#include #include #include #include #include "khetai_lib.h" Square board[120] = {0}; int pharaoh_loc[2] = {0}; enum Player whose_turn; enum Player starter; Move undo_moves[MAX_DEPTH] = {0}; int undo_capture_indices[MAX_DEPTH] = {0}; Square undo_capture_squares[MAX_DEPTH] = {0}; HashEntry table[TABLE_SIZE] = {0}; uint64_t hashes[MAX_DEPTH] = {0}; uint64_t keys[0xFF][120] = {0}; uint64_t turn_key = 0; int undo_index = 0; int move_num = 0; bool checkmate = false; Move alphabeta_root(int depth, enum Player player) { whose_turn = player; starter = player; int best_score = -MAX_SCORE; Move best_move = (Move)0; int alpha = -MAX_SCORE; int beta = MAX_SCORE; Move valid_moves[NUM_VALID_MOVES] = {0}; int vi = 0; find_valid_moves(valid_moves, &vi); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VALID_MOVES; i++) { if (valid_moves[i] == 0) break; make_move(valid_moves[i]); int score = -alphabeta(depth - 1, opposite_player(player), -beta, -alpha); undo_move(); whose_turn = player; if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; best_move = valid_moves[i]; } if (best_score > alpha) alpha = best_score; if (alpha >= beta) break; } return best_move; } int alphabeta(int depth, enum Player player, int alpha, int beta) { whose_turn = player; if (depth == 0 || checkmate) { return player == Red ? calculate_score() : -calculate_score(); } int alpha_orig = alpha; Move valid_moves[NUM_VALID_MOVES] = {0}; int vi = 0; HashEntry *entry = search_table(hashes[move_num]); if (entry->key == hashes[move_num] && entry->depth >= depth) { if (entry->flag == EXACT) return entry->score; else if (entry->flag == ALPHA) { if (entry->score > alpha) alpha = entry->score; } else { if (entry->score < beta) beta = entry->score; } if (alpha >= beta) return entry->score; if (is_move_legal(entry->move)) valid_moves[vi++] = entry->move; } find_valid_moves(valid_moves, &vi); int best_score = -MAX_SCORE; Move best_move = (Move)0; for (int i = 0; (i < NUM_VALID_MOVES && (time(NULL) - start_time < max_time)); i++) { if (valid_moves[i] == 0) break; make_move(valid_moves[i]); int score = -alphabeta(depth - 1, opposite_player(player), -beta, -alpha); undo_move(); whose_turn = player; if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; best_move = valid_moves[i]; } if (best_score > alpha) alpha = best_score; if (alpha >= beta) break; } int flag = EXACT; if (best_score <= alpha_orig) flag = BETA; else if (best_score >= beta) flag = ALPHA; insert_table(hashes[move_num], depth, flag, best_score, best_move); return best_score; } void insert_table(uint64_t key, int depth, int flag, int score, Move move) { HashEntry *entry = search_table(key); if (entry->key != 0) { if (depth > entry->depth) { entry->key = key; entry->depth = depth; entry->flag = flag; entry->score = score; entry->move = move; } } else { entry->key = key; entry->depth = depth; entry->flag = flag; entry->score = score; entry->move = move; } } int calculate_score() { int score = 0; int anubis_score = 500; int pyramid_score = 1000; int pharaoh_score = 100000; for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { Square s = board[i]; if (is_piece(s)) { int value = 0; switch (get_piece(s)) { case Anubis: value += anubis_score; value -= distance_from_pharaoh(i, pharaoh_loc[get_owner(s)]) * 10; break; case Pyramid: value += pyramid_score; value += rand() % 20; break; case Scarab: value += 100 / (distance_from_pharaoh(i, pharaoh_loc[opposite_player(get_owner(s))])) * 10; value += rand() % 10; break; case Pharaoh: value += pharaoh_score; break; default: break; } score += get_owner(s) == Red ? value : -value; } } return score; } int distance_from_pharaoh(int i, int p) { int px = p / 12; int py = p % 12; int ix = i / 12; int iy = i % 12; int m_distance = abs(px - ix) + abs(py - iy); return