Feature: Wrap "foreman export" In order to generate and install a foreman web application to a virtualhost As a user of the library I want to run "foreman export" and "vhost-generator" together with DRY arguments. Scenario: display help When I run `bundle exec foreman-export-vhost --help` Then it should pass with: """ Usage: foreman-export-vhost FORMAT LOCATION Foreman options: -a, --app=APP -l, --log=LOG -e, --env=ENV # Specify an environment file to load, defaults to .env -p, --port=N # Default: 5000 -u, --user=USER -t, --template=TEMPLATE -c, --concurrency=alpha=5,bar=3 -f, --procfile=PROCFILE # Default: Procfile -d, --root=ROOT # Default: Procfile directory Vhost-generator options: -F, --static-folder=FOLDER # Default: "public" folder in Procfile directory -L, --server-ports=PORTS # Default: 80 -S, --server-names=NAMES # Default: localhost -K, --foreman-process-type=TYPE # Default: web (must have entry of that name in Procfile) -G, --generator=GENERATOR # Default: nginx (only supported for now) -N, --dry-run -R, --stop-start-service # Starts and stops APP service (may not work everywhere) -h, -H, --help Display this help message. """ Scenario: display source that will be executed Given a file named "Procfile" with: """ clock: .... web: bundle exec webserver -p $PORT """ When I run `bundle exec foreman-export-vhost upstart /etc/init -a MYAPP -u MYUSER -p 6000 -c clock=1,web=2 -L 80,81 -S localhost,myapp.com -K web -G nginx -N -R` Then the output should match: """ bundle exec foreman run vhost-generator -f /.*/public -l 80,81 -s localhost,myapp.com -p 6100,6101 -g nginx -o upstream=MYAPP | sudo tee /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/rails-MYAPP.conf """ And the output should contain: """ sudo service nginx reload sudo service MYAPP stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || true sudo rm -rf /etc/init/MYAPP-*.conf """ And the output should match: """ sudo bundle exec foreman export upstart /etc/init -a MYAPP -p 6000 -u MYUSER -c clock\\=1,web\\=2 -f /.*/Procfile -d /.*$ """ And the output should contain: """ sudo service MYAPP start echo "Finished, now open your browser and see if all works." # Now, try to run this script again without the --dry-run switch! """