################################################################################ # Copyright 2008, Ruboss Technology Corporation. # # This software is dual-licensed under both the terms of the Ruboss Commercial # License v1 (RCL v1) as published by Ruboss Technology Corporation and under # the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL v3) as published by the # Free Software Foundation. # # Both the RCL v1 (rcl-1.0.txt) and the GPL v3 (gpl-3.0.txt) are included in # the source code. If you have purchased a commercial license then only the # RCL v1 applies; otherwise, only the GPL v3 applies. To learn more or to buy a # commercial license, please go to http://ruboss.com. ################################################################################ require 'open-uri' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/version' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/configuration' class RubossConfigGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base include RubossOnRuby::Configuration attr_reader :project_name, :flex_project_name, :base_package, :base_folder, :command_controller_name, :component_names, :application_tag, :use_air def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {}) super @project_name, @flex_project_name, @command_controller_name, @base_package, @base_folder = extract_names # if we are updating main file only we probably want to maintain the type of project it is if options[:main_only] project_file_name = APP_ROOT + '/.project' if File.exist?(project_file_name) puts "Cannot combine -m (--main-app) and -a (--air) flags at the same time for an existing application.\n" << 'If you want to convert to AIR, remove -m flag.' if options[:air_config] @use_air = true if File.read(project_file_name) =~/com.adobe.flexbuilder.apollo.apollobuilder/m else puts "Flex Builder project file doesn't exist. You should run 'ruboss_config' with -a (--air) option " << "or no arguments first to generate primary project structure." exit 0; end else @use_air = options[:air_config] end if @use_air @application_tag = 'WindowedApplication' else @application_tag = 'Application' end @component_names = [] if File.exists?("app/flex/#{base_folder}/components/generated") @component_names = list_mxml_files("app/flex/#{base_folder}/components/generated") end end def manifest record do |m| if !options[:main_only] m.file 'ruboss_tasks.rake', 'lib/tasks/ruboss_tasks.rake' m.file 'flex.properties', '.flexProperties' if @use_air m.template 'actionscriptair.properties', '.actionScriptProperties' m.template 'projectair.properties', '.project' else m.template 'actionscript.properties', '.actionScriptProperties' m.template 'project.properties', '.project' end m.directory 'html-template/history' %w(index.template.html AC_OETags.js playerProductInstall.swf).each do |file| m.file "html-template/#{file}", "html-template/#{file}" end %w(history.css history.js historyFrame.html).each do |file| m.file "html-template/history/#{file}", "html-template/history/#{file}" end %w(components controllers commands models events).each do |dir| m.directory "app/flex/#{base_folder}/#{dir}" end m.directory "app/flex/#{base_folder}/components/generated" framework_release = RubossOnRuby::RUBOSS_FRAMEWORK_VERSION framework_distribution_url = "http://ruboss.com/releases/ruboss-#{framework_release}.swc" framework_destination_file = "lib/ruboss-#{framework_release}.swc" if !options[:skip_framework] && !File.exist?(framework_destination_file) puts "fetching #{framework_release} framework binary from: #{framework_distribution_url} ..." open(framework_destination_file, "wb").write(open(framework_distribution_url).read) puts "done. saved to #{framework_destination_file}" end m.file 'swfobject.js', 'public/javascripts/swfobject.js' m.file 'expressInstall.swf', 'public/expressInstall.swf' m.template 'index.html.erb', 'public/index.html' m.dependency 'ruboss_controller', @args end m.template 'mainapp.mxml', File.join('app/flex', "#{project_name}.mxml") m.template 'mainair-app.xml', File.join('app/flex', "#{project_name}-app.xml") if @use_air end end protected def add_options!(opt) opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Options:' opt.on("-m", "--main-only", "Only generate the main Flex/AIR application file.", "Default: false") { |v| options[:main_only] = v } opt.on("-a", "--air", "Configure AIR project instead of Flex. Flex is default.", "Default: false") { |v| options[:air_config] = v } opt.on("-s", "--skip-framework", "Don't fetch the latest framework binary. You'll have to link/build the framework yourself.", "Default: false") { |v| options[:skip_framework] = v } end def banner "Usage: #{$0} #{spec.name}" end end