m_distance; } void make_move(Move move) { uint64_t hash = hashes[move_num++]; int start = get_start(move); // remove starting piece hash ^= keys[board[start]][start]; int end = get_end(move); int rotation = get_rotation(move); if (rotation != 0) { board[start] = rotate(board[start], rotation); // add starting piece back with rotation hash ^= keys[board[start]][start]; } else { // remove ending piece if swapping if (is_piece(board[end])) hash ^= keys[board[end]][end]; Square moving_piece = board[start]; board[start] = board[end]; board[end] = moving_piece; // add starting piece to end location hash ^= keys[board[end]][end]; // add ending piece to start location if swapping if (is_piece(board[start])) hash ^= keys[board[start]][start]; if (get_piece(moving_piece) == Pharaoh) pharaoh_loc[whose_turn] = end; } undo_moves[undo_index] = new_move(end, start, -rotation); fire_laser(&hash); hash ^= turn_key; // testing that hashing works properly // printf("\nHASH:\t%lu\nBOARD:\t%lu\n", hash, get_board_hash()); hashes[move_num] = hash; undo_index++; } void fire_laser(uint64_t *hash) { int i = sphinx_loc[whose_turn]; int laser_dir = get_orientation(board[i]); bool traversing = true; while (traversing) { i = i + directions[laser_dir]; if (i >= 0 && i < 120 && on_board[i] == 1) { Square s = board[i]; if (is_piece(s)) { int piece = get_piece(s) - 1; int orientation = get_orientation(s); int result = reflections[laser_dir][piece][orientation]; if (result == Dead) { if (get_piece(s) == Pharaoh) checkmate = true; // remove piece *hash ^= keys[s][i]; undo_capture_indices[undo_index] = i; undo_capture_squares[undo_index] = s; board[i] = (Square)0; traversing = false; } else if (result == Absorbed) { traversing = false; } else { laser_dir = result; } } } else { traversing = false; } } } void undo_move() { move_num--; undo_index--; Square captured = (Square)undo_capture_squares[undo_index]; undo_capture_squares[undo_index] = 0; if (captured > 0) { board[undo_capture_indices[undo_index]] = captured; undo_capture_indices[undo_index] = 0; } Move move = undo_moves[undo_index]; undo_moves[undo_index] = 0; int start = get_start(move); int end = get_end(move); int rotation = get_rotation(move); if (rotation != 0) { board[start] = rotate(board[start], rotation); } else { Square moving_piece = board[start]; board[start] = board[end]; board[end] = moving_piece; if (get_piece(moving_piece) == Pharaoh) pharaoh_loc[get_owner(board[end])] = end; } checkmate = false; } void find_valid_moves(Move *valid_moves, int *vi) { for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { Square s = board[i]; enum Player piece_color = get_owner(s); if (is_piece(s) && piece_color == whose_turn) { enum Piece piece = get_piece(s); switch (piece) { case Anubis: find_valid_anubis_pyramid_moves(i, valid_moves, vi); break; case Pyramid: find_valid_anubis_pyramid_moves(i, valid_moves, vi); break; case Scarab: find_valid_scarab_moves(i, valid_moves, vi); break; case Pharaoh: find_valid_pharaoh_moves(i, valid_moves, vi); break; case Sphinx: find_valid_sphinx_moves(i, valid_moves, vi); break; default: break; } } } } void find_valid_anubis_pyramid_moves(int i, Move *valid_moves, int *vi) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int dest = i + directions[j]; if (!is_piece(board[dest]) && can_move[whose_turn][dest]) { valid_moves[(*vi)++] = new_move(i, dest, 0); } } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { valid_moves[(*vi)++] = new_move(i, i, rotations[j]); } } void find_valid_scarab_moves(int i, Move *valid_moves, int *vi) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int dest = i + directions[j]; if (can_move[whose_turn][dest]) { if (is_piece(board[dest])) { if (get_piece(board[dest]) == Anubis || get_piece(board[dest]) == Pyramid) { valid_moves[(*vi)++] = new_move(i, dest, 0); } } else { valid_moves[(*vi)++] = new_move(i, dest, 0); } } } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { valid_moves[(*vi)++] = new_move(i, i, rotations[j]); } } void find_valid_pharaoh_moves(int i, Move *valid_moves, int *vi) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int dest = i + directions[j]; if (!is_piece(board[dest]) && can_move[whose_turn][dest]) { valid_moves[(*vi)++] = new_move(i, dest, 0); } } } void find_valid_sphinx_moves(int i, Move *valid_moves, int *vi) { enum Player player = get_owner(board[i]); enum Orientation orientation = get_orientation(board[i]); int rotation = player == Silver ? (orientation == North ? -1 : 1) : (orientation == South ? -1 : 1); valid_moves[(*vi)++] = new_move(i, i, rotation); } void init_zobrist() { for (int i = 0; i < 0xFF; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 120; j++) { keys[i][j] = random_number(); } } turn_key = random_number(); } uint64_t get_board_hash() { uint64_t hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { if (is_piece(board[i])) hash ^= keys[board[i]][i]; } if (whose_turn == starter) hash ^= turn_key; return hash; } bool is_move_legal(Move move) { int start = get_start(move); int end = get_end(move); if (is_piece(board[start]) && get_owner(board[start]) == whose_turn) { if (!is_piece(board[end]) || get_rotation(move) != 0) return true; else if (is_piece(board[end]) && get_piece(board[start]) == Scarab && get_piece(board[end]) < 3) return true; } return false; } void reset_undo() { undo_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++) { undo_moves[i] = 0; undo_capture_indices[i] = 0; undo_capture_squares[i] = 0; } } void setup_board(char *init_board[120]) { uint64_t hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { board[i] = str_to_square(init_board[i]); Square s = board[i]; if (is_piece(s)) { hash ^= keys[s][i]; if (get_piece(s) == Pharaoh) { if (get_owner(s) == Silver) pharaoh_loc[Silver] = i; else if (get_owner(s) == Red) pharaoh_loc[Red] = i; } } } hashes[0] = hash; for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) { table[i].key = 0; table[i].depth = 0; table[i].flag = 0; table[i].score = 0; table[i].move = 0; } } Square str_to_square(char *str) { enum Player player; enum Piece piece; enum Orientation orientation; if (str[0] != '-') { if (islower(str[0])) player = Silver; else player = Red; char p = tolower(str[0]); if (p == 'a') piece = Anubis; else if (p == 'p') piece = Pyramid; else if (p == 's') piece = Scarab; else if (p == 'x') piece = Pharaoh; else piece = Sphinx; char o = str[1]; if (o == '0') orientation = North; else if (o == '1') orientation = East; else if (o == '2') orientation = South; else orientation = West; return (Square)((int)player << 1 | (int)piece << 2 | (int)orientation << 5); } return (Square)0; } void print_board() { for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) { print_piece(board[i]); if ((i + 1) % 12 == 0) printf("\n"); } } void print_piece(Square s) { enum Player player = get_owner(s); if (is_piece(s)) { enum Piece piece = get_piece(s); enum Orientation orientation = get_orientation(s); switch (piece) { case Anubis: if (player == Silver) printf("a"); else printf("A"); break; case Pyramid: if (player == Silver) printf("p"); else printf("P"); break; case Scarab: if (player == Silver) printf("s"); else printf("S"); break; case Pharaoh: if (player == Silver) printf("x"); else printf("X"); break; case Sphinx: if (player == Silver) printf("l"); else printf("L"); break; default: printf("-"); break; } switch (orientation) { case North: printf("0"); break; case East: printf("1"); break; case South: printf("2"); break; case West: printf("3"); break; default: printf("-"); break; } } else printf("--"); }