# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # this class represents a content block manifest instance in the DB. Check the # docs on `ContentBlockRegistry` and `ContentBlockManifest` for more info. class ContentBlock < ApplicationRecord include Publicable belongs_to :organization, foreign_key: :decidim_organization_id, class_name: "Decidim::Organization" delegate :public_name_key, :has_settings?, :settings_form_cell, :cell, to: :manifest before_save :save_images after_save :reload_images # Public: finds the published content blocks for the given scope and # organization. Returns them ordered by ascending weight (lowest first). def self.for_scope(scope, organization:) where(organization: organization, scope: scope) .order(weight: :asc) end def manifest @manifest ||= Decidim.content_blocks.for(scope).find { |manifest| manifest.name.to_s == manifest_name } end # Public: Uses the `SettingsManifest` class to generate a settings schema # and fill it with the content blocks current settings. This eases the # access to those settings values. # # Returns an object that responds to the settings defined in the content # block manifest. def settings manifest.settings.schema.new(self[:settings]) end def reload(*) @images_container = nil super end # Public: Holds access to the images related to the content block. This # method generates a dynamic class that encapsulates the uploaders for the # content block images, and eases the access to them. It's a little bit # hacky, but it's the only way I could come up with in order to let content # block images have different uploaders. # # Examples: # # # This will process the image with the uploader defined at the # # manifest, upload it and save the record. # content_block.images_container.my_image = params[:my_image] # content_block.save! # # # This is how you can access the image data, just like with any other # # uploader field. You can use the uploader versions too. # content_block.images_container.my_image.url # content_block.images_container.my_image.big.url # content_block.save! # # # This will delete the attached image # content_block.images_container.my_image = nil # content_block.save! # # Returns an object that responds to the image names defined in the content # block manifest. def images_container return @images_container if @images_container manifest = self.manifest @images_container = Class.new do extend ::CarrierWave::Mount include ActiveModel::Validations cattr_accessor :manifest, :manifest_scope attr_reader :content_block # Needed to calculate uploads URLs delegate :id, to: :content_block # Needed to customize the upload URL def self.name to_s.camelize end # Needed to customize the upload URL def self.to_s "decidim/#{manifest.name.to_s.underscore}_#{manifest_scope.to_s.underscore}_content_block" end def initialize(content_block) @content_block = content_block end def manifest self.class.manifest end manifest.images.each do |image_config| mount_uploader image_config[:name], image_config[:uploader].constantize end # This is used to access the upload file name from the container, given # an image name. def read_uploader(column) content_block.images[column.to_s] end # This is used to set the upload file name from the container, given # an image name. def write_uploader(column, value) content_block.images[column.to_s] = value end # When we save the content block, we force the container to save itself # too, so images can be processed, uploaded and stored in the DB. def save manifest.images.each do |image_config| send(:"write_#{image_config[:name]}_identifier") send(:"store_#{image_config[:name]}!") end end end @images_container.manifest = manifest @images_container.manifest_scope = scope @images_container = @images_container.new(self) end private # Internal: Since we're using the `images_container` hack to hold the # uploaders, we need to manually trigger it to save the attached images. def save_images images_container.save end # On instance reloading we need to remove the `images_cointainer` cached # class so it gets regenerated with the new values. def reload_images @images_container = nil end end end