=begin Copyright 2010-2013 Tasos Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end require 'erb' require 'ostruct' # # Passive proxy. # # Will gather data based on user actions and exchanged HTTP traffic and push that # data to {Framework#push_to_page_queue} to be audited. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com> # # @version 0.2.1 # class Arachni::Plugins::Proxy < Arachni::Plugin::Base BASEDIR = "#{File.dirname( __FILE__ )}/proxy/" BASE_URL = 'http://arachni.proxy/' class TemplateScope include Arachni::Utilities PANEL_BASEDIR = "#{Arachni::Plugins::Proxy::BASEDIR}panel/" PANEL_TEMPLATE = "#{PANEL_BASEDIR}panel.html.erb" PANEL_URL = "#{Arachni::Plugins::Proxy::BASE_URL}panel/" def initialize( params = {} ) update( params ) end def self.new( *args ) @self ||= super( *args ) end def self.get new end def root_url PANEL_URL end def js_url "#{root_url}js/" end def css_url "#{root_url}css/" end def img_url "#{root_url}img/" end def inspect_url "#{root_url}inspect" end def shutdown_url url_for :shutdown end def url_for( *args ) Arachni::Plugins::Proxy.url_for( *args ) end def update( params ) params.each { |name, value| set( name, value ) } self end def set( name, value ) self.class.send( :attr_accessor, name ) instance_variable_set( "@#{name.to_s}", value ) self end def content_for?( ivar ) !!instance_variable_get( "@#{ivar.to_s}" ) end def content_for( name, value = :nil ) if value == :nil instance_variable_get( "@#{name.to_s}" ) else set( name, html_encode( value.to_s ) ) nil end end def erb( tpl, params = {} ) params = params.dup params[:params] ||= {} with_layout = true with_layout = !!params.delete( :layout ) if params.include?( :layout ) update( params ) tpl = tpl.to_s + '.html.erb' if tpl.is_a?( Symbol ) path = File.exist?( tpl ) ? tpl : PANEL_BASEDIR + tpl evaled = ERB.new( IO.read( path ) ).result( get_binding ) with_layout ? layout { evaled } : evaled end def render( tpl, opts ) erb tpl, opts.merge( layout: false ) end def layout ERB.new( IO.read( PANEL_BASEDIR + 'layout.html.erb' ) ).result( binding ) end def panel erb :panel end def get_binding binding end def clear instance_variables.each { |v| instance_variable_set( v, nil ) } end end MSG_SHUTDOWN = 'Shutting down the Arachni proxy plug-in...' MSG_DISALLOWED = 'You can\'t access this resource via the Arachni ' + 'proxy plug-in for the following reasons:' MSG_NOT_IN_DOMAIN = 'This resource is on a domain or subdomain' + ' outside the scope of the audit.' MSG_EXCLUDED = 'This resource is matched by an exclude rule.' MSG_NOT_INCLUDED = 'This resource is disallowed based on an include rule.' SESSION_TOKEN_COOKIE = 'arachni.proxy.session_token' def prepare # don't let the framework run just yet framework.pause print_info 'System paused.' require "#{File.dirname( __FILE__ )}/proxy/server" @server = Server.new( BindAddress: options['bind_address'], Port: options['port'], ProxyVia: false, ProxyContentHandler: method( :response_handler ), ProxyRequestHandler: method( :request_handler ), AccessLog: [], Logger: WEBrick::Log::new( '/dev/null', 7 ), Timeout: options['timeout'] ) @pages = Set.new @login_sequence = [] end def run print_status "Listening on: http://#{@server[:BindAddress]}:#{@server[:Port]}" print_status "Shutdown URL: #{url_for( :shutdown )}" print_info 'The scan will resume once you visit the shutdown URL.' print_info print_info '*' * 82 print_info '* You need to clear your browser\'s cookies for this site before using the proxy! *' print_info '*' * 82 print_info def @server.service( req, res ) if req.request_method.downcase == 'connect' super( req, res ) return end super( req, res ) if @config[:ProxyRequestHandler].call( req, res ) end TemplateScope.get.set :params, {} @server.start end def clean_up @pages.each { |p| framework.push_to_page_queue( p ) } framework.resume end def prepare_pages_for_inspection @pages.select { |p| (p.forms.any? || p.links.any? || p.cookies.any?) && p.text? } end def request_handler( req, res ) # Clear the template scope to prepare it for this request. TemplateScope.get.clear TemplateScope.get.set :page_count, prepare_pages_for_inspection.size TemplateScope.get.set :recording, recording? # # Bare with me 'cause this is gonna get weird. # # We need the session cookie to be set for both the domain of the scan # target (so that we'll be able to authorize every request) *and* # for the domain used for controlling the proxy via the panel # (so that we can check those requests too prevent another user # from shutting down the proxy). # p = URI( framework.opts.url ) # This is the URL we'll use to sign in and set the cookie for the # domain of the scan target. sign_in_url = "#{p.scheme}://#{p.host}/arachni.proxy.sign_in" TemplateScope.get.set :sign_in_url, sign_in_url url = req.request_uri.to_s params = parse_request_body( req.body.to_s ).merge( parse_query( url ) ) || {} print_status "Requesting #{url}" reasons = [] if !system_url?