# # Sphinx/Ultrasphinx user-configurable options. # # Copy this file to RAILS_ROOT/config/ultrasphinx. # You can use individual namespaces if you want (e.g. "development.base"). # indexer { # Indexer running options mem_limit = 256M } searchd { # Daemon options # What interface the search daemon should listen on and where to store its logs address = port = 3313 log = /tmp/sphinx/searchd.log query_log = /tmp/sphinx/query.log read_timeout = 5 max_children = 300 pid_file = /tmp/sphinx/searchd.pid max_matches = 100000 } client { # Client options dictionary_name = ts # How your application connects to the search daemon (not necessarily the same as above) server_host = localhost server_port = 3313 } source { # Individual SQL source options sql_range_step = 20000 strip_html = 0 index_html_attrs = sql_query_post = } index { # Index building options path = /tmp/sphinx/ docinfo = extern # just leave this alone morphology = stem_en stopwords = # /path/to/stopwords.txt min_word_len = 1 charset_type = utf-8 # or sbcs (Single Byte Character Set) charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, -, _, ., &, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F,U+C5->U+E5, U+E5, U+C4->U+E4, U+E4, U+D6->U+F6, U+F6, U+16B, U+0c1->a, U+0c4->a, U+0c9->e, U+0cd->i, U+0d3->o, U+0d4->o, U+0da->u, U+0dd->y, U+0e1->a, U+0e4->a, U+0e9->e, U+0ed->i, U+0f3->o, U+0f4->o, U+0fa->u, U+0fd->y, U+104->U+105, U+105, U+106->U+107, U+10c->c, U+10d->c, U+10e->d, U+10f->d, U+116->U+117, U+117, U+118->U+119, U+11a->e, U+11b->e, U+12E->U+12F, U+12F, U+139->l, U+13a->l, U+13d->l, U+13e->l, U+141->U+142, U+142, U+143->U+144, U+144,U+147->n, U+148->n, U+154->r, U+155->r, U+158->r, U+159->r, U+15A->U+15B, U+15B, U+160->s, U+160->U+161, U+161->s, U+164->t, U+165->t, U+16A->U+16B, U+16B, U+16e->u, U+16f->u, U+172->U+173, U+173, U+179->U+17A, U+17A, U+17B->U+17C, U+17C, U+17d->z, U+17e->z, }