// Insert inputs (if any) specific to the EventType the user has selected. // For example if the user selects a 'Renal Biopsy' event type in the 'new event' form // then we should insert some extra fields to capture biopsy-specific data. // We do this by rendering the event's partial the name of which is specified by the event class // in #to_partial_path. // Note in order to get form error validations to wire up nicely, we need a SimpleFormBuilder // or more correctly we need to be inside a simple_form_for block. Note the quotes around the // simple_form_for code here ensure the content is not rendered, but the erb tags // still means the ruby is interpreted and the block and its argument f are available! '<%= simple_form_for(event, url: new_patient_event_path(patient), as: :events_event, wrapper: "horizontal_form") do |f| %>' <%= refresh("#event-type-specific-inputs", partial: event.to_partial_path, locals: { f: f, event: event }) %> '<% end %>' initDatepickersIn("#event-type-specific-inputs");