module Discorb
  # Represents a select menu component.
  class SelectMenu < Discorb::Component
    # Initialize a new select menu.
    # @param [String, Symbol] custom_id Custom ID of the select menu.
    # @param [Array<Discorb::SelectMenu::Option>] options The options of the select menu.
    # @param [String] placeholder The placeholder of the select menu.
    # @param [Integer] min_values The minimum number of values.
    # @param [Integer] max_values The maximum number of values.
    def initialize: (
      String | Symbol custom_id,
      ::Array[Discorb::SelectMenu::Option] options,
      ?placeholder: String?,
      ?min_values: Integer,
      ?max_values: Integer
    ) -> void

    # Converts the select menu to a hash.
    # @see
    #   Official Discord API docs
    # @return [Hash] A hash representation of the select menu.
    def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

    def inspect: -> String

    # Creates a new select menu from a hash.
    # @param [Hash] data The hash to create the select menu from.
    # @return [Discorb::SelectMenu] The created select menu.
    def self.from_hash: (Discorb::json data) -> Discorb::SelectMenu

    # @return [String] The custom ID of the select menu.
    attr_accessor custom_id: String | Symbol

    # @return [Array<SelectMenu::Option>] The options of the select menu.
    attr_accessor options: ::Array[SelectMenu::Option]

    # @return [Integer] The minimum number of values.
    attr_accessor min_values: Integer

    # @return [Integer] The maximum number of values.
    attr_accessor max_values: Integer

    # @return [Boolean] Whether the select menu is disabled.
    attr_accessor disabled: bool

    # Represents an option of a select menu.
    class Option
      # Initialize a new option.
      # @param [String] label The label of the option.
      # @param [String] value The value of the option.
      # @param [String] description The description of the option.
      # @param [Discorb::emoji] emoji The emoji of the option.
      # @param [Boolean] default Whether the option is default.
      def initialize: (
        String label,
        String value,
        ?description: String?,
        ?emoji: Discorb::emoji?,
        ?default: bool
      ) -> void

      # Converts the option to a hash.
      # @see
      #   Official Discord API docs
      # @return [Hash] Hash representation of the option.
      def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

      def inspect: -> String

      # Creates a new option from a hash.
      # @param [Hash] data A hash representing the option.
      # @return [Discorb::SelectMenu::Option] A new option.
      def self.from_hash: (Discorb::json data) -> Discorb::SelectMenu::Option

      # @return [String] The label of the option.
      attr_accessor label: String

      # @return [String] The value of the option.
      attr_accessor value: String

      # @return [String] The description of the option.
      attr_accessor description: String?

      # @return [Discorb::emoji] The emoji of the option.
      attr_accessor emoji: Discorb::emoji?

      # @return [Boolean] Whether the option is default.
      attr_accessor default: bool