/** * @class Ext.EventObject Just as {@link Ext.Element} wraps around a native DOM node, Ext.EventObject wraps the browser's native event-object normalizing cross-browser differences, such as which mouse button is clicked, keys pressed, mechanisms to stop event-propagation along with a method to prevent default actions from taking place. For example: function handleClick(e, t){ // e is not a standard event object, it is a Ext.EventObject e.preventDefault(); var target = e.getTarget(); // same as t (the target HTMLElement) ... } var myDiv = {@link Ext#get Ext.get}("myDiv"); // get reference to an {@link Ext.Element} myDiv.on( // 'on' is shorthand for addListener "click", // perform an action on click of myDiv handleClick // reference to the action handler ); // other methods to do the same: Ext.EventManager.on("myDiv", 'click', handleClick); Ext.EventManager.addListener("myDiv", 'click', handleClick); * @singleton * @markdown */ Ext.define('Ext.EventObjectImpl', { uses: ['Ext.util.Point'], /** Key constant @type Number */ BACKSPACE: 8, /** Key constant @type Number */ TAB: 9, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_CENTER: 12, /** Key constant @type Number */ ENTER: 13, /** Key constant @type Number */ RETURN: 13, /** Key constant @type Number */ SHIFT: 16, /** Key constant @type Number */ CTRL: 17, /** Key constant @type Number */ ALT: 18, /** Key constant @type Number */ PAUSE: 19, /** Key constant @type Number */ CAPS_LOCK: 20, /** Key constant @type Number */ ESC: 27, /** Key constant @type Number */ SPACE: 32, /** Key constant @type Number */ PAGE_UP: 33, /** Key constant @type Number */ PAGE_DOWN: 34, /** Key constant @type Number */ END: 35, /** Key constant @type Number */ HOME: 36, /** Key constant @type Number */ LEFT: 37, /** Key constant @type Number */ UP: 38, /** Key constant @type Number */ RIGHT: 39, /** Key constant @type Number */ DOWN: 40, /** Key constant @type Number */ PRINT_SCREEN: 44, /** Key constant @type Number */ INSERT: 45, /** Key constant @type Number */ DELETE: 46, /** Key constant @type Number */ ZERO: 48, /** Key constant @type Number */ ONE: 49, /** Key constant @type Number */ TWO: 50, /** Key constant @type Number */ THREE: 51, /** Key constant @type Number */ FOUR: 52, /** Key constant @type Number */ FIVE: 53, /** Key constant @type Number */ SIX: 54, /** Key constant @type Number */ SEVEN: 55, /** Key constant @type Number */ EIGHT: 56, /** Key constant @type Number */ NINE: 57, /** Key constant @type Number */ A: 65, /** Key constant @type Number */ B: 66, /** Key constant @type Number */ C: 67, /** Key constant @type Number */ D: 68, /** Key constant @type Number */ E: 69, /** Key constant @type Number */ F: 70, /** Key constant @type Number */ G: 71, /** Key constant @type Number */ H: 72, /** Key constant @type Number */ I: 73, /** Key constant @type Number */ J: 74, /** Key constant @type Number */ K: 75, /** Key constant @type Number */ L: 76, /** Key constant @type Number */ M: 77, /** Key constant @type Number */ N: 78, /** Key constant @type Number */ O: 79, /** Key constant @type Number */ P: 80, /** Key constant @type Number */ Q: 81, /** Key constant @type Number */ R: 82, /** Key constant @type Number */ S: 83, /** Key constant @type Number */ T: 84, /** Key constant @type Number */ U: 85, /** Key constant @type Number */ V: 86, /** Key constant @type Number */ W: 87, /** Key constant @type Number */ X: 88, /** Key constant @type Number */ Y: 89, /** Key constant @type Number */ Z: 90, /** Key constant @type Number */ CONTEXT_MENU: 93, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_ZERO: 96, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_ONE: 97, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_TWO: 98, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_THREE: 99, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_FOUR: 100, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_FIVE: 101, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_SIX: 102, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_SEVEN: 103, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_EIGHT: 104, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_NINE: 105, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_MULTIPLY: 106, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_PLUS: 107, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_MINUS: 109, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_PERIOD: 110, /** Key constant @type Number */ NUM_DIVISION: 111, /** Key constant @type Number */ F1: 112, /** Key constant @type Number */ F2: 113, /** Key constant @type Number */ F3: 114, /** Key constant @type Number */ F4: 115, /** Key constant @type Number */ F5: 116, /** Key constant @type Number */ F6: 117, /** Key constant @type Number */ F7: 118, /** Key constant @type Number */ F8: 119, /** Key constant @type Number */ F9: 120, /** Key constant @type Number */ F10: 121, /** Key constant @type Number */ F11: 122, /** Key constant @type Number */ F12: 123, /** * The mouse wheel delta scaling factor. This value depends on browser version and OS and * attempts to produce a similar scrolling experience across all platforms and browsers. * * To change this value: * * Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype.WHEEL_SCALE = 72; * * @type Number * @markdown */ WHEEL_SCALE: (function () { var scale; if (Ext.isGecko) { // Firefox uses 3 on all platforms scale = 3; } else if (Ext.isMac) { // Continuous scrolling devices have momentum and produce much more scroll than // discrete devices on the same OS and browser. To make things exciting, Safari // (and not Chrome) changed from small values to 120 (like IE). if (Ext.isSafari && Ext.webKitVersion >= 532.0) { // Safari changed the scrolling factor to match IE (for details see // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24368). The WebKit version where this // change was introduced was 532.0 // Detailed discussion: // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29601 // http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebKit/chromium/src/mac/WebInputEventFactory.mm#L1063 scale = 120; } else { // MS optical wheel mouse produces multiples of 12 which is close enough // to help tame the speed of the continuous mice... scale = 12; } // Momentum scrolling produces very fast scrolling, so increase the scale factor // to help produce similar results cross platform. This could be even larger and // it would help those mice, but other mice would become almost unusable as a // result (since we cannot tell which device type is in use). scale *= 3; } else { // IE, Opera and other Windows browsers use 120. scale = 120; } return scale; }()), /** * Simple click regex * @private */ clickRe: /(dbl)?click/, // safari keypress events for special keys return bad keycodes safariKeys: { 3: 13, // enter 63234: 37, // left 63235: 39, // right 63232: 38, // up 63233: 40, // down 63276: 33, // page up 63277: 34, // page down 63272: 46, // delete 63273: 36, // home 63275: 35 // end }, // normalize button clicks, don't see any way to feature detect this. btnMap: Ext.isIE ? { 1: 0, 4: 1, 2: 2 } : { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2 }, /** * @property {Boolean} ctrlKey * True if the control key was down during the event. * In Mac this will also be true when meta key was down. */ /** * @property {Boolean} altKey * True if the alt key was down during the event. */ /** * @property {Boolean} shiftKey * True if the shift key was down during the event. */ constructor: function(event, freezeEvent){ if (event) { this.setEvent(event.browserEvent || event, freezeEvent); } }, setEvent: function(event, freezeEvent){ var me = this, button, options; if (event == me || (event && event.browserEvent)) { // already wrapped return event; } me.browserEvent = event; if (event) { // normalize buttons button = event.button ? me.btnMap[event.button] : (event.which ? event.which - 1 : -1); if (me.clickRe.test(event.type) && button == -1) { button = 0; } options = { type: event.type, button: button, shiftKey: event.shiftKey, // mac metaKey behaves like ctrlKey ctrlKey: event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || false, altKey: event.altKey, // in getKey these will be normalized for the mac keyCode: event.keyCode, charCode: event.charCode, // cache the targets for the delayed and or buffered events target: Ext.EventManager.getTarget(event), relatedTarget: Ext.EventManager.getRelatedTarget(event), currentTarget: event.currentTarget, xy: (freezeEvent ? me.getXY() : null) }; } else { options = { button: -1, shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, keyCode: 0, charCode: 0, target: null, xy: [0, 0] }; } Ext.apply(me, options); return me; }, /** * Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation) */ stopEvent: function(){ this.stopPropagation(); this.preventDefault(); }, /** * Prevents the browsers default handling of the event. */ preventDefault: function(){ if (this.browserEvent) { Ext.EventManager.preventDefault(this.browserEvent); } }, /** * Cancels bubbling of the event. */ stopPropagation: function(){ var browserEvent = this.browserEvent; if (browserEvent) { if (browserEvent.type == 'mousedown') { Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(this); } Ext.EventManager.stopPropagation(browserEvent); } }, /** * Gets the character code for the event. * @return {Number} */ getCharCode: function(){ return this.charCode || this.keyCode; }, /** * Returns a normalized keyCode for the event. * @return {Number} The key code */ getKey: function(){ return this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode || this.charCode); }, /** * Normalize key codes across browsers * @private * @param {Number} key The key code * @return {Number} The normalized code */ normalizeKey: function(key){ // can't feature detect this return Ext.isWebKit ? (this.safariKeys[key] || key) : key; }, /** * Gets the x coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} * @deprecated 4.0 Replaced by {@link #getX} */ getPageX: function(){ return this.getX(); }, /** * Gets the y coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} * @deprecated 4.0 Replaced by {@link #getY} */ getPageY: function(){ return this.getY(); }, /** * Gets the x coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} */ getX: function() { return this.getXY()[0]; }, /** * Gets the y coordinate of the event. * @return {Number} */ getY: function() { return this.getXY()[1]; }, /** * Gets the page coordinates of the event. * @return {Number[]} The xy values like [x, y] */ getXY: function() { if (!this.xy) { // same for XY this.xy = Ext.EventManager.getPageXY(this.browserEvent); } return this.xy; }, /** * Gets the target for the event. * @param {String} selector (optional) A simple selector to filter the target or look for an ancestor of the target * @param {Number/HTMLElement} maxDepth (optional) The max depth to search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body) * @param {Boolean} returnEl (optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node * @return {HTMLElement} */ getTarget : function(selector, maxDepth, returnEl){ if (selector) { return Ext.fly(this.target).findParent(selector, maxDepth, returnEl); } return returnEl ? Ext.get(this.target) : this.target; }, /** * Gets the related target. * @param {String} selector (optional) A simple selector to filter the target or look for an ancestor of the target * @param {Number/HTMLElement} maxDepth (optional) The max depth to search as a number or element (defaults to 10 || document.body) * @param {Boolean} returnEl (optional) True to return a Ext.Element object instead of DOM node * @return {HTMLElement} */ getRelatedTarget : function(selector, maxDepth, returnEl){ if (selector) { return Ext.fly(this.relatedTarget).findParent(selector, maxDepth, returnEl); } return returnEl ? Ext.get(this.relatedTarget) : this.relatedTarget; }, /** * Correctly scales a given wheel delta. * @param {Number} delta The delta value. */ correctWheelDelta : function (delta) { var scale = this.WHEEL_SCALE, ret = Math.round(delta / scale); if (!ret && delta) { ret = (delta < 0) ? -1 : 1; // don't allow non-zero deltas to go to zero! } return ret; }, /** * Returns the mouse wheel deltas for this event. * @return {Object} An object with "x" and "y" properties holding the mouse wheel deltas. */ getWheelDeltas : function () { var me = this, event = me.browserEvent, dx = 0, dy = 0; // the deltas if (Ext.isDefined(event.wheelDeltaX)) { // WebKit has both dimensions dx = event.wheelDeltaX; dy = event.wheelDeltaY; } else if (event.wheelDelta) { // old WebKit and IE dy = event.wheelDelta; } else if (event.detail) { // Gecko dy = -event.detail; // gecko is backwards // Gecko sometimes returns really big values if the user changes settings to // scroll a whole page per scroll if (dy > 100) { dy = 3; } else if (dy < -100) { dy = -3; } // Firefox 3.1 adds an axis field to the event to indicate direction of // scroll. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko-Specific_DOM_Events if (Ext.isDefined(event.axis) && event.axis === event.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { dx = dy; dy = 0; } } return { x: me.correctWheelDelta(dx), y: me.correctWheelDelta(dy) }; }, /** * Normalizes mouse wheel y-delta across browsers. To get x-delta information, use * {@link #getWheelDeltas} instead. * @return {Number} The mouse wheel y-delta */ getWheelDelta : function(){ var deltas = this.getWheelDeltas(); return deltas.y; }, /** * Returns true if the target of this event is a child of el. Unless the allowEl parameter is set, it will return false if if the target is el. * Example usage:

// Handle click on any child of an element
Ext.getBody().on('click', function(e){
        alert('Clicked on a child of some-el!');

// Handle click directly on an element, ignoring clicks on child nodes
Ext.getBody().on('click', function(e,t){
    if((t.id == 'some-el') && !e.within(t, true)){
        alert('Clicked directly on some-el!');
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el The id, DOM element or Ext.Element to check * @param {Boolean} related (optional) true to test if the related target is within el instead of the target * @param {Boolean} allowEl (optional) true to also check if the passed element is the target or related target * @return {Boolean} */ within : function(el, related, allowEl){ if(el){ var t = related ? this.getRelatedTarget() : this.getTarget(), result; if (t) { result = Ext.fly(el).contains(t); if (!result && allowEl) { result = t == Ext.getDom(el); } return result; } } return false; }, /** * Checks if the key pressed was a "navigation" key * @return {Boolean} True if the press is a navigation keypress */ isNavKeyPress : function(){ var me = this, k = this.normalizeKey(me.keyCode); return (k >= 33 && k <= 40) || // Page Up/Down, End, Home, Left, Up, Right, Down k == me.RETURN || k == me.TAB || k == me.ESC; }, /** * Checks if the key pressed was a "special" key * @return {Boolean} True if the press is a special keypress */ isSpecialKey : function(){ var k = this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode); return (this.type == 'keypress' && this.ctrlKey) || this.isNavKeyPress() || (k == this.BACKSPACE) || // Backspace (k >= 16 && k <= 20) || // Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Pause, Caps Lock (k >= 44 && k <= 46); // Print Screen, Insert, Delete }, /** * Returns a point object that consists of the object coordinates. * @return {Ext.util.Point} point */ getPoint : function(){ var xy = this.getXY(); return new Ext.util.Point(xy[0], xy[1]); }, /** * Returns true if the control, meta, shift or alt key was pressed during this event. * @return {Boolean} */ hasModifier : function(){ return this.ctrlKey || this.altKey || this.shiftKey || this.metaKey; }, /** * Injects a DOM event using the data in this object and (optionally) a new target. * This is a low-level technique and not likely to be used by application code. The * currently supported event types are: *


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* * @param {Ext.Element/HTMLElement} target (optional) If specified, the target for the event. This * is likely to be used when relaying a DOM event. If not specified, {@link #getTarget} * is used to determine the target. */ injectEvent: (function () { var API, dispatchers = {}, // keyed by event type (e.g., 'mousedown') crazyIEButtons; // Good reference: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/UserAction.js.html // IE9 has createEvent, but this code causes major problems with htmleditor (it // blocks all mouse events and maybe more). TODO if (!Ext.isIE && document.createEvent) { // if (DOM compliant) API = { createHtmlEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable) { var event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable); return event; }, createMouseEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget) { var event = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'), view = doc.defaultView || window; if (event.initMouseEvent) { event.initMouseEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail, clientX, clientY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget); } else { // old Safari event = doc.createEvent('UIEvents'); event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable); event.view = view; event.detail = detail; event.screenX = clientX; event.screenY = clientY; event.clientX = clientX; event.clientY = clientY; event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; event.altKey = altKey; event.metaKey = metaKey; event.shiftKey = shiftKey; event.button = button; event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; } return event; }, createUIEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) { var event = doc.createEvent('UIEvents'), view = doc.defaultView || window; event.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail); return event; }, fireEvent: function (target, type, event) { target.dispatchEvent(event); }, fixTarget: function (target) { // Safari3 doesn't have window.dispatchEvent() if (target == window && !target.dispatchEvent) { return document; } return target; } }; } else if (document.createEventObject) { // else if (IE) crazyIEButtons = { 0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 2 }; API = { createHtmlEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; return event; }, createMouseEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; event.detail = detail; event.screenX = clientX; event.screenY = clientY; event.clientX = clientX; event.clientY = clientY; event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; event.altKey = altKey; event.shiftKey = shiftKey; event.metaKey = metaKey; event.button = crazyIEButtons[button] || button; event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; // cannot assign to/fromElement return event; }, createUIEvent: function (doc, type, bubbles, cancelable, detail) { var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.bubbles = bubbles; event.cancelable = cancelable; return event; }, fireEvent: function (target, type, event) { target.fireEvent('on' + type, event); }, fixTarget: function (target) { if (target == document) { // IE6,IE7 thinks window==document and doesn't have window.fireEvent() // IE6,IE7 cannot properly call document.fireEvent() return document.documentElement; } return target; } }; } //---------------- // HTMLEvents Ext.Object.each({ load: [false, false], unload: [false, false], select: [true, false], change: [true, false], submit: [true, true], reset: [true, false], resize: [true, false], scroll: [true, false] }, function (name, value) { var bubbles = value[0], cancelable = value[1]; dispatchers[name] = function (targetEl, srcEvent) { var e = API.createHtmlEvent(name, bubbles, cancelable); API.fireEvent(targetEl, name, e); }; }); //---------------- // MouseEvents function createMouseEventDispatcher (type, detail) { var cancelable = (type != 'mousemove'); return function (targetEl, srcEvent) { var xy = srcEvent.getXY(), e = API.createMouseEvent(targetEl.ownerDocument, type, true, cancelable, detail, xy[0], xy[1], srcEvent.ctrlKey, srcEvent.altKey, srcEvent.shiftKey, srcEvent.metaKey, srcEvent.button, srcEvent.relatedTarget); API.fireEvent(targetEl, type, e); }; } Ext.each(['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mousemove', 'mouseout'], function (eventName) { dispatchers[eventName] = createMouseEventDispatcher(eventName, 1); }); //---------------- // UIEvents Ext.Object.each({ focusin: [true, false], focusout: [true, false], activate: [true, true], focus: [false, false], blur: [false, false] }, function (name, value) { var bubbles = value[0], cancelable = value[1]; dispatchers[name] = function (targetEl, srcEvent) { var e = API.createUIEvent(targetEl.ownerDocument, name, bubbles, cancelable, 1); API.fireEvent(targetEl, name, e); }; }); //--------- if (!API) { // not even sure what ancient browsers fall into this category... dispatchers = {}; // never mind all those we just built :P API = { fixTarget: function (t) { return t; } }; } function cannotInject (target, srcEvent) { // // TODO log something // } return function (target) { var me = this, dispatcher = dispatchers[me.type] || cannotInject, t = target ? (target.dom || target) : me.getTarget(); t = API.fixTarget(t); dispatcher(t, me); }; }()) // call to produce method }, function() { Ext.EventObject = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(); });