# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-ruby-agent/blob/main/LICENSE for complete details. # frozen_string_literal: true require 'new_relic/agent/transaction/segment' require 'new_relic/agent/http_clients/uri_util' module NewRelic module Agent class Transaction # # This class represents an external segment in a transaction trace. # # @api public class ExternalRequestSegment < Segment NR_SYNTHETICS_HEADER = 'X-NewRelic-Synthetics' APP_DATA_KEY = 'NewRelicAppData' EXTERNAL_ALL = "External/all" EXTERNAL_ALL_WEB = "External/allWeb" EXTERNAL_ALL_OTHER = "External/allOther" MISSING_STATUS_CODE = "MissingHTTPStatusCode" attr_reader :library, :uri, :procedure attr_reader :http_status_code def initialize library, uri, procedure, start_time = nil # :nodoc: @library = library @uri = HTTPClients::URIUtil.obfuscated_uri(uri) @procedure = procedure @host_header = nil @app_data = nil @http_status_code = nil super(nil, nil, start_time) end def name # :nodoc: @name ||= "External/#{host}/#{library}/#{procedure}" end def host # :nodoc: @host_header || uri.host end # This method adds New Relic request headers to a given request made to an # external API and checks to see if a host header is used for the request. # If a host header is used, it updates the segment name to match the host # header. # # @param [NewRelic::Agent::HTTPClients::AbstractRequest] request the request # object (must belong to a subclass of NewRelic::Agent::HTTPClients::AbstractRequest) # # @api public def add_request_headers request process_host_header request synthetics_header = transaction && transaction.raw_synthetics_header insert_synthetics_header request, synthetics_header if synthetics_header return unless record_metrics? transaction.distributed_tracer.insert_headers request rescue => e NewRelic::Agent.logger.error "Error in add_request_headers", e end # This method extracts app data from an external response if present. If # a valid cross-app ID is found, the name of the segment is updated to # reflect the cross-process ID and transaction name. # # @param [Hash] response a hash of response headers # # @api public def read_response_headers response return unless record_metrics? && CrossAppTracing.cross_app_enabled? return unless CrossAppTracing.response_has_crossapp_header?(response) unless data = CrossAppTracing.extract_appdata(response) NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "Couldn't extract_appdata from external segment response" return end if CrossAppTracing.valid_cross_app_id?(data[0]) @app_data = data update_segment_name else NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "External segment response has invalid cross_app_id" end rescue => e NewRelic::Agent.logger.error "Error in read_response_headers", e end def cross_app_request? # :nodoc: !!@app_data end def cross_process_id # :nodoc: @app_data && @app_data[0] end def transaction_guid # :nodoc: @app_data && @app_data[5] end def cross_process_transaction_name # :nodoc: @app_data && @app_data[1] end # Obtain an obfuscated +String+ suitable for delivery across public networks that identifies this application # and transaction to another application which is also running a New Relic agent. This +String+ can be processed # by +process_request_metadata+ on the receiving application. # # @return [String] obfuscated request metadata to send # # @api public # def get_request_metadata NewRelic::Agent.record_api_supportability_metric(:get_request_metadata) return unless CrossAppTracing.cross_app_enabled? if transaction # build hash of CAT metadata # rmd = { NewRelicID: NewRelic::Agent.config[:cross_process_id], NewRelicTransaction: [ transaction.guid, false, transaction.distributed_tracer.cat_trip_id, transaction.distributed_tracer.cat_path_hash ] } # flag cross app in the state so transaction knows to add bits to paylaod # transaction.distributed_tracer.is_cross_app_caller = true # add Synthetics header if we have it # rmd[:NewRelicSynthetics] = transaction.raw_synthetics_header if transaction.raw_synthetics_header # obfuscate the generated request metadata JSON # obfuscator.obfuscate ::JSON.dump(rmd) end rescue => e NewRelic::Agent.logger.error "error during get_request_metadata", e end # Process obfuscated +String+ sent from a called application that is also running a New Relic agent and # save information in current transaction for inclusion in a trace. This +String+ is generated by # +get_response_metadata+ on the receiving application. # # @param response_metadata [String] received obfuscated response metadata # # @api public # def process_response_metadata response_metadata NewRelic::Agent.record_api_supportability_metric(:process_response_metadata) if transaction app_data = ::JSON.parse(obfuscator.deobfuscate(response_metadata))[APP_DATA_KEY] # validate cross app id # if Array === app_data and CrossAppTracing.trusted_valid_cross_app_id? app_data[0] @app_data = app_data update_segment_name else NewRelic::Agent.logger.error "error processing response metadata: invalid/non-trusted ID" end end nil rescue => e NewRelic::Agent.logger.error "error during process_response_metadata", e end def record_metrics add_unscoped_metrics super end def process_response_headers response # :nodoc: set_http_status_code response read_response_headers response end private # Only sets the http_status_code if response.status_code is non-empty value def set_http_status_code response if response.respond_to? :status_code @http_status_code = response.status_code if response.has_status_code? else NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn "Cannot extract HTTP Status Code from response #{response.class.to_s}" NewRelic::Agent.record_metric "#{name}/#{MISSING_STATUS_CODE}", 1 end end def insert_synthetics_header request, header request[NR_SYNTHETICS_HEADER] = header end def segment_complete params[:uri] = uri.to_s if cross_app_request? params[:transaction_guid] = transaction_guid end super end def process_host_header request if @host_header = request.host_from_header update_segment_name end end def add_unscoped_metrics @unscoped_metrics = [EXTERNAL_ALL, "External/#{host}/all", suffixed_rollup_metric] if cross_app_request? @unscoped_metrics << "ExternalApp/#{host}/#{cross_process_id}/all" end end def suffixed_rollup_metric if Transaction.recording_web_transaction? EXTERNAL_ALL_WEB else EXTERNAL_ALL_OTHER end end def update_segment_name if @app_data @name = "ExternalTransaction/#{host}/#{cross_process_id}/#{cross_process_transaction_name}" else @name = "External/#{host}/#{library}/#{procedure}" end end def obfuscator CrossAppTracing.obfuscator end def record_span_event # don't record a span event if the transaction is ignored return if transaction.ignore? aggregator = ::NewRelic::Agent.agent.span_event_aggregator priority = transaction.priority aggregator.record(priority: priority) do SpanEventPrimitive.for_external_request_segment(self) end end end end end end