#import "YapDatabaseManager.h" #import /** * There should only be one YapDatabase or YapCollectionDatabase per file. * * The architecture design is to create a single parent database instance, * and then spawn connections to the database as needed from the parent. * * The architecture is built around this restriction, and is dependent upon it for proper operation. * This class simply helps maintain this requirement. **/ @implementation YapDatabaseManager static NSMutableSet *registeredPaths; static OSSpinLock lock; + (void)initialize { static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ registeredPaths = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; lock = OS_SPINLOCK_INIT; }); } + (BOOL)registerDatabaseForPath:(NSString *)inPath { NSString *path = [inPath stringByStandardizingPath]; if (path == nil) return NO; BOOL result = NO; OSSpinLockLock(&lock); if (![registeredPaths containsObject:path]) { [registeredPaths addObject:path]; result = YES; } OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock); return result; } + (void)deregisterDatabaseForPath:(NSString *)inPath { NSString *path = [inPath stringByStandardizingPath]; if (path == nil) return; OSSpinLockLock(&lock); [registeredPaths removeObject:path]; OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock); } @end