( url ) reasons << MSG_NOT_IN_DOMAIN if !path_in_domain?( url ) reasons << MSG_EXCLUDED if exclude_path?( url ) reasons << MSG_NOT_INCLUDED if !include_path?( url ) end if reasons.any? print_info MSG_DISALLOWED reasons.each { |reason| print_info " * #{reason}" } # Forbidden. res.status = 403 set_response_body( res, erb( '403_forbidden'.to_sym, { reasons: reasons } ) ) return false end # This is a sign-in request. if params['session_token'] == options['session_token'] # Set us up for the redirection that's coming. res.status = 302 # Set the session cookie. res.header['Set-Cookie'] = "#{SESSION_TOKEN_COOKIE}=#{options['session_token']}; path=/" # This is the cookie-set request for the domain of the scan target domain... if url == sign_in_url && req.request_method == 'POST' # ...now we need to set the cookie for the proxy control domain # so redirect us to its handler. res.header['Location'] = "#{url_for( :sign_in )}?session_token=#{params['session_token']}" # This is the cookie-set request for the domain of the proxy control domain... elsif url.start_with?( url_for( :sign_in ) ) # ...time to send the user to the webapp. res.header['Location'] = framework.opts.url end return elsif requires_token?( url ) && !valid_session_token?( req ) print_info MSG_DISALLOWED print_info ' * Request does not have a valid session token' # Unauthorized. res.status = 401 set_response_body( res, erb( 'sign_in'.to_sym ) ) return end if shutdown?( url ) print_status 'Shutting down...' set_response_body( res, erb( :shutdown_message ) ) @server.shutdown return end @login_sequence << req if recording? # Avoid propagating the proxy's session cookie to the webapp. req.cookies.reject! { |c| c.name == SESSION_TOKEN_COOKIE } if url.start_with? url_for( :panel ) body = case '/' + res.request_uri.path.split( '/' )[2..-1].join( '/' ) when '/' erb :panel when '/inspect' erb :inspect, pages: prepare_pages_for_inspection when '/help' erb :help when '/record/start' record_start erb :panel when '/record/stop' record_stop erb :verify_login_check, verify_fail: false, params: { 'url' => session.opts.login_check_url, 'pattern' => session.opts.login_check_pattern } when '/verify/login_check' if req.request_method != 'POST' erb :verify_login_check, verify_fail: false else session.set_login_check( params['url'], params['pattern'] ) if !session.logged_in? erb :verify_login_check, verify_fail: true else erb :verify_login_sequence, params: params, form: find_login_form end end when '/verify/login_sequence' session.login_form = find_login_form logged_in = false framework.http.sandbox do |http| http.cookie_jar.clear session.login logged_in = session.logged_in? end erb :verify_login_final, ok: logged_in else begin IO.read TemplateScope::PANEL_BASEDIR + '/../' + res.request_uri.path rescue Errno::ENOENT # forbidden res.status = 404 erb '404_not_found'.to_sym end end.to_s set_response_body( res, body ) return end true end def requires_token?( url ) !(asset?( url ) || url.start_with?( url_for( :sign_in ) )) end def valid_session_token?( req ) session_token = options['session_token'] return true if options['session_token'].to_s.empty? cookies_to_hash( req.cookies )[SESSION_TOKEN_COOKIE] == session_token end def recording? @record ||= false end def record_start @login_sequence = [] @record = true end def record_stop @record = false end # # Tries to determine which form is the login one from the logged requests in # the recorded login sequence. # # @return [Array<Arachni::Element::Form>] # def find_login_form @login_sequence.each do |r| form = find_login_form_from_request( r ) return form if form end nil end # # Goes through all forms which contain password fields and tries to match # them to the given request. # # @param [WEBrick::HTTPRequest] request # # @return [Array<Arachni::Element::Form>] # # @see #forms_with_password # def find_login_form_from_request( request ) return if (params = parse_request_body( request.body )).empty? f = session.find_login_form( pages: @pages.to_a, action: normalize_url( request.request_uri.to_s ), inputs: params.keys ) return if !f f.update( params ) end # # Goes through the logged pages and returns all forms which contain password fields # # @return [Array<Arachni::Element::Form>] # def forms_with_password @pages.map { |p| p.forms.select { |f| f.requires_password? } }.flatten end # # Called by the proxy for each response. # def response_handler( req, res ) return res if res.request_method.to_s.downcase == 'connect' headers = {} headers.merge!( res.header.dup ) if res.header headers['set-cookie'] = res.cookies if !res.cookies.empty? page = page_from_response( Typhoeus::Response.new( effective_url: res.request_uri.to_s, body: res.body.dup, headers_hash: headers, method: res.request_method, code: res.status.to_i, request: Typhoeus::Request.new( req.request_uri.to_s ) ) ) page = update_forms( page, req, res ) if req.body print_info " * #{page.forms.size} forms" print_info " * #{page.links.size} links" print_info " * #{page.cookies.size} cookies" @pages << page.dup inject_panel( res ) end def inject_panel( res ) return res if !res.header['content-type'].to_s.start_with?( 'text/html' ) body_tag = res.body.match( /<(\s*)body(.*)>/i ) res.body.gsub!( body_tag.to_s, "#{body_tag}#{panel_iframe}" ) res.header['content-length'] = res.body.size.to_s res end def cookies_to_hash( cookies ) cookies.inject({}) { |h, c| h[c.name] = c.value; h } end def panel_iframe <<-HTML <style type='text/css'> .panel { left: 0px; top: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 100%; height: 50px; border: 0px; position:fixed; } body { padding-top: 40px; } </style> <iframe class='panel' src='#{TemplateScope::PANEL_URL}'></iframe> HTML end def erb( *args ) TemplateScope.get.erb( *args ) end def update_forms( page, req, res ) page.forms << Form.new( res.request_uri.to_s, action: res.request_uri.to_s, method: req.request_method, inputs: form_parse_request_body( req.body ) ) page end def system_url?( url ) url.start_with? BASE_URL end def shutdown?( url ) url.to_s.start_with? url_for( :shutdown ) end def set_response_body( res, body ) res.body = body res.header['content-length'] = res.body.size.to_s res.header['content-type'] = 'text/html' if body =~ /<(\s)*html(\s*)(.*?)>/i res end def asset?( url ) url.start_with?( "#{url_for( :panel )}/css/" ) || url.start_with?( "#{url_for( :panel )}/js/" ) || url.start_with?( "#{url_for( :panel )}/img/" ) end def self.url_for( type ) { shutdown: "#{BASE_URL}shutdown", panel: "#{BASE_URL}panel", inspect: "#{BASE_URL}panel/inspect", sign_in: "#{BASE_URL}sign_in", }[type] end def url_for( *args ) self.class.url_for( *args ) end def self.info { name: 'Proxy', description: %q{ * Gathers data based on user actions and exchanged HTTP traffic and pushes that data to the framework's page-queue to be audited. * Updates the framework cookies with the cookies of the HTTP requests and responses, thus it can also be used to login to a web application. * Supports SSL interception. * Authorization via a configurable session token. To skip crawling and only audit elements discovered by using the proxy set the link-count limit option to 0. NOTICE: The 'session_token' will be looked for in a cookie named 'arachni.proxy.session_token', so if you choose to use a token to restrict access to the proxy and need to pass traffic through the proxy programmatically please configure your HTTP client with a cookie named 'arachni.proxy.session_token' with the value of the 'session_token' option. WARNING: The 'session_token' option is not a way to secure usage of this proxy but rather a way to restrict usage enough to avoid users unwittingly interfering with each others' sessions.}, author: 'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com>', version: '0.2.1', options: [ Options::Port.new( 'port', [false, 'Port to bind to.', 8282] ), Options::Address.new( 'bind_address', [false, 'IP address to bind to.', ''] ), Options::String.new( 'session_token', [false, 'A session token to demand from ' + 'users before allowing them to use the proxy.', ''] ), Options::Int.new( 'timeout', [false, 'How long to wait for a request to ' + 'complete, in milliseconds.', 20000] ) ] } end end