specified, all the current settings # are returned in a list of "-option value" pairs. def self.rowconfigure(master, index, options = None) Tk.execute('grid', 'rowconfigure', master, index, options.to_tcl_options?) end # Removes each of the slaves from grid for its master and unmaps their # windows. The slaves will no longer be managed by the grid geometry # manager. However, the configuration options for that window are # remembered, so that if the slave is managed once more by the grid geometry # manager, the previous values are retained. def self.remove(*slaves) Tk.execute('grid', 'remove', *slaves) end # Returns the size of the grid (in columns then rows) for master. # The size is determined either by the slave occupying the largest row or # column, or the largest column or row with a minsize, weight, or pad that # is non-zero. def self.size(master) Tk.execute('grid', 'size', master) end # If no options are supplied, a list of all of the slaves in master are # returned, most recently manages first. # Option can be either -row or -column which causes only the slaves in the # row (or column) specified by value to be returned. def self.slaves(_master, _options = {}) Tk.execute('grid', 'slaves') end # @see Grid::slave def grid_slave(options = {}) Grid.slave(self, options) end # @see Grid::anchor def grid_anchor(anchor = None) Grid.anchor(self, anchor) end # @see Grid::bbox def grid_bbox(col1 = None, row1 = None, col2 = None, row2 = None) Grid.bbox(self, col1, row1, col2, row2) end # @see Grid::columnconfigure def grid_columnconfigure(index, options = None) Grid.columnconfigure(self, index, options) end # @see Grid::configure def grid_configure(options = None) Grid.configure(self, options) end # @see Grid::forget def grid_forget Grid.forget(self) end # @see Grid::info def grid_info Grid.info(self) end # @see Grid::location def grid_location(x, y) Grid.location(self, x, y) end # @see Grid::propagte def grid_propagate(boolean = None) Grid.propagate(self, boolean) end # @see grid::rowconfigure def grid_rowconfigure(index, options = None) Grid.rowconfigure(self, index, options) end # @see Grid::remove def grid_remove Grid.remove(self) end # @see Grid::size def grid_size Grid.size(self) end # @see Grid::slaves def grid_slaves(options = {}) Grid.slaves(self, options) end end end