;; ;; absurd contrived exaggerated example to test that macros that generate ;; macros that generate macros that generate expressions are likely to work ;; ;; may you never need to do this in real life ;; (mac make-make-op (opname op) `(mac ,opname (name n . body) `(mac ,name (x) `(',',,op ,,n ,x)))) (make-make-op make-mult *) (make-make-op make-plus +) (make-mult *five 5) (make-mult *seven 7) (make-mult *eleven 11) (make-plus +five 5) (make-plus +seven 7) (make-plus +eleven 11) ;; ;; another contrived example to check deeply nested lexical scoping ;; (let test-a0 "a0" (def test-foo (f0 f1) (with (w0 "w0" w1 "w1" w2 "w2" w3 "w3") (let f (fn (x0) (joinstr " " test-a0 x0 f0 x0 f1)) (map f (list w0 w1 w2 w3)))))) (examples-for map ("maps a function over a list of numbers" (map (fn (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3)) (1 4 9)) ("applies the function to a singleton argument" (map (fn (x) (* x x)) 19) 361) ("preserves dotted lists" (map (fn (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3 4 . 5)) (1 4 9 16 . 25)) ("maps a string join function over a list of strings" (test-foo "x" "y") ("a0 w0 x w0 y" "a0 w1 x w1 y" "a0 w2 x w2 y" "a0 w3 x w3 y")) (suite "mapx" ("provides a convenient simplification for 'map" (mapx '(1 2 3 4) n (* n 2)) (2 4 6 8)))) (examples-for reduce ("it applies a function cumulatively over a list" (reduce + '(1 2 3)) 6)) (examples-for bang-syntax ("expansion" (pre-compile '(!eq? a b)) ((fn args (no (apply eq? args))) a b)) ("bang-syntax for 'eq?" (!eq? 1 2) t) ("bang-syntax for 'caris" (!caris 'foo '(foo bar)) nil) ("bang-syntax for 'caris" (!caris 'foo '(zozo foo bar)) t)) (examples-for ampersand-syntax ("defines a hash-lookup function" (pre-compile '&first) (fn (obj) (hash-get obj (quote first)))) ("defines a hash-lookup function with a dot-syntax arg" (pre-compile '&teacher.address.city) (fn (obj) (hash-get (hash-get (hash-get obj (quote teacher)) (quote address)) (quote city))) )) (examples-for colon-syntax ("used for composition" (pre-compile '(no:eq? a b)) ((fn args (no (apply eq? args))) a b)) ("used for composition" (pre-compile '(x:y a b)) ((fn args (x (apply y args))) a b)) ("special combination with bang" (pre-compile '(!x:y a b)) ((fn args (no (x (apply y args)))) a b)) ("precedence over ampersand-syntax" (pre-compile '(&attr:func a b)) ((fn args ((fn (obj) (hash-get obj (quote attr))) (apply func args))) a b))) (examples-for let ("expands 'let" (do (def x+3*z (x y) (let y 3 (fn (z) (* (+ x y) z)))) ((x+3*z 2 99) 5)) 25)) (examples-for and ("expands 'and" (pre-compile '(and a b c)) (cond a (cond b c)))) (examples-for or ("expands a tricky 'or" (do (reset-uniq-counter) (pre-compile '(or (a) (b) (c)))) ((fn (ora-1) (cond ora-1 ora-1 ((fn (ora-2) (cond ora-2 ora-2 (c))) (b)))) (a))) ("expands a simple symbol-only 'or" (pre-compile '(or a b c)) (cond a a (cond b b c)))) (examples-for w/uniq ("w/uniq provides unique variables for macro expansion" (do (reset-uniq-counter) (pre-compile '(w/uniq a foo))) ((fn (a) foo) (uniq 'a)))) (examples-for build-keyword-args ("takes a list of lists and returns the list with the first item of each sublist quoted" (build-keyword-args '( (a 1) (b c) (d e "f" 22) )) ((list 'a 1) (list 'b c) (list 'd e "f" 22)))) (examples-for mac ("make-plus example generates a plus-seven expression" (+seven 6) 13) ("make-mult example generates a multiply-by-seven expression" (*seven 6) 42) ("make-mult example generates a multiply-by-eleven expression" (*eleven 20) 220) ("make-make example expressions can be nested" (*eleven (*five (+seven 2))) 495))