# nv The commandline tool for downloading videos and mylist at nicovideo. ## Installation ```session $ gem install nv ``` ## Usage ### Setup ```session $ nv config email john@example.com $ nv config password pAsSwoRd ``` Default config file will be put on __~/.config/nv__ ### Download ```session $ nv dl http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22538737 $ nv dl http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/33435425 ``` You also can use more shorten addresses. ```session $ nv dl sm9 $ nv dl mylist/33435425 ``` #### Options ##### Directory ```session $ nv dl sm9 --with-dir $ nv dl mylist/33435425 --without-dir ``` ##### Comments ```session $ nv dl sm9 --with-comments ``` ### Audit ```session $ nv info sm9 $ nv info mylist/33435425 ```