require "rails_helper" describe ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::InvoicePdf, pdfs: true do def self.it_should_write(string) it "should write '#{string}'" do text.strings.should include string end end let(:customer) { create(:customer_vault_corporation) } let(:id_card) { create(:billing_machine_id_card, entity_name: "HEYHO", registration_city: 'RCS MARSEILLE', registration_number: '000 000 000', siret: '000 000 000 00000', ape_naf: '0000A', legal_form: 'SARL', capital: 1_000_000_000, intracommunity_vat: 'FR 00 000 000 000 000 00', address1: '42 Avenue de Ruby', zip: '13004', city: 'Marseille', contact_full_name: 'Jane Doe', contact_phone: '+', contact_fax: '+', contact_email: '', iban: 'FR76 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000', bic_swift: 'PSSTTHEGAME', custom_info_1: "Mention légale" + "\n" + "Tout retard de règlement donnera lieu de plein droit et sans qu’aucune mise en demeure ne soit nécessaire au paiement de " + 'pénalités de retard sur la base du taux BCE majoré de dix (10) points et au paiement d’une indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de ' + 'recouvrement d’un montant de 999999€' ) } let(:invoice) { create(:billing_machine_invoice, date: '16/04/2014', id_card: id_card, customer: customer, total_duty: 1812.53, vat_amount: 355.26, total_all_taxes: 2167.79, advance: 1.79, vat_rate: 19.6, balance: 2166.0) } let(:invoice_line) { create(:billing_machine_invoice_line, invoice_id:, quantity: 3.14, unit: 'heures', unit_price: 2.54, total: 7.98) } let(:invoice_line_2) { create(:billing_machine_invoice_line, invoice_id:, label: 'Truc', quantity: 42.42, unit: 'nuts', unit_price: 42.54, total: 1804.55) } let(:pdf) { invoice.pdf } describe "#initialize" do it 'inherits from Prawn::Document' do pdf.should be_kind_of(Prawn::Document) end it 'should assign @main_document' do pdf.main_document.should eq(invoice) end end describe "#build" do let(:text) { PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(pdf.render) } context 'when the id card is empty' do let(:id_card) { ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::IdCard.create(id_card_name: 'default') } it 'should not crash' do end end before do invoice.lines << invoice_line invoice.lines << invoice_line_2 end context 'in Mentions légales - Coin supérieur droit' do it_should_write 'HEYHO' it_should_write 'SIRET 000 000 000 00000 APE 0000A' it_should_write 'SARL au capital de euros' it_should_write 'RCS MARSEILLE 000 000 000' it_should_write 'N° TVA FR 00 000 000 000 000 00' it_should_write '42 Avenue de Ruby' it_should_write '13004 Marseille' end context 'in Entete de facturation' do it_should_write 'Facture' it "should write invoice tracking id" do text.strings.should include ' N°' + invoice.tracking_id end it "should write 'Marseille le ' and invoice date" do text.strings.should include 'Marseille le ' + '16 avril 2014' end context 'in Informations contact' do it_should_write 'Contact :' it_should_write ' Jane Doe' it_should_write 'Tél :' it_should_write ' +' it_should_write 'Fax:' it_should_write ' +' it_should_write 'Email:' it_should_write '' end context 'in Informations client' do it_should_write 'A l’attention de :' it "should write customer name" do text.strings.should include end it "should write customer address" do text.strings.should include invoice.customer.address.street text.strings.should include invoice.customer.address.street_bis end it "should write customer zip and city" do text.strings.should include + ' ' + end it "should write customer country" do text.strings.should include end end # context in Informations client end # context in Entete de facturation it "shoud write 'Objet :' and invoice label" do text.strings.should include 'Objet :' text.strings.should include ' ' + invoice.label end context "in Tableau" do it_should_write 'Prestation' it_should_write 'Prix' it_should_write 'unitaire' it_should_write 'Quantité' it_should_write 'Total HT' context "in Lignes de facturation" do it 'should write invoice line label of each invoice line' do invoice.lines.each do |line| text.strings.should include line.label end end it 'should write invoice line quantity of each line' do text.strings.should include '3,14' text.strings.should include '42,42' end it 'should write invoice line unit_price of each line' do text.strings.should include '2,54 €' text.strings.should include '42,54 €' end it 'should write invoice line total of each line' do text.strings.should include '7,98 €' text.strings.should include '1.804,55 €' end end # context in Lignes de facturation context 'in Synthèse' do it_should_write 'Total HT' it_should_write '1.812,52 €' it_should_write 'TVA 19,6 %' it_should_write '355,25 €' it_should_write 'Total TTC' it_should_write '2.167,78 €' it_should_write 'Acompte reçu sur commande' it_should_write '1,79 €' it_should_write 'Solde à payer' it 'should write balance calculated using total_all_taxes - advance' do text.strings.should include '2.165,99 €' end context 'without advance' do before(:each) do invoice_incomplete=create(:billing_machine_invoice, total_duty: 1000, vat_amount: 196, total_all_taxes: 1196, advance: 0, balance: 1146 , customer: customer, date: '2014-04-16', vat_rate: 19.6, id_card: id_card) pdf_incomplete = invoice_incomplete.pdf @text_incomplete = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(pdf_incomplete.render) end it 'should not write Acompte reçu sur commande' do @text_incomplete.strings.should_not include 'Acompte reçu sur commande' end it 'should not write Solde à payer' do @text_incomplete.strings.should_not include 'Solde à payer' end end end end # context in Tableau it_should_write 'Conditions de paiement :' it 'should write invoice payment term' do text.strings.should include invoice.payment_term.label end it_should_write 'Coordonnées bancaires :' it_should_write 'IBAN : FR76 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000' it_should_write 'BIC / SWIFT : PSSTTHEGAME' context 'in Mentions légales - Bas de page' do it_should_write 'Mention légale' it_should_write 'Tout retard de règlement donnera lieu de plein droit et sans qu’aucune mise en demeure ne soit nécessaire au paiement de' it_should_write 'pénalités de retard sur la base du taux BCE majoré de dix (10) points et au paiement d’une indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de' it_should_write 'recouvrement d’un montant de 999999€' end end # describe #build describe "missing data" do it "missing payment_term should be OK" do invoice = create(:billing_machine_invoice, payment_term: nil) pdf = invoice.pdf PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(pdf.render) end end end