<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><p>In my previous <a href="http://www.pauldix.net/2008/08/serializing-dat.html">post about the speed of serializing data</a>, I concluded that Marshal was the quickest way to get things done. So I set about using Marshal to store some data in an ActiveRecord object. Things worked great at first, but on some test data I got this error: marshal data too short. Luckily, <a href="http://www.brynary.com/">Bryan Helmkamp</a> had helpfully pointed out that there were sometimes problems with storing marshaled data in the database. He said it was best to base64 encode the marshal dump before storing.</p>

<p>I was curious why it was working on some things and not others. It turns out that some types of data being marshaled were causing the error to pop up. Here's the test data I used in my specs:</p>
<pre>{ :foo =&gt; 3, :bar =&gt; 2 } # hash with symbols for keys and integer values<br />[3, 2.1, 4, 8]&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; # array with integer and float values</pre>
<p>Everything worked when I switched the array values to all integers so it seems that floats were causing the problem. However, in the interest of keeping everything working regardless of data types, I base64 encoded before going into the database and decoded on the way out.</p>

<p>I also ran the benchmarks again to determine what impact this would have on speed. Here are the results for 100 iterations on a 10k element array and a 10k element hash with and without base64 encode/decode:</p>
<pre>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; user&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; system&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; total&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; real<br />array marshal&nbsp; 0.200000&nbsp; &nbsp;0.010000&nbsp; &nbsp;0.210000 (&nbsp; 0.214018) (without Base64)<br />array marshal&nbsp; 0.220000&nbsp; &nbsp;0.010000&nbsp; &nbsp;0.230000 (&nbsp; 0.250260)<br /><br />hash marshal&nbsp; &nbsp;1.830000&nbsp; &nbsp;0.040000&nbsp; &nbsp;1.870000 (&nbsp; 1.892874) (without Base64)<br />hash marshal&nbsp; &nbsp;2.040000&nbsp; &nbsp;0.100000&nbsp; &nbsp;2.140000 (&nbsp; 2.170405)</pre>
<p>As you can see the difference in speed is pretty negligible. I assume that the error has to do with AR cleaning the stuff that gets inserted into the database, but I'm not really sure. In the end it's just easier to use Base64.encode64 when serializing data into a text field in ActiveRecord using Marshal.</p>

<p>I've also read people posting about this error when using the database session store. I can only assume that it's because they were trying to store either way too much data in their session (too much for a regular text field) or they were storing float values or some other data type that would cause this to pop up. Hopefully this helps.</p></div>
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