{% assign file = page.fileName %} {% assign lang = page.lang %} {% assign dataToShow = site.data.[page.folderName][lang][file] %}


{%- if dataToShow.h2 -%}


{%- endif -%}

    Table of contents

    • {%- for data in dataToShow.tableofcontent-%} {%- for item in data -%}
    • {{item | capitalize }}
    • {%- endfor -%} {%- endfor -%}
{%- if site.name == "wordswithletters" -%}

Using our {{dataToShow.x}} letter word finder you can create high scoring {{dataToShow.x}} letter words in scrabble/word with friends as follows.

{%- endif -%} {%- if site.name == "wordfinders" -%}

Using our {{dataToShow.x}} letter word finder you can create high scoring {{dataToShow.x}} letter words in scrabble/word with friends as follows.

{%- endif -%} {%- if site.name == "wordscramblers" -%}

Using our {{dataToShow.x}} letter word finder you can create high scoring {{dataToShow.x}} letter words in scrabble/word with friends as follows.

{%- endif -%} {%- if site.name == "wordunscramblerss" -%}

Using our {{dataToShow.x}} letter word finder you can create high scoring {{dataToShow.x}} letter words in scrabble/word with friends as follows.

{%- endif -%}
{%- for data in dataToShow.words-%}
{{data.letter | capitalize }}
{%- for item in data.highestPoints -%} {{item.letters}}, {%- endfor -%}
{%- for item in data.highestPoints -%} {%- if {{forloop.first}} -%} {%- assign Hletter = item.letters -%} {%- assign Hlowerpointscrablle = item.scrablepoints -%} {%- assign Hlowerpointwwf = item.wwfpoints -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- for item in data.lowesPoints -%} {%- if {{forloop.first}} -%} {%- assign lowerletter = item.letters -%} {%- assign lowerpointscrablle = item.scrablepoints -%} {%- assign lowerpointwwf = item.wwfpoints -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}

If you get letters {{data.letter}}, you can use our {{data.x}} letter word finder to create word {{Hletter}} which has {{Hlowerpointscrablle}} points in scrabble. One can also create {{lowerletter}} with these letters which would have fetched {{lowerpointscrablle}} points, but would have been a wrong choice, as it would have led to a lower score. Similarly you can use our {{data.x}} letter word finder to create word {{Hletter}} which has {{Hlowerpointwwf}} points in words with friends and word {{lowerletter}} which has {{lowerpointwwf}} points

Summary {%- for item in data.highestPoints -%} {%- if {{forloop.first}} -%}
letter Highest score in scrabble Highest score in words with friends.
{{data.letter | capitalize }} {{item.letters }} - {{item.scrablepoints}} {{item.letters }} - {{item.wwfpoints}}
{%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}