require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' task :default => :test do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.pattern = 'test/test_*.rb' t.verbose = true end desc 'Install libraries and command-line utility' task :install do |t| sh 'ruby setup.rb' end desc 'Clean up files left over after installation' task :cleanup do |t| rm_f 'InstalledFiles' rm_f '.config' end require "rubygems" require "rake/gempackagetask" require "rake/rdoctask" task :default => :test require "rake/testtask" do |t| t.libs << "test" t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"] t.verbose = true end # This builds the actual gem. For details of what all these options # mean, and other ones you can add, check the documentation here: # # # require "lib/htmlbeautifier/version" spec = do |s| # Change these as appropriate = "htmlbeautifier" s.version = HtmlBeautifier::VERSION::STRING s.summary = "A normaliser/beautifier for HTML that also understands embedded Ruby." = "Paul Battley" = "" s.homepage = "" s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = %w(README.txt) s.rdoc_options = %w(--main README.txt) # Add any extra files to include in the gem s.files = %w(Rakefile README.txt) + Dir.glob("{bin,test,lib}/**/*") s.executables = FileList["bin/**"].map { |f| File.basename(f) } s.require_paths = ["lib"] # If you want to depend on other gems, add them here, along with any # relevant versions # s.add_dependency("some_other_gem", "~> 0.1.0") # If your tests use any gems, include them here # s.add_development_dependency("mocha") end # This task actually builds the gem. We also regenerate a static # .gemspec file, which is useful if something (i.e. GitHub) will # be automatically building a gem for this project. If you're not # using GitHub, edit as appropriate. do |pkg| pkg.gem_spec = spec # Generate the gemspec file for github. file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/#{}.gemspec", "w") {|f| f << spec.to_ruby } end # Generate documentation do |rd| rd.main = "README.txt" rd.rdoc_files.include("README.txt", "lib/**/*.rb") rd.rdoc_dir = "rdoc" end desc 'Clear out RDoc and generated packages' task :clean => [:clobber_rdoc, :clobber_package] do rm "#{}.gemspec" end