Feature: pending examples RSpec offers four ways to indicate that an example is disabled pending some action. Scenario: pending implementation Given a file named "example_without_block_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an example" do it "is a pending example" end """ When I run `rspec example_without_block_spec.rb` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending" And the output should contain "Not yet implemented" And the output should contain "example_without_block_spec.rb:2" Scenario: pending any arbitrary reason, with no block Given a file named "pending_without_block_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an example" do it "is implemented but waiting" do pending("something else getting finished") this_should_not_get_executed end end """ When I run `rspec pending_without_block_spec.rb` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending" And the output should contain: """ Pending: an example is implemented but waiting # something else getting finished # ./pending_without_block_spec.rb:2 """ Scenario: pending any arbitrary reason, with a block that fails Given a file named "pending_with_failing_block_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an example" do it "is implemented but waiting" do pending("something else getting finished") do raise "this is the failure" end end end """ When I run `rspec pending_with_failing_block_spec.rb` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending" And the output should contain: """ Pending: an example is implemented but waiting # something else getting finished # ./pending_with_failing_block_spec.rb:2 """ Scenario: pending any arbitrary reason, with a block that passes Given a file named "pending_with_passing_block_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an example" do it "is implemented but waiting" do pending("something else getting finished") do expect(true).to be(true) end end end """ When I run `rspec pending_with_passing_block_spec.rb` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure" And the output should contain "FIXED" And the output should contain "Expected pending 'something else getting finished' to fail. No Error was raised." And the output should contain "pending_with_passing_block_spec.rb:3" Scenario: temporarily pending by prefixing `it`, `specify`, or `example` with an x Given a file named "temporarily_pending_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an example" do xit "is pending using xit" do end xspecify "is pending using xspecify" do end xexample "is pending using xexample" do end end """ When I run `rspec temporarily_pending_spec.rb` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "3 examples, 0 failures, 3 pending" And the output should contain: """ Pending: an example is pending using xit # Temporarily disabled with xit # ./temporarily_pending_spec.rb:2 an example is pending using xspecify # Temporarily disabled with xspecify # ./temporarily_pending_spec.rb:5 an example is pending using xexample # Temporarily disabled with xexample # ./temporarily_pending_spec.rb:8 """ Scenario: example with no docstring and pending method using documentation formatter Given a file named "pending_with_no_docstring_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an example" do it "checks something" do expect(3+4).to eq(7) end specify do pending end end """ When I run `rspec pending_with_no_docstring_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "2 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending" And the output should contain: """ an example checks something example at ./pending_with_no_docstring_spec.rb:5 (PENDING: No reason given) """ Scenario: pending with no docstring using documentation formatter Given a file named "pending_with_no_docstring_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "an example" do it "checks something" do expect(3+4).to eq(7) end pending do expect("string".reverse).to eq("gnirts") end end """ When I run `rspec pending_with_no_docstring_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "2 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending" And the output should contain: """ an example checks something example at ./pending_with_no_docstring_spec.rb:5 (PENDING: No reason given) """ Scenario: conditionally pending examples Given a file named "conditionally_pending_spec.rb" with: """ruby describe "a failing spec" do def run_test; raise "failure"; end it "is pending when pending with a true :if condition" do pending("true :if", :if => true) { run_test } end it "fails when pending with a false :if condition" do pending("false :if", :if => false) { run_test } end it "is pending when pending with a false :unless condition" do pending("false :unless", :unless => false) { run_test } end it "fails when pending with a true :unless condition" do pending("true :unless", :unless => true) { run_test } end end describe "a passing spec" do def run_test; expect(true).to be(true); end it "fails when pending with a true :if condition" do pending("true :if", :if => true) { run_test } end it "passes when pending with a false :if condition" do pending("false :if", :if => false) { run_test } end it "fails when pending with a false :unless condition" do pending("false :unless", :unless => false) { run_test } end it "passes when pending with a true :unless condition" do pending("true :unless", :unless => true) { run_test } end end """ When I run `rspec ./conditionally_pending_spec.rb` Then the output should contain "8 examples, 4 failures, 2 pending" And the output should contain: """ Pending: a failing spec is pending when pending with a true :if condition # true :if # ./conditionally_pending_spec.rb:4 a failing spec is pending when pending with a false :unless condition # false :unless # ./conditionally_pending_spec.rb:12 """ And the output should contain: """ 1) a failing spec fails when pending with a false :if condition Failure/Error: def run_test; raise "failure"; end """ And the output should contain: """ 2) a failing spec fails when pending with a true :unless condition Failure/Error: def run_test; raise "failure"; end """ And the output should contain: """ 3) a passing spec fails when pending with a true :if condition FIXED Expected pending 'true :if' to fail. No Error was raised. """ And the output should contain: """ 4) a passing spec fails when pending with a false :unless condition FIXED Expected pending 'false :unless' to fail. No Error was raised. """