require 'redis-namespace' module Ramaze class Cache ## # The Redis cache is a cache driver for Redis ( Redis is a # key/value store similar to Memcached but with the ability to flush data to # a file among various other features. # # The usage of this cache is very similar to the Memcache driver. You load # it by simply specifying the class: # # Ramaze::Cache.options.session = Ramaze::Cache::Redis # # If you want to specify custom options you can do so by calling {.using} on # the class: # # Ramaze::Cache.options.session = Ramaze::Cache::Redis.using(...) # # @example Using a custom Redis host # Ramaze::Cache.options.names.push(:redis) # Ramaze::Cache.options.redis = Ramaze::Cache::Redis.using( # :host => '', # :port => 6478 # ) # # @author Michael Fellinger # @since 09-10-2011 # class Redis include Cache::API include Innate::Traited # Hash containing all the default options to use when no custom ones are # specified in .using(). trait :default => { :expires_in => 604800, :host => 'localhost', :port => 6379 } # Hash containing all the default options merged with the user specified # ones. attr_accessor :options class << self attr_accessor :options ## # Creates a new instance of the cache class and merges the default # options with the custom ones. # # Using this method you can specify custom options for various caches. # For example, the Redis cache for your sessions could be located at # server #1 while a custom cache is located on server #2. # # @author Yorick Peterse # @since 09-10-2011 # @param [Hash] options A hash containing custom options. # @option options [Fixnum] :expires_in The default time after which a # key should expire. # @option options [String] :host The hostname of the machine on which # Redis is running. # @option options [Fixnum] :port The port number to connect to. # def using(options = {}) merged = Ramaze::Cache::Redis.trait[:default].merge(options) { @options = merged } end end # class << self ## # Creates a new instance of the cache and merges the options if they # haven't already been set. # # @author Michael Fellinger # @param [Hash] options A hash with custom options. See # Ramaze::Cache::Redis.using() and the trait :default for more # information. # def initialize(options = {}) self.class.options ||= Ramaze::Cache::Redis.trait[:default].merge(options) @options = options.merge(self.class.options) end ## # Prepares the cache by setting up the namespace and loading Redis. # # @author Michael Fellinger # @since 09-10-2011 # @param [String] hostname The host of the machine that's running the # Ramaze application. # @param [String] username The name of the user that's running the # application. # @param [String] appname The name of the application (:pristine by # default). # @param [String] cachename The namespace to use for this cache instance. # def cache_setup(hostname, username, appname, cachename) options[:namespace] = [ 'ramaze', hostname, username, appname, cachename ].compact.join(':') redis_connection = @client =[:namespace], redis: redis_connection) end ## # Clears the entire cache. # # @author Michael Fellinger # @since 09-10-2011 # def cache_clear @client.flushall end ## # Removes a number of keys from the cache. # # @author Michael Fellinger # @param [Array] keys An array of key names to remove. # def cache_delete(*keys) @client.del(*keys) end ## # Retrieves the value of the given key. If no value could be retrieved the # default value (set to nil by default) will be returned instead. # # @author Michael Fellinger # @param [String] key The name of the key to retrieve. # @param [Mixed] default The default value. # @return [Mixed] # def cache_fetch(key, default = nil) value = @client.get(key) value.nil? ? default : ::Marshal.load(value) end ## # Stores a new value under the given key. # # @author Michael Fellinger # @param [String] key The name of the key to store. # @param [Mixed] value The value of the key. # @param [Fixnum] ttl The Time To Live of the key. # @param [Hash] options A hash containing key specific options. # @option options :expires_in The time after which the key should expire. # def cache_store(key, value, options = {}) ttl = options[:ttl] || @options[:expires_in] @client.setex(key, ttl, ::Marshal.dump(value)) return value end end # Redis end # Cache end # Ramaze