require 'mime/types' require 'mini_magick' require 'carrierwave/processing/mini_magick' module AbAdmin module CarrierWave class BaseUploader < ::CarrierWave::Uploader::Base include ::CarrierWave::MiniMagick include AbAdmin::Utils::EvalHelpers class_attribute :transliterate, :human_filenames self.transliterate = true self.human_filenames = true attr_accessor :internal_identifier before :cache, :save_original_name storage :file with_options if: :image? do |img| img.process :strip img.process cropper: lambda { |model| model.cropper_geometry } img.process rotate: lambda { |model| model.rotate_degrees } end process :set_model_info def strict_filename(for_file=filename) "#{version_name || secure_token}#{File.extname(for_file).downcase}" end def save_original_name(file) model.original_name ||= file.original_filename if file.respond_to?(:original_filename) end def base_filename_part if version_name version_name.to_s.start_with?('retina_') ? "#{version_name.to_s.sub(/^retina_/, '')}@2x" : version_name.to_s else secure_token end end def full_filename(for_file=filename) human_filenames ? human_full_filename(for_file) : strict_filename(for_file) end def human_full_filename(for_file=filename) ext = File.extname(for_file).downcase human_filename_part = for_file.chomp(ext) tech_filename_part = "#{base_filename_part}#{ext}" human_filename_part == secure_token ? tech_filename_part : "#{human_filename_part}_#{tech_filename_part}" end def full_original_filename "#{base_filename_part}#{File.extname(store_filename)}" end # use secure token in the filename for non processed image def secure_token model.data_secure_token ||= AbAdmin.friendly_token(20).downcase end def store_model_filename(record) old_file_name = filename new_file_name = model_filename(old_file_name, record) return if new_file_name.blank? || new_file_name == old_file_name rename_via_move(new_file_name) end alias_method :store_filename, :filename def filename internal_identifier || model.send("#{mounted_as}_file_name") || (store_filename && "#{secure_token}#{File.extname(store_filename).downcase}") end def write_internal_identifier(internal_identifier) self.internal_identifier = internal_identifier versions.values.each{|v| v.internal_identifier = internal_identifier } end # transliterate original filename # allow to build custom filename def model_filename(base_filename, record) custom_file_name = model.build_filename(base_filename, record) return unless custom_file_name normalize_filename(custom_file_name) + File.extname(base_filename).downcase end def normalize_filename(raw_filename) parameterize_args = ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 ? {separator: '_'} : '_' I18n.transliterate(raw_filename).parameterize(parameterize_args).gsub(/[\-_]+/, '_').downcase end # rename files via move def rename_via_move(new_file_name) if human_filenames dir = File.dirname(path) moves = [] versions.values.unshift(self).each do |v| from_path = File.join(dir, v.full_filename) to_path = File.join(dir, v.full_filename(new_file_name)) next if from_path == to_path || !File.exists?(from_path) moves << [from_path, to_path] end moves.each { |move|*move) } end write_internal_identifier new_file_name model.send("write_#{mounted_as}_identifier") retrieve_from_store!(new_file_name) if human_filenames new_file_name end private :write_internal_identifier, :store_filename, :model_filename def rmagick_included?'CarrierWave::RMagick') end # prevent large number of subdirectories def store_dir str_id =, '0') [AbAdmin.uploads_dir, model.class.to_s.underscore, str_id[0..2], str_id[3..-1]].join('/') end # Strips out all embedded information from the image # process :strip # def strip manipulate! do |img| img.strip img = yield(img) if block_given? img end end # Reduces the quality of the image to the percentage given # process quality: 85 # def quality(percentage) percentage = normalize_param(percentage) unless percentage.blank? manipulate! do |img| img.quality percentage.to_s img = yield(img) if block_given? img end end end # Rotate image by degress # process rotate: "-90" # def rotate(degrees = nil) degrees = normalize_param(degrees) unless degrees.blank? manipulate! do |img| rmagick_included? ? img.rotate!(degrees.to_i) : img.rotate(degrees.to_s) img = yield(img) if block_given? img end end end # Crop image by specific coordinates # # process cropper: [size, offset] # process cropper: [800, 600, 10, 20] # def cropper(*geometry) geometry = normalize_param(geometry[0]) if geometry.size == 1 if geometry && geometry.size == 4 manipulate! do |img| img.crop '%ix%i+%i+%i' % geometry img = yield(img) if block_given? img end end end def watermark(watermark_path, gravity='SouthEast') manipulate! do |img| resolved_path = watermark_path.is_a?(Symbol) ? send(watermark_path) : watermark_path watermark_image = img.composite(watermark_image) { |c| c.gravity gravity } end end def default_url image_name = [model.class.to_s.underscore, version_name].compact.join('_') "/assets/defaults/#{image_name}.png" end def image?(new_file = nil) AbAdmin.image_types.include?((file || new_file).content_type) end def dimensions [magick[:width], magick[:height]] end def magick #@magick ||= end protected def set_model_info model.data_content_type = file.content_type model.data_file_size = file.size if image? && model.has_dimensions? model.width, model.height = dimensions end end def normalize_param(value) if value.is_a?(Proc) || value.is_a?(Method) evaluate_method(model, value, file) else value end end end